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How you all feel about Charr getting a model update?

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> @"Exusia.4258" said:

> > @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > They should be remade with human body. So we can have armor skin again.

> >

> > https://i.imgur.com/91ufKig.jpg


> Don't ever again say anything close about them being made into your 0815 Human Clone Races like Khajiit or alike in ESO or in other 'popular' MMOs *cough* WoW *cough* popular *cough*

> Charr are fine and good as they are, and if ever to give them a 'remaster' , then it be textures and polycount, and more of the several talking/standing/loop emotes unlocked to use, and for the Posture, i'd kinda like if one could swap between hunched over (you know, their ACTUAL natural Posture) and maybe straight (Mostly what flame Legion forced to show 'dominance and power' ) and on all fours for the normal walk.

> And ofc taking care of all the clipping issues and making Armor in general Fit them better.


I hate when people use Anti-WoW energy to justify bad game design decisions. The Scholar classes on male Charr I know specifically since I play a lot on my Charr Necro. And Reaper Hood was the straw the broke the camel's back. That mess looks terrible. This won't be fixed and will continue to be a problem in the foreseeable future until Anet decide to revamp the Charr model to be more armor friendly. This doesn't mean it has to be the same model as other races like ESO does. But it should be more upright and have better posturing especially for the Head. You talk about WoW, but at least their developers acknowledge the problem and tried to update models as best they can for their low graphic engine. In GW2 a modern day MMO with a better engine, it's no excuse.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > I wanted to know how you all feel about Anet spending a good amount of their typical time and money that would normally go to new Living Story content, to update the Charr model in some way to improve the posture of the player models?

> >

> > The Charr model is okay in my opinion, what they should do is rework some helmets and leg armor parts so they dont remover your horns or give insane clipping with the tail, after that Charr will be good....one model that actually needs help is male Norn...legs to small and arms to big lol female looks normal but male just look to weird.


> I disagree. That's the point of the not. They Giants but on a human level.


> Try Reaper's hood on a Charr. My necromancer is a Charr and that looks terrible. Me personally don't do race changes. So I rather the head armors get improved by having better Charr models.


But male Norns where normal on GW1, they had humans proportions.

When I played Charr, i played heavy armor, so I cant comment on light or medium skins...but every skin that isnt used on a Human, Silvary or female Norn will have some issues, either with clipping or getting oversized or something.

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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > I'm not concerned about the whole 'taking away time from x' thing. I'm more concerned about whether it turns into a slippery slope scenario. "Well that Charr update went great! Let's do the other races!". And then they break more than they fix. I've already lost a few things over the past (nearly) 6 years that have pushed me towards less excited. I don't really need any more. Especially since one of the two already targeted my favorite race specifically.


> I mean, it could also be seen as setting a precedent for continue to improve graphical assets. And with regards to Charr and Asura, there's a fair bit of love needed.


> Not attempting to improve them due to a fear of failure? We'd never get anything improved.


> Tbh, if they could sort out the hovering Asura backpacks, I'd be as happy as a pig in.. stuff.


It's more of a: "Hey, while we're here doing this, we might as well _______?" And _______ is just an aesthetic difference of opinion between who created the models 6 years ago, and someone who might be working on them now. And in the end, I end up 'not' enjoying the vision of the new artist, and miss the vision of the original artist.


That's my concern.


But, the game isn't made 'just for me', and if that occurs and it makes me sad, then it's up to me to determine whether that change is enough to finally make me move on. More akin to not eating Papa Johns, or Bertolli pasta, or Chick-Fil-A. At some point, philosophically, I wouldn't be interested in supporting it.


That's all I meant. :3

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Ignoring those who like Charr as they are, there are a couple of assumptions in the OP's post that don't fit the likely scenarios:

* The trade off isn't between "living world content" and "racial redesign" — it would be between "racial redesign" and "other design projects", e.g. ask instead whether we'd give up 6 months worth of new armor, new outfits, new MountFits, and new weapon skins, because it's the artists & designers who need to be tasked with this.

* This also would have other intense repercussions: ANet's developed a strong rhythm for their releases: 4-5 major content/story releases per year, so many balance patches, etc. This would like interrupt that cycle.

* That it matters to enough people to make it worth any sort of investment. For example, it would take an intense overhaul before I would consider playing charr more often. I like the race, I like how they look; they are just imo awkward to play, especially for JPs & puzzles and parkour (which is omnipresent in the game).

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I like that the charr physique is beast-like and obviously not human. The Khajiit look weird because they're just hairy humans with cat heads--like men in fursuits. In a world with races as diverse as Hylek, Skritt, and Centaurs it'd be boring if all the playable races were upright and "humanlike." The charr aesthetic is meant to be something different, not another variant of "human with leaves!" "human with fur!" "human but tall!" "human but small!" "human but with fairy wings -cough- I mean fins" (I'm looking at you, Largos)

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:


>This won't be fixed and will continue to be a problem in the foreseeable future until Anet decide to revamp the Charr model to be more armor friendly.


