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Is it time to finally remove the gems (RL money) --> gold conversion?

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I also disagree with OP. Yes, rich people being able to buy everything straight up while others have to work hard for it sucks, but it's not unfair.


Pay-to-win doesn't apply here, since gearing up in full exotics and getting ascended trinkets is very easy and fast, and after that's done, you're on par with everyone else gear-wise. The stuff you get for gold is mostly skins and convenience items, such as infusions, legendaries, permanent contracts, and so forth. This doesn't really hurt the game or create any kind of an unfair setting in any scenario.


And yes, other people having more money makes some people jealous (definitely makes me jealous anyway), but they also probably have worked harder for it, eating away at their playtime. Fast-forwarding when it's possible is only logical in a game like this. If I made 10k a month, I'd definitely buy myself legendaries and infusions and contracts that would otherwise take years of farming to achieve.


Not to even mention the income Anet gets from these guys.



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It's already reasonably-achievable as-is in-game.


If you play the game, you'll get the stuff you need to be competitive.


Honestly, people buying gems to buy gold for mats are doing the low-spender base a huge service by bringing the price of gems down for gold transfers, making cash-shop exclusive items more affordable. The people buying gems this way also keep the value constant and proportional to the goldcreep in the game. It's a great, symbiotic system.


When people stop doing this, the cash-shop items become only available to the people who charge real money. And since this is fashion wars, you lose a huge group of players. Which affects gameplay health, which affects the spenders, which affects ANet's margins.


The only thing I agree with is that I don't think specific skins belong directly in limited-time BL chests. The set/ticket system is a fine deal, though.

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Any time I see someone ask a company to eliminate a source of revenue I wait, and hope, for the follow up where the person, the OP in this case, offers to make up the income shortfall out of their own pocket.


Hasnt happened yet, but perhaps someday.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Any time I see someone ask a company to eliminate a source of revenue I wait, and hope, for the follow up where the person, the OP in this case, offers to make up the income shortfall out of their own pocket.


> Hasnt happened yet, but perhaps someday.


Oh that will never happen, just like the people that demand new or harder content will never offer to pay out for it.

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I want to keep gems. Like said by some in previous posts already, sometimes, I pay for gems with real money, some other times, I build gems up with gold, internal to the game. I don't want to lose this flexibility. I also find good and interesting that the game has a global currency subjected to internal game market.

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If people have the disposible income so be it. Let them fund the next xpac for the rest of us. Thier is NO advantage in buying things off the trading post in this game. It doesnt really affect anyones gameplay either. This seems more like jealousy than an arguement. This is no where near other games that you are trying to compare it too.

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I don't think the gems to gold is the issue. The gems take on the value of what the players value them as, and based on the gold currently in the economy. When trading gold to gems, it takes a massive chunk out of the economy and has a much higher ratio than the gems to gold. Honestly, I think it's the accumulating gold find account bonus that needs the axe most.

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Some players have time, others have money. It doesn't really matter. to get all skins in game you need a tremendous amount of gems/gold/real money. That they speed it up a little (but work more in real life) is ok. In fact it's a win win. Anet gets more money. People with NOT a lot of time, but fashion interest can play the game and feel like they have cool fashion, others can farm it. It's progress for both groups. And generally ppl using money from my feeling dont get fashion faster then ppl grinding a lot, so they arent really 'speed' cheating. Plus what you like as fashion is personal. Some are completionist for fashion others only want what they like. Let ppl do it the way they want.


You think more ppl will grind and be glorious 'i deserve my fashion'. Nope opposite effect: ppl that work hard with not a lot of time will leave the game. They will loose feel/interest with it, and anet will loose money. So the game will be worse (less money for new stuff) and less players op. Think about that... A few players who buy 1000 dollars of fashion hurt you much less then the other effects. Plus like someone said, stop being jealous and adore your other players fashion.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> I was not aware there was any P2W stigma in this game.


> But that does not matter.. really.. what's the worst that happens if they do this?

> * They take enough a fiscal hit they have to let go a lot of staff that slows their content production?

> * They end up with a bunch of Gold Selling Bots, that drive away new players and lose money and reputation from that?

> * They have to spend extra money to combat gold selling and thus need to pull from development?

> * They close down from lack of Gem Sales?


> Really.. what's a worst case scenario from this idea going live?


Gems and gold need be sinked into items or mutual exchange.


from need of Gem sink view, they will need put more Black lion items to ppl whos buys gems have more choices to stuff to buy, the ratio of cash items x in-game items production will shoot.


from need of Gold sink view, a insane inflation. without the option to buy cash items with gold, theres will be lots of gold on market without many option to spend.


Greater segregation between players who have cash items and those who do not, when you see someone with a cash item, "oh he spends money on the game," or when they see someone who has no "oh he's poor." dividing the playerbase in this way is something that Anet is very allergic to..


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... About "prestige" of end game items,


the OP needs to understand why this game is dubbed **fashion wars**. The prestige of GW2 is not of the stats themselves, but how much a certain style looks good. If you want prestige, and get compliments on GW2, take a look at sites like GW2Styles to understand the mindset of the GW2 player.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > I was not aware there was any P2W stigma in this game.

> >

> > But that does not matter.. really.. what's the worst that happens if they do this?

> > * They take enough a fiscal hit they have to let go a lot of staff that slows their content production?

> > * They end up with a bunch of Gold Selling Bots, that drive away new players and lose money and reputation from that?

> > * They have to spend extra money to combat gold selling and thus need to pull from development?

> > * They close down from lack of Gem Sales?

> >

> > Really.. what's a worst case scenario from this idea going live?


> Gems and gold need be sinked into items or mutual exchange.


> from need of Gem sink view, they will need put more Black lion items to ppl whos buys gems have more choices to stuff to buy, the ratio of cash items x in-game items production will shoot.


