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please stop duelling in WvW!!


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> There is a time and a place for everything

> WvW is **NOT** the time, and it is **NOT** the place for it.



Oh boi, someone is going to tell me what to do in open world, where youre not assigned to any party/raid group (PvE-wise) or team (PvP-wise).

Sorry, but if someone wants to, then he can just simply use Quaggan Tonic and _walk_ from bottom of the map to the top.


There are some rules in this world that arent written anywhere, but ppl know and respect them. Sometimes more of them, sometimes less, but they do.

Ppl that play WvW knows whats the deal with duelers and if they want to, they can interrupt (which can end with some insults, but that just happens) or not.


Sorry, world is not ideal.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > So you guys are adamant about wanting to have private duels in wvw zones.

> > > Then the only way to “fix” this, as I see it, would be to dedicate the obsidian sanctum as a duel zone.

> >

> > People can already go to OS, and the EOTM arena for this. They choose to stay in WvW. They take a risk, in that if someone who can actually fight comes upon them, they might get stomped,

> >


> They can, they choose not to. Instead, they choose to be very toxic when i (try to) help them kill enemies.


They do? You have done this more than once and expect a differing result?


In the cases where I am not sure and I jump in, it's usually pretty clear when my server mate steps back. I then retreat as well realizing it's a duel.


Normally, the other leaves members at that point. Maybe try that next time?


Again, they take a risk as well, often they get steamrolled by the Zerg. Life goes on.


Respawn and move on.

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Give people an option to enter duels in pve it's a simple implementation, as for WvW...it's a dead/dying game mode.


Roaming has all been killed off and all that's left is a mind numbingly boring blob fest, if that's the only place that people can go to 1v1/duel then they have every right to.

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There is something called Obsidian Sanctum where they can go an duel to their heart's content.

If you get beaten OP and your server guy doesn't help, here's a sly thing i can suggest you can do to piss them off.

Make a thief and hide close to where they battle, but where your server player can not see you.

If your server guy gets the other guy down, shadowstep in and stomp the enemy.

Do this a few times and they'll leave. Your player will rant in chat but who cares.


Edit: Its even more funny when the 2 dueling are from different servers and are like "wtf stomp me"

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> So you guys are adamant about wanting to have private duels in wvw zones.

> Then the only way to “fix” this, as I see it, would be to dedicate the obsidian sanctum as a duel zone.


No one in here is adamant about Private duels, almost every person has said that killing the person is just fine, however, if you lose to them, don't come crying about it. You are the one coming here wanting people to act and play only as you see fit, you have admitted a few times already that YOU are starting the attack and getting involved, they are not the ones bothering you.


> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> There is something called Obsidian Sanctum where they can go an duel to their heart's content.

> If you get beaten OP and your server guy doesn't help, here's a sly thing i can suggest you can do to kitten them off.

> Make a thief and hide close to where they battle, but where your server player can not see you.

> If your server guy gets the other guy down, shadowstep in and stomp the enemy.

> Do this a few times and they'll leave. Your player will rant in chat but who cares.


> Edit: Its even more funny when the 2 dueling are from different servers and are like "kitten stomp me"


I find this so funny, people are so mad they roll a class to hide and stomp someone they can't kill on their own. Yet yall are the ones that have issues with people dueling away from other people and not bothering them.

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Everyone has the right to play WvW as they please. A servermate has the right to let you die if you interrupt their duel just as you have the right to interrupt it. Just don't get mad when you die since you were expecting them to help you 2v1 the enemy. In my eyes, that's well-deserved, people forcefully outnumbering is one of the biggest problems with the gamemode.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

>(and run min/maxed builds for 1vs1), and most people who are on your server in that duel will 99% of the time stop attacking when someone else does, because winning a 2vs1 is not fun to them and proves nothing.

> Believe it or not, many people who duel don't like zerglings, and letting them fight on their own (and lose), might show them they need to get better. My fav is when I am in a duel and two or 3 people attack me and the person I was fighting backs off and I stomp all of them solo, it's also fun to watch it happen to pugs on my own server, they are so bad it's painful to watch sometimes.


a zergling with a zergling build stands as much as 0 chance against a dedicated dueller with min/max optimized for duelling/solo roaming build.


Saying that they are just bad is.. disingenuous at best.



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Do what you want but becareful of the effect.




i see ppl fighting, i kill the other. didnt know was duel. now that guy pms kills me or tries.


me being me, i dont respond, and just goes on with life. killing the enemy.


but others may not have the stomach for it. ppl do dish out salty pms. so, if they do, just block. if they hunt you down, you can go hide in groups or be better and keep killing him (my suggested method l2play better)


but if you find it too much, maybe, wvw is not for you.


kill all enemies. that is the one law. it is a pk zone.


in the end.


do what favors you. or dont do it at all. besides, all of these things will eventually pass.

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I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.

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I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)


> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**


Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!


> @"Felipe.1807" said:

>**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**


So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.


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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.


If it was a little more serious, theoretically, how exactly would you tell the difference between a duel and two players engaging 1v1?


