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Is Beetle Mount worth it?

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > What does the beetle give you that other mounts can't do (other than break through walls).

> High speed at a consistent basis without the need of climbing a mountain first.


As long as the surface is mostly flat.

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It costs nothing, so by all means do the collections. Is it "worth" it? It is not a major advantage over other mounts, so don't feel like you need to rush it. It can be fun for a bit to goof around riding, but there are only a few places where it is better than the previous mounts, maybe a bit of the new map and some of the desert maps if you don't have WPs unlocked/nearby. Waiting 10 seconds for the endurance bar to fill every time you get on it is annoying.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> The title says it all.

> What does the beetle give you that other mounts can't do (other than break through walls).


The answer to this depends on how you feel about big collections in general in this game.

The basic stuff in Kourna was simple enough but there are two World Bosses on two hour timers you need to engage (Golem and Ley Line Anomaly) as well as a couple of other open world spots (vet beetle in Far Silverwastes and Junundu worms).


-I had two times trying to get the Golem in Mount Maelstrom where the event bugged out and did not spawn and of course by the time I swapped instances to a non-bugged one it was dead. Got it the third time

-There were a lot of people at the Ley Line Anomaly that didnt get hits in before it died causing a fair amount of salt.

-The Beetle in far Silverwastes was only a Veteran and the moment after it spawned all the Necro marks spammed to tag it had it down to 25% health before most of us could autoattack, (again leaving a fair number of people unable to get a hit in).

-The worms in Desolation took about twenty minutes to finally get my collection piece because again, people were absolutely nuking down the worms that spawned. That's more time just tagging worms.


Long story short it was not fun. Not at all. A very similar experience to precusor collections. Tedious and filled with waiting at the best of times.


The beetle is great, and I love it. The speed and movement of it is absolutely fantastic. But between bugged events and community greed, it was some of the least fun time I have spent in this game.


Worth it?

I suppose, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.

I don't mind that it took me a fair bit of time to earn, I actually like that. But much of that time was "down time", or time spent waiting and really goes against why I play this game in the first place.


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In LW3, we got masteries (oakheart etc) we never use in other maps, in this season, we got a new mount ability (breaking walls). Here is how the mount works:


* You rez the mount, and your dodge bar is depleted.

* Over 30s it charges and refills which means the Beetle has full energy.

* You then hit your dodge key and it will take off in an auto-run at max speed (think of Jackal double blink only visible and on the ground)

* So other than the speed, it is just another mount, with another "hook" or quirky ability.


I find the S and C clunky keys to use as controls and haven't really found them helpful in controlling it. It most certainly doesn't turn on a dime! =) Once you complete the 3 collections, and get the Beetle, it tells you to do the Roller Beetle training Adventure, which most ignore. However, I went and did it as instructed and it is really a helpful adventure/tutorial that gives you all your key commands and shows you how the Beetle works.


Some people are complaining because map complete requires the second mastery and yes there are 2 POIs and 1 MP that you need Beetle Mastery 2 skill to get; however, you can get these by asking someone to open those rooms. I did the entire map complete before having the Beetle because I asked ppl to open what I couldn't. I still use Jackal, Griffon and Springer as well it just depends on the situation and tbh, I will likely rarely use this mount except in CD areas or maps with sparse WPs.


So it is just another mount with a new hook or ability that is tied to this map only.

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I don’t know as the Beetle Mount has a great deal of utility. It probably will be useful for certain niche purposes. However it is a lot of fun to go blasting through the maps and I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t races based on this mount, both from ANet and by other players. Since it doesn’t cost much besides time if you have this map then it’s well worth getting.

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