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Please make Renegade short bow worth using in balance patch.


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Renegade short bow is still straight major downgrade to even the worst weapons in Rev kit (mace, axe, hammer).


There are plenty of other issues in Renegade (Razorclaw's Rage is completely useless unless you invest all personal stats into bleeding damage just for it to remain "sub par". The elite skills is ****. The heal is **** without strong investment into healing power)but this is the most obvious one. Please up the damage dramatically.


You can not exchange hits with this weapon versus any class even on a scale of something stupid like **2 to 1** and come out with a win.


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Renegade is my opinion could use a few quality of life changes:

1. Cast time of charr summons in renegade stance removed. Just make them instant. The fact that players accidentally KILL the charr summons without even realizing or that holosmiths can accidentally CC them without realizing and completely stop their benefits/effects is pretty absurd. Making them instant cast would be alot more fair because that way the renegade will not have wasted 2-3 seconds just standing there getting them up.


2. 7 shot on the shortbow is beyond a meme at this point. Says 7 shot but getting it past 2 shot is a massive effort alone. Maybe once in a blue moon you will get a 3 shot. This is from a pvp perspective, maybe it works fine in pve but in pvp ... my god.

3. Citadel bombardment is suppose to be a core skill to the renegade spec but trying to hit anybody with this is a complete joke as well. Id say on average this skill hits 2 or 3 times on a player target. This is incredibly bad considering it shoots 10 shots and way more of them hit on a PVE boss than a moving player and considering that it costs 30 energy and is a core skill to the renegade dps. The skill is very sluggish in pvp as the portal opens then the projectiles fire out with a slow travel time in what feels like complete rng chances of them landing. Most of the time even if you load out with viper's amulet (dont do this) and citadel bombardment someone in pvp , their hp wont even move that much because the chances of this skill hitting is so rng.


These 3 quality of life fixes would make renegade way less frustrating to play in pvp. Its likely that even if these 3 changes were done, renegade would still be sub-par but I feel these 3 changes are the least ANET can do. I call it "quality of life" changes but really its not even that because those skills are just straight up broken in a pvp environment, meaning they dont even function when pressed. The least they could do is make them function. I also feel bloodbane path is incredibly underwhelming in pvp but w/e, ill leave that for another day. I also feel the power damage ratios on the mace skills could be upped to provide better synergy with the renegade spec.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> most everything renegade related needs a massive steroid type boost. think hulk steroids.


[prntscr.com/l0d0zd](http://prntscr.com/l0d0zd "prntscr.com/l0d0zd")


Yes clearly needs buffs...


*edit* fail hit the wrong ult. ah well i'm sure vuln wouldn't off added to much more damage.

Edit #2, [prntscr.com/l0d2lh](http://prntscr.com/l0d2lh "prntscr.com/l0d2lh")

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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > most everything renegade related needs a massive steroid type boost. think hulk steroids.


> [prntscr.com/l0d0zd](http://prntscr.com/l0d0zd "prntscr.com/l0d0zd")


> Yes clearly needs buffs...


> *edit* fail hit the wrong ult. ah well i'm sure vuln wouldn't off added to much more damage.

> Edit #2, [prntscr.com/l0d2lh](http://prntscr.com/l0d2lh "prntscr.com/l0d2lh")


So... it's like burn guard (easy to cleanse burn) but enemies need to stay still for the skills to land.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > most everything renegade related needs a massive steroid type boost. think hulk steroids.

> >

> > [prntscr.com/l0d0zd](http://prntscr.com/l0d0zd "prntscr.com/l0d0zd")

> >

> > Yes clearly needs buffs...

> >

> > *edit* fail hit the wrong ult. ah well i'm sure vuln wouldn't off added to much more damage.

> > Edit #2, [prntscr.com/l0d2lh](http://prntscr.com/l0d2lh "prntscr.com/l0d2lh")


> So... it's like burn guard (easy to cleanse burn) but enemies need to stay still for the skills to land.



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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > most everything renegade related needs a massive steroid type boost. think hulk steroids.

> >

> > [prntscr.com/l0d0zd](http://prntscr.com/l0d0zd "prntscr.com/l0d0zd")

> >

> > Yes clearly needs buffs...

> >

> > *edit* fail hit the wrong ult. ah well i'm sure vuln wouldn't off added to much more damage.

> > Edit #2, [prntscr.com/l0d2lh](http://prntscr.com/l0d2lh "prntscr.com/l0d2lh")


> So... it's like burn guard (easy to cleanse burn) but enemies need to stay still for the skills to land.


Yes and No. unlike burn guardians renegade has a bunch of cover conditions that apply passively through traits. (i'm sure you know most of them but i will list them for others)

-Rampant Vex (applies torment on crits)

-Venom enchancment (when you apply torment, apply poison

-abyssal chill (apply torment when chilled)

Ect (i got lazy)

Your getting alot of damage from torment,


as for enemies standing still that's true kind of, your suppose to be starting this chain with SB 5 though (which is a knockdown) which will allow all the other skills to hit really easy. the problem of course is they handed out stability like candy, (not to mention you will never hit thieves with sb5 unless your pairing it with shinos teleport)


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Milan.9035" said:

> > renegade + shortbow + kalla was made with zero thought about pvp.

