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So when can we have a real sword skin? Like mine.

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I'm suspect that you're katana is functional. A lot of people like to claim it is, only for them to find out it's nothing more than ground down sheets of aluminum meant as nothing more than wall decor. The other sword also looks like a decoration piece as that grip is far from practical.


But since you feel those are practical weapons then you'll like have to either buy Belinda's Greatsword Skin or get the Basic Sword skin as it's the most functional sword in the game.

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Those skins are all very bland though, and the patina that develops from use is one thing I would appreciate NOT having in a game. Ebonblade is too big to function like a real sword, 2 handers were usually not above 5 lbs with a few exceptions and those exceptions would require the user to be ripped as hell.


> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> I'm suspect that you're katana is functional. A lot of people like to claim it is, only for them to find out it's nothing more than ground down sheets of aluminum meant as nothing more than wall decor. The other sword also looks like a decoration piece as that grip is far from practical.


> But since you feel those are practical weapons then you'll like have to either buy Belinda's Greatsword Skin or get the Basic Sword skin as it's the most functional sword in the game.


I't's a sanmai jian/laminated chinese straightsword (Rodell never stated what steels or hardness), one next to it is a differentially hardened two handed jian which I agree wouldn't be the most functional (I don't really like differentially hardened blades since they bend, and the blade is a bit thin with a PoB 4" from guard). Obviously the decorations on the fancy one specifically are probably a bit frail, but it's made by the same forge who makes the Cold Steel Gim (which I also have and can take a lot of abuse). Black one is from same forge Ronin Katana uses.


I've swung a few wallhanger before, they take a bend or break with one swing lol. I did a bad cut on a pretty hard target with the CS Gim, flexed a lot, no edge damage or bend at all, fittings are tight. The other two were too expensive to risk doing that.


All 3 of my swords are more sturdy than any of the ~4 1060 carbon steel machetes I've broken over the years from cutting small trees, but with those price tags they aren't going near any trees.

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If you want realism, sorry you're in the wrong place.


Each sword is used exactly the same as each other; a gladius the same as a rapier the same as a longsword. It's too much to ask for each weapon to have it's own animation and purpose in battle.


In order to show detail in some weapons they have to be overly large.

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> @"xuse.6817" said:

> Now I want to buy one in the game. Belinda's is alright but I hate katanas (and specifically want a 1h jian or dao just no ugly or oxtail dao)


Then why not simply ask for a 1h jian or dao?


Why did you decide to make the discussion about what constitutes a real sword. Why beg the question of whether that is even appropriate for a fantasy game, one in which a greatsword can shoot laser beams, pull in foes from several meters away, or allow the user to leap/fly a few meters?


There's nothing wrong with your preference: you want what you want. Neither, however, are anyone else's preferences, including the designers'. Nothing in the game is "real" in any meaningful sense. At best, they are close analogs to things with which we are familiar.


tl;dr you want a 1h jian? great, ask for that and skip the hyperbole.

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i'm not too disappointed at the choice of swords. [Honor of Humanity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Honor_of_Humanity "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Honor_of_Humanity") and [its burning variant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Firebringer "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Firebringer") are my favorites so far. I'm glad something as simple as a gladius made it to the game.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> If you want realism, sorry you're in the wrong place.


Are you? There are "realistic" bog standard swords (and other weapons) in GW2. It's possible to make a plain normal knight in heavy plate armor with a steel sword and a wooden shield. I mean yeah of course GW2 isnt realistic per say and most people seem to prefer flashy stuff - just like the led craze on everything gaming related - but still, it's possible.

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Here's all the sword skins in the game: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_swords


You can probably find something there which is suitably realistic. Or if you want a very specific make of sword which is not in the game it'd be better to ask for that directly instead of making a vague discussion about the realism of all the different swords.


Or if you really think there isn't a single skin realistic enough to meet your standards and none of them would ever work in real-life go to the other extreme. This isn't real life. In Tyria magic is a part of every day life, and that includes magical items. Every single player-character, even a level 1 warrior, can use magic and even the most basic equipment has magical properties (unless you think it's realistic for holding a sword to increase your ability to heal yourself...by shouting). So if there isn't a sword that would function as a piece of sharp metal to hit or stab people with, find one which is obviously a magical weapon that does not work like that. Get a chaos sword, or [Whisperblade](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whisperblade "Whisperblade") or the Zenith blade, or even something like the [Warden Sword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warden_Sword "Warden Sword") which appears to be made of vines and...crystal maybe?

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1) [sword skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_swords "Sword skins"), out of the depicted in the link: Aureate Rinblade, Einhaender, Funerary Sword, Hero's Sword, Krytan Sword, Royal Ascalonian Sword, Tenebrous Sword Would be a first selection.


2) [Great Sword Skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_greatswords "Great Sword Skins"), out of these: Aureate Highlander, Balthazar's, Ceremonial Scimitar, Ebon Vanguard, Ebonblade, Greatsword, Khrysaor, Krytan, Privateer, would be worth a look maybe.


3) Why should we care if your swords are funcional? Is this a threat? ;)


4) What do you define as functional, seeing that the sword in your pic has a rounded tip?

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> 1) [sword skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_swords "Sword skins"), out of the depicted in the link: Aureate Rinblade, Einhaender, Funerary Sword, Hero's Sword, Krytan Sword, Royal Ascalonian Sword, Tenebrous Sword Would be a first selection.


> 2) [Great Sword Skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_greatswords "Great Sword Skins"), out of these: Aureate Highlander, Balthazar's, Ceremonial Scimitar, Ebon Vanguard, Ebonblade, Greatsword, Khrysaor, Krytan, Privateer, would be worth a look maybe.


> 3) Why should we care if your swords are funcional? Is this a threat? ;)


> 4) What do you define as functional, seeing that the sword in your pic has a rounded tip?


OP is more like "look at me i bought a couple swords online", than "i want a proper sword skin", because the later exists.

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If you want a sword that is kind of realistic in terms of real life wield-ablity you have to go for the basic swords (bronze, mithril etc) or the few rapier/side sword/basket hilt sword inspired weapons like Bonetti's, Caudacus's and Faren's. Honor of Humanity, Bloodbound Sword and Firebringer are based on a Roman gladius and would work as well. After those, you have to switch to "heavy fantasy hilt" weapons and ornate blades: Fractal blade comes to mind or Aureate blade.

The two handed versions are mostly horrible. :disappointed:

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> 1) [sword skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_swords "Sword skins"), out of the depicted in the link: Aureate Rinblade, Einhaender, Funerary Sword, Hero's Sword, Krytan Sword, Royal Ascalonian Sword, Tenebrous Sword Would be a first selection.


> 2) [Great Sword Skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_greatswords "Great Sword Skins"), out of these: Aureate Highlander, Balthazar's, Ceremonial Scimitar, Ebon Vanguard, Ebonblade, Greatsword, Khrysaor, Krytan, Privateer, would be worth a look maybe.


> 3) Why should we care if your swords are funcional? Is this a threat? ;)


> 4) What do you define as functional, seeing that the sword in your pic has a rounded tip?


Thick carpet.





Eternity is alright, since yes indeed it's probably light as a feather lol. But if they made a 1h like that you probably couldn't buy it with gold so I wouldn't bother.

Infinite light and that cash shop skin I forgot the name of both look kinda alright, but something still bugs me about them.

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There's plenty of functional-looking swords in the game already. It's just that they are not that popular because they are not flashy. No matter how many of those are added, most people will keep using the shiny ones.


> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> "hi, I bought a sword, look at me"


And what do you do after you get a sword? [You swing it.](

"You swing it.")
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