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Any way to revert crafting mistake? Share your fails


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While crafting Bifrost I made a component belonging to Nevermore... just because I didn't read to well...

I made the error crafting Precise Staff Woodworking Tools instead Superior Staff Woodworking Tools, or the other way around I still do not know

Might have been due to the time of crafting being 03:00 at night and me being really really tired. I got the stuff refunded.

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I uploaded a recipe for my legendary not on my huntsmam. I then bought a 3rd crafting licence and levelled him ip to huntsman 500 (my second at that level).


I found out a short time later they had already previously changed recipes to be account bound....


I also farmed for 250 crystalline ingots for Aurora. Imagine my surprise when the forge returned 249 because i didnt read the recipe properly....



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I salvaged the exotic commander backpack used for the collection achievement in kourna. Turns out you need it to craft the ascended version. Customer support did refund me the materials though.


Then perhaps a month later I spent 5 balls of dark energy to buy an item required for the ad infinitum precursor...that I had already made! They did refund me after I destroyed the item but this time I also got a 'be more careful note' added.

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For a while I was going through a cycle where every few months I'd decide to make a push to get a craft to 500, completely mess up in one or more ways - crafting the wrong thing, or too many of the same thing, or getting 3/4 components for a recipe only to realise the 4th is _really_ expensive....then I'd give up and 'ban' myself from crafting just for the sake of levelling it up and tell myself I'd get there eventually by making things I actually needed. Then I'd forget and start over with the same craft or a different one. I suspect that cycle only really stopped because I finally got all the crafts (except Scribe) to 500 so the temptation was gone.


(And yes I could have used a guide, but for some reason some part of my mind has decided that counts as cheating and I'm only allowed to do it if I cannot find any other way to progress.)


And that was after making all the classic mistakes, like turning **all** my carefully horded wood into dowels or making nothing but [Runes of Life](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_Life "Runes of Life") until it stopped giving XP.

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Guess I'll put in my two cents, because why not. I don't make many crafting mistakes, but when I make significant ones... Yeah.


The biggest one I can remember is on my Engineer. It was the early days of introduced ascended weapons, and I had just enough money to do the job so I could give her the weapons I wanted her to have. Hopped on GW2crafts.net ready to go, since I never really had a big crafting undertaking prior to then since it was just a kind of thing that didn't interest me at the time. So, I went through all the guides step by step. Weaponsmith level 0 to 500 in one sitting! I was broke in the end--dirt broke--but I accomplished it! And now I was ready to finally give my Engineer her shiny, new, ascended pistols!


... Turns out, pistols were for 500 Huntsman, not 500 Weaponsmith.

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> @"MrRay.3027" said:

> Came back to gw2 (around 2 months ago) and wanted to make a marauder set for my thief. Made the marauder set. Then I realised I made with the tailor. :anguished:

> I wanna see somebody beat that kind of stupidity.


I can help you with that. I wanted to forge my light set for my necro to vipers... got 4 parts of my trailblazer set from my ranger for that accidentally. And the best is yet to come: it was also my precursor set from raids... so not only did I loose the vipers insignia (wich I replaced and forged the right set later on) plus the trailblazer stats but also the pre. I forged it full to magi as a second set for my druid later and said whats done is done. Needless to say I won't be making legendary armor like ever after this.


So your welcome and I'm sure noone can beat this stupidity. Btw I didn't even try to write a ticket to explain this clusterkitten.

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Here's 4 separate fails in the past week when I tried to make gear for necro


![](https://i.imgur.com/opS8BBj.png "")



The 3 armor pieces next to the marauder insignia were from the triumphant reward chest where you can select any armor. I selected 3 medium pieces.... needed light. So I was like w/e. I'll just craft ascended armor again....



I still have 5 boxes left, so I open them and have everything besides gloves. I'll just craft ascended gloves and crafted Svvard's epaulets. Except that's not gloves. That's a shoulder piece. That means the exotic shoulder piece is also wasted now.



I try to craft ascended gloves for real this time. I order 9 ebony orbs for 3 things-- the gloves, and 2 other marauder weapons. (You know, maybe do one thing at a time at this point. Nah) It took a few hours for the orbs to arrive.


Meanwhile, I realize I need a 3rd weapon-- the staff. I do have a zerker staff, but I want a marauder one because metabattle says so but don't want to get rid of said staff. But I have grandmaster marks lying around so I unlock Hero's staff and plan to get marauder stats with the mistforged (ascended) one. I then realize I already have a marauder staff on my revenant. Never mind then; all I had to do was swap between the two characters. I do save my grandmaster's marks at least, but I waste an unlock and now I can't do anything with the grandmaster weapon marks until I unlock something else.




And once they orbs arrived I made 3 marauders insignias as a batch. So the gloves get made; no problem but then I remember weapons don't use insignias.


gg At least it wasn't like back then when they were like 1g each. The actual losses were very minimal, but the time wasted is much worse.

