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Dont call me a boss!


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Hello everyone,


I have just finished the LW S2 and one thing bugs me so much, that I have decided to create this topic about it.


As you can see from the title, I hate that other main characters calls me a "boss" or "commander". And that in general they are all acting as I am something more than they are. Even from the lore, I am not god or master race and almost every main character did great or even better things than me in the world of Tyria. I honestly felt so disconnected with my character and story just because of this, as I cant relate to such behavior towards friends or towards the most respectable characters in all Tyria (like a Queen, Destinys Edge or other leaders).


I would like to see more friendly, not military, relationships between at least main characters. In this atmosphere, it is almost impossible to joke between main characters or be a bit more casual (in the stories). I would like to treat others as a friends and I would like other characters to realize, that they were all important part in all the things we have done (together or not).

As I have said before, I have only finished LW S2, so I have plenty of story missions to go. So is this changed in later chapters? And if not, what do you guys think about this?


I dont know, If this topic has been discussed before or if there is any response from ArenaNet on this topic (if so, please send me to that direction).


Thank you


_Mesmer that helped fight the dragons as most other people in Tyria did._




**20.08. 2018 EDIT - Please read this before posting** ([link to the original post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/632431/#Comment_632431 "link to the original post")):


As I said before, I understand why characters use commander sometimes, I have a bit more problem with boss, but I guess it can also be justified sometimes. I was talking about general perception of the character and these titles were just the (probably poor) illustration of that. I am not native English, so I have problems to express myself, thats why I dont blame anyone, that they dont get what I mean.


I was asked, if I can give the example from the game. I honestly forgot the exact phrase from before, but now I have another example from yesterday.

I will only paraphrase, as I dont remember exact words and also I dont want to spoil anything:


**"Unfortunately the monster left before we could fight it, but you wasnt there, so it was probably for the better as we couldnt beat it (without you)."**


This kind of tone is very consistent throughout the story and my opinion is, that it makes story worse, less believable and shrinks space for other interesting and strong characters. It also makes main character distant (from me). I dont know if this explanation is any better, **I just want to say that the title itself is not what I was talking about the whole time**.

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Most of them can call me "friend", "Mr.", "hey you" or something else. But its not only about title itself, in some cases commander even made sense (as the dragon pact was kind of military structure). But in general, I dont like that everyone treats me like a god, the Savior and the best of the best from the whole world. Even if some of the praise can be deserved based on the lore, its still feels so off and disconnecting to me.

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I understand how you feel, can I ask what race and choices/background did you took on your character creation?


I, for instance, loved the "boss/commander" thing, and thats because 1.- i'm an Iron Legion Charr (so getting called Boss is an honor and a sign of respect) 2.- My personality is Diplomatic, something around being Honorable, and a little bit of Charming (if we take in consideration the hidden forgotten roleplaying mechanic on the game) so its just like the commander personality from start to current its like it was just made for me.


(next is spoiler free btw) There is something the Pact Commander said that I UTTERLY DISLIKED at the start of HoT Act 2 in Auric Basin, its something that he said out of nowhere and without any valid reason, mainly because he DO has a trustworthy group, even with the thing that happened at near the end of S2. When asked by someone you just meet if you still don't trust him, he replies:


*"I don't trust anybody"*


(line is from Charr, there is something similar for Human and Sylvari characters too, but that was so out of place that I cringed a little). Maybe he was just being apathetic whit that someone, or just wanted to state that he wouldn't trust anyone no more with the task he has right now.... but still I dislike that.

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In Season 1, you basically took the leader role of the biconics (Kasmeer, Marjory, Taimi, Braham, and Rox). This is why they call you boss, because they do not know you as the Pact Commander at that point, but "the guy who took charge", aka "the boss of our group".


It actually fits Marjory, imo, that she calls the PC "boss" the most. The others will take to their own terms, but most will stick with Commander starting in HoT when our role as Commander returns to the forefront in the main plot.


There's not many gender-neutral, race-neutral terms which they can really call the PC, anyways, so boss really works.

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If the PC isn't called "boss" (fitting the role in the group, since no one else makes decisions for the group), if the PC isn't called "commander" (fitting their actual title in lore, from the personal story), and since Taimi likes "poohbah," which is an ironic or sarcastic term (from a character in [Gilbert & Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Poobah))...


... what is your suggestion for a better name?


Reminder, as @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said, it needs to be race-, gender-, and profession-neutral.

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Thanks for the replies guys,


I was so disgusted by this, so I didnt expect so many people actually like this style. But I have never called a boss even my real boss, so I guess I may have problem with authorities :) Still I can understand that some people wants to be heroes, only to me it was so over the top, that it feels fake.

