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Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

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It's probably the most frustrating item in every Gem Store purchase. I was about to purchase the Primeval Dervish Armor because of my GW1 Nostalgia, then, I stopped myself. It's an outfit. Again...


Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.

2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.

3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.


Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.

2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"

3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.


I would propose that the GW2 Team heavily consider changing all outfits to individual armor pieces, and discontinue outfits how they are currently made. I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.

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While I prefer armor skins because of the inherent allowance for mixing and matching it does require more effort to create. Each piece of the outfit would have to operate independently, and that would take additional resources to produce.


It likely would be pretty simple to do but the outfit was made to function as single unit and they would likely need to generate a whole new set of skins based off the original design, I don't think it would be a simple as converting. Not sure if they would really want to go through the effort for outfits that already exist.

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> @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> Can we have an honest conversation about "Outfits?"

What makes you think we haven't already had an "honest" conversation about it?


> Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

> 1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.

That limits the appeal, to be sure. But it's hardly "bad" for the game; just bad for some people.


> 2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.

I don't think you can put a worth on it, for other people. Clearly some folks love them, which is why ANet keeps delivering them.


> 3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.

This is also subjective, but moot: it's also true for any skin in the game; some (non-cultural) work best for some people for a certain race, some don't work well on any race, and some are universally good.


> Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

> 1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.

> 2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"

These can also true for non-outfits.


> 3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.

That's literally the game's design: cosmetics have nothing to do with functionality.


However, you forgot:

4. It's far, far cheaper for ANet to deliver outfits than armor sets. The one-size-fits-all design means that they don't have to worry about clipping, the only have to worry about four dye channels (rather than 12-24), and they have more scaling options.



> I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.

Are you prepared to spend 8-9 times more on armor pieces than on outfits? Do you think that the community overall is willing to do that?


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I'd much rather pay a little more and get both an outfit and an unlock of all the pieces as skins. There are some of my toons, like my RP Canach cosplay that has his new armor as an outfit and his old (HoTs & pre-HoTs) armor as skins. A few of my original toons do the same or, they have the casual racial rp outfit on and their normal armor on as skins. outfits also help Newbies feel less like poo compared to the Wales and the older players.

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Personally I like outfits. I haven’t bought each one but I’ve bought most. They allow for fast change over to a whole new look and they allow my chars to wear something that’s beside their armor weight.


As for converting them to armor... considering ANet has said that each set of armor for 5 races and 2 sexes takes months to make, I don’t think this is a realistic request. Since new gemstore armor costs more to make and takes longer to make, they’re not going to be as profitable for ANet to sell. Either ANet is going to make less profit for each or they’re going to have to charge more.

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Im very tempted it to buy it for my charr but the tail peace is far too much and bulky looking which makes me not want it. There are not alot of good outfits or armor peaces that charr can wear with hoods that look decent this one does but that tail attachment is too much Anet why. You could have stopped like half way down the tail and just ended it there :confounded:

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I like outfits because I have two gear sets: My sneakthief leather clothes (with aviator shades) - and my Noble Count outfit. Before I had the noble set as substitute, and changing that took so much time. Now I turn on my Outfit when I am chilling / at the town and off when I am about to kill people. That saves so much time!



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I love outfits. We have armor skins in game, and the outfits in the gem store, I feel like that is a good system. Outfits let me level a new character without having to look at m ugly low level armor or waste transmute charges. Outfits also allow me to do things like have a cool light armor look on a medium or heavy armor class. Also, outfits tend to look better on Charr and Asura than armor skins. (@ZDragon.3046 you're crazy, that tail piece is awesome! lol)

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> @"Shmanka.4628" said:

> It's probably the most frustrating item in every Gem Store purchase. I was about to purchase the Primeval Dervish Armor because of my GW1 Nostalgia, then, I stopped myself. It's an outfit. Again...


> Why I think Outfits are bad for the game;

> 1. They allow no level of customization, with the exception of dyes.


That's not zero then.


> 2. The purchase in the Gem Store is never worth it financially compared to Weapon Skins or Armor Skins, heck... even Glider and Mount Skins.


Subjective much?


> 3. Some of the outfits are tailored towards some races better than others, it's intuitive that Sylvari, Norn and Human get more aesthetic appeal than Asura or Charr.



