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Legendary Weapons

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I invested a great deal of time in getting the collection to start making a Legendary Weapon, only to run up against a brick wall. Seems the next step requires me to do PVP and WvW to get the components to make the first stage. I am not a pvper never have been and never will be. Please ANet come up with other ways for us to make them without pvp of any kind. I understand that is my choice but what happened to being able to play my way.

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> @"Blue.2734" said:

> I invested a great deal of time in getting the collection to start making a Legendary Weapon, only to run up against a brick wall. Seems the next step requires me to do PVP and WvW to get the components to make the first stage. I am not a pvper never have been and never will be. Please ANet come up with other ways for us to make them without pvp of any kind. I understand that is my choice but what happened to being able to play my way.


If it's the Shard of Glory and the Memory of Battle items, those you can buy on the Trading Post.


The only part of a legendary that requires actual "play" is the Gift of Battle which is a WvW reward track. You can do the easier dailies and slowly progress to it (like kill a sentry, kill a caravan, take a camp, land claimer etc). Those easier dailies typically do not require any PvP, especially if you do them off-peak hours. The reward for doing WvW dailies is a jar of something that grants reward track progress. It will take a while, but if you're doing the collections for the precursor, you're not aiming for quick as possible.


Which legendary are you working towards?


Edit to add: Legendary items are just as good as ascended items stat wise so you're not held back in any way by not getting a legendary. So them requiring specific avenues for play is not against their creed. I'd be perfectly fine if they changed the requirements to require both PvP and WvW play instead of being able to get around the PvP play completely and most of the WvW play. And I don't PvP either.

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Are you talking about Memories of Battle and Shards of Glory? If so you can buy them from the Trading Post, so you don't need to play WvW or PvP to get them.


But you will need the Gift of Battle for the final stage, which can _only_ be earned by completing a WvW reward track. However, there are ways to complete the reward track without actually playing WvW - mainly by doing 'PvE' dailies in WvW like Big Spender and Master of Monuments and then using the Potion of WvW Rewards from that to progress the reward track. But that's very slow so if you want to do it that way I recommend starting as soon as you can.


Edit: I also recommend using the Wiki to find out what else your chosen legendary is going to require, so you don't run into any more nasty surprises along the way. Are you aware that the second crafting stage requires a few hundred gold worth of materials, including a lot which you can only craft once per day? Do you know you need to do map completion on either all the base game maps or an entire expansion (depending on which legendary it is)? Do you know some of them require completing Fractals and need dungeon tokens?


I'm not saying any of that is a problem for you, but I know some people absolutely hate some or all of those things and have said they'd never do it, which means they have to either give up on getting a legendary or find a way to get through content they hate doing.

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Thank you both, I was not aware I could buy those but if the gift of battle requires you to do WvW I will probably only go as far as the ascended weapon then. I did look at the Wiki but became overwhelmed with all there was do so I was trying to go one step at a time. I wanted Kudzu for my ranger and Sunrise for my mezzer. I have done map completion and Fractals but only a couple of dungeons, neither of those things I mind doing. Again thank you for your helpful information. Happy Gaming to both of you :)

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> @"Blue.2734" said:

> Thank you both, I was not aware I could buy those but if the gift of battle requires you to do WvW I will probably only go as far as the ascended weapon then. I did look at the Wiki but became overwhelmed with all there was do so I was trying to go one step at a time. I wanted Kudzu for my ranger and Sunrise for my mezzer. I have done map completion and Fractals but only a couple of dungeons, neither of those things I mind doing. Again thank you for your helpful information. Happy Gaming to both of you :)


The precursor for legendary weapons aint ascended Im afraid only exotic.

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> @"Blue.2734" said:

> Thank you both, I was not aware I could buy those but if the gift of battle requires you to do WvW I will probably only go as far as the ascended weapon then. I did look at the Wiki but became overwhelmed with all there was do so I was trying to go one step at a time. I wanted Kudzu for my ranger and Sunrise for my mezzer. I have done map completion and Fractals but only a couple of dungeons, neither of those things I mind doing. Again thank you for your helpful information. Happy Gaming to both of you :)


Do the dailies in WVW, if you do the easy ones(Land claimer, camp capturer, dolyak killer, big spender..there may be one more) you can get the Gob in about 2-3 weeks for less than 30 minutes spent in WVW a day.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Blue.2734" said:

> > Thank you both, I was not aware I could buy those but if the gift of battle requires you to do WvW I will probably only go as far as the ascended weapon then. I did look at the Wiki but became overwhelmed with all there was do so I was trying to go one step at a time. I wanted Kudzu for my ranger and Sunrise for my mezzer. I have done map completion and Fractals but only a couple of dungeons, neither of those things I mind doing. Again thank you for your helpful information. Happy Gaming to both of you :)


> Do the dailies in WVW, if you do the easy ones(Land claimer, camp capturer, dolyak killer, big spender..there may be one more) you can get the Gob in about 2-3 weeks for less than 30 minutes spent in WVW a day.


master of monument and guard killer is easy aswell.

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> @"Blue.2734" said:

> Thank you both, I was not aware I could buy those but if the gift of battle requires you to do WvW I will probably only go as far as the ascended weapon then. I did look at the Wiki but became overwhelmed with all there was do so I was trying to go one step at a time. I wanted Kudzu for my ranger and Sunrise for my mezzer. I have done map completion and Fractals but only a couple of dungeons, neither of those things I mind doing. Again thank you for your helpful information. Happy Gaming to both of you :)


It is also quite a bit cheaper to buy Leaf of Kudzu than to craft and you also don't need to get any of the account bound stuff like geodes.

