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Collections are the worst thing in this game

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They're chores, chores worse than killing 10 rats for 5xp. You made em so people solve riddles and such, but who's really doing that? One out of thousand of players? Most will be alt tabbed searching the wiki. How is this fun? How is this content? Everything new is behind collections aka chores. These same skins could've been implemented in challenging content made for team play (because its an mmo, and that's what you do in mmo's), but instead, they're made for you to be alt tabbed doing chores while watching youtube videos. This is why your expansions run out of content in under a week, while GW1 expansions kept you busy until the next exp comes out, literally. People want to play content, and that content is not being wikipedia.

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Coming from a game that 'their' collection for one of the best armour sets (at the time ) meant a craft that endlessly could fail and often did, I am gald that at least once I have everything here I am 100% going to get that item.

I tend to unlock as much as possible then just playing the game gets me things I need from leggie's to ascended weapons. I just wish there was a collection for ascended armour out side of raids.

The worst thing is getting some of the bounties, but often if i wait till a daily comes up I have no other issues.

Other than that ...

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To like collections - or not - is a matter of taste. Some are harder, some easier. There are some I like, some I don't. The good thing about collections is: They are not mandatory. So, we go for if we like, otherwise, we leave it. From there, if they are required for an item we really want, then of course it means some work, but that's logic I believe. We have then a motivation to go for that "work" and once done, it feels soooooooooooo good! :3

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If the problem is that following a guide takes the fun out of it there's an easy solution: try doing it yourself and only use the Wiki if you're completely stuck.


Or if you're stuck you could ask people in-game for help. It's pretty much the same thing, but can be more fun, especially if you can team up with someone else doing the same thing.

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Here and there I stumble over something, but just like achievment points, it's one idea of arenaNet to keep you getting optional goals.

I think that's a great idea, like a huge buffet. You can walk past the shrimps because you don't like 'em, but right over there, there are the french fries you are looking for.

That doesn't mean the chef should remove the shrimps from now on.



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I don't mind the collections themselves, I'm quite happy to follow along with the hints and maybe check the wiki if I get really lost. What I don't like, is doing content upon release to earn achievements for the story meta, let out a sigh of relief when I've finally completed something difficult, feel that sense of accomplishment, only to have that same activity retroactively included in a collection of some sort forcing me to do twice, an activity that could have been done once, had I known in advance.


I'm talking about the legendary trinket Aurora collections here. I did those maps, I did the boring heart quests and annoying eventa, why do I have to do it all again?


I understand why, it's to extend the lifecycle of those maps, which is good, but it's also really annoying too.

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mostly, they keep older content alive. Without tying new items to old maps via collections, everyone would just crowd on the maps with the most profit, leaving the rest of the game a wasteland. Some I could without though (redoing Chalice of Tears e.g. ... come ooooooon...)

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I think collections are great, but they are also not very easy to get right.


The Tyrian medal collection thing they added with the new map is the latest example of bad collection. The tons of fun and good collections, like the legendary ones, balance it out however.


It's bad if the descriptions are extremely cryptic and leave you without any hint as to what to do, but outright telling you to do X in Y is also boring. IMO they need a bit of work on their descriptions to balance that out, as a general quality of life going forward

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> They're chores, chores worse than killing 10 rats for 5xp. You made em so people solve riddles and such, but who's really doing that? One out of thousand of players? Most will be alt tabbed searching the wiki. How is this fun? How is this content? Everything new is behind collections aka chores. These same skins could've been implemented in challenging content made for team play (because its an mmo, and that's what you do in mmo's), but instead, they're made for you to be alt tabbed doing chores while watching youtube videos. This is why your expansions run out of content in under a week, while GW1 expansions kept you busy until the next exp comes out, literally. People want to play content, and that content is not being wikipedia.



Is there really a difference between collections and go fetch X quests from other games??.....



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"Collections" are just the UI keeping track of the same sorts of tasks other games would list under "quests." They include all the tropes: UPS deliveries, kill 10 rats, figure out a puzzle, where in the world is, and so on. There's nothing inherent to GW2 collections that makes them better or worse than anything in other games.

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I really like collections. They're a major part of my end game. Mind you some collections are better than others. The ones that have clues I can actually work on I prefer greatly over those that have either misleading clues or no clues at all. I don't mind trying to figure something out. I really dislike feeling like I'm forced to go to a wiki or to Dulfy. I always try to do them on my own first.

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I agree that the collections are amongst the worst things the game has to offer, a lot of them feel like you're just doing chores and force you to play old bug ridden quests thanks to A-Net being adamant about their "never fix the old stuff" policy.

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