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Which character in particular do you feel has the most well-developed and interesting arc so far?


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Many of the characters including the Commander have developed well, but for some of the characters such as Braham and Kasmeer, their arcs seem to meander or have lost focus. I'm interested to know which character in particular you feel has the strongest arc so far and which ones you'd like to explore further at some point.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I was actually talking to one of the designers on Ep5 yesterday about how I really like how we have handled Braham this season. You guys have only seen the first two episodes but I'm quite proud of the work we have done with him over the whole season. While season planning, we really approached his character in particular with a seriousness in exploration to figure out exactly what the right thing to do for him was. The high level season arc changed dramatically multiple times during planning which afforded us the opportunity to play around with a lot of potential arcs for him. It'd be really fun to let you guys know what all those are, but that will have to wait until the season concludes as I would hate to give spoilers!

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In my opinion, it's Canach.


Writing 101 teaches us that good characters have a past, that is, somewhere they've been (or are currently) that sets up a new place for them to go as they change and mature.


Canach started out as a mercenary who crossed the line into criminality; he got caught, jailed, worked off his debt to society, and is now taking pains not to go wind up behind bars again. He also had some really nice character moments with the Commander in Heart of Thorns (esp. if the Commander was sylvari) when he's dealing with the influence of Mordremoth in his head.


So his character arc has a clear progression, and IMO it's been fun to see each step of his evolution (antagonist, criminal, convict, Shining Blade agent, freelance merc), especially since he hasn't lost the core personality traits or become a saint--he's still a bit selfish, very snarky, and someone you can absolutely rely on in a pinch.


Plus, his interactions with Rytlock are priceless: brothers-in-arms who give each other a hard time like actual brothers do (at least, the way me and my brother do).


[Edited to correct error]

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> @"Scott McGough.6897" said:

> In my opinion, it's Canach.


> Writing 101 teaches us that good characters have a past, that is, somewhere they've been (or are currently) that sets up a new place for them to go as they change and mature.


> Canach started out as a mercenary who crossed the line into criminality; he got caught, jailed, worked off his debt to society, and is now taking pains not to go wind up behind bars again. He also had some really nice character moments with the Commander in Heart of Thorns (esp. if the Commander was sylvari) when he's dealing with the influence of Mordremoth in his head.


> So his character arc has a clear progression, and IMO it's been fun to see each step of his evolution (antagonist, criminal, convict, Order of Shadows agent, freelance merc), especially since he hasn't lost the core personality traits or become a saint--he's still a bit selfish, very snarky, and someone you can absolutely rely on in a pinch.


> Plus, his interactions with Rytlock are priceless: brothers-in-arms who give each other a hard time like actual brothers do (at least, the way me and my brother do).



I love Canachs and Rytlotk's interactions! But as someone who missed LWS1, Canach has absolutely 0 development to me, and any other player that missed LWS1. He is just thrown into LWS2 out of nowhere, which is a shame because he is still one of my favorite characters.


Is it at all possible for you guys to add something in the game so that those who missed LWS1 can still get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past

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> @"Scott McGough.6897" said:

> In my opinion, it's Canach.


> Writing 101 teaches us that good characters have a past, that is, somewhere they've been (or are currently) that sets up a new place for them to go as they change and mature.


> Canach started out as a mercenary who crossed the line into criminality; he got caught, jailed, worked off his debt to society, and is now taking pains not to go wind up behind bars again. He also had some really nice character moments with the Commander in Heart of Thorns (esp. if the Commander was sylvari) when he's dealing with the influence of Mordremoth in his head.


> So his character arc has a clear progression, and IMO it's been fun to see each step of his evolution (antagonist, criminal, convict, Order of Shadows agent, freelance merc), especially since he hasn't lost the core personality traits or become a saint--he's still a bit selfish, very snarky, and someone you can absolutely rely on in a pinch.


> Plus, his interactions with Rytlock are priceless: brothers-in-arms who give each other a hard time like actual brothers do (at least, the way me and my brother do).



Completely agreed, as I say, Rytlock and Canach in Pof history make it worth buying the expansion.


The "Head of Snake", the moment the commander becomes angry with Anise because she has placed Canach in danger, and the liberation of Canach at the end is the cherries of the cake.


Then, in POF, The interactions when we meet him again in the casino is pure gold.


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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past

He has a past; not everyone is privy to it. That isn't necessarily a bad thing.


(Mind you: I'm still in favor of seeing more of the LS1 cutscenes included in the game so that people can experience some of the interactions themselves, instead of reading about it on the wiki. I think the point is that it helps people connect to characters; having a hidden past isn't, by itself, a bad thing.)



