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If the Tengu was available, what class would you give it?

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Lets say we have the Tengu as an option, what class would you make it?

What classes do you think would have been the most and least popular for it?

I would probably made it a light class, and imo ranger would have been the most popular class, obviously... and least popular.. hm.. maybe mesmer?

What about you?

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I'm sure we'd see all classes, in roughly the same ratios that exist today.


As for myself, it probably would depend on what class I wanted to play a bit more of at the time. Or an elite spec I want to give some attention to, especially if I didn't want to respec one of my existing characters to do it.

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Whenever I think of a Tengu, I see an Archer. (_Thx to most of the Tengu NPCs are Archers in-game except for the newest ones in HoT_)

I would create Ranger first, then Warrior 2nd with the HoT tribe's Katana swords and Elementalist 3rd.

Pretty sure I will create lots of Tengus due to their, what we can imagine, alot of amazing feather colour, facial and other bird-alike customisation.

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I would make multiple tengu characters of every profession - that's easily 20-30 new characters and all that their creation would entail if they were added.


>! Tengu being added would mean a ton of gem purchases by me to buy those 20-30 character slots, all of those makeover kits for them to get the exclusive looks made available for tengu by using them, as well as also being likely to purchase other appearance items if they go well with tengu that I've passed on for the current playable species.


>! I would spend thousands upon thousands of hours more than I already have in the game creating, gearing, styling, leveling, adventuring through the entire game world again and -most importantly- having _fun_ playing each of the many new tengu characters I would make.


>! Currently, without tengu, I have been stuck in what has sadly become my normal play session: log in on occasion and stare at each of my 32 current characters for a few minutes; log on my TP baron in order to clean up some trading post orders, list a few items and sell some materials from salvaging; consider progressing the PoF story on my PoF character to get the griffon and beetle mounts, but instead make an audible sigh and log out. :\

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