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I decided to craft all the remaining underwater ascended weapons I needed. So I checked on GW2EFFICIENCY to figure out what was missing on my characters, and added up the spears, harpoons and tridents I needed. Crafted them all, then started dishing them out to all my characters. Realised pretty quickly that I had more harpoons than I needed, and fewer spears. Ended up with 3 harpoons I didn't need, and missing 3 spears.


It turns out that there is a bug in GW2EFFICIENCY where it shows you that a spear is a harpoon, and vice versa. So I figured I would ask support if there was anything they could do. They said "sure" and after some discussions they gave me back the materials I'd used to make the harpoons. But not the raw materials, the rifle stocks and harpoons. Which at this point were completely useless. My fault for not realising that support can only undo one level of crafting, not all of them. Which is pretty useless, when you think how many levels you have to go through to make some crafted items.


I've got all my weapons now, but it cost me a fair few gold to make up for my mistake. And those rifle stocks and harpoons are still in my bags. Maybe one day I'll have extra characters that need them!

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  • 5 months later...

I'm grateful I found this thread! These stories are reassuring as last night, I figured the way to get a Ball of Dark Energy was to salvage my Precursor: Friendship.

. . .

I'm currently waiting for CS to respond. These stories give me hope. Just a lot more waiting.


I wonder what customer support told the OP.

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I accidently salvaged the exotic backpack you make during the dauntless commander backpack achievement, not realizing you needed it to make the ascended version. While waiting for support, I figured, well, why not, bought everything to make another one, made the ascended, and then support refunded me the pieces of the original. Sooo...


500 map currency later I have purchased all the rest of the pieces, sent them all to my tailor only to discover....you can only make one. Why they have the pieces available to BUY I do not know.


However, the lovely support team being who they are, when I requested a refund, they proposed instead I get the backpack I'd been making. So I now have /2/ dauntless banner backpacks. :)



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Brain fart when crafting Astralaria. I already had the precursor (The Mechanism).


I still have it and I crafted this again thinking it was part of the next step. I'm just gonna eat the loss since I can afford it, but support is very helpful for mistakes like these and kudos to them for that. They've helped me for a bigger loss before that was also totally my own stupidity again.


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UPDATE - I only had to wait 24 hours for Customer Support to respond. After the initial email and 10 minutes delightful emails with CS, my Friendship was back in my inventory. It's so nice having a CS team that really understands their product and their players. I'm relieved that whatever delays CS service had in the past getting to requests seems to been cleared up. And now I have the Shooshadoo!

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  • 9 months later...

I think the game needs an overhaul to connect every aspect of the game into a whole. Crafting feels weird to me, because when indo it, i do it only to gain like slots or just for the sake to have pieces to share with alts to just play power on all leather or cloth or heavy classes. I fail so many time crafting bacause i forget i already have some certain pieces.. i know it’s my “fault”.... yet it’s my disabillity to not have patience or simply forget in a splitsecond that it might be better to check my gear.. like a simple notify: you already have this, are you sure to continue, would make this feel better to me personally cause im somewhat anxious to use the forge or crafting since it is too costly to mess up... anxiety is something i already struggle with irl.. pls give me some relief ingame.. what would also help is to connect it to a short storyline or guide/tutorial how to connect it to game aspects like... “this is ascended gear, put it over here, if you put it in this slot, you can’t delete it and we notify you if you already have this.” “When ascended is created please be aware the stats you choose are reversable, yet it costs expensive mats.” “ be aware you can share this piece of gear with your other characters with the same gear attunement.” With the option to disable the notification if your getting annoyed by it, or for people like me, to have it permanently on, cause i would click it away and forget about it, yet regret i did that, cause i forgot how to put yhe notify back up.. yes, i know im a minority, but it would imo make this game feel more social and caring whicht already is... like yesterday i again recreated a costly piece.. sigh.. thanks in advance.

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> @"ONko.7460" said:

> Hi,

> by chance, is there any way to ask ArenaNet to revert crafting mistakes? I accidentally crafted 2 Spiritwood Focus Cores instead of Scepter Cores, costing a total about 30g. Seems that the game is indeed telling me to focus more. I think there's not much I can do other than scrape up those golds again (I know it's not much for lots of players, but for me 30g is quite a deal).


> I'm sure there are more and worse crafting or other mistakes that you guys made, can you share so I don't feel so silly here?

> Thanks :)


Well if you want to complete some collections you can use them in the future.


> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/KcdvC9k.jpg)


> Someday I will find a use for these ...


Sell them on the trading post.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"ONko.7460" said:

> > Hi,

> > by chance, is there any way to ask ArenaNet to revert crafting mistakes? I accidentally crafted 2 Spiritwood Focus Cores instead of Scepter Cores, costing a total about 30g. Seems that the game is indeed telling me to focus more. I think there's not much I can do other than scrape up those golds again (I know it's not much for lots of players, but for me 30g is quite a deal).

> >

> > I'm sure there are more and worse crafting or other mistakes that you guys made, can you share so I don't feel so silly here?

> > Thanks :)


> Well if you want to complete some collections you can use them in the future.


> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/KcdvC9k.jpg)

> >

> > Someday I will find a use for these ...


> Sell them on the trading post.


IIRC they were selling for less than their materials back when that was posted.

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