> >

> > i so much hate for whoever was in charge at anet that let this ship this way.


> Implying every class needs to be equally viable in every gamemode


when every class has a viable espec in every game mode then yes the one and only thats ages behind needs to be updated.

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> @"Milan.9035" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Milan.9035" said:

> > > renegade + shortbow + kalla was made with zero thought about pvp.

> > >

> > > i so much hate for whoever was in charge at anet that let this ship this way.

> >

> > Implying every class needs to be equally viable in every gamemode


> when every class has a viable espec in every game mode then yes the one and only thats ages behind needs to be updated.


Renegade is very strong in raids though and Herald is still strong in PvP.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Milan.9035" said:

> > > renegade + shortbow + kalla was made with zero thought about pvp.

> > >

> > > i so much hate for whoever was in charge at anet that let this ship this way.

> >

> > Implying every class needs to be equally viable in every gamemode


> Yeah, that's the idea.


It's already the case, so no need to change anything.


Now if you mean every *spec* needs to be viable in every gamemode that's just awful. Some classes simply perform better in different modes, that's perfectly fine. Forcing everything to work everywhere just creates boring and very same-y classes that nobody enjoys playing.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > most everything renegade related needs a massive steroid type boost. think hulk steroids.

> > >

> > > [prntscr.com/l0d0zd](http://prntscr.com/l0d0zd "prntscr.com/l0d0zd")

> > >

> > > Yes clearly needs buffs...

> > >

> > > *edit* fail hit the wrong ult. ah well i'm sure vuln wouldn't off added to much more damage.

> > > Edit #2, [prntscr.com/l0d2lh](http://prntscr.com/l0d2lh "prntscr.com/l0d2lh")

> >

> > So... it's like burn guard (easy to cleanse burn) but enemies need to stay still for the skills to land.


> What?


Who when were why

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why is it awful to have every spec viable in every mode, i am not asking meta. herald is viable in raids and in ranked. why cant renegade be?


why not put a disclaimer somewhere that this spec is not viable in pvp. even renegade is a default build on the pvp UI. why put it there if its not ment to be played?

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:



> Now if you mean every *spec* needs to be viable in every gamemode that's just awful. Some classes simply perform better in different modes, that's perfectly fine. Forcing everything to work everywhere just creates boring and very same-y classes that nobody enjoys playing.


But the classes and specs do different things, or at the very least they do different versions of those roles.


Every spec should have a viable role in every game mode.


That is not "awful". It will allow for more variety in all game modes. Stacking the same four classes that excel in their respective game mode is awful.


Being able to swap out class 1/espec b with class 2/espec c will make the game more fun. If someone can be support just as well on their favorite themed class as the current "meta" then the idea of "meta" will also expand.


Some classes are better at roles than other classes. But any class viable in that role should be balance with equity.



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Just two simple fixes to the functionality of seven shot and citadel bombardment would go a long way in pvp. I dont know why renegade always has to get the short end of the stick in pvp. Theres plenty of builds that are god tier in BOTH pve and pvp, why does renegade have to be considered an after thought? I know statistically revenants are the least played class in guild wars 2, so that means they can just treat us like dirt?


Look at deadeye, top performance in both pvp and pve and when I say top I mean LITERALLY the very top. Soulbeast and holosmith , top performance in both pve AND pvp. These specs are allowed to just dominate all game modes while being extremely easy to play on top of that, but renegade, the spec that has to not only cycle burning 75 energy as fast as possible through both legend sets and swapping through shortbow and mace/axe and spamming f2-f4 skills just to do optimal dmg on par with those others, this spec apparently isnt allowed to be good in pvp. The spec that has so much counterplay, often by complete accident, in the form of ccing or killing the summoned charrs, this spec isnt allowed to be good in pvp. Even the mention of wanting renegade buffs immediately triggers " UHDUHUH BUT ITZ GUD IN TEH PVES" , yea so is soulbeast and its braindead easy to play. But when it comes to renegade, ANET just loves pissing on it so hard that even asking for its skills to FUNCTION at a fundamental level (seven shot and citadel bombardment) is too much to ask.

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  • 3 months later...

**I hope Revenant doesn’t get completely shafted again** in the next set of power creeped elite specs.


**Rev is still not meta** but at least the POF specs have been nerfed enough that you can **sometimes** win by outsmarting your opponents.


I remember season 8 when stepping in a single scourge AOE for a split second was a **guaranteed** death even if you used all your cool downs and managed energy perfectly. **Glad that meme is over.**

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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> **I hope Revenant doesn’t get completely shafted again** in the next set of power creeped elite specs.


> **Rev is still not meta** but at least the POF specs have been nerfed enough that you can **sometimes** win by outsmarting your opponents.


> I remember season 8 when stepping in a single scourge AOE for a split second was a **guaranteed** death even if you used all your cool downs and managed energy perfectly. **Glad that meme is over.**


Are you sure you're not the same person as incissor? Like a split personality type deal. Actually pretty certain at this point.

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