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please stop duelling in WvW!!


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There is a time and a place for everything

WvW is **NOT** the time, and it is **NOT** the place for it.


I constantly run into fights in wvw, I see people from my server fighting people from other servers.


The result is always; the people from my server stop fighting, and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.


I tell them to help me kill the enemy server's players, but they refuse, because apparantly '_i've interrupted a private fight_'.

In every sense of the word, that is treason, or betrayal, or whatever word you want to give it.

Newsflash, you're in WvW, there are no private fights, you are a member of your server, and if I see members of my server fighting members of other servers,

I will attempt to help them kill the enemies.

You are representing your server in WvW, if you don't want to WvW, then don't come into WvW maps.


There's a lobby in PvP where you can fight freely with other players to your hearts contents.

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if it is red, it is dead.


we do not touch small nos. though unles they touch us.


nyorp, we're normally the small nos. so we dont avoid anyone.hehe.




but normally we dont touch duellers. but if my guys hit them, i dont stop them either. it's a pk zone. there are places deep in the recesses of wvw where no one goes normally - they can always do it there.




but ppl will do as they please. there is no rule against it.

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I think the problem here is


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.




But on topic,

Duels are easy to spot.. walk near, wait. If they dont attack you, then keep walking. and



I personally don't understand the preference to duelling in WvW or why they don't take it to OS. But it's their choice..and so long as they leave me alone than I don't care.

Why do you care, OP?

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> if it is red, it is dead.


Nailed it. I've seen "duelers" break off from duels to kill solo people running by to get to their group. Best not to wonder what any particular dueler's specific code of conduct is. Just kill everyone.

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You made the choice to jump in, they made the choice to not help 2vs1 someone that they were in an agreed duel with. Believe it or not, there are LOTS of other cool/nice people from other servers, many of which are very good players you can learn better skill by fighting them one on one.


People who duel get stomped and ran over by groups/zergs ALL the time, they res and go back without crying. I duel all the time, and they are almost always by south sentry or windmill. You have no need to respect a duel, it is WvW after all, attack whoever you like....But don't come here to complain if they kill you, remember, most people who duel are actually pretty good (and run min/maxed builds for 1vs1), and most people who are on your server in that duel will 99% of the time stop attacking when someone else does, because winning a 2vs1 is not fun to them and proves nothing.


South sentry is more or less the spot now, because flipping the sentry back and forth keeps up everyones participation without having to stomp each other. The people here do pretty much zero damage to how you want to play the game by zerging, and most of the time they move to the less active map because of less chances to be steam rolled by a zerg, so they don't hold up queues either.


Believe it or not, many people who duel don't like zerglings, and letting them fight on their own (and lose), might show them they need to get better. My fav is when I am in a duel and two or 3 people attack me and the person I was fighting backs off and I stomp all of them solo, it's also fun to watch it happen to pugs on my own server, they are so bad it's painful to watch sometimes.

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I'll attempt to provide some background to give OP an idea as to why people "duel" in WvW, as i see this kind of post pretty much every other month...


OP is correct in saying that PvP offers lobby/custom arenas which are great for dueling. This is however very limited due to the nature of the PvP build system. It is lacking tons of stat/rune/sigil options that allow for more creativity when creating builds. So you will find **many players move to WvW where they can play with more freedom.**


Starting a duel is often also pretty spontaneous, while roaming you come across a player you like fighting because; They're a good player/They play a class you want to practice against/You simply enjoy 1v1/etc. then you often fight in a remote location or the "Unofficial Dueling Spot" at the southmost sentry in alpine BL. Usually after a couple rounds people move on and go back to roaming, duels often happen when there isn't really any small scale action on the map. Most of the people at that spot with the exception of some trolls or people new to WvW will leave you completely alone in that area **(If there are duels going on)**, so you can move to camp or wherever you're going. If you attack the people dueling, they will stop fighting and they or bystanders will kill you. It's like a single player poking a zerg and then being surprised when they steamroll over them.


There used to be a reasonably big community who stayed almost exclusively in OS to duel, but that scene died out afaik. Mabey some people still go there after partying up with a player from the enemy server when there is no queue on Alpine and they can get back afterwards. To me it also seems (solo)roaming is becoming less popular anyway. It takes me much longer to find decent fights than a few years ago.


**So like many of the other comments here...**


If you want to get upset and feel "betrayed" by people doing their own thing in WvW that's your choice, same as other people have their choice to play however they want. The gamemode has no rules. There are zergers, roamers, duelers, people who scout and guard objectives. To each their own, and that's what makes WvW great. Red=Dead is a thing, some people don't care and will attack anyway. It happens, the duelers will be back afterwards and things continue as if nothing happened. Personally i try to avoid attacking people in the aforementioned "dueling area" when duels are going on, but it's up to each individual to decide how they play. If you want to (attempt to) kill everyone in sight that's okay too.