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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Is it at all possible for you guys to add something in the game so that those who missed LWS1 can still get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past


Keep a sharp eye open during LS2 (specifically the memory seeds episodes), and you'll see the chronologically earliest appearance of Canach.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

While I'm not a designer or member of the Narrative Team, I hope it's ok to jump in with my thoughts as a player. For instances of character development came to my mind when I read the question. So, as a personal opinion, I'd like to give a shout-out to [Trahearne](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trahearne "Trahearne"). (And I will carefully avoid Spoilers, if I'm able.)


Sure, I wasn't a fan of ol' Trahearne when he seemed to be claiming all the credit due The Commander in the early days. And sometimes his personality rubbed me the wrong way in the way he presented things or in a few choices he made. But really, when viewed as a whole, I think the story arc was well executed and I believe I "got it" and better accepted/liked/approved of him when viewed as a whole. I particularly liked his resolve, his outreach to others, and of course his bravery.


And don't get me started on [Tybalt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightbringer_Tybalt_Leftpaw "Tybalt") or [snaf](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Snaff "Snaf")f! Love them to pieces!

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Most well developed? Taimi. By far.


She's gone from squealing Caera fangirl to our most loyal teammate (and plot device :P).

She's had her ups and downs, balancing brilliance and weakness. (And I better get the chance to hammer Phlunt's stupid face into the ground.)

Taimi is enthusiastic and the one voice of actual light-heartedness the story desperately needs, in a party of dour, one-line-spitting mercenaries.

And the character development doesn't stop. The end of Episode 2 is positively chilling for her emotional state, especially if one has experienced a particular Asura personal story branch.


Kas/Jory could be better with some more purpose and screen time. I'd love to see Jory return to her detective-inspired roots and more of Kasmeer confronting her faith.

Rox looks like she might have some growth coming, and none too soon.

I'm *very* curious about what Linsay had to say about Braham. Fingers crossed for a deep dive into grief and recovery.

Canach *could* be good if we get to see him balance his desire for personal freedom weighed against his desire to do the right thing and be heroic alongside the PC. I'm a sucker for a pithy quote, but he needs to evolve behind being (one of) the party's quip machine.

And Rytlock. I'm sad, because he's gone from a gruff veteran to ... mostly complaining as his source of quips. We got a glimpse of personality and purpose when we finally saw the reason for his absence and dogged determination to avoid going back to the Citadel, but even that conflict was swept away. I've been expecting more gravity and pragmatism, but he's been kind of childish.


Overall, I feel like the writing is getting stronger and on the upswing through PoF and Season 4. More crossed fingers for good luck!


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Most well developed? Taimi. By far.


> She's gone from squealing Caera fangirl to our most loyal teammate (and plot device :P).

> She's had her ups and downs, balancing brilliance and weakness. (And I better get the chance to hammer Phlunt's stupid face into the ground.)

> Taimi is enthusiastic and the one voice of actual light-heartedness the story desperately needs, in a party of dour, one-line-spitting mercenaries.

> And the character development doesn't stop. The end of Episode 2 is positively chilling for her emotional state, especially if one has experienced a particular Asura personal story branch.


Couldn't agree with you more!


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I gotta agree with Scott on best character development. To me Canach is a very gritty character, which to me is awesome. He's had his ups and his downs. He just needs to work on his bomb skills.


Edit: Scott I fixed your mistake.


> @"Scott McGough.6897" said:

> In my opinion, it's Canach.


> Writing 101 teaches us that good characters have a past, that is, somewhere they've been (or are currently) that sets up a new place for them to go as they change and mature.


> Canach started out as a mercenary who crossed the line into criminality; he got caught, jailed, worked off his debt to society, and is now taking pains not to go wind up behind bars again. He also had some really nice character moments with the Commander in Heart of Thorns (esp. if the Commander was sylvari) when he's dealing with the influence of Mordremoth in his head.


> So his character arc has a clear progression, and IMO it's been fun to see each step of his evolution (antagonist, criminal, convict, Order of Shadows agent, freelance merc), especially since he hasn't lost the core personality traits or become a saint--he's still a bit selfish, very snarky, and someone you can absolutely rely on in a pinch.


> Plus, his interactions with ~~Rytlock~~ Cuddles are priceless: brothers-in-arms who give each other a hard time like actual brothers do (at least, the way me and my brother do).




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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Most well developed? Taimi. By far.


> She's gone from squealing Caera fangirl to our most loyal teammate (and plot device :P).

> She's had her ups and downs, balancing brilliance and weakness. (And I better get the chance to hammer Phlunt's stupid face into the ground.)

