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Legendaries with benefits

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**before you start reading I just want to mention that I do not own any legendary, nor even close to getting one.**


So there is something that has been picking me for the last few days.

I've just came back to gw2 after the long drought of content(probably like most of the players).

and while starting daily'ing again I started thinking, should I start moving towards the next step?, getting a legendary?. So although I already knew most of the process to getting one something just didn't add up.


Now, legendaries are the endgame of gw2, and gold is the main way to achieve them. and I know when someone says endgame he means it, but it isn't supposed to shorten your life expectancy. by saying that you are **now** trying to get a legendary(a single one out of the 34 ones) you commit yourself to dozens of hours of brainless farming, but if that's to hard for you, you can always buy HoT to get legendary crafting which seems easier but is not anything close to easy except the fact that you can craft the precursor, with exhausting tiers that also require a great deal of gold, not to mention that there are barely enough ways to efficiently get gold, Istan for example, the HUGE gap of gold between having a legendary and not is just overwhelming when you see the amount of legendaries in the game compared to the fact that you just paid 50-90$ or even more to play them.


Lets talk about the fact that with each generation, the legendaries get even harder to get, they are untradable(except gen1), and just by looking at the list of tasks to get for example Nevermore I get a headache, and just think about how the nature of getting gen3 weapons wil be like.


I do not want to make my go to game a braindead farming simulator, I do not accept that this is how you should sink your time into gw2 endgame but lets talk about solutions.


Legendaries are the endgame and I love gw2 but commiting myself to such a task is like restarting my acc(gold and mat wise) but with a shiny new weapon and a few less brain cells.

so after you've got a **LEGENDARY**, what now?, up to the next legendary? no reward for it except a shiny new look? you just invested tons of your time into the game you love and probably turned it into your daily rl routine just to get one step closer to completing fashion wars 2 with free to switch prefix *smh*.


The point I am trying to make is that legendaries are a horribly implemented feature that with time got adapted by the community as a fair thing but if it fixed might make the game more meaningful and overall more desirable by players that have just now started their acc or got their first legendary.


And the first problem with my post is that I'm somewhat implying that legendary owners should receive an unfair advantage compared to the rest of the playerbase. **NO**


and that's where i'm stuck. I think legendary owners should receive a reward that will encourage the rest of the playerbase to try and get a legendary/s except of the pretty look and flexing which most of the time wont work because of fps problems for the most, but I am out of ideas how this will work.


A few Ideas I thought about are:

* Access to an exclusive lounge.

* More AP from finishing legendaries.

* One free item in the market(with limitations) to your choice.

* 400 Free gems.


and the list can go on...


Let me know in the comments what you guys think about this topic. would love to hear your thoughts.





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If they make sigils and infusions swappable on legendary weapons as they are on armors and trinkets I'm fine. The endgame here is cosmetic endgame and to some extend a QoL thing, adding gems, a lobby or anything to that would make it stray away from being cosmetic andgame. I'd say it's not needed. Legys are a huge time/mat sink and need some dedication. If a player can't muster it now and can only be bothered to craft one if ANet adds tons of stuff to it, it's probably not worth it.

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The only thing I really want in the legendary weapons are the free sigil remove, like the legendary armor has with the runes.

It's about time the legendary weapons have this feature. "Because of economy" is an awful state cuz runes can also be expensive and legendary armor can FREE swap them without the damn Extractor from the gemstore. And now you can acces to legendary armor nearly in everymode. If leg armor free rune swap didn't hurt it wouldn't neither the leg weapon free sigil swap. ALLOW IT PLEASE!

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> The point I am trying to make is that legendaries are a horribly implemented feature

I actually do agree with this part, while I don't think one should be objectively stronger just because he wields a legendary weapon I do think they should be more unique. Ironically the one time use weapons from the OW vendors and the weapon summons from the mages are exactly what I want the legendary weapons to be (not gizmos but them having their own unique weapon skills based around the theme of the weapon in question).



> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> so after you've got a **LEGENDARY**, what now?

[You try to get 18 of these](

"You try to get 18 of these") (note: I've yet to see a single person with a full stack of them (ingame or even in screenshots)).
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Legendary weapons should have dye slots for the weapon and the aura, there are a few legendary weapons I would make if I could get rid of the terrible pink or purple skin and aura's they have, but since they are currently stuck with those colours there is no way I will ever make them.


