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Fix Deadeye Stealth or get rid of Stealth Traps


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Stealth Traps are virtually useless against a Deadeye. They are supposed to stop a target from going into stealth for 30 seconds. However, it seems a Deadeye is revealed and then goes right back into stealth, ignoring the effect the Stealth Trap is designed to do. What's the point of having a trap in WvW that is ignored by this broken stealth of the Deadeye? We had a Deadeye in a keep today and in past takes of keep that stayed in stealth almost permanently. And once they were revealed by the trap 1 second later they were gone for 15-30 seconds more. ANeT, please fix this and make the Deadeye's stealth not be able to overcome a game mechanic you created to counter stealthed targets in WvW.

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> @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Meld is the skill responsible for the deadeye removing the reveal.


He still has a point though, the only thing those traps effect are thieves and the extremely high up time on stealth, now those traps should be removed or shadow meld to act accordingly otherwise those traps might aswell be renamed to "spikes" and sold for junk to a vendor.


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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> Shadow traps need to pulse revealed.Boom fixed



Most utility skills that apply reveal are useless as they are on a longer cool down than Shadow Meld. Shadow Meld is simply a bad design and needs to be removed. If a thief get's revealed it should have to fight or use it's excessive mobility to disengage.

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > Shadow traps need to pulse revealed.Boom fixed

> >


> Most utility skills that apply reveal are useless as they are on a longer cool down than Shadow Meld. Shadow Meld is simply a bad design and needs to be removed. If a thief get's revealed it should have to fight or use it's excessive mobility to disengage.


? Shadow meld gets 2 charges, and has a 45s cooldown, and like a few ( one?) other stealth skills has a cast time as well.

Can you list any skills that have a longer cooldown that reveal? I havent found any so I am curious what skill you are talking about?

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Meld is the skill responsible for the deadeye removing the reveal.


> He still has a point though, the only thing those traps effect are thieves and the extremely high up time on stealth, now those traps should be removed or shadow meld to act accordingly otherwise those traps might aswell be renamed to "spikes" and sold for junk to a vendor.



You think thieves are the only class with access to stealth in the game?

Traps are extremely useful for catching MESMERS in keeps, which are for the most part more of a concern.


Shadow meld can be used twice with a 5s cool down in between. Then it has a rather long recharge rate. You can carry supply for 2 traps.


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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Meld is the skill responsible for the deadeye removing the reveal.

> >

> > He still has a point though, the only thing those traps effect are thieves and the extremely high up time on stealth, now those traps should be removed or shadow meld to act accordingly otherwise those traps might aswell be renamed to "spikes" and sold for junk to a vendor.

> >


> You think thieves are the only class with access to stealth in the game?

> Traps are extremely useful for catching MESMERS in keeps, which are for the most part more of a concern.


> Shadow meld can be used twice with a 5s cool down in between. Then it has a rather long recharge rate. You can carry supply for 2 traps.



I said extremely high uptime on stealth but ill say it again in case you skimmed over those key words there.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> Shadow meld can be used twice with a 5s cool down in between. Then it has a rather long recharge rate. You can carry supply for 2 traps.



Yes,try putting second trap,meanwhile get hit by train called DJ.Lets be honest,stealth trap doesn’t work against deadeye in any way,at best he’ll be just scared away and wait until his Elite recharges.


Maybe Stealth Traps effect should be specific,and apply debuff that couldn’t be cleansed by Shadow meld.This way traps wouldn’t be useless and DE elite would be still working same way (also less coding work for ANet)

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You don't have to engage the deadeye for starters. If your class allows for it, put a trap near it or on top of stealth trap. If this guy is going to troll inside your keep, he will most likely do the same from the outside to contest it. As annoying as it is, don't play into something they have specifically built for, it will save you lots of pain.

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by the way those traps are designed, i highly doubt they were ever designed to hunt single opponents. they came to a game were many fights ended with a single veil push. thats why those traps need 4s to be placed and cant be dodged, as well as trigger the effect in a much larger radius than the trap itself.


but i dont recall ever seeing them being used against zergs/groups. so getting rid of stealthtraps as such might be a really good idea. they could still replace it with a stealth disabler , wich works more like a siege disabler: projectile AoE, dodgeable, cooldown etc. maybe with less supply cost than a siege disabler and a reveal duration of a normal reveal skill -> 6 seconds.


20s reveal is pretty much overkill against a deadeye if they cant cleanse it in a situation were you mostly run into such a trap, because thats rarely a 1 vs 1, often a 10+ vs 1. a stealth disabler would be easier spammable by such a large group to make their shadowmeld useless again and it would be better usable in 1 vs 1 , 2 vs 1 etc.


aside from that i still dont think that especially in case of deadeye, reveal is the correct counter. many deadeyes play with SA wich means 2 of their traitlines heavily depend on stealth, not on being invisible but all the traits and skills that come with the effect. reveal disables all those too and doesnt just grant you the option to see them. this means that applying reveal to them basically turns them into a target dummy, wich is probably why they can remove revealed.

if you like it or not the only realistic way you can expect anet to give you more counters to invisibility is removng or replacing all reveals in the game with a counter that only counters invisibility, as an effect on them like a weaker revealed or as an effect on the caster itself to see stealthed opponets wich would be alot more reliable. either way i dont think that they with current reveals will remove shadowmelds reveal cleanse or give access to more reveals, because it is just a too strong counter to deadeyes build around stealth. shadowmeld was the easy solution without having to change all the reveal skills, just giving the one that can build the most depending on them an option to remove it.

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Just leave when you see a memeeye. I do, at least. Run or die, the fight is really boring and stupid cause of broken stealth mechanics, and there is little you can do to turn the fight in your favor. Plus, if it DOES turn in your favor, memeeye just stealthes, leaves, recharges everything, and back to square one.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Not really used the traps but I heard that they trigger the moment you start the casting of it (assuming an enemy is standing on it too)


wrong. they trigger when you finish casting and the opponent is on it.

they however fix the positon when you cast it. so you can start casting, teleport and it will be were you started. more usefull for supplytraps infront of a door blinking into a portal tho.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > what if stealth traps when activated created an area similar to the dh trap that pulsed reveal....?

> >

> > would that work?


> with similar reveal duration of the DH trap, sure :3


I was thinking 1s reveals on pulse but the area being maybe 1000 range by 1000 range sort of deal, basically an effective area that will still allow counter play by porting or leaping out of the area if you were the stealth class and an open area to engage in if you were the one to drop the trap.

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