Once again, to each their own. Try to lighten up, it's only a game. :+1:

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> @"Magi.5647" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > if it is red, it is dead.


> Nailed it. I've seen "duelers" break off from duels to kill solo people running by to get to their group. Best not to wonder what any particular dueler's specific code of conduct is. Just kill everyone.


What do you mean, for the next solo player I meet on random I'm gonna yell "THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR THE PLACE!!!" and assume that his chivalric code prevent him from laying a hand on me.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> The result is always; the people from my server stop fighting, and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.


Sounds like the definition of insanity. Maybe you should get coordinated with what the rest of the people on your team are doing if you want to be a true team player.

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> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> Wait for them to down. Then don’t let them rez.


If the OP can't jump into a 1vs1 where someone already has CDs going and STILL can't win the fight, they sure as hell don't want to do this. Trolling someone for playing what they enjoy is only going to make the OP a target, doing something like that will just have that player hunt you down and spam kill you. If you depend on out numbering someone to win, its never a good idea to troll them. People who duel also know this game very well, as people do it to us all the time, after the first hit in downed state the person is just going to stop ressing and WP back, all you did was waste 30 seconds of each others time.


But hey, go for it, most duelers are bored anyway, giving us a target to spam kill is always fun, the salty PMs keep us going.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> But hey, go for it, most duelers are bored anyway, giving us a target to spam kill is always fun, the salty PMs keep us going.


If you like salty PMs then you should try ganking people in a duel, then /laugh over them as you've killed them for the third time, literally the saltiest PMs I've ever got.


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People can play WvW however they choose to. If you feel the obligation to kill duelers there is nothing stopping you, but don't be upset if your teammates don't help you out. To them, you are being rude and disrespectful. You just have to accept that people have different definitions of fun and different ways of playing the game.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> So you guys are adamant about wanting to have private duels in wvw zones.

> Then the only way to “fix” this, as I see it, would be to dedicate the obsidian sanctum as a duel zone.


It's not a matter of being adamant or not. You stumbled onto something you can't handle. That's a '***you***' problem. Not an Anet or WvW problem.


People can already go to OS, and the EOTM arena for this. They choose to stay in WvW. They take a risk, in that if someone who can actually fight comes upon them, they might get stomped,


But also, if someone who can't fight (ie you) tries to jump in, you are gonna die. Choose wisely.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > So you guys are adamant about wanting to have private duels in wvw zones.

> > Then the only way to “fix” this, as I see it, would be to dedicate the obsidian sanctum as a duel zone.


> People can already go to OS, and the EOTM arena for this. They choose to stay in WvW. They take a risk, in that if someone who can actually fight comes upon them, they might get stomped,



They can, they choose not to. Instead, they choose to be very toxic when i (try to) help them kill enemies.

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As a solo roamer / avid dueler (PPK ftw), I wiil state that there is a level of respect that both sides of this fence should portray.


Due to flexibility of builds, WvW is the ultimate spot to test builds. Like someone said, sometimes dueling is a spontaneous occurrence. If anyone is gonna get butt hurt and use terms like "treason" then maybe they need a break. Duels are as much a part of WvW as zerging. There's etiquette for this and someone standing by and not helping you is part of it. If you want them to respect you and what you do in WvW, you must respect them likewise. This is all esp if they are away from high traffic areas (ie windmill behind S camp in ABL)


That being said however, if you duel in the open (higher traffic areas), expect that there a chance you will get rekt as it is a "red its dead" area. You have little right to grief or flame or QQ. If you want non duelers to respect you and what you do, you need to respect them likewise.



Its a game people, not RL. If you can follow what I said, then anyone should be able to chill and just have fun

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> @"Magi.5647" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > if it is red, it is dead.


> Nailed it. I've seen "duelers" break off from duels to kill solo people running by to get to their group. Best not to wonder what any particular dueler's specific code of conduct is. Just kill everyone.


It took me a while in WvW to be cool enough to ignore enemy players or duels when they are no threat, but these people really suck. You just run and ignore their duel because if you engage you get flamed, and then you get shot in the back. Everybody knows the spot for duels, but there's also a Guard nearby and maybe people just want to claim that land. I don't bother attacking people who just want to get their daily vet kill either.


In my opinion, these duelists are GW2's auto scooter dudes. They just hang around the duelling area and seek trouble ^^

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