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Gift of battle is like 8 hours in WvW with the 10% WvW reward track boost from guild hall I think. You don’t even have to PvP while doing it, just run around taking camps, sentries and dolyaks.


If you have a bunch of boosters laying around you can cut that down to about 4 hours.


Edit: Compared to the overall process of crafting a legendary, this is a very tiny portion of what is involved. Personally I’d rather do 5 gifts of battle than 1 map completion!

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> Gift of battle is like 8 hours in WvW with the 10% WvW reward track boost from guild hall I think. You don’t even have to PvP while doing it, just run around taking camps, sentries and dolyaks.


> If you have a bunch of boosters laying around you can cut that down to about 4 hours.


> Edit: Compared to the overall process of crafting a legendary, this is a very tiny portion of what is involved. Personally I’d rather do 5 gifts of battle than 1 map completion!


That depends. HoT map completion for the gen2 weapons is much faster than core map completion for gen1 even if you account for the the fact that core gives 2.

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It's worth trying out WvW to see if you might change your mind. Check in "[looking for guild](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild)" or "players helping players" for ideas. In particular, @"Danikat.8537" wrote an excellent summary:

[Guide to Getting the Gift of Battle, for Newbies](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25167/guide-to-getting-the-gift-of-battle-for-wvw-newbies)


Included in that thread is a method for avoiding WvW entirely, if you really want to.


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For WvW check with your guild. Do they have a WvW group night? If they do then join up with them. WvW is a lot easier and not as stressful if you’re doing it with a guild. At least they won’t run off and leave you behind (if they do it might be time to find a different guild). You’ll also get through the reward track faster as your group can tackle more things. If your guild doesn’t have a WvW night then maybe look into joining with a WvW guild for a while.

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While WvW may sound quite scary or intimidating for players who only play PvE, there are many easy ways to get some reward tracks filled.


1. Capture a camp

2. Capture a sentry point

3. Repair a damaged wall/gate (Try to leave around 300 supplies in your keep or stonemist castle in case as your team needs them to build sieges)

4. Look for a commander tag with 10+ players and just do what they do. Take supplies from camps, build their rams/catapults and follow to capture locations. (This is the best way to learn WvW) Some commanders focus on killing other player groups, better avoid these for now. Just follow one that focuses on capturing.


You WILL get run over by enemy groups from time to time, but this is an inherent risk of the game type. If this happens or annoys you, just go to another location or map and you will find you can get quite some WvW progress with a PvE-ish playstyle.

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Hey OP!

First, when I thought about making my first legendary, I too hit the brick wall and thought that I'll only work towards the final Precursor and leave it at that.

Alas, my greed took the better part of me and I finished the legendary which I then sold for quite some profit by gathering most materials and buying only cheap things such as the Shards of Glory and Memories of Battle, as others already stated (You can never state this enough, though).

My biggest gripe, as is yours, was the Gift of Battle, now locked behind an entire reward track. Good were the times when the GoB was locked behind a 500 Badges of Honor paywall... laughable! So I grit my teeth and tried the "Big Spender" tactic, which only requires you to do the daily of the same name to receive one reward track potion... in total, repeat that process 80 times to have your Gift of Battle at once. Sounds easy, but the hardest part was the waiting. So after some weeks of soft Big Spender grinding, I went full on, popped those XP boosters sitting in my bank (you know, the ones increasing your reward track progress as well) and did "real" WvW.

And guess what the biggest surprise was: I had fun. In fact, I had so much fun, that I did not just play WvW to close the gap to the potions I had gathered until then, but kept on playing. So, after a mere 6-8 hours of playing (opposed to doing Big Spender 80 times over the course of months), I got my Gift of Battle and still had more than 20 potions sitting in my bank.

So, in short, just giving WvW a chance was enough to see that it's not that bad once you get some spatial awareness (when there are 30+ red players, run!). Perhaps you might even enjoy yourself. In the future, GoB won't be stopping me from crafting more legendaries. Neither should it stop you. Try something new and perhaps you discover a totally new way to enjoy GW2?

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > People need to stop making Legendaries if they don't want to play the game.


> That's pretty harsh. I'd say that people need to *research* what needs to be done, to find pain points *before* sinking several hundred gold into anything.


You are right, I always assume people will look before jumping. I feel stupid now.

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I'm on my 3rd legendary weapon, and I wish I'd stockpiled GoB back when you could get them of a merchant. WvW is so boaring these days. I remember when it was alive and fun, now it's run around looking for a squad/group of people on your side and avoid getting ganked by the other group roaming around. the progression on the track is so painfully slow, and the game play in WvW is what makes it so much more worse. I can say with 100% certainty that I will never, ever, ever make another legendary after this. Not unless theer is a better way to get a GoB with out having to play WvW for 8 mind numbing hours that suck at my will to live.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > People need to stop making Legendaries if they don't want to play the game.

> >

> > That's pretty harsh. I'd say that people need to *research* what needs to be done, to find pain points *before* sinking several hundred gold into anything.


> You are right, I always assume people will look before jumping. I feel stupid now.


Well you know what they say about assume...

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