> Taimi is enthusiastic and the one voice of actual light-heartedness the story desperately needs, in a party of dour, one-line-spitting mercenaries.

> And the character development doesn't stop. The end of Episode 2 is positively chilling for her emotional state, especially if one has experienced a particular Asura personal story branch.




This. So much this! +1

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I'm a HUGE fan of Rytlock, and would love to see him develop in the game more. With that said though, Caithe became my favourite in the HoT expansion. In PoF - not to sure, as I've only finished it once thus far.


What I liked about Caithe, was that she is independent, and I love that she still would like to be a part of vanquishing Moredremoth in the end. I think she'd be an interesting character to see develop in the next expansion. Maybe even taking Traeherne's place?

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> I love Canachs and Rytlotk's interactions! But as someone who missed LWS1, Canach has absolutely 0 development to me, and any other player that missed LWS1. He is just thrown into LWS2 out of nowhere, which is a shame because he is still one of my favorite characters.


> Is it at all possible for you guys to add something in the game so that those who missed LWS1 can still get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past


Oh, I would _love_ for them to add LWS1 in for purchase. I was able to participate in the karka bit (including the LA Lagfest) but I missed almost everything from Scarlet due to real-life obligations. I've read up on it via the wiki, but nothing compares to meeting and experiencing those characters. The recap flashback just isn't enough, and the "tell me about this character" options you get after the recap don't even include Canach as an option. But he is my absolute favorite character (with Taimi in close second, now that we don't spend time with Tybalt...). I know it would probably require a lot of reworking to make it instanced, so it will probably never happen... but gods, would I love to play that season.

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The character's living story really turned me off gw2 at first, but I feel like both the system and the characters have started to hit it's stride the past season. Scarlett was so eye-rollingly mary-sue to me, taimi spent all game telling me how stupid she was and how wonderful scarlett was and how she wished she was with her instead. Hats off to the VA and her director though; they really nailed the 'I want to punch this patronising asura' aspect of the race, and I am not being sarcastic with that. Now she's still a bit annoying but not nearly as much, and I actually don't alt-tab when I know/think she's going to spend ages dispensing plot. When I was escaping the sunspear HQ sticks in my mind; her voice actress really nailed it.


Braham... I honestly first thought he was a prat; "Hurr, I'm a big stupid norn, look at how dumb I am" was the vibe I got. Since Eir died (which was a shame, but eh.) I like how it feels he's stopped being so passive and he's actually getting Stuff done without the PC there to hold his hand. I'm not privy to the overarching plot but I really hope this initiative and questioning of the PC keeps up; I like how he's one of the few non enemy NPCs to turn around and ask me what the hell I'm doing instead of just nodding and following along.


Kasmeer and Marjorie are... well, they're not really been there (certainly recently) but I'm glad you reigned in their love story; it was distracting and/or annoying and I was muttering at the screen for them to shut up and focus on the job the living story before HoT when I hadn't just alt tabbed out to come back when they were done.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:


> And Rytlock. I'm sad, because he's gone from a gruff veteran to ... mostly complaining as his source of quips. We got a glimpse of personality and purpose when we finally saw the reason for his absence and dogged determination to avoid going back to the Citadel, but even that conflict was swept away. I've been expecting more gravity and pragmatism, but he's been kind of childish.



What I hate about Rytlock is how he from one of our mentors had suddenly became almost our pup. Ok, we killed 2 dragons but still it seems like ours roles had changed positions for 180°.


Sorry for my bad english, hope you understood what I ment.

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Talking character development? Well if I had to use an example it'd be Hero-tron. I am serious. Say what you will about all his names, him being placeholder merchandise, he had a genuine arc, loss of identity, and rise to heroism ironically defined by his many names.


Job-o-tron is basically a jerk to refugees that loses his power, Hobo-tron he is a hilarious panhandler and bickers with minstrel even in Scarlet's clutches, Ho-ho-tron is sarcastic due to being stuck begging for charity thanks to Scarlet, Heal-o-tron he goes through great lengths to prove his innocence even taking place in the massive battle in LA, and Hero-tron is the consequence of his bravery and helpfulness somewhat going full circle becoming a "nobler" job-o-tron by being kind to others.


