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Increasing toxicity in EU WvW.


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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > So what is the real issue here? A community that runs standards so they can play in a way that they enjoy and have people that enjoy playing that way. Or the players that forcefully try to be included while not contributing anything to said community?


> The professions, that in the eyes of some commanders offer too little, to aid in large scale context.


> Contributing to the community does not come only from the build, but IMO way more from the behavior of the players, and I see little sign of leechers. Where some people accuse some players of being "leechers" for playing what they like (oh how dare I? How dare anyone play what they like and expect to be included in the group experience. I am not talking about ###### players who generally behave like ######. I am not talking about personalities here, I am talking about the right to choose your own profession and experience the whole game, not bits and pieces of it. Drawing conclusions about personalities from the profession choise is _wrong_.), there are other players, "accusing" some players of being elitist, effectively locking players out from parts of the playing experience by building a non-inclusive group-mentality. In this case by blaming someone for their preferred choise of profession.


> Workaround: Fix the professions, which are seen as selfish and offering too little.


Why do you keep posting the same over and over in different threads?

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > With the mentality of everyone should be able to join any squad you are basicly the guy that wasn’t invited to a party that shows up anyway without a gift but still expects free drinks and snacks.


> With one exception: If I was kicked from the squad, it means I was in the squad. It likely means it was open. So I basically was invited. Only then to be told GTFO.

> If a squad was open, have an open mentality. You don't want that, create an invite-only squad. No need to kick people, no need for drama.



You tell me i have no right to demand people to play a certain build, but at the same time you tell me how i should control my squad when i command. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too, don't tell me how to play the game. If i command a squad i also have a say who gets in and who gets kicked.

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > So what is the real issue here? A community that runs standards so they can play in a way that they enjoy and have people that enjoy playing that way. Or the players that forcefully try to be included while not contributing anything to said community?


> The professions, that in the eyes of some commanders offer too little, to aid in large scale context.


> Contributing to the community does not come only from the build, but IMO way more from the behavior of the players, and I see little sign of leechers. Where some people accuse some players of being "leechers" for playing what they like (oh how dare I? How dare anyone play what they like and expect to be included in the group experience. I am not talking about ###### players who generally behave like ######. I am not talking about personalities here, I am talking about the right to choose your own profession and experience the whole game, not bits and pieces of it. Drawing conclusions about personalities from the profession choise is _wrong_.), there are other players, "accusing" some players of being elitist, effectively locking players out from parts of the playing experience by building a non-inclusive group-mentality. In this case by blaming someone for their preferred choise of profession.


> Workaround: Fix the professions, which are seen as selfish and offering too little.


I completely agree with the last part of your post, however the rest is screaming of entitlement which is the whole issue here and is a problem with gaming as a medium right now.


The issue isn't JUST the classes, I've seen several of our best players rock up on a ranger and decimate the pug skilled rev on damage. But the issue is that these players would also have decimated and by a wider margin on ele or rev.

The reason that the meta is enforced is not because commanders are just meanies, it's because the meta builds and classes ensure that even the worst player will be the most viable they can be. The absolute worst player in the world would be useful on meta scrapper as before they die and rally the enemy you can be sure they will out cleanses and out heal what they would have on some weird healing revenant build which they like because the tablet is shiny...


We see it time and time again that bad players who a) think they are good and b) play horrible classes migrate to servers which us as a "toxic GvG community" are buiding and then rage on reddit and forums about how mean commanders are. And then they are the first to follow when we have to move servers again because the skill level has dropped to a shocking level and team becomes a cesspool of carebear whinging and whining about how there are no commanders...


WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can WHICH INCLUDES RUNNING THE BEST CLASS/BUILDS and will form groups of people who also want to strive to be the best.

If you're not wanting to be the best you can possibly be or don't care about beating the enemy, there are plenty of borders you can go roam on, or form your own special squad of like minded people, or even xfer to a server of like minded people... just don't expect the people who DO wan't to be the best to placate you and smother you with love because you show up asking to join the squad! It's entitled and selfish and needs to stop!


The other thing which makes it incredibly selfish is that commanders are not paid, they don't work for Anet, they don't have to make you happy! Commanders (at least the ones you'll complain about) are tagging up to WIN! and therefore they will take whatever steps helps them WIN. They don't HAVE to let you join the squad if they feel you don't contribute or hinder the performance of the squad. And yes, as an ele who has been blown up by reflected friendly fire from a ranger can attest to, Rangers following a commander is worse than them not being on the BL... I'd rather a squad of 49 than 50 with a ranger pew pewing a FB dome...

