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Dueling Etiquette


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> @"primatos.5413" said:

> what ...is the problem with not disturbing duels ?

What's the problem with dueling some place that doesn't have any traffic? Why would you have any expectation at all that folks should take even a moment to figure out if there's a duel going on... in a player-kill zone.


* I'd rather accidental kill a dueler than accidentally allow one of my allies to lose a 1v1.

* The game has all sorts of formal and informal options for duelers who don't want to be disturbed.


I honestly don't have a problem with the concept that people choose to duel in WvW because it's more convenient for them. I hope that duelers understand that won't make it convenient for anyone else passing by.


tl;dr don't want to be disturbed? Duel in the dozen plus locations where there isn't likely to be any confusion.

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People who duel in areas where other people are likely to pass by are like people IRL who walk around in public talking to someone on their phone using speakerphone. It isn't enough for them to just duel (or talk to their friend), they need to be _seen_ doing it by others.


I would argue that it is impossible to interrupt a duel between two people _actually_ dueling. Know why? People genuinely interested in dueling pick remote locations to avoid the possibility of being interrupted.

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> @"xihorus.2804" said:

> People who duel in areas where other people are likely to pass by are like people IRL who walk around in public talking to someone on their phone using speakerphone. It isn't enough for them to just duel (or talk to their friend), they need to be _seen_ doing it by others.


> I would argue that it is impossible to interrupt a duel between two people _actually_ dueling. Know why? People genuinely interested in dueling pick remote locations to avoid the possibility of being interrupted.


This is the best analogy I have heard.

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I was 1v1ing a scourge with my hammer rev and a guildy came up and watched then left to flip a camp. Another guildy came in and squashed the scourge.

I thanked him.


It's tricky to know what is a 1v1 and what is gritty nail, tooth and claw. My current rule is all scourges die horribly by any means necessary.

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> @"BlackPot.4521" said:

> You shall not duel in WvW. Go PvP for that

I chuckle at this since the way to win PvP is to +1 and *never ever* "duel" anything either on or off point unless you are forced to defend - in which case its hardly an agreed upon duel, the main goal is to delay them so you can +1.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"BlackPot.4521" said:

> > You shall not duel in WvW. Go PvP for that

> I chuckle at this since the way to win PvP is to +1 and *never ever* "duel" anything either on or off point unless you are forced to defend - in which case its hardly an agreed upon duel, the main goal is to delay them so you can +1.



People can choose to use one of the custom arenas to duel. Competitive PvP is no more conducive to dueling than WvW.

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I tried to be nice and let some people duel once and one of them decided to attack me as I passed while trying to flip the monument for the daily. After that day, if you're fighting in that area, I'm just assuming you are there to fight and I will go at you and down you. I don't care if I've interrupted your duel. That's an active area and i don't have time to figure out if this is a duel or not a duel. Take it to the windmill or OS as others have suggested.


The only time i try to not go after someone is if they look like they are just trying to get a daily for monument flip or vet killer. Personally I'm tired of people dueling in that center area near that vet guard.

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when I am running back to my blob and pass some duelers, it usually goes like this: they don't harm me, I don't harm them, everybody is happy.

when my blob rolls over that place a bit later, com usually says 'leave them alone', they are just dueling' most people follow that, some attack, duel is at an end.


From my POV, the ones attacking are not really sportsmen, but the dueling guys can't really complain either... and so far I can't remember they ever doing so.

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> @"Samug.6512" said:

> If two people are "dueling" and a third person manages to stumble upon them by accident, they are dueling in a wrong place.


Try telling that to the duo dueling outside of south bay, constantly getting the wp contested. In my defence, I didn't know they were dueling at first ; not untill one made a huge fuss over map chat.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Samug.6512" said:

> > If two people are "dueling" and a third person manages to stumble upon them by accident, they are dueling in a wrong place.


> Try telling that to the duo dueling outside of south bay, constantly getting the wp contested. In my defence, I didn't know they were dueling at first ; not untill one made a huge fuss over map chat.


Eh? 1v1 = duel lol... I thought that was obvious to everyone that a duel is 2 people going at it.


sure there are times and places for this sure. Even going a side from keeps like the moa wall at bay, i seen people duel there, or garri bay sentry area are both wrong places but 80% of the guys in wvw can clearly see it's just a duel and quite often are left alone as it wastes their time going for the objective that is a camp.


But this is no difference for gvgs to happen, especially if 1 of them guilds is on home bl defence.

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Best place for duels is OS. Go there. Failing that, go south of the mid camp, where no one who is playing wvw goes and you won't be disturbed.


Anywhere else, you are going to be treated as fair game by people passing- or people might just be on their way back to the party and being ganked by the usual thief/mes and need help. Don't assume when you see two people fighting it's a duel- 90% of the time it's some brave ganker in their cheese spec attacking a player set up for running in a party and they need your help.


If it turns out to have been a duel, tell them where to go if they don't want to be interupted (see first paragraph for instructions).

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> @"BlackPot.4521" said:

> You shall not duel in WvW. Go PvP for that


Even though I think that reassumes everything ( because of the powercreep, broken sigils, consumables and so on. It's not that SPvP is balanced, but It's definitely more balanced that WvW in terms of stats/sigils, and obviously the absence of consumables, infusions and other pve stuff ), I don't think that ruin Duels on purpose is correct.


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