You got it wrong a bit, the Charr don't need to be more armor friendly. The Armors need to be more Charr friendly starting with the head gear for each weight class. The armors often seem to just be a little to lazily done for the Charr. "Oh lets remove the horns so this hood can fit, instead of adding holes to the hood" Or helms being oddly stretched over or up to fit on the Charr skull. A problem that seems could of been fixed by just adding some fluff/kibble cosmetics to them to cover neck an skull.



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I like the current Charr model, I dunno why it should get updated?

If you do want the Charr to stand up straight, some of the weapon stances will make your Charr PC stand up straight, running on their 2 paws aswell...


Instead of getting a re-update of the Charr models, give us Tengu already! :D :D :D :D

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If anything, fixing the weirdo neck thing, especially in relation to body size. Different bodies, and a one-size-fits-all neck? Yikes. Most of the body types are really unbalanced because of it, and that neck is super long.


And I wouldn't mind a posture choice. After dealing with Horde races covering up my chest armors, I got depressingly used it when it happened with Charr as well.


Though if we're talking re-models or re-textures, Human/Norn males, please! That chest area is just...odd.

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The Charr look great and I actually like their models. They are not dolls that need perfection. And I am sure they also do not really care for that.

The Asura and the Charr are what GW2 makes so outstanding to me honestly in both visuals and writing and watching a Charr running by on all four brings to my mind that GW2 is one of the last (if not _the_ last) game with an actual beast-like species that still is humanoid enough to enjoy. I think all of that > visual finesse.

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Well in WoW they did this sort of thing but some old models are still in the game and don't match the updated ones, they look like they dont belong together. I play GTAV as well and they add cars that have more HD textures with high poly than the old ones and look out of place. If they do this they would have update many things to match the look it'd be a large undertaking I think for even one race. If they added the Tengu to the game as playable would they have high polys and textures that make older models go to shame? To me it wouldnt look right with all of this unless they took the time to match the old graphics or make all new everything.


I always found the Charr to be fine (up close all characters have pixelated look but this is 2012 stuff the models are very good I find) all of them aren't bad the animations I find on even old charatcers and new mounts are amazing. I'd love to see revised higher poly/textures/ animations (Female characters dont blink when sitting still since launch, many games even to this day miss blinking still...) but it will be huge work I'd see. Higher poly Sylvari with even better textures I'd be more obessed with being one than I already am lol.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> They will never bother to do that. That would also mean having to change the armors to fit the new models.


Would they? Wasn't the Charr commander standing straight in some of the LS3 episodes or am I mis-remembering that. Will have to play thru that again.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > They will never bother to do that. That would also mean having to change the armors to fit the new models.


> Would they? Wasn't the Charr commander standing straight in some of the LS3 episodes or am I mis-remembering that. Will have to play thru that again.



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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I wanted to know how you all feel about Anet spending a good amount of their typical time and money that would normally go to new Living Story content, to update the Charr model in some way to improve the posture of the player models?


See the problem I’m having here is that when you say “improve” you actually meant to say “alter as per my preference”.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with their posture. Nothing needing “improvement”.



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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > They will never bother to do that. That would also mean having to change the armors to fit the new models.

> >

> > Would they? Wasn't the Charr commander standing straight in some of the LS3 episodes or am I mis-remembering that. Will have to play thru that again.


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Charr-with-GW1-posture


What the heck? Why did they change them to their current ones? Their original forms were badass. Imagine Revenant Rytlock looking like that.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > They will never bother to do that. That would also mean having to change the armors to fit the new models.

> > >

> > > Would they? Wasn't the Charr commander standing straight in some of the LS3 episodes or am I mis-remembering that. Will have to play thru that again.

> >

> > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Charr-with-GW1-posture


> What the heck? Why did they change them to their current ones? Their original forms were kitten. Imagine Revenant Rytlock looking like that.


Do note, only the casters had that upright posture. The fighters were *more* hunched than the gw2 model - see the picture of two charr in that post.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > > They will never bother to do that. That would also mean having to change the armors to fit the new models.

> > > >

> > > > Would they? Wasn't the Charr commander standing straight in some of the LS3 episodes or am I mis-remembering that. Will have to play thru that again.

> > >

> > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestion-Charr-with-GW1-posture

> >

> > What the heck? Why did they change them to their current ones? Their original forms were kitten. Imagine Revenant Rytlock looking like that.


> Do note, only the casters had that upright posture. The fighters were *more* hunched than the gw2 model - see the picture of two charr in that post.


I would still prefer those ones just to see Rytlock with the upright posture.


Speaking of that, today they added the patch for upright Orcs in WoW, so that's cool [Anet, do it].

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