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:


> With one exception: If I was kicked from the squad, it means I was in the squad. It likely means it was open. So I basically was invited. Only then to be told GTFO.

> If a squad was open, have an open mentality. You don't want that, create an invite-only squad. No need to kick people, no need for drama.




you join a squad = you got invited? nobody told you to join, you decided to do it.

the squad is open with open mentality, anyone with proper builds can join. it's open.

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> @"Fizzee.1762" said:

> WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can...


LOL, as a competitive game mode WvW is an absolute joke, no one who genuinely wants competitive or skilled PvP is playing it, let alone for blobbing. No one is striving to be the best, that requires a competitive playerbase and actual contests that are closely matched to push people on, WvW in 2019 fails so hard in that regard it is laughable.


For anyone who actually wants competitive PvP it is pointless going tryhard for blobbing in WvW, because 90% of the time there will not be an opposing blob of a similar tryhard level to fight against, so what you get is one sided, dull, "PvP" and then after a while usually no fights at all, not even crap ones. Which only appeals to people not really interested in competitive or skilled PvP, and more interested in a game being a substitute for a social life and are basically fine with the trash tier "PvP" gameplay blobbing about in WvW provides.


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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Fizzee.1762" said:

> > WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can...


> LOL, as a competitive game mode WvW is an absolute joke, no one who genuinely wants competitive or skilled PvP is playing it, let alone for blobbing. No one is striving to be the best, that requires a competitive playerbase and actual contests that are closely matched to push people on, WvW in 2019 fails so hard in that regard it is laughable.


> For anyone who actually wants competitive PvP it is pointless going tryhard for blobbing in WvW, because 90% of the time there will not be an opposing blob of a similar tryhard level to fight against, so what you get is one sided, dull, "PvP" and then after a while usually no fights at all, not even kitten ones. Which only appeals to people not really interested in competitive or skilled PvP, and more interested in a game being a substitute for a social life and are basically fine with the trash tier "PvP" gameplay blobbing about in WvW provides.



ofc there is not a competitive blob as enemy if you let whatever garbage classes and builds in <:


also it's a lie since in eu we can have proper fights as ros/vabbi-wsr-kodash, too bad other servers are too carebears to organise anything worthwhile

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Fizzee.1762" said:

> > WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can...


> LOL, as a competitive game mode WvW is an absolute joke, no one who genuinely wants competitive or skilled PvP is playing it.


It is; but hence the problem. The bar is so low yet people still fall below it.


It's like our activity is eating but half the population is choking on food, and most of the other half is eating the forks while saying that's just how they do it.

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > @"Fizzee.1762" said:

> > > WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can...

> >

> > LOL, as a competitive game mode WvW is an absolute joke, no one who genuinely wants competitive or skilled PvP is playing it, let alone for blobbing. No one is striving to be the best, that requires a competitive playerbase and actual contests that are closely matched to push people on, WvW in 2019 fails so hard in that regard it is laughable.

> >

> > For anyone who actually wants competitive PvP it is pointless going tryhard for blobbing in WvW, because 90% of the time there will not be an opposing blob of a similar tryhard level to fight against, so what you get is one sided, dull, "PvP" and then after a while usually no fights at all, not even kitten ones. Which only appeals to people not really interested in competitive or skilled PvP, and more interested in a game being a substitute for a social life and are basically fine with the trash tier "PvP" gameplay blobbing about in WvW provides.

> >


> ofc there is not a competitive blob as enemy if you let whatever garbage classes and builds in <:


> also it's a lie since in eu we can have proper fights as ros/vabbi-wsr-kodash, too bad other servers are too carebears to organise anything worthwhile


3 and a half servers out of 27 don't make for a competitive game mode, and the truth is even those servers are pretty pitiful by historical standards. Last time I played this game it was on WSR with Kodash in the match and when this game mode was alive you got more decent fights between Deso, SFR, etc over a weekend than for the entire matchup between WSR and Kodash. The only lie here is the one you are telling to yourself.


As for "carebears", LOL, you are playing a gamemode with no death penalty / player loot, very little grind, a relatively low skill requirement, the most casual friendly PvP I've ever seen, where everyone basically gets the same rewards whether they "win" or "lose" and is competitively a joke, it is the most carebear "PvP" out there, everyone playing WvW is a "carebear".

