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Opinion on Outfits


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I'm actually curious if people have the same mindset as me. I hear about this a lot and wonder if you guys are in the same boat as my guild and friends. Most of us really don't like outfits because of the inability to mix and match like with armor- and simply because all you can do is enable/disable the helmet/back item with them. A lot of them are also very over the top and obnoxious. Really shiny, random ribbons everywhere, etc.

Anyway, yeah. Poll.

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I like them and use them regularly. If it doesn’t bother people to be a member of the female meta or being one more person in a crowd wearing giant wings or one more person with eye catching infusions or armor in flames then seeing someone else in the same outfit shouldn’t bother them either. In addition, since there are so many outfits out there now the odds are now much lower you’ll see someone else wearing the same outfit as you at the same time.

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Outfits are Anet's admission they can't do better and just prefer to do things the lacking but easy way. Outfits are also the demonstration they are right: People will buy this generic, fixed, non-creative things anyway. And no matter how much we speak out against it, it will stay this way and probably became worse with time. Because people do pay for this kind of inflexible, boring stuff.

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I use outfits pretty much like town clothes - I buy ones which don't look like armour and use them as a quick alternative when armour wouldn't look right. Specifically the Noble Count, Wedding, Winter Monarch and Monk outfits. In general those also wouldn't work as individual pieces mixed in with armour, so it doesn't bother me that I can't customise them.


(I also bought the Arctic Explorer outfit because stupid as it sounds sometimes seeing my character running around in the snow in a sleeveless top makes me feel cold.)


Having said that there are other outfits I'd probably have bought if they were armour sets or if there was more customisation so I could hide bits I don't like - even if we could only mix and match them with other outfit pieces. So I guess it is putting me off some of them, just not all.


What really bothers me however is that they all share dye channels. It's very difficult to find a dye scheme that suits the character and works across 4+ outfits (I have some free ones too) and it puts me off buying any others. I know I could change it each time but that ruins the convenience which is the one thing they have going for them.

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I got the Halloween hexed outfit last year and it's pretty versatile. One of my Asuras wears it to look creepy, another, female, wears it with the hat and looks Asian and finally, my human wears it without the cap and it fits well the Elonian theme. You can play with the colors.


I like how the outfits change depending of race. I really like the wedding gown for example.

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Great for those weekly key farmers or RP sessions. Good for level grinding a new character with a friend or new player instead of wasting transmutation charges.

Main cons I see is that the head option is limited. Wish I could show a characters glasses/eyepatch/glowing eyes on the outfit. Shoulders should have a hide option.

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I chose Other.


I like outfits for what they are: an option to freely select between different looks with one click; and a way to level up a character (yeah, I still do that) without having to either accept the random mishmash of gear looks or use several charges every few levels.


I dislike the baroque, ostentatious appearance of many of the outfits. To be fair, I also dislike that about a lot of armor pieces.

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I prefer armor-sets over outfits, but there are a couple of problems with armor sets.


The playable races of Tyria can be categorized in only three optical types: human-like (human, norn, sylvari) and charr and asura. When it comes to armor adjustment and clipping issues, there are little to no differences between the human-like races, small differences with asura and huge differences with charr. If an armor is designed for a human, it will suit a sylvari and a norn (just needs to be resized). To make same armor suit for an asura, the armor has to be resized and adjusted to their physique. To make an armor suit to a charr, you will have to create an entire new armor. You can use templates of previous armors but adjusting the textures is a giant mess, lots of visual distortion and probably intense problems with reflections and other visual effects. This has to be done with every armor piece which is added to the game, in addition there are clipping issues to avoid when combining that armor-piece with other armor-pieces of different sets. Here is where things get highly complicated. This eats tons of valuable resources, both time and personnel.


With an outfit, you still have the struggle of adjusting to each race. But all that matters is the overall-look. No additional work for every armor-piece and no research/clipping issues with other armor-pieces. Implementing an outfit takes a fraction of the time to implement an armor set. You need a lot less resources and can focus on more important things, like the Living Story, Legendary Weapons, Raids, Fractals ... etc. For something visual, which is intended to be purchased via gemstore anyway, the outfits are the better solution for the game and the company behind it. The lesser resources spent in gear-design, the more content with will receive.


I still prefer armor-sets over outfits and I keep spending hours mixing my own sets and coloring them. But a lot of these outfits look really good on every race. I already purchased a few and probably will purchase more in the future. It is an easy way to customize a character with a few clicks and just focus on the gameplay.


Just keep in mind, we do not have monthly subscriptions. Every money the company earns comes from the game itself and the gemstore-purchases, so their resources are limited. The developments of the past years have proven, that sometimes restructuring of personell was neccessary to get a certain job done. Using more resources on armor-design would probably bring more armor-sets to the game, but on the other hand slow down other processes. I do not think our community would accept that trade-off.

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I pretty much regret all the outfits I've bought. It's partly due to how few things we can turn off- helm, and on the extremely rare occasion, gloves. It's the shoulders almost always that are the eyesore. And yeah, if we could choose what to show in place of the helm, that would help a lot. I'd feel much better about things if we could do that and turn off shoulders. Meanwhile, I am hesitant to buy any more outfits because I figure I'll just be sorry later.


Outfits do come in handy when I can't find a look I like w/ armor pieces and when leveling alts, but I won't be leveling alts forever.

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I love some outfits, and loathe others.


I do wish that they had more dye channels, like regular armor does. I wish that we could mix and match armor/outfit pieces. I wish we could turn off shoulders and gloves. So many outfits would look amazing if only we could turn off the shoulders and/or gloves...

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