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R.I.P. Mesmers (Prototype Position Rewinder)


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There are already teleporting guns, and now we also have this. There's no reason for me to play mesmer anymore. I don't understand why bother giving classes any different mechanics, if you're just going to give free mesmer 'skills' in form of items to every other class. Please remove this item from the game. It's just a straight up better version of mesmer's portal with lower cooldown and no range restrictions.

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> @"Yoroiookami.3485" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder


> There are already teleporting guns, and now we also have this. There's no reason for me to play mesmer anymore. I don't understand why bother giving classes any different mechanics, if you're just going to give free mesmer 'skills' in form of items to every other class. Please remove this item from the game. It's just a straight up better version of mesmer's portal with lower cooldown and no range restrictions.


Im sorry I dont agree with this at all :3


We all love our Mesmers, and they help us out in so many ways that this device wont. My take on this device is that I can run into combat and should it be too much teleport back to my starting point. This in no way simulates Mesmer portals, or any other useful skill they possess that helps allies , groups , or JP challenged players :3

Maybe follow this thought through to see that as a Mesmer, you have more to offer than your portal .... if you dont ... maybe then switch classes.

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Didn't notice this item existed, will have to pick one up as it seems useful.


Why though does it give you no reason to play a mesmer anymore? Far as I can tell from the notes on that wiki, this doesn't let you reset position if you WP, where mesmer portals can be placed after WP'ing, it can't be used in several modes, and doesn't create a portal for others to use, so it has downsides compared to mesmer portals. And I'm pretty sure there's a couple of items that have been out for a while which mimic the mesmer portal skill anyway, like the watchwork portal device thing.

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> @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> Oh, so this gizmo allows a single player to teleport multiple people the same way the mesmer portals do?


No. This will not really impact mesmers. I tried it last night and it appears to work like a portal but only you can use it. It’s a bundle with an option to set the call-back point and an option to go to that point. There doesn’t appear to be a range limitation associated with it as I’ve used it well outside that of portals.

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> @"Yoroiookami.3485" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder


> There are already teleporting guns, and now we also have this. There's no reason for me to play mesmer anymore. I don't understand why bother giving classes any different mechanics, if you're just going to give free mesmer 'skills' in form of items to every other class. Please remove this item from the game. It's just a straight up better version of mesmer's portal with lower cooldown and no range restrictions.

This emulates thief and necro skills mostly and maybe the behaviour of chronoshift a bit, but that's it. It's nowhere near anything touching mesmer behaviour.


And honestly mate you're late to the party, because the Watchwork Portal Device and the White Mantle Portal Devices have been in the game for years, and those **do** have the same effect as a mesmer portal.

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I think it's good that any class can set "checkpoints" for themselves in JP's now and no one is basically forced to play mesmer if they want to complete a JP comfortably.

As the rewinder is only for yourself it's also not replacing portal, as the "trademark ability" of portal is to carry other players, not yourself.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Yoroiookami.3485" said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder

> >

> > There are already teleporting guns, and now we also have this. There's no reason for me to play mesmer anymore. I don't understand why bother giving classes any different mechanics, if you're just going to give free mesmer 'skills' in form of items to every other class. Please remove this item from the game. It's just a straight up better version of mesmer's portal with lower cooldown and no range restrictions.

> This emulates thief and necro skills mostly and maybe the behaviour of chronoshift a bit, but that's it. It's nowhere near anything touching mesmer behaviour.


> And honestly mate you're late to the party, because the Watchwork Portal Device and the White Mantle Portal Devices have been in the game for years, and those **do** have the same effect as a mesmer portal.


If anything this gift form anet made jumping puzzles easier for non-mesmer professions

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"ImTasty.2163" said:

> > Oh, so this gizmo allows a single player to teleport multiple people the same way the mesmer portals do?


> No. This will not really impact mesmers. I tried it last night and it appears to work like a portal but only you can use it. It’s a bundle with an option to set the call-back point and an option to go to that point. There doesn’t appear to be a range limitation associated with it as I’ve used it well outside that of portals.


So it's more like a personal pocket mesmer. It gives players a chance to save just themselves if they mess up on a risky jump. Seems like a great addition then. It gives people a chance to reset themselves without stepping on the utility that comes with an actual mesmer portal.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Mesmer can still spam 3 portals a minute with Chrono f5 and mimic - if anything, I would say this item is an upgrade to mesmer's JP abilities since they aren't mutually exclusive.




I'm part of a portal guild, offering portals at JPs is how I spend half my playtime when there's a JP daily, and I love this item, it's what I rushed to get first from the new map. First of all, you can still use it as a mesmer, and have an easier time doing the JP yourself, so you can start sharing portals. And we chronos have Improved Alacrity, so anything cooldown-based will be better on a mesmer, inclusing this item.


This item borrows more from necro's Spectral Walk that it does from mesmer's Portal, and SW existed since day 1, yet mesmer is still regarded as the jp profession, ever wondered why that was? Even with real portal clones, like Xera and Watchwork, a chrono can spam portals at a very short cd if you know what you are doing.


And that's only for open world, because this item doesn't work in fractals, raids, pvp, wvw. You can't waypoint either.

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