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I just got kicked from a zerg for playing a ranger/druid... is this normal or was the kicker just douchey? Spotter, glyphs etc. I was told "It should be obvious by now" and...

nope, genuinely didn't know or how or why I should know. Are support classes really that bad in WvW?

For all you haters that are dissing the rangers, if you let them in squads and then check your logs, you'll see that rangers can bring all of the dangers, they can be top five and still stay alive.


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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > > @"Fizzee.1762" said:

> > > > WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can...

> > >

> > > LOL, as a competitive game mode WvW is an absolute joke, no one who genuinely wants competitive or skilled PvP is playing it, let alone for blobbing. No one is striving to be the best, that requires a competitive playerbase and actual contests that are closely matched to push people on, WvW in 2019 fails so hard in that regard it is laughable.

> > >

> > > For anyone who actually wants competitive PvP it is pointless going tryhard for blobbing in WvW, because 90% of the time there will not be an opposing blob of a similar tryhard level to fight against, so what you get is one sided, dull, "PvP" and then after a while usually no fights at all, not even kitten ones. Which only appeals to people not really interested in competitive or skilled PvP, and more interested in a game being a substitute for a social life and are basically fine with the trash tier "PvP" gameplay blobbing about in WvW provides.

> > >

> >

> > ofc there is not a competitive blob as enemy if you let whatever garbage classes and builds in <:

> >

> > also it's a lie since in eu we can have proper fights as ros/vabbi-wsr-kodash, too bad other servers are too carebears to organise anything worthwhile


> 3 and a half servers out of 27 don't make for a competitive game mode, and the truth is even those servers are pretty pitiful by historical standards. Last time I played this game it was on WSR with Kodash in the match and when this game mode was alive you got more decent fights between Deso, SFR, etc over a weekend than for the entire matchup between WSR and Kodash. The only lie here is the one you are telling to yourself.


> As for "carebears", LOL, you are playing a gamemode with no death penalty / player loot, very little grind, a relatively low skill requirement, the most casual friendly PvP I've ever seen, where everyone basically gets the same rewards whether they "win" or "lose" and is competitively a joke, it is the most carebear "PvP" out there, everyone playing WvW is a "carebear".


3 out of 18, you say deso sfr etc but they dont have anything decent to fight but you consider that decent fights? you mean farming them over and over until they quit, if that's a decent fight then idk what to tell you ahahahah


how come if the skill requirement is so low most servers are still so damn bad that they dont even dodge? if it's so easy why there are only 3 servers that know what they're doing? if everyone gets the same loot then why do i end up with 2 stacks of lootbags after an evening and the enemy doesn't.


and yeah everyone playing wvw is a carebear which is why this thread is looking for a good purge of that.

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> @"Hoon.1524" said:

> I just got kicked from a zerg for playing a ranger/druid... is this normal or was the kicker just douchey? Spotter, glyphs etc. I was told "It should be obvious by now" and...

> nope, genuinely didn't know or how or why I should know. Are support classes really that bad in WvW?

> For all you haters that are dissing the rangers, if you let them in squads and then check your logs, you'll see that rangers can bring all of the dangers, they can be top five and still stay alive.



So I take it you didn’t read the thread.,,,

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> @"Hoon.1524" said:

> I just got kicked from a zerg for playing a ranger/druid... is this normal or was the kicker just douchey? Spotter, glyphs etc. I was told "It should be obvious by now" and...

> nope, genuinely didn't know or how or why I should know. Are support classes really that bad in WvW?

> For all you haters that are dissing the rangers, if you let them in squads and then check your logs, you'll see that rangers can bring all of the dangers, they can be top five and still stay alive.



Offensive buffs aren't that valuable in wvw. Ranger has bad healing, cleanses, boons and general utility compared to other supports or the utility they provide is already there from another class (like might from herald/fb).


There's a whole thread about rangers and wvw zergs as well. No logs can backup for useless role.


Nice rhymes btw.

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > > > @"Fizzee.1762" said:

> > > > > WvW is a competitive game mode, people who are competitive will strive to be the best they can...

> > > >

> > > > LOL, as a competitive game mode WvW is an absolute joke, no one who genuinely wants competitive or skilled PvP is playing it, let alone for blobbing. No one is striving to be the best, that requires a competitive playerbase and actual contests that are closely matched to push people on, WvW in 2019 fails so hard in that regard it is laughable.

