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Player Housing


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> @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> @"Ardid.7203" What do you mean with not supported by the game or Anet policies? My personal guild is level 15 and has its own guild hall, sure it requires more effort, but it's certainly doable...


I have read different statements, mostly on old threads asking for more support for "smal guilds" saying they don't intend the guild halls or guild mechanisms to be used by just one person, or, more often, that the guild systems are intended for groups of people over party size.


Of course, like with fractals, you can solo quite a bunch of the content, but it is not designed for that.

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> @"diamondgirl.6315" said:

> Honestly, the only benefit I derive from player housing in any game is the ability to build it and decorate it, and I am not sure how that would be implemented in an MMO.


> I think the best way to deal with player housing in THIS game is to have one of the buildings in your home instance be able to be entered, and have two things in it; access to your bank tab, AND - access to a player safe/locker/steamer trunk whatever that acts as an extra bank tab.


> I think this game is old enough and enough players have enough things to store that it would be a great quality of life change to have a collection that adds this extra storage space to a house in your home instance. Finishing the collection unlocks a big locker in your house with a guild bank sized bay in it. You can finish additional collections or use gems to purchase additional home bank bays. People wouldn't have to make personal guilds any more and bog down a guild slot just to have a place to store things.


Everquest 2 is one game I know of with wonderful player housing options. SWToR has a good one too.

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I thought it would be neat to let me have a home 'inside' the home instance, where I could have a library that contains all those books we found/created over the years. Maybe let you pick up to 3 minis that you own to loiter around your house. Give us some crafting things we can make for our houses, paintings, furniture. Let us sit in your chairs. Maybe some of our NPC friends come visit us. I don't know. :)


I don't think it has to be like a huge, separate thing like in LotRO or ESO. I think they could leverage the existing home instances to give us something. At least thinking of the human instance, there are lots of homes in there that would work. I think there are places they could carve out of the other racial instances, or expand them a little, to come up with homes.

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> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> Everquest 2 is one game I know of with wonderful player housing options. SWToR has a good one too.


I haven't played Everquest 2, I'll have to believe you on that. I do have fully max decorated strongholds in SWTOR, though, and I had that in mind when I mentioned being able to fully decorate. I suppose GW2 could add full decoration possibilities after the fact; SWTOR did, and GW2 already has placeable decorations in the guild halls, so it isn't out of the realm of possibility.


I really do believe the way to get more people into it would be to offer actual utility along with decorative options, though.



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I'm not really seeing any difference between player housing and our current home instance as far as usability. The home instance could be turned into a fully functional player housing by using or tweaking systems that are already in the game. Currently in you home instance you can fill it with harvesting nodes, fill it with cats, garden, talk to NPC. What they need to add is a way to decorate via the guild hall system and a trophy room/hall like what we had in GW1. They could even go so far as to take a house plot in every instance and allow the player to buy a house to build on it.


I'm sure there are technical limitations (I know guildhall decoration limits is one) but really I don't see too many hurdles besides asset limitations and dev time.


Now granted, those two are huge and either one could put a stop to the whole thing.

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Housing is only thing GW2 need to be a trully ideal MMO, because it is already hase everything you need (if not - you're welcome to play some corean "masterpiece", oh wait, even corean MMO's hase a housing now, just like legendary SWG, EQ2, Ultima online etc). All people who complain against housing - just grind machines who need nothing but meta events/fractals/PvP grind, but there is alot of other people who wont rush who want to play in their own tempo and get the place they can rest from other world (ingame world) and place their trophyes or see their advancement in game content (like exclusive trophy/functional decorations for content completion and craft skills fully leveled.

Also it is good for game economy, because it is possible to sell some exclusive furniture (just like exclusive outfits and skins) by gem store. Giving old locations a second life by new achievements and loot for housing, new goods for all special currency'es vendors: dungeon marks, PvE/WvW, fractals, HoT/PoF locations, living story seasons etc). Housing screenshot/video page for decorators also here.

It can be separated area in sityes with all home instance's nodes moved/revamped into it or you cant save it separated (kuz norns and sylvari hase their home instances as one big commune houses). It can be story feature for the next expantion - creating a personal operation base for the dragon watch (not like WoW garrison because it was 1 time feature with no future support from devs) or just a personal home even Eir possessed. You can "decorate" your home inctance by nodes and cats right now, but this isnt real home but a good start for a full housing as combanation of home instance and guild halls (dat large unfriendly ruins doesent looks like home).

Sorry for my english but I belive you're capable to understand what I want to say. Dont hush other people for this theme only because you love mass PvP and fast grind with no delays and viev other people as cannon fodder and faceless mass to fill your events, if they want solitary - they'll wont participate it anyway with or without personal home instance so this isnt argument against housing system. All players have a same right to play whatever content and style they want, be tolerant and respect the other people wishes.

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It would be good to have a custom home instance. I have a home instance teleportation item from gem store and my main character is norn. I don't really like norn home instance because the layout is impractical. But player housing is a different thing. It would be cool to have a house in e.g. divinity's reach and decorate it personally. It's like a basic role-play feature of current MMORPGs.

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> @"glenndevis.8327" said:

> > @"TheWolf.1602" said:

> > @"glenndevis.8327" the only other mmo I've ever played was years ago: Runescape. I don't see why guilds would not get a Guild Hall, I've got a Guild Hall for my solo guild, just had to pay a few randoms to claim it. Maybe you could expand on what you consider proper housing?


> Yeah I don't see it either but I guess some people can't be bothered with guild halls. xD


> And when i comes to housing, I think open world housing would be great but in a game like GW2 that's never going to happen.

