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Make WvW a better gamemode.


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I started the game as a pve players, learnt the mechanics of the professions, made my 100% map completion, then I switched to sPvP because I wanted to fight real people and not mobs anymore.


Lately geared myself full ascended I moved to WvW because sPvP is so unbalanced and become unfun for me.


I love wvw as a solo roamer only, I seldom join zergs to take a keep or garri etc. But I mainly solo roam around flipping camps fighting other roamers etc.


I love the gamemode, but the main issue with is how repetitive is... go around... take camp, take tower, take keep etc.


They should implement quests to it in my opinion, similar to open world pve.


So if you are a new player who doesn't like pvp yoy just do open world, do the hearts kill mobs etc.

If you like the risk of fighting other players while completely a quest then you go wvw.


Sometimes i just walk miles of map without encountering a single person, because the objective are kinda far each other and don't give much overall to thr singular player, just daily completion and wvw rank and thats it.


And sometimes the only people i find are pve players who just come to do their daily in green gear and then leave.


Even the zerg gameplay is so repetitive and boring, always the same fights spot, always the same objective to defende or capture, and this beyond the problem of profession, is a problem of the gamemode itself which could easily become "the gamemode" with some good revamp and addition.


I think a system to penalyze gankers who attack you 6vs1 and chase you for half the map till they killed you would be appreciated somehow, but yeah removing ganking without destroying the gamemode is probably not possible.


What do you guys think?

I still love to play wvw, i go around doing roaming stuffs, so don't tell me: wvw is not for you bla bla, go try something else.

But i think good addition could make wvw way more fun for both group and solo players.

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Difficult request to resolve, but I understand what you mean. Going around in circles can get boring. What kind of quests are you talking about?


When the desert bl was first introduced, it had a huge gathering quest in the middle of the map that when won, lightning cannons would strike all enemy doors. People complained that it was too much: too powerful, too long, too bothersome, too frequent, and so Anet took it out. Similar thing was on the alpine bl when it had a huge lake in the middle of the map: saving quaggans from kraits would send quaggan mercenaries to nearby keeps and the center temple would be claimable, sending lightning strikes to all enemy structures. I don't know if users complained about that, but they replaced both with the bloodlust shrines and shrunk the lake to a moat.

If these are the type of quests you are talking about, I doubt anet would make map-wide, highly impactful quests again.


There are currently pve events still on the corners of the alpine bl: skritt and centaurs. But they have no wvw meaning and therefore no one does them.


The dredge, ogres, and frogs on EBG are moderately impactful quests, and people do them; some servers have scouts that covet them. These have perhaps found the right balance. Maybe anet could reintroduce mercenaries or some similarly impactful events on the borderlands then.

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Wvw needs a class balance fix, a world population fix (restructure) first and foremost. I am sorry, but wvw has enough pve in the form of ppt. Adding more pve elements doesnt suit wvw, really. Is it repetitive? Sure. Does it get boring? Of course. All game modes do. The thrillis with the big fights, fights that differ every week because servers change is what defines wvw, at least to me. And roamers play a huge role there by denying critical supps to a besieged objective, by killing dollies, by harassing reinforcements. There is a lot one can do in wvw, besides capping sentries.

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Well, you're saying that you miss out on the main gameplay of the mode, so this doesn't surprise me.


The objectives themselves should be a little more interesting though, I agree. If we ever see changes to how sieges work (there's a thread about it after all) it might get better already. Maybe the AI on guards and camps could use a slight update too, not making it too hard to solo a camp but maybe reduce the amount of luring them into a single spot then bursting all of them down.

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> @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> When the desert bl was first introduced, it had a huge gathering quest in the middle of the map that when won, lightning cannons would strike all enemy doors. People complained that it was too much: too powerful, too long, too bothersome, too frequent, and so Anet took it out.


You didn't list the more frequent and important complaint, too much lag.


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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> I think that if you don't like large scale fights and you get annoyed when you get ganked that this game mode just isn't for you.