> > > >

> > > > For anyone who actually wants competitive PvP it is pointless going tryhard for blobbing in WvW, because 90% of the time there will not be an opposing blob of a similar tryhard level to fight against, so what you get is one sided, dull, "PvP" and then after a while usually no fights at all, not even kitten ones. Which only appeals to people not really interested in competitive or skilled PvP, and more interested in a game being a substitute for a social life and are basically fine with the trash tier "PvP" gameplay blobbing about in WvW provides.

> > > >

> > >

> > > ofc there is not a competitive blob as enemy if you let whatever garbage classes and builds in <:

> > >

> > > also it's a lie since in eu we can have proper fights as ros/vabbi-wsr-kodash, too bad other servers are too carebears to organise anything worthwhile

> >

> > 3 and a half servers out of 27 don't make for a competitive game mode, and the truth is even those servers are pretty pitiful by historical standards. Last time I played this game it was on WSR with Kodash in the match and when this game mode was alive you got more decent fights between Deso, SFR, etc over a weekend than for the entire matchup between WSR and Kodash. The only lie here is the one you are telling to yourself.

> >

> > As for "carebears", LOL, you are playing a gamemode with no death penalty / player loot, very little grind, a relatively low skill requirement, the most casual friendly PvP I've ever seen, where everyone basically gets the same rewards whether they "win" or "lose" and is competitively a joke, it is the most carebear "PvP" out there, everyone playing WvW is a "carebear".


> 3 out of 18, you say deso sfr etc but they dont have anything decent to fight but you consider that decent fights? you mean farming them over and over until they quit, if that's a decent fight then idk what to tell you ahahahah


The clue should have been "when this game mode was alive", I wasn't talking about SFR, Deso, etc now, but years ago and how badly WSR vs Kodash last time I played compares to back then. Which is of course why most of us quit or barely play because the game mode is in a pitiful state if you are actually interested in even vaguely decent PvP (even by the relatively low standards of WvW) on a regular basis, God forbid if you log into this game outside of primetime anymore.


> how come if the skill requirement is so low most servers are still so kitten bad that they dont even dodge? if it's so easy why there are only 3 servers that know what they're doing? if everyone gets the same loot then why do i end up with 2 stacks of lootbags after an evening and the enemy doesn't.


Because you are playing a casual "carebear" MMORPG where most of the playerbase are here to play dress-up, "socialise", you have people that are retired playing, etc, hence the standard is so very low, even with what is a relatively low skilled thing like blobbing in WvW. If you think blobbing around in WvW is on a level with whichever Korean is currently the best SC2 player, then you are mistaken...


Then additionally it is precisely because it is low skilled that things like playing whatever is the current cheese matter so much, build counts for a lot in something like blobbing. And of course because the game is a joke competitively you have people with wildly different attitudes, experience, etc facing each other. So you have some guy who decides to play his p/p thief for blobbing because he plays once a week and that is what he finds fun vs some blob who are full tryhard and play whatever is the current cheese, regardless of how much they may enjoy that class/build or not.


In a competitive game these people would not normally face each other, because that doesn't make for competitive (or even fun) play, but in the joke that is WvW...


> and yeah everyone playing wvw is a carebear which is why this thread is looking for a good purge of that.


Carebears being tryhard are the funniest carebears.



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Again with this...

WvW and zerguing is a team game mode, in an organized squad following a commander you play for the team, not for yourself. There are other places to play as you desire, to bring your super doper build and to do whatever you please, but an organized squad is not one of them.


And for this, it doesn't matter if you're a newbie, a rank 10.000, a full time roamer or a pve lover. It's the common sense that applies in every scenario where you're part of a big group of people trying to achieve a goal.


People, this is a game and everybody is here to have fun. We already have real life to be f*ckers. There's no need to bring it here and generate such fuzz and drama.

You don't want to change your build or to anther profession when ask? No problem, don't participate.

You don't want to use TS or discord? No problem, don't participate.


It's really surprising how some people act like they own their squad spot, or how they demand that everybody else will adapt to their desires so they don't feel offended or are too lazy to adapt to what it is necessary...

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For me it's just some servers. Gandara for most part. Small scale is nothing but train of countless whispers and their roamers often just act like dickheads everywhere you meet them. Including dueling spots.

Then when it comes to big scale WvW people got too elitistic as if it's some high end PvE raid mode lmao Shifting blame on everyone who runs slightly offmeta build (i even know of some WvW raid guilds that want you to record a video of your gameplay), picking on scout reports that, in their opinion, lacking P-R-O-P-E-R info. Because you know YOU GOTTA BE ABLE to report every enemy's movement while trying to buy some time too without any usage of acronyms. Oh and please include link with nearest WP because again it's easier to bark up the wrong tree and complain.

