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This thread is dying

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I've heard several things about a lot of players actually leaving or others saying that the game is slowly starting to die.

In my opinion I don't think it's actually dying. The game just has a problem with content drought mostly between living world updates or seasonal events. But even seasonal events can be a bit dull once you already got everything done years before.


I don't mean to start any fights! I just want to know hear your story of why you think the game is dying or not dying.

Share your stories! I'm happy to hear them! :D

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Given the boatload of money they earned last cycle? Survey says, "No."


There's always a downturn of people between Living World episodes and expansions, but you'll also see an influx when the daily counter resets. Honestly? Seems to me those players that say the game is dying are also those players that wish it would so they can say, "See! I told you so."


Eventually, they'll be right . . . but not today.

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Most likely a lot of the cheaters that are now banned are salty. (big ban drop a few days ago)

Game is doing great population wise as far as I'm aware. Sales of PoF were really good. There's always fall off after exp's come out but I think even then the gw2 core is doing way better then this far after HoT came out with all the fast updates.

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I'm curious: How frequent do new releases need to be to avoid 'content droughts'?


I don't know of any other games that have updates more frequently GW2, either MMOs or otherwise, so I'm not sure what the basis is for this complaint (which all games seem to have) about content droughts.


(It also makes me realise other people get through stuff a lot faster than me. I still have stuff from HoT left to do, if content was coming out more often and it was the same stuff we get now, not the 'kill 50 x' 'press F 100 times' stuff from Season 1, I doubt I'd have time for even half of it.)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm curious: How frequent do new releases need to be to avoid 'content droughts'?


Three months between Living World episodes is the norm. Usually, one or two festivals or events happen between episodes. This doesn't include special events or side events as well. The first expansion caused the only content drought. That was almost a year long with no events outside of holidays, if I recall.


That time has passed and now ANet keeps a pretty steady flow of content. Not as often I would like, given past content speed, but I also know that was pretty impossible to sustain.

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XD. I highly doubt it. For a While amazon had pof as one of the top mmo sales. so going down? More like up going up.


Think this is just bad timing to ask when there was a big boot of people having 3rd party programs.


Tbh the maps seem the same since the start of pof. In all honesty I think more people are here then when hot was. When I started, which was a little bit over two years ago. multiple maps you would go to, would be completely silent. But now seems all maps are talkative. Sure you can have a map that didn’t do events but, compared to when it was just hot, naw man. Pof has brought much more players. How many? Truly don’t know. But in high and low lvl maps there’s multiple people. You can always tell by metas also. I mean since everyone hits metas and you join too, you will realize that gw2 isn’t close to dead.




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No, IMHO. Some players may consider some parts of the game dead for their own reasons. (good or bad) For example, some may quit WvW because they dislike the AoE circle spam and I quit sPvP for some time because I lack the skills needed to survive with an Elly for more than a few secs.


But the good point of GW2 is the versatility of the game, allowing you to continue to enjoy many other parts of the game even if you consider some parts of the game as 'dead'.

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It's doing better than ever, really. It's dying in the sense that all of us are dying, and over the next few years the population will inevitably decline, but it's on quite the upswing with the recent MMO magazine attention, Path of Fire reception, new fractals and higher gem sales, especially compared to how bad things were 1.5 years ago. When people said "this game is dying" after the Heart of Thorn release, we were all actually scared, but these days when I hear that anxiety I generally dismiss it because it's substantially improved since then

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People say "gaem is ded" for all sorts of reasons, almost none of them related to any sort of objective analysis, not the least of which is to establish a definition of a dead game. I can see why people who _don't play_ might want to know what they're getting into, but I don't think it's an interesting discussion for anyone actually playing: if you're in game and you do stuff with people, then the game is as alive as it needs to be.


People who play or stop playing sometimes say it's dead because: it no longer interests them as much, because the people with whom they enjoyed playing have left, because they found something else to do, and so on. All of that is typical for any pastime in which any of us engage.


If at some point, I find myself at Matriarch without a zerg of people to kill her or no one at Tequatl or being unable to fill an LFG for a supposedly-popular activity... well, at that point, I'll start to consider if people are doing other content that I should know about. And if not, then maybe it might be time to ask the question.


Since there's no chance of anything like that happening any time soon, I feel it's not that useful a question to ask.

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Game not dead but it is not as populated as I wanted it to be. A healthy game especially one that is global should have a lot of players in all areas, not just during peak NA time, even during seasonal events. A have on many many occasions been on dead maps, especially on meta events like AB or DS. These maps have people wanting to play the metas but due to lack of players, can't. On world bosses, I always see the same people over and over. LFG? empty most of the time.


My personal experience basically is that I feel the server has very low population. It might have A LOT of players, but I've never felt that.

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Here is what I notice: There is a fairly large absence or void in all the maps with exception to the HoT maps. Even then, half time it seems there are no metas being run. So where are all the players exactly? PvP and WvW still have their fair share of players but it's quite evident the numbers are not what they used to be. Can't really say it's dying or not; however, where the lack of players poking around would indicate it's starting to.

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The living world updates don't have enough packed into them to keep people there, once they have map completion and achi's the maps are boring. PoF was said to be all about content yet it didn't have nowhere near the re-playability of HoT.


Anet stopped adding things to the game that gave people something to do such as legendary journey, Current event's in the achievement panel. There just isn't enough things to do for the people that have been here since launch.

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> @"elrin.4750" said:

> Game not dead but it is not as populated as I wanted it to be. A healthy game especially one that is global should have a lot of players in all areas, not just during peak NA time, even during seasonal events. A have on many many occasions been on dead maps, especially on meta events like AB or DS. These maps have people wanting to play the metas but due to lack of players, can't. On world bosses, I always see the same people over and over. LFG? empty most of the time.


> My personal experience basically is that I feel the server has very low population. It might have A LOT of players, but I've never felt that.


I have never see AB not being done. You might not be on the main map and you might not be checking looking for group, but as an Australian who plays all hours, the game is never dead. People don't use LFG tool or get there early enough and that's their own lookout.


The problem is it won't have multiple maps doing the event so maybe 1 or 2 maps have enough people and if you happen to get on the third map, tough luck.


Every single MMO in existence suffers from dead areas, including WoW which is the most populous. That is, the more a game expands, the more players are required to fill ALL the areas all the time. It doesn't happen in WoW, it won't happen anywhere else either.

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