I guess? I honestly wouldn't mind outfits specifically for a set of the races (or just one) so long as the price reflects that. The problem is, when they make a skin for the body, they are forced to make one for every race and sex rather than just the ones that it suits best.


> Why I think Outfits are good for the game;

> 1. They help bring some Nostalgia and tie in Lore to customers like myself.


I have no nostalgia for gw1.


> 2. They can bring in looks that are "out of world"


That is the main appeal to them. They don't have to fit every part of it to a corresponding equipment slot.


> 3. They are purely cosmetic and offer no functional in-game differences.



Um, what? That's any skin or dye.


> I would propose that the GW2 Team heavily consider changing all outfits to individual armor pieces, and discontinue outfits how they are currently made. I know personally I would purchase more items from the Gem Store if they were individualistic armor pieces.


I propose the GW2 team heavily consider dropping the concept of armor pieces and focus solely on outfits as well as more options to customize them (such as turning parts of them off). As for the prices, that is likely another topic to discuss.

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You want an honest discussion, but your post is full of entitlement. What is honest about that. Most outfits are gemstore items. If you do not like them, do not buy them. If nobody buys the, I am certain arenanet would stop making them. But people like them and are buying them. So I do not see any problem.


The only issue might be your envy, you want these skins to be armorskins, but many can’t exist and will not mix and match at all. Developmenttime is sky high and the extra sales extreme low,

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Most outfits look pretty cool and are easy to get which is their biggest pro. Not everyone is playing the Fashion Wars that hard and having something like outfits is a pretty damn nice thing for a casual player. If you don't like them - don't buy them. It's pretty simple.

I like having few so I can switch when I get bored.

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This is a lost war. Outfits are a cheaper to do version of proper armor, a crutch alternative which thwarts creativity, customization and uniqueness, but is easier to implement and sells anyway. Why to have a proper product if people are happy with a halfbaked one?


Since that is the only "choice" I have left, I'll just never buy an outfit. Little lose for them, way bigger loss for me: the resources will be put into outfits anyway, armor will always be treated as a second rate product. Super sad.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> This is a lost war. Outfits are a cheaper to do version of proper armor, a crutch alternative which thwarts creativity, customization and uniqueness, but is easier to implement and sells anyway. Why to have a proper product if people are happy with a halfbaked one?


> Since that is the only "choice" I have left, I'll just never buy an outfit. Little lose for them, way bigger loss for me: the resources will be put into outfits anyway, armor will always be treated as a second rate product. Super sad.


Because they've always been second rate. Have you seen the armor in FFXIV?


And I think outfits are plenty creative. Are they the level of personal custom character creation as the likes of perhaps City of Heroes? No, it never was, but for what it's for (making a great looking character), it works, IMO.

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I'd prefer ANet to release more armors, in a perfect world complete sets, preferably earnable ingame. But to keep things realistic, outfits are a good gemshop item for ANet to make some cash. It offers an easy way for ppl to change looks w/o spending transmutation charges. Wether you like a particular outfit or not is a matter of taste and the lack of mix and matching makes everyone look the same, when they wear the same outfit. But since they have been designed as basically one piece at least the look is coherent.

Asura and Charr do look strange at times, because the outfits are designed with the human model in mind, then altered to kinda-sorta-somewhat fit the other races. But that's just as much an issue with armors.


Overall I'm fine with having outfits as an ingame item. I usuallydon't wear them, because I like to mix and match and to come up with something rather than just equiping the one size fits all solution. But I also stick to my looks, so I see how having lots of outfits to switch around freely might be appealing, going with the latest fashion or matching the chagne of the seasons/festivals...

I wish there were more outfits earnable ingame. They could keep the flashy ones or the ones with nostalgic value to the gemstore and offer some simple thematic outfits in the open world. Different disquises, different uniforms, the prison outfit from ls4e1, much like tonics.

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I generally don't use outfits because I prefer to mix and match my own armor sets. Though I would really love it if they came out with outfits that are more in line with the clothing tonics. Casual, simple clothes (not like the ball gowns and tuxedos) that look like something my character would wear when relaxing in their downtime. It would be really nice for role players and actually make the outfits something different then the armor you can already get in game which may satisfy the people that normally wouldn't like them.

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