[You know you have a good character when he has an article all about him :smile: ](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/job-o-trons-journey-the-evolution-of-a-gag/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/job-o-trons-journey-the-evolution-of-a-gag/")The thing that is special about this character is the concept itself: a golem character. Before o-tron we only had Mr. Sparkles as a golem character and imo Scruffy failed to be one (his sacrifice was heavily undermined by taimi mentioning 2.0 version). If you didn't like o-tron, fine you were never forced to interact with him only during Scarlet's playhouse dungeon and MAYBE during the battle of LA. He was more like a side quest but his story was genuinely good and funny imo. And while not the "best" character in terms of lore, he at least gives a bit of insight on golems: If something powerful enough happens to them, they can become sentient or maybe o-tron never had a sedative inhibitor chip to begin with who knows? and I hope that he appears in S4 helping the new refugees or help us stop Joko's plans, he is after all an official representative of LA :)


Ty to Peter and Scott and everyone else for writing a great character, now I know what my question will be in this AMA :wink:


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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> Is it at all possible for you guys to add something in the game so that those who missed LWS1 can still get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past


To me this also is one major flaw with the game.

For anyone new, they totally miss out on a very important chapter in this games story. The one were we actually meet the characters, that will accompany us through the whole rest of the game.

It's like a whole chapter was ripped out of a book and after the first part you just jump to a part were you are already "buddy buddy" with the new main characters, without ever having meet them (as far as the reader/ player is concerned).

While it's not as bad for me, who has experienced most of season one, (though it wouldn't hurt to get a refresh/replay) as someone totally new to the franchise, I personally wouldn't pick this game up if so much of the story wasn't playable anymore.

Two of my friends I wanted to convince to get the game, also said they'd rather play a game were they can experience the whole story. (I don't blame them tbh)

While I understand that season 1 was designed very differently and it probably isn't high on the priority list, (if at all...) I hope we will some day get a satisfying way to experience the main narrative of LW season 1 again. For new players and veterans alike, so there isn't that dark gaping hole in the story anymore.


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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > Is it at all possible for you guys to add something in the game so that those who missed LWS1 can still get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past


> Keep a sharp eye open during LS2 (specifically the memory seeds episodes), and you'll see the chronologically earliest appearance of Canach.



Not enough. Sure, its _chronologically_ first in his timeline, but its not the first introduction we had to Canach. We don't get the real introduction that people who played LWS1 got. And nothing can replace that. The least Anet could do in this regard, if they can figure out a good way to do so, is give us an overview of his development throughout LWS1.

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> @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

> > > Is it at all possible for you guys to add something in the game so that those who missed LWS1 can still get the backstory behind Canach? Because right now, for all of us hes a character _WITHOUT_ a past

> >

> > Keep a sharp eye open during LS2 (specifically the memory seeds episodes), and you'll see the chronologically earliest appearance of Canach.

> >


> Not enough. Sure, its _chronologically_ first in his timeline, but its not the first introduction we had to Canach. We don't get the real introduction that people who played LWS1 got. And nothing can replace that. The least Anet could do in this regard, if they can figure out a good way to do so, is give us an overview of his development throughout LWS1.


Absolutely it's not first on the gameplay-order timeline, but what I meant was, as you noted, first on *his* timeline. And you're right, it doesn't explain the LS1 backstory AT ALL.

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Best one was still Marjory and Kasmeer as a couple. I loved how initially it was just hinted at. Sure, bluntly so, but there were plenty players who went all "Oh come on, you're just making things up!". It's a bit sad they're basically not used any more, just individually and briefly, but I liked them a lot more back in LS1 anyhow.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> While I'm not a designer or member of the Narrative Team, I hope it's ok to jump in with my thoughts as a player. For instances of character development came to my mind when I read the question. So, as a personal opinion, I'd like to give a shout-out to [Trahearne](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trahearne "Trahearne"). (And I will carefully avoid Spoilers, if I'm able.)


> Sure, I wasn't a fan of ol' Trahearne when he seemed to be claiming all the credit due The Commander in the early days. And sometimes his personality rubbed me the wrong way in the way he presented things or in a few choices he made. But really, when viewed as a whole, I think the story arc was well executed and I believe I "got it" and better accepted/liked/approved of him when viewed as a whole. I particularly liked his resolve, his outreach to others, and of course his bravery.


> And don't get me started on [Tybalt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightbringer_Tybalt_Leftpaw "Tybalt") or [snaf](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Snaff "Snaf")f! Love them to pieces!


Trahearne had a really good character arc and backstory that was let down by the writing in the original personal story. When viewed as a whole---him trying to be the best person he could be as a firstborn sylvari and being disliked for it, his 'perfection' (hah) inadvertently fueling the rift that led to the Nightmare Court, his estrangement from the Pale Tree sylvaris, finding hope again when someone simply came along and trusted in him and his dreams even when he himself no longer could.....it was a really good story. His resolve in the face of his fears and insecurities was particularly notable, as well as his absolute faith in the person who trusted him.


It's a bit of a shame that the original PS wasn't all that great at writing its main characters (looking at you, Destiny's Edge), but I've always enjoyed the full arc of his story concept.

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