And don't even get me started on the recent FSP's "We aint wanna fight that tough shit so we are tanking these match ups" bullshit which is basically WVW MATCH MANIPULATION and display of shitty unsporstmenlike behaviour. Really hate this bullshit, it's one of the reasons why I left Desolation and transfered to AG despite sticking to it for 3 years. Fuck server linking.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> For me it's just some servers. Gandara for most part. Small scale is nothing but train of countless whispers and their roamers often just act like dickheads everywhere you meet them. Including dueling spots.

> Then when it comes to big scale WvW people got too elitistic as if it's some high end PvE raid mode lmao Shifting blame on everyone who runs slightly offmeta build (i even know of some WvW raid guilds that want you to record a video of your gameplay), picking on scout reports that, in their opinion, lacking P-R-O-P-E-R info. Because you know YOU GOTTA BE ABLE to report every enemy's movement while trying to buy some time too without any usage of acronyms. Oh and please include link with nearest WP because again it's easier to bark up the wrong tree and complain.

> And don't even get me started on the recent FSP's "We aint wanna fight that tough kitten so we are tanking these match ups" kitten which is basically WVW MATCH MANIPULATION and display of kitten unsporstmenlike behaviour. Really hate this kitten, it's one of the reasons why I left Desolation and transfered to AG despite sticking to it for 3 years. kitten server linking.


Ahhh... so EU is just starting the tanking? It’s been an NA thing for several years, somewhat more if you include the glicko days and blackouts to open closed servers.


Though I doubt this is new to EU.


This is standard fare.. people don’t like certain matchups for many reasons.

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WvW is more fun, when things are organized. So if you want to join a squad, who are trying to fight another organized zerg, then you will have to adapt, so you can better support your party and squad.


With that said though, you can always go roaming or PPT in wvw, if you don't want to gear up and play meta classes and their appropriate builds, although there are stronger roaming classes, when it comes to roaming too.


The fights are also nicely balanced in the EU, when you don't have to fight an overstacked server, with a much smaller population of veteran or guild players, than when wvw was well populated, who would also join open tags or tag up themselves.

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> @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

> When I saw who was the OP of this thread I thought, well this is gonna be hilarious. And it didn't disappoint.

> The people in here who talk about "leeching" etc are in fact the biggest leeches themselves. This is bs you say... let me explain why.

> These boys don't really play outside of reset night and maybe prime time mid week. Yet they think they are the second coming of Jesus and think they can dictate how others should play. They contribute very little to server success.

> These boys have been leeching off servers for years now and they've kept skillfully distracting people by constantly flaming them.

> They log on for an hour or two to play in a 50 man squad and then they're gone. Yet others are labeled as being leeches. I'm talking about a group of 15-20 people on RoS who keep doing this and keep yapping in chat all the time.

> Their main techniques of distraction are: constant flaming (you can't be a leech if you accuse others first), if you're not running META you're a bad player, only "really" play when you have a 50+ man squad with experienced WvW players so people think you're good, if you wipe with said squad it's others fault cause they probably don't run META (but most actually do)... etc.

> Don't be fooled people, these boys are nothing special. But they will gladly group up on you in chat and think they're important for a few moments in their life.


Considering you come on your minstrel ranger to command on and pretend its some kind of godly class outperforming all other classes for support, and pretend that greatsword 1 is a godly tool because it evades...

You then proceed to tag up and get carried because all you do is throw your axes at 900 range on your soulbeast, people tell you you are actually useless, which, you are. You then go and cry that people bully you for your not very bright opinions that you share publically without anyone actually asking you, and then you now cry that people are toxic. You have been doing this on all the servers we have been on so far. Everytime we move to another server, within a few weeks you come transfer to us because the server you are on can no longer carry your actually bad gameplay. You dont actually provide anything to servers, in fact you are even killing it by tagging up with your terrible gameplay with your terrible builds. You have forgotten a leech can also suck you dry, and thats exactly what you do... you suck a server dry by being an entitled person that shares his opinion about topics he doesn't even begin to understand.

But yeah continue thinking this group of players are the biggest leechers in the game, while also following them around like the big hypocrite you are :)

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I just burn stuff while running around, and defend objectives. Good enough for me !


Seriously though, I've never been told off for running a non meta build (condi holo) mostly because I get results. Non meta means Not expected, Less counterable. You'd be surprised how many people expect their condi cleanse to be handled by others, and Simply run out against a constant barrage of condis.