> from need of Gold sink view, a insane inflation. without the option to buy cash items with gold, theres will be lots of gold on market without many option to spend.


> Greater segregation between players who have cash items and those who do not, when you see someone with a cash item, "oh he spends money on the game," or when they see someone who has no "oh he's poor." dividing the playerbase in this way is something that Anet is very allergic to..



I hate to say it.. but that does not sound that bad, it sounds more like it would be annoying... but not really bad per say.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > I was not aware there was any P2W stigma in this game.

> > >

> > > But that does not matter.. really.. what's the worst that happens if they do this?

> > > * They take enough a fiscal hit they have to let go a lot of staff that slows their content production?

> > > * They end up with a bunch of Gold Selling Bots, that drive away new players and lose money and reputation from that?

> > > * They have to spend extra money to combat gold selling and thus need to pull from development?

> > > * They close down from lack of Gem Sales?

> > >

> > > Really.. what's a worst case scenario from this idea going live?

> >

> > Gems and gold need be sinked into items or mutual exchange.

> >

> > from need of Gem sink view, they will need put more Black lion items to ppl whos buys gems have more choices to stuff to buy, the ratio of cash items x in-game items production will shoot.

> >

> > from need of Gold sink view, a insane inflation. without the option to buy cash items with gold, theres will be lots of gold on market without many option to spend.

> >

> > Greater segregation between players who have cash items and those who do not, when you see someone with a cash item, "oh he spends money on the game," or when they see someone who has no "oh he's poor." dividing the playerbase in this way is something that Anet is very allergic to..

> >


> I hate to say it.. but that does not sound that bad, it sounds more like it would be annoying... but not really bad per say.


Sounds awful to me, i dont like the idea of being singled out cause OOOO gem store items they spend money. I much prefer what we have now which is "Oh hey that character looks good, regardless of what they have on.:

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Can someone please point me to the place where I can straight up buy ascended gear? I'd really like to know.


Oh wait, you can't buy ascended gear! You have to make it, or get extremely lucky with drops. It seems some people need to actually play this game and learn it before spewing nonsense about P2W.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> Can someone please point me to the place where I can straight up buy ascended gear? I'd really like to know.


> Oh wait, you can't buy ascended gear! You have to make it, or get extremely lucky with drops. It seems some people need to actually play this game and learn it before spewing nonsense about P2W.


Funny how some people pretends to not know exactly what was meant. Ascended gear's main materials (the t7 mats) can be bought via gold and the entire 0-500 crafting can also be levelled via gold. The only stuffs account bound are extremely petty in comparison i.e. the empyreal fragments, dragonite and bloodstone dust and the augur's stone. Are you really pretending that the main bottleneck in crafting an ascended set isn't gold (which can be bypassed entirely by swiping)?


In addition to those, you actually CAN buy BiS weapon in 1st gen legendaries AND the +5 stat infusions. Cosmetic or not, they're the best in slot weapons and upgrades available.

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Haha, it's not as if having bought ascended or even legendaries automatically gives you the skill to even do any of the things you would even need those things for? Need ascended for wvw? Good for you you still better be good at fighting coz someone better than you in all greens can still whoop you. Need ascended for raids or t4 fractals so you can get those sweet titles and legendary gear? gl with that if you suck. There is no pay-to-win here because ascended can only get you so far (I think the research found not counting trinkets and backpack its a less than 10% increase or something) and legendaries have the same stats as ascended with the added bonus that they can change stats.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Prove that a safe way to buy gold doesn’t stop people from buying gold from gold sellers. I think the very fact that games are doing this shows that it’s beneficial to the game. Games wouldn’t be doing it if it hurt them.


> Gold being cheaper from gold seller isn't a valid option for you? Can you prove otherwise of what you claimed? What you're claiming "beneficial" to the game has sunk other games in this same very genre by allowing everything to purchaseable with real life money.


If you knew any at all of what you were talking about you'd know why it's cheaper and that people who buy from the cheaper gold sellers are banned because they're participating in identity theft and fraud.


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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > Can someone please point me to the place where I can straight up buy ascended gear? I'd really like to know.

> >

> > Oh wait, you can't buy ascended gear! You have to make it, or get extremely lucky with drops. It seems some people need to actually play this game and learn it before spewing nonsense about P2W.


> Funny how some people pretends to not know exactly what was meant. Ascended gear's main materials (the t7 mats) can be bought via gold and the entire 0-500 crafting can also be levelled via gold. The only stuffs account bound are extremely petty in comparison i.e. the empyreal fragments, dragonite and bloodstone dust and the augur's stone. Are you really pretending that the main bottleneck in crafting an ascended set isn't gold (which can be bypassed entirely by swiping)?


> In addition to those, you actually CAN buy BiS weapon in 1st gen legendaries AND the +5 stat infusions. Cosmetic or not, they're the best in slot weapons and upgrades available.


Again, no, I don't care that you can buy the mats. You still have to make them. And as far as leveling the professions to 500, I don't care about that either - I bought most of the mats I needed to max all the professions, and didn't use real money to convert gems to gold to do it. It can be pretty expensive to get those last 30-50 levels, so if you want to waste real money to do it go for it.


As far as legendaries, they are no better, stat-wise, than the ascended ones I use, which as already stated doesn't bother me one bit if people want to use real money to level to be able to make. If someone wants to waste even MORE real money just to have a legendary that doesn't even increase any stat whatsoever over the ascended ones then go for it.


For the record I don't own a single legendary weapon, and am in no hurry to get one. Some day I'll have one, whether I finish this 1st one I'm working on, or get fed up and buy one outright with gold.


EDIT: by "buying" I meant from an npc vendor, not a real person off the TP.

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