So by all the responses it seems this style wont change in the story and most people dont really want it to change (like everyone but me right now :D).

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> @"Spellshaper.6240" said:

> Thanks for the replies guys,


> I was so disgusted by this, so I didnt expect so many people actually like this style. But I have never called a boss even my real boss, so I guess I may have problem with authorities :) Still I can understand that some people wants to be heroes, only to me it was so over the top, that it feels fake.

> So by all the responses it seems this style wont change in the story and most people dont really want it to change (like everyone but me right now :D).


without giving much spoiler: do not worry, in Ls3 and PoF there is change of tone and introduction of more humor and small "jokes".

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Taimi likes "poohbah," which is an ironic or sarcastic term (from a character in [Gilbert & Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Poobah))


Fun fact: Poobah is also used by Elli towards Jeyne in the Whispers' plan to invade the Cursed Shore. It seems to be a nickname of endearment for a superior.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Taimi likes "poohbah," which is an ironic or sarcastic term (from a character in [Gilbert & Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Poobah))


> Fun fact: Poobah is also used by Elli towards Jeyne in the Whispers' plan to invade the Cursed Shore. It seems to be a nickname of endearment for a superior.


I had forgotten that. Thanks for reminding.


The term's origin is not endearment. Even so, like any nickname, it can be used affectionately too. Calling a sibling "jerk" seems mean-spirited on its face, but some brothers/sisters used as a friendly label, some don't. Similarly, "commander" is neutral/factual, but Braham can use it scathingly, while Kas uses it with warmth. I take Taimi's use of "Poohbah" to be respectful, while poking fun at the PC's unwillingness to accept that they are, in fact, a commander. And the boss.


So the context is critical, especially with terms that already have specific meanings.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > Taimi likes "poohbah," which is an ironic or sarcastic term (from a character in [Gilbert & Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Poobah))

> >

> > Fun fact: Poobah is also used by Elli towards Jeyne in the Whispers' plan to invade the Cursed Shore. It seems to be a nickname of endearment for a superior.


> I had forgotten that. Thanks for reminding.


> The term's origin is not endearment. Even so, like any nickname, it can be used affectionately too. Calling a sibling "jerk" seems mean-spirited on its face, but some brothers/sisters used as a friendly label, some don't. Similarly, "commander" is neutral/factual, but Braham can use it scathingly, while Kas uses it with warmth. I take Taimi's use of "Poohbah" to be respectful, while poking fun at the PC's unwillingness to accept that they are, in fact, a commander. And the boss.


> So the context is critical, especially with terms that already have specific meanings.


even "Boss" in Braham/Rox tone remind mes of american cops in movies, a tone of "hey old mate in arms".

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I know there are situations and people where using commander or boss can be appropriate. Like more formal and/or military situations. But as I said before, title is only the most obvious of the whole picture. Its about the general perception of the player.

Everyone is treating him like a god, no matter if its friend, queen or anyone else. When people see me, they "sh*t" themselves like teenagers on singers concert. While most of them are not teenagers and they have done many heroic deeds themselves. or are respectful in the society (and are more deserving to be respected than the main character).


Also I was asked about what they should call me? It depends on situation: It can be friend, sir, mister or even stupid, silly if situation demands it.

I have selected Dignity as my trait, but I would like others to have some dignity as well.

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> @"Spellshaper.6240" said:

> Everyone is treating him like a god, no matter if its friend, queen or anyone else.

I think you might want to re-read or re-listen to what some folks are saying. There are only a few fanboi NPCs treating the PC like that.


> Also I was asked about what they should call me? It depends on situation: It can be friend, sir, mister or even stupid, silly if situation demands it.

And the PC gets called variations of all those things, too. Commander is a title that the PC earned. The title remains (for some positions) long after the person has left office. (e.g. Ambassador works like that in a lot of countries.)


> I have selected Dignity as my trait, but I would like others to have some dignity as well.

I cannot remember anything undignified about how the e.g. Queen treats the commander. Can you point to specific dialogue which demonstrates that to you? I must have missed it.


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > The term's origin is not endearment.


> Outside Tyria, maybe, but within the scope of Tyria it seems to be, since both Taimi and Elli use it in a kind-hearted manner..


I don't think we know anything about the in-game term except how it's used by two NPCs, entirely consistently with how it gets used in our world. Given that folks speak English and not "Tyrian," in the absence of an etymology, I'm inclined to assume the game's writers are using the term from our world, just as they have one with so many other terms. Of course, there's no evidence either way, so it's just an assumption and a preference to not read too much into limited facts.

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