Indeed...this is numbers game, bring more to win...pvp would be more suited to those people, but Anet made it stupid, by making it pugs only

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GW2 doesnt have quests per say, but events and hearts... WvW doesnt have hearts, but does have events.

Besides the basic take/defend events you get from objectives, you get events from some champion mobs around the map and some events on the corners of the borderlands (centaurs, skritt, ghosts), and in mercenary camps (hylek, dredge, ogres) on EBG.


Mostly, WvW is a community driven game. You need to make your own quests and depend less on the game to give you pointers...

As a roamer, this can be to clear siege on keeps, disrupt supplies, attack people stranded from other team (people that are trying to join or run back to the main zerg), etc.


If you are looking for more people to roam with or help you with tips to keep roaming fun and engaging, send me a msg, I have a roaming guild in a server with a few people.

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If you want things to get interesting you have to first become interesting. Nobody cares if you flip their camps and sentries on their t3 map. Step it up to threatening their towers. That is something a solo player can do. Use a balista and clear all the siege off their keeps, keep it contested and you can bet someone will show up. You need to learn how to make a map hot.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> > When the desert bl was first introduced, it had a huge gathering quest in the middle of the map that when won, lightning cannons would strike all enemy doors. People complained that it was too much: too powerful, too long, too bothersome, too frequent, and so Anet took it out.


> You didn't list the more frequent and important complaint, too much lag.




It was fun, should of been a huge deal for the mode.. But it was released broken and got removed rather than fixed. What's worse is all the capture nodes got pushed to the side in order for this area to exist.

End result was a massive double fail.. No thanks to a repeat of that.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> > > When the desert bl was first introduced, it had a huge gathering quest in the middle of the map that when won, lightning cannons would strike all enemy doors. People complained that it was too much: too powerful, too long, too bothersome, too frequent, and so Anet took it out.

> >

> > You didn't list the more frequent and important complaint, too much lag.

> >


> Absolutely.

> It was fun, should of been a huge deal for the mode.. But it was released broken and got removed rather than fixed. What's worse is all the capture nodes got pushed to the side in order for this area to exist.

> End result was a massive double fail.. No thanks to a repeat of that.


Led to small scale fights which was a nice switch.. but that lag.....

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> I think that if you don't like large scale fights and you get annoyed when you get ganked that this game mode just isn't for you.


That isn't what the OP said at all. I have been heavily invested in WvW for the past year and now I spend more time in WvW than in PVE content. The OP is right, particularly on my server, it does get boring capping and re-capping the same things over and over. Sure there are NPCs such as Dredge, Hylek etc on EBG but it would be nice if there were a couple of dynamic events that popped up (other than the champs everyone ignores) or something else that occurred to spice things up when the mid-week slump hits.


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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > I think that if you don't like large scale fights and you get annoyed when you get ganked that this game mode just isn't for you.


> That isn't what the OP said at all. I have been heavily invested in WvW for the past year and now I spend more time in WvW than in PVE content. The OP is right, particularly on my server, it does get boring capping and re-capping the same things over and over. Sure there are NPCs such as Dredge, Hylek etc on EBG but it would be nice if there were a couple of dynamic events that popped up (other than the champs everyone ignores) or something else that occurred to spice things up when the mid-week slump hits.



"I love wvw as a solo roamer only, I seldom join zergs to take a keep or garri etc. But I mainly solo roam around flipping camps fighting other roamers etc.


I love the gamemode, but the main issue with is how repetitive is... go around... take camp, take tower, take keep etc.......


Even the zerg gameplay is so repetitive and boring, always the same fights spot, always the same objective to defende or capture, and this beyond the problem of profession, is a problem of the gamemode itself which could easily become "the gamemode" with some good revamp and addition.


I think a system to penalyze gankers who attack you 6vs1 and chase you for half the map till they killed you would be appreciated somehow, but yeah removing ganking without destroying the gamemode is probably not possible."


What OP did you read?

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