For example I would have loved to make Kudzu if I could have changed the pink flowers on the bow to white and also recolour the aura. Legendary weapons would be truly amazing if there was dye slots on them.

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Sigil swap! Btw I have crafted astralaria, bifrost and bolt and have yet to have my second birthday so they aren't THAT impossible.


Working on aurora currently but mystic coins take forever.


Sigil swap. Sigil swap. Sigil swap. Dyes would be nice too!

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Sigil swap! Btw I have crafted astralaria, bifrost and bolt and have yet to have my second birthday so they aren't THAT impossible.


> Working on aurora currently but mystic coins take forever.


> Sigil swap. Sigil swap. Sigil swap. Dyes would be nice too!


It’d be cool if we could toggle the footsteps on and off also. It would allow us to choose which to use (or if we use any at all) when dual wielding legendaries.


And for OP, its totally dependent on how much you put in. Just hit my 1 year last month, and i have 3 gen II weapons that I crafted as well as Warbringer, and have bought 3 gen I legendaries from the TP. It’s certainly possible, don’t give up!


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I like the 400 gems idea lol


So far I've made twilight, sunrise, eternity, bolt, predator, incinerator, nevermore, chuka and champawat, astralaria, warbinger, full medium armor, and 2 pieces of the heavy set. I think 400 gems for each of those would allow me to buy another one from the tp xD

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Leggys are a time--and goldsink. Overpriced skins that somehow people think add prestige. Ascended have the same stats as leggies, so no gain there. Oh, sure, you can swap stats. How often will you, though? I can honestly tell you almost never, since you wont be using the same sigils, anyway. The only QoL feature that would come from leggy weapons, imho, is the free sigilswap (much like leggy armor has). Thats it. No AP, no gems, no special anything. Free sigilswap. I am confident people would embrace that.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > The point I am trying to make is that legendaries are a horribly implemented feature

> I actually do agree with this part, while I don't think one should be objectively stronger just because he wields a legendary weapon I do think they should be more unique. Ironically the one time use weapons from the OW vendors and the weapon summons from the mages are exactly what I want the legendary weapons to be (not gizmos but them having their own unique weapon skills based around the theme of the weapon in question).



That would be a bit of a balance nightmare, having to re-balance the game, or a specific weapon after each Legendary release... But yeah would be awesome if they could make that work.

Problem with legendaries is that they devolved rapidly into a commodity, instead of a cool thing to get.

The most interesting thing about legendaries is how their status devolved....

I've been playing (with a few breaks) since release, and i remember when seeing someone with a legendary was like "OMG screenshot, screenshot". Back then, after the precursor drop (which costed like 100g) you'd need little more than another 100g to get it done (remember that 100g is mandatory). Of course back then, i was actually buying gems and bag slots instead of 20 slot bags because it was the much cheaper alternative (you could buy 400 gems for like 5 gold, or less).


Now they cost ten times the amount of back then, but you see characters lit up like xmas trees, and don't bat an eye.

I remember people glitching some legendary effects like Bolt's Lighting to get light shows comparable, or some times less pronounced than you see today with people aura-stacking.


> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > so after you've got a **LEGENDARY**, what now?

> [You try to get 18 of these](

"You try to get 18 of these") (note: I've yet to see a single person with a full stack of them (ingame or even in screenshots)).

In GW2 Efficiency the guy with most stacks of those has 6... But yeah, i've never seen one.



There's stuff much more rare than legendary weapons:

Full Hellfire or Radiant Armor, Pinnacle Weapons, no one has the Radiant/Hellfire Backpiece yet, most Auras are rarer than Legendaries, etc.


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I think all leg weapons need is sigil swapping. If they added exclusive skills for legendaries, i would never use them : P


They're definitely not end game either. I have nevermore and am a good way to a second leg weapon, and i still have only killed 1 raid boss, still in t1 fractals, still haven't touched pvp, not even rank 20 in wvw...end game is what players want it to be, legendaries are- almost always have been- only about aesthetics, and yet they're a very successful money sink (crucial to game economy) and time sink (crucial to any mmo's income) and i think that's fine.


No one needs legendaries- and just as all of my skill extends to open world metas and i own one, there are players crushing fractals, popular wvw commanders etc who wouldn't even want a legendary.


ps i got nevermore over a few months only cus i refused to grind for it, so most of that waiting was in amalgamted gemstones. I'd have been able to complete a g1 leg in a small fraction of the time even if i took the same approach of no grinding cus of how much cheaper they are. xD

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> @"DarkEmiLupus.2876" said:

> The only thing I really want in the legendary weapons are the free sigil remove, like the legendary armor has with the runes.