I'm on Vabbi, I've never had an issue with vabbian commanders, whoever they are at the time, I've never had problems with commanders period, even when paired with FSP, and they Really dislike Vabbi. I also dont find it necessary to join the squad/discord whatever. I can get stuff done by Following behind, using grenades or mortar, or layering over the zerg with my laser to cause another zerg to move. I may be counted as a "leech" for joining the action outside of squad and not necessarily Following commands, but I certainly dont stand in the spawn point and waste a spot, or use the teamchat to make ill fitting complaints about specific players who actually Play well.

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Not all of us are cut out to be commanders. My build would not be very good for that, for example, because I get downed A LOT. My skill is probably not good enough for that either. A comm constantly running back from spawn is probably not gonna be much help. :)


This whole thing ... it makes me a little sad.


I joined this game only a couple of months ago, and generally have made a very good experience. I started out with my first character, an ele, and noticed that I have no idea what I was doing. Two weeks later I still had no idea at all. It just doesn't work at all for me. Friend of mine? Plays a boontempest and he claims he can faceroll and do just about anything, and me? Well I cannot. I die to trashmobs in 10 seconds.

I have an engineer, and can't wrap my head around that either.

I have a revenant, which I don't play for the reason of vanity: There is not _a single_ heavy armor I like. Blame me. Fashion wars 2 got me.


I asked around, got to know people, and was helped with some idea on things to try out. The community is awesome. I can't stress this enough. In general, the GW2 community is _awesome_.


So, after quite some testing I rolled up a Mesmer, quickly leveled up, got HP, and went into Mirage and suddenly, aaaah, my eyes were opened! Mirage Cloak! The movement. The mirrors. The evasion. Dodgedodgoedodge. Ambush attacks! Clones! Condition damage! I started to actually have fun.

Chrono? Doesn't work for me, but I thought: It doesn't matter, you found your niche.

Still I obviously had no idea what I was doing.


Then I joined WvW. Back then I was on my condi mirage and ... look at that. I couldn't do _anything_. Way too squishy, while taking way too long to kill just about anything. The whole combination of features doesn't work _for me_. If I go for sustain I suddenly lack the damage.

Well, other players figured it out, I can't.

Then I discovered power mirage. Greatsword. Sword. Look at that. So much stun! It works with my guys in fractals. It works in PvE. It works in WvW. I was having fun again.

I can actually kill some players, though I have to admit I am not particularly good in single combat. Chances are, you encounter me on my own? I'm probably gonna die. I don't care. Sure, if I die repeatedly at the same spot I might temporarily curse and leave, but that won't last.


It took me about 5 months to get to this point in the game. It was some work. Repeatedly getting new gear, testing out new combinations of weapons and utilities. I was cursing the game in between for throwing so many sticks in my way. It paid off in the end.

I am having fun.


"Be who you want to be." Just as the GW2 ads claim. Awesome!


Then I discover squads, join some. Get kicked.


I didn't know what I did wrong: I helped in every way I could knowing what I knew. And figure this out: _It doesn't matter_.

And then you come here ... and you find out you're being blamed. Your behavior itself isn't so much the problem, it's the fact that you did _not make the optimal choice_.


You come here to discuss. And find yourself being _blamed_. Words like _entitlement_ are thrown around and _unique snowflake_. You're rightfully being demoted to a _second class citizen_, because you did not make _the optimal choice_. To some people apparently a grievous sin.

What are the odds? 9 Professions. Each with Core and 2 Elite Specs. 27 ... let's call them classes, all in all. How many of them are meta?

10. (According to Vabbi Builds.)


"Be who you want to be."

.... but please do it on your own.


The state of the community in GW2 is great, but things like this? It can make one sad.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:


> I can defend a gate on my own against rams, I can snipe stuff on the Walls and layer them with condis, I can face off against non-constant-evade/invulnerability. My mortar can strike at zergs well beyond their range. I'm running a viper gear kitted specifically for condi. There isn't a single skill in my setup that Doesn't give condi at long range and in a large cluster of players. I have access to several CC skills that deals Condi ontop. I fail to see where you derive how I'm not efficient, considering you havent seen me in action, Simply because I mention "Non-meta".


you've just proven his point right by showing your not understanding of how the large scale fights are won.

you play full condi when there are firebrands, scrappers and tempests with so many condi cleanses and healing that make your whole build a joke proving his point right. even scourges on full zerk can still condi cleanse by simply giving barrier.


also it's really funny how he talks about large fights and you talk about rams :)



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