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The Dodge Key.


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Okay, simple thread.

Every time I switch between my necromancer and my ranger I go into my settings and adjust which buttons I want to affect which skills.

For example, on Scourge I bind F1 to my mouse wheel (which I have locked) whereas with my soulbeast I switch that to F5 for easily ducking in and out of the soulbeast's merged state. This is just one example, I find I switch around quite a few keys for comfortable use depending on the situation. As an average player playing a competitive game I need to make ease my situation as best that I can.


That said, I've never found a comfortable button for dodging, and I'm -le gasp- still double tapping the relevant movement keys.

The split quarter second difference between a single button press and two has gotten me killed. A lot.


How do you guys bind your dodge key? Any buttons on the keyboard that feel comfortable, or do you bind it to your mouse? (I have a logitech gaming mouse.)


~ Kovu


edit- [Theme of thread.](

"Theme of thread.")
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I've always preferred caps lock for jump (actually I use autohotkey to change caps lock to some other key like pgdn then bind that to jump). A symptom of being an arrow key user many years ago for old games - and I used to use right control for crouch with right shift for jump. Got used to left hand little finger using jump so eventually when transitioning to wasd naturally it made sense to have caps lock as jump and left shift as crouch (or in gw2 it's just a modifier key and free camera). Spacebar is always dodge/roll for me in any game that has it. Jump feels weird there, and it's always the first thing I rebind.


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The keybinds I find comfortable with:


Movements - WASD

Jump - Space Bar (using thumb finger)

Dodge - Left Shift (using pinky finger, single-press dodge of course)

Weapon Skills - 1-5

Healing Skill - X (using thumb)

Utility Skills - C, V, B (using thumb)

Elite Skill - Q

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> i bind it on a button on my mouse, on the side next to right mouse button.


This, I also have heal and elite above and below it with F5 just behind (position 8) for easy access to the powerful extra profession mechanics added.


Mouse: https://www.corsair.com/uk/en/Color/scimitar-pro-config-eu/p/CH-9304111-EU


Edit: it has more buttons than I wanted tbh but I got it on special offer and having had a Corsair keyboard it all matches up nicely. Personally I’d have preferred a razor hex but it’s all good.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > i bind it on a button on my mouse, on the side next to right mouse button.


> This, I also have heal and elite above and below it with F5 just behind (position 8) for easy access to the powerful extra profession mechanics added.


> Mouse: https://www.corsair.com/uk/en/Color/scimitar-pro-config-eu/p/CH-9304111-EU


> Edit: it has more buttons than I wanted tbh but I got it on special offer and having had a Corsair keyboard it all matches up nicely. Personally I’d have preferred a razor hex but it’s all good.


your mouse only has those buttons on the left side, mine has additonally one on the right side that i use for dodge :D

or is that large thing there a button?

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > i bind it on a button on my mouse, on the side next to right mouse button.

> >

> > This, I also have heal and elite above and below it with F5 just behind (position 8) for easy access to the powerful extra profession mechanics added.

> >

> > Mouse: https://www.corsair.com/uk/en/Color/scimitar-pro-config-eu/p/CH-9304111-EU

> >

> > Edit: it has more buttons than I wanted tbh but I got it on special offer and having had a Corsair keyboard it all matches up nicely. Personally I’d have preferred a razor hex but it’s all good.


> your mouse only has those buttons on the left side, mine has additonally one on the right side that i use for dodge :D

> or is that large thing there a button?


It’s just a finger rest on the right side, all the buttons are on the left side. Mouse wheel clicks down for an additional button and the sensitivity buttons below the mouse wheel can be rebound but can be awkward.


Regardless I find having the dodge key, heal and elite the same on all classes nice for consistency, the F5 can get a bit confusing as not all classes/elites have it so you sometimes forget to use it but it’s still more accessible than the actual F5 key for someone with average hands.

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I use left shift for dodge because having my pinky permanently on tab target seems rather pointless, and this way I can jump, dodge, cast skills, and move at the same time.


I get that people like V for dodge-jumping with the same motion, but I never found it comfortable since I play with low-profile low-travel keyboard keys (making the press on both keys very awkward for the thumb) and can usually time LShift and Space better. Though to be honest, I'd rather them remove dodge-jumping because it seems like such an arbitrary additional skill that really only rewards macro users.

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I, too, have dodge bound to mouse key. Question for those who also use the mouse for dodge: do you find pulling off a jump-dodge to be difficult due to using the two different devices? Seems to me that if I have dodge and jump on the same device, it gets registered, but if they are on different devices the timing is messed up.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> Question for those who also use the mouse for dodge: do you find pulling off a jump-dodge to be difficult due to using the two different devices? Seems to me that if I have dodge and jump on the same device, it gets registered, but if they are on different devices the timing is messed up.


for me it doesnt make a difference, but i am used to mouse + keyboard so that feels kinda easier to me


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Oh, I forgot to thank you guys for your suggestions.


'V' doesn't really do it for me. I've tried caplocks, but I find if I key anything to that I'm spending more time yelling in chat than I'd like.

Maybe I'll try keying it to my mouse, and see how that feels.


~ Kovu

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Apparently I'm weird for using space bar as my dodge key lol.


I figured that as a somewhat decent panic button that you might try to suddenly hit to get that reflexive clutch-dodge, you'd want the button to be fairly large so you don't fat finger it. Plus since dodge can be used to interrupt other animations when you need to do so, it's good to have it on a button that you have access to at all times (left thumb is always open).


Left shift is a decent button too since technically the pinky is a tad bit faster than the thumb but it is slightly less precise.

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