> It's about time the legendary weapons have this feature. "Because of economy" is an awful state cuz runes can also be expensive and legendary armor can FREE swap them without the kitten Extractor from the gemstore. And now you can acces to legendary armor nearly in everymode. If leg armor free rune swap didn't hurt it wouldn't neither the leg weapon free sigil swap. ALLOW IT PLEASE!


Agreed 110%, my man/manette.


I'd go so far as to say that the stat swap on these weapons without swappable sigils is almost useless as you'd still be forced into a certain build on the weapon and never change it because of that expensive Sigil you crammed into it. The weapons certainly are a tier or two below the armour in terms of flexibility/useability and it is a damned shame.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:


> I do not want to make my go to game a braindead farming simulator, I do not accept that this is how you should sink your time into gw2 endgame but lets talk about solutions.


> Legendaries are the endgame and I love gw2 but commiting myself to such a task is like restarting my acc(gold and mat wise) but with a shiny new weapon and a few less brain cells.


Pretty much all MMO’s will have grind. The legendary weapons are long term goals to give players something to work towards. I don’t believe the intent was for players to get one in a matter of days although that is definitely possible to do.


And as a disclaimer, I do own every legendary weapon in the game.



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Legendaries are an **irrational goal**. In other words, you are not "supposed to" accomplish them. Their effort-reward ratio is completely absurd -- and that is by design.


They are designed this way intentionally. It is not something every player should do. It is not something that should ever be considered necessary. Legendaries are not, in fact, the end-game of GW2; they are a side activity for those with huge amounts of time or money.


You can compare them to the "ultimate platinum collectors edition" of certain videogames that cost $200 and include a big plastic statue of a character from the game. Clearly not meant for everyone.

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They’re endgame. Just because you don’t care for them doesn’t mean that they’re not.


They help drive a lot of the economy and give value to materials that all players commonly receive. They give players a goal to shoot towards and keeps them playing.

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They give players a goal to shoot towards and keeps them playing.


So do any of a number of other things. Achievements, ranks in pvp/wvw, unexplored content, fractals and raids unfinished, fashion not tried, new mounts/skins, etc. Legendaries being one optional goal to pursue out of many does not make them 'the endgame'.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I'm not sure where the idea comes from that Legendaries are the 'endgame'. I have none and no intention of getting any.


~~I have no interest to do dungeons, raids, fractals, and any post-80 content. Does that mean they’re not endgame simply because I have no intention of doing any of them?~~


> @"Biff.5312" said:

> They give players a goal to shoot towards and keeps them playing.


> So do any of a number of other things. Achievements, ranks in pvp/wvw, unexplored content, fractals and raids unfinished, fashion not tried, new mounts/skins, etc. Legendaries being one optional goal to pursue out of many does not make them 'the endgame'.


~~Maybe I missed something but I don’t recall anyone saying that they were **the** endgame. If they did then they’re certainly wrong.~~


Edit: Oh the OP did and they’re wrong about them being **the** endgame as there’s much more.


You can disregard the first part of this post as I read it as if you were saying they weren’t part of endgame without realizing the OP was stating they were **the** endgame.

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IMO one of the great things about legendaries is that they're not necessary at all - if you don't like how they look then there's no need to make them and can instead focus on what you do like. If Anet started adding extra benefits (whether that's extra power or random freebies) so they become desirable for everyone we lose that.


It won't make legendaries any more enjoyable or easy to get, it just adds pressure to force yourself to go through that process.

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Generally I agree with every opinion in the comment section, legendaries are not supposed to be end game although most of the players will turn their attention towards them when they feel burnt out of things to do(because of the huge gold sink), and i'm talking about making more than 2-3 legendaries. but in my case I feel like fashion frame is the endgame currently.


And the reason I put this topic from the start is that legendaries could have something more, and I strongly agree that they shouldn't have any advantages over the ascended weapons , but a legendary weapon should mark something for the person who got it a bit more other than just switching stats, probably also switching runes which is a real shame that Anet overlooked.


The other thing that i'm trying to say is that making a legendary is not just a goal, its much more than that and making legendaries more important overall could create quite a difference in the feel and importance of them in the game, I'm not going to just wake up one morning and say : "i'm going to make a legendary now", it should be more and that's why I opened this topic for discussion =) .


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