> Like I said before i'd like it if it woun't be in the home instance to give every player a "choice" of where they want their house to be. Like certain buildings in cities could be used as a housing instance. (1 house instance being able to be used for multiple players but the game creates a diffirent instance of the same place for every player who has their house there, kinda like how guild halls work.)


> As for the inside Id like more diffirent types of decorations, wallpaper, floors, furniture aestethic wise (like asuran or norn). Objects you can interact with. Maybe some crafting stations, merchants, a bank, placing walls and just create a personal place to your liking. Something you can't really do with the guild hall.


> To finish it off I feel like the housing needs to have some sort of utility or quality of life tied to it so it doesn't become "just a decoration" that people never used like guild halls used to be in the past. But at the same time it shouldn't be too disadvantageous for those who don't have/can't afford/don't want to bother with it so they don't get left behind. Like I said before, a rested bonus when you afk or log out when in your house that gives a small bonus to exp or karma gains and such.


Maybe play simCity instead ??

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Lets ask a differant question.

> If housing was added, what percentage of all your game time would be spent in your house?


I like this question! :D In Rift, it was 80-90% because the combat was boring and leveling was a pain in the Charr tail but most housing items were dirt cheap on auction house so it was easy to get into it. In GW2 I'd spend about 30-40% of my gametime on housing, because I love the combat and open world meta events but it also depends on how accessible housing items would be (price, rarity of items, etc). :)

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Lets ask a differant question.

> If housing was added, what percentage of all your game time would be spent in your house?



It wouldn't just be about time spent inside but also the time spent trying to get upgrades for it.


I like the idea of housing. Right now the hoarder in me wants a full home instance. The OCD in me twitches every time I walk into a full home instance and see what a mess it is. My practical side thinks it's a complete waste of gold because there's nothing special about it. If I had control over the way it looked and could do things to upgrade it and make it special, well, that'd be quite different.

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> @"diamondgirl.6315" said:

> Honestly, the only benefit I derive from player housing in any game is the ability to build it and decorate it, and I am not sure how that would be implemented in an MMO.


Go play Wildstar for a few hours and see how it should be done in an MMO.

That said, as you mentioned, we already have two housing options in this game. A third is not needed.


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We'll get in-world housing in a (successful) MMO some day, and it would fit Fashion Wars perfectly, since it's it's more of YOU to display. But what always kills and always will kill housing is the complete disconnect from the open world. Instanced housing is a non-starter which I'd prefer never to see it in a game again ever, since it's an absolute waste of time for everyone, devs and players alike. (If it wasn't, Wildstar would have killed with its housing, which no other MMO past or present can touch. But let's not go there...)


I doubt it will happen anyway, it's too big of a gamble to commit the required manpower while the game seems to be doing very nicely without it.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Housing is a huge success in ESO, so I hope we'll get it in the future. Also, it's completely optional so people who don't like it can just ignore it. I absolutely LOVE housing and it's the only thing I wish GW2 had, tbh...


it's funny because ESO does Housing actually pretty bad.


Wildstar's Housing it the perfect example how it should be. it's much more than just a place where you can decorate things.

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I've suggested several times that instead of a homestead it would be easier for them to use the guild hall system to establish a Dragon's Watch guild hall through an event.


I'd like to see them design a new open guild hall with a coastal access. Maybe somewhere near Dominion of the Winds or NE of Mount Maelstrom where the ocean meets the Deldrimor Front. I would suggest the gap where the Steamspur Mountains is but there isn't any coastal access to it. The nice thing about the Deldrimor Front is that it would provide an excuse to have 3 environments: swampy jungle, coastal and ice. Since the Inquest are known to have been in that area of M.Maelstrom the mission could be to keep an abandoned Inquest base built in an ancient dwarf stronghold out of dredge hands. The worry behind the quest could be dredge getting Inquest technology.

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> @"MicroCuts.9510" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Housing is a huge success in ESO, so I hope we'll get it in the future. Also, it's completely optional so people who don't like it can just ignore it. I absolutely LOVE housing and it's the only thing I wish GW2 had, tbh...


> it's funny because ESO does Housing actually pretty bad.


> Wildstar's Housing it the perfect example how it should be. it's much more than just a place where you can decorate things.


Yeah, I couldn't get into ESO but I remember when housing came out people were really happy about it and I heard they can now upgrade player houses into STORAGE which made tons of people excited, even the ones who weren't into housing. I've never played Wildstar but I loved housing in Rift so much.

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Lets ask a differant question.

> If housing was added, what percentage of all your game time would be spent in your house?



asking it that way brings up another question, how many would use it?

i personally would think more then raids but guess what, raids are in the game and Anet doesn't give a crap about ppl who don't use them.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > Lets ask a differant question.

> > If housing was added, what percentage of all your game time would be spent in your house?

> >


> asking it that way brings up another question, how many would use it?

> i personally would think more then raids but guess what, raids are in the game and Anet doesn't give a crap about ppl who don't use them.


So the fact, not opinion, that the vast majority of the game's content and development is aimed outside of raids is an indication that anet doesnt care about non raiders?


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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > Lets ask a differant question.

> > > If housing was added, what percentage of all your game time would be spent in your house?

> > >

> >

> > asking it that way brings up another question, how many would use it?

> > i personally would think more then raids but guess what, raids are in the game and Anet doesn't give a crap about ppl who don't use them.


> So the fact, not opinion, that the vast majority of the game's content and development is aimed outside of raids is an indication that anet doesnt care about non raiders?



no, the fact, not opinion, is that they added raids but only a small fraction of the playerbase uses it, making it a waste of dev time they could've use on more useful things.

also, most of the game's content outside raids aim back towards raids, last i can remember they added yet another raid with yet more exclusive rewards while everything outside raids (or better yet, everything in the open world) is ignored yet again.

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