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What are your GW 2 Pet Peeves?

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The Trading Post bug and "Your message has been suppressed" after two messages. I'm also no fan of players who post sale requests below the minimum cost via a merchant. That shouldn't be an option and should be removed.


A sell-all mechanic similar to World of Warcraft's Auctioneer mod for the Trading Post would be awesome, but I can see where there would be problems. The Trading Post definitely needs an overhaul or at least some updates.


To stop trades because too many make the servers crash is not a optimal fix after six years.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > Forgot elite specialisation pre hot traits was great system

> No, it wasn't, it was a giant mess. When people would rather take a second lower trait over a higher one, something is horribly wrong with your trait system.


A lower tier trait that benefits my build is better than a higher tier trait that does not. This situation still exists. Taking a spec because of the lower tier benefits despite having no use for the GM trait.

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People who use 'boxes of fun' by chests

Likewise people who think it's funny to place portals by the chests in metas

The fact the armour is so pig ugly for all types. I lived for the armour in GW1.

Not being able to clear your chat.

No cantha. No word from anyone regarding adding cantha.

The stories at times are too long.

The fact you have a limit on selling on the TP then have to wait before selling again.

No way of changing maps, other than player hop, especially in the case of Istan.

Mount bugs. My ranger loves being crossed legged jumping on the ground on her butt.

Not being able to stand still in a map to say head to a WP without being attacked, not even for a second.

No GvG. cos 'guildwars'


But i love the game anyways :)




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They go back and forth between serious and silly and never committing.


I don't want Taimi to do, but when Balthazar's console exploded and they send Taimi flying, i was certain she was done for.

But she simply fell on a lower rock and don't even act the slightest astonished..



quite inconsistently they decide to clip the ears through the helmets, or cut them off. Decide on one, and implement it **properly**.

Its okay to let them clip through, just give the texture of the helmets an edge of some kind so it looks like there's an imaginary home when viewed from a distance

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Number one for me is story instance disconnects. Will they ever fix this? Probably not. So sick of it.

Constant agro when there is nothing around. You can't do vistas or mount up. Log off and on fixes it.

Also having an enemy that chase you half way across the map. Then you figure fine I will kill it. Hit it once it runs away and regens.


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> @"juhani.5361" said:


> 2. This may be me and my stupidity, but I can't find a setting to turn off player effort noises. The female asura, "aaaaahhhh," is especially annoying.


[x] Disable Player chatter


> 5. Weird targeting changeups. Who knows where your attack will land?


Something auto target something


Sorry for double post. Forgot this is not reddit.

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* Not being able to hide other players infusions. The visuals I don't care about, but the dang preserved queen bee sound is so grating. I can't imagine people who own one play with their sound on.

* Somewhat related, not being able to mute minis. The SAB minis and that one toxic krait or whatever it is are so annoying.

* When commanders tag up for metas but don't move themselves to their own subgroup. If you're not in the same map instance as them, this can make joining on them frustrating, because their icon will bop around as people join or leave. Many times I've thought I had right clicked on the commander only to have clicked on some random who was in a third, different map instance.

* Level 80 players who rush ahead and kill enemies (usually by using mount engage skills) during events in low level areas.

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> @"DirtyDan.4759" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:


> > 2. This may be me and my stupidity, but I can't find a setting to turn off player effort noises. The female asura, "aaaaahhhh," is especially annoying.


> [x] Disable Player chatter


> > 5. Weird targeting changeups. Who knows where your attack will land?


> Something auto target something


> Sorry for double post. Forgot this is not reddit.


Thanks for the ideas :) I just ran a test starting a new female asura mesmer (worst culprit), and it looks like the effort noises aren't player chatter. I could have sworn I'd tested the setting before. All it does is mute your toon's comments and some of those "I'm hurt, I need help" messages from other players. The "aaah" is still there. I did find a way to turn it down, though. It, like mount noises, seems to be tied to the "Environmental Effects" setting. At 25%, the griffon and effort noises are manageable.


I've played around with auto target so often, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Will probably have to tweak it again soon. I'm probably going to have to look up some defaults one of these days, because I'm pretty sure I've borked things up beyond repair ;)

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My Hateworthy Peeves:


* I am aggravated by how trait/skill build is handled when porting to WvW.


Unless you have the foresight to write it down or have it in your memory, there's no convenient way to sync/verify your WvW build to your PvE one. My builds don't really change that much between the two, only slight tweaks, but when big changes come along, it gets confusing.


* I hate leveling in GW2, the dragging out and unlocking of the trait trees is not fun, I just feel like I am playing a crippled character.


I really preferred the way this was on release, you had access to all the profession lines and could budget your available trait points however you wished instead of on this insufferable "wheel" ANet has now, I have to "buy" lame stuff I don't want.


* I never liked how ANet's dungeons or enjoyed jumping puzzles, to my relief I could just skip that stuff.


BUT at some point the same people that designed the dungeon/puzzle traps got their hands on Personal stories and solo content. Now one of the most enjoyable parts of the game for me is tedious and annoying to a large degree. I want the story, please keep the dungeon style sadism/puzzle traps on a very short leash -we have dungeons for that and jumping puzzles, stop ruining my solo play. ;)


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~ CC bars

They're either inconsistant in content like Dungeons, or just slapped on for the hell of it. I think encounters should be balanced with CC like Knockbacks, Cripple and the like in mind, not just generalised into a breakbar. Bring back the old but well designed bosses, like how the lovers were from the AC story!


~ Enemies not CC'able off ledges

For obvious reasons. There is nothing more rewarding than throwing a hapless NPC off of a cliff. I know I for one would spend hours doing this if it were a thing!


~ Buttcapes

Most outfits and new armours are overdesigned, and the standalone armour pieces are always gloves, boots or helmets.

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- No pants for light armor (females specifically)

- Anet not caring about WvW

- Taimi , Kasmeer , Marjory

- Unnecessary trinkets, accessories and light/glow-effects all over outfits that would look amazing without them

- No way to hide shoulders on outfits

- No Gw1 dances

- Hearts in LW and Exp zones

- No option to always have weapons wielded when afking

- No Random-Glider skin option (like for finishers)

- No Random-Mount skin option (like for finishers)

- Rewards locked behind raids

- No "sell all Sigils" and "sell all Runes" option on vendor

- NPC standing near/at things we (need to) interact with

- No spartan sandals for all 3 armors

- Horrible armor physics (none of them have natural movement)

- That repeatable salvaging achievement keeps popping all the time instead of it being marked as "done" once you reach max AP

- The Floor is Lava and Scrap-Rifle adventures

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* butt/crotch capes and trench coats - there are two many of either.

* visual effect spam in group content - it's definitely too much when you can't see the mob's position, its animations, and the red circles around it.

* the inability to choose the map instance and the ongoing stupidity of the meta server in the case of maps with meta-events.

* poor balancing of sinks and sources for items and no efficient ways to deal with stuff once it hits the vendor price at the TP: whether it's foxfire clusters, minor and major sigils and runes, various gathered cooking materials, especially from synthesizers, or other stuff: we have no way to control whether or not we receive these items, and once we have them there is no efficient way to sell them off as the vendor trash that they effectively are

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