Like, theoretically, if I was in the zerg and saw a sentry thinking "I'll just take a quick detour" and meet an enemy there that also was outside his zerg, we fight and then my zerg run past but the commander ignores me and all his zerglings of course follow... can I report the entire zerg and have them banned for not helping me? Cause what they did would be classed as match manipulation, intentionally aiding a duel instead of engaging in 50v1 as the rules would stipulate they have to. Or are they suppose to report me for leaving the proximity of the zerg?


Wait, wait... As a commander, can I report and ban anyone not following me? Because you never know if he's running off to a be a dueller. This will avoid and preempt the diffuse situation above. Simply create an automated system that give you 1 minute to get within 600 range of a commander, otherwise you get banned. The timer starts ticking every time you leave the radius. Commanding pug zergs solved!!

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> @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)


> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**


> Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!


> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**


> So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.



Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation...and no, it dosent bother me to get ganked 1v5 to duelers when I am trying to just take the sentry or just passing by, but it does bother me read 15 times on map chat people complaining about getting ganked over and over by said "duelers".

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.


> If it was a little more serious, theoretically, how exactly would you tell the difference between a duel and two players engaging 1v1?


> Like, theoretically, if I was in the zerg and saw a sentry thinking "I'll just take a quick detour" and meet an enemy there that also was outside his zerg, we fight and then my zerg run past but the commander ignores me and all his zerglings of course follow... can I report the entire zerg and have them banned for not helping me? Cause what they did would be classed as match manipulation, intentionally aiding a duel instead of engaging in 50v1 as the rules would stipulate they have to. Or are they suppose to report me for leaving the proximity of the zerg?


> Wait, wait... As a commander, can I report and ban anyone not following me? Because you never know if he's running off to a be a dueller. This will avoid and preempt the diffuse situation above. Simply create an automated system that give you 1 minute to get within 600 range of a commander, otherwise you get banned. The timer starts ticking every time you leave the radius. Commanding pug zergs solved!!


...i mean, you see 5 people of each server circle jerking each other while 2 keep fighting...is really easy to tell who are the duelers and who is just roaming...you guys are overthinking this, is kind of ridiculous lol i know some of you like your dueling and stuff, just saying, there are better places to do that.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)

> >

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**

> >

> > Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!

> >

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**

> >

> > So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.

> >


> Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation


they do keep certain opposing players busy so they do help. maybe it is not efficient if the opposing players cannot contribute more than themselves but if playing inefficient is matchmanipulation, then you could ban everyone.



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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.


How can you just think about banning ppl in a sandbox game mode for doing sandbox stuff lul.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.

> >

> > If it was a little more serious, theoretically, how exactly would you tell the difference between a duel and two players engaging 1v1?

> >

> > Like, theoretically, if I was in the zerg and saw a sentry thinking "I'll just take a quick detour" and meet an enemy there that also was outside his zerg, we fight and then my zerg run past but the commander ignores me and all his zerglings of course follow... can I report the entire zerg and have them banned for not helping me? Cause what they did would be classed as match manipulation, intentionally aiding a duel instead of engaging in 50v1 as the rules would stipulate they have to. Or are they suppose to report me for leaving the proximity of the zerg?

> >

> > Wait, wait... As a commander, can I report and ban anyone not following me? Because you never know if he's running off to a be a dueller. This will avoid and preempt the diffuse situation above. Simply create an automated system that give you 1 minute to get within 600 range of a commander, otherwise you get banned. The timer starts ticking every time you leave the radius. Commanding pug zergs solved!!


> ...i mean, you see 5 people of each server circle jerking each other while 2 keep fighting...is really easy to tell who are the duelers and who is just roaming...you guys are overthinking this, is kind of ridiculous lol i know some of you like your dueling and stuff, just saying, there are better places to do that.


It's easy for **you** to see it **from your point of view**. When you are asking to make it a bannable offense, you're either getting an automated system or someone else to verify the report. And how is someone else suppose to know what **you think** is a duel **is actually a duel**?


With this as a bannable offense, one can literally report anyone doing 1v1 because maybe **I** consider that dueling. Because **I** have my own definition of what a duel is.


Someone jumping off a tower to kill a random guy on a cata? Report both for dueling.

Someone taking a sentry and getting stealth attacked by a random thief? Report both for dueling.

Someone rushing to defend a camp someone is taking? Report both for dueling.

Someone walking out a keep door and accidentally walk into an enemy? Report both for dueling.


That's how it would work.


You cant have open world PvP and then put arbitrary limitations on that PvP at the same time and expect people to love it. We've been through this before.


*"Dont violate my gameplay mode"* - Anet rep in regards to GvG

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > > I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)

> > >

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**

> > >

> > > Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!

> > >

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**

> > >

> > > So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.

> > >

> >

> > Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation


> they do keep certain opposing players busy so they do help. maybe it is not efficient if the opposing players cannot contribute more than themselves but if playing inefficient is matchmanipulation, then you could ban everyone.



taking one of the limited slots from the WvW queue to play Arena in WvW could be considered match manipulation the same as staying in respawn in a spvp match. You not only are wasting an spot but also forbidding other player probably more helpful than you to play with his friends.


Killing other players should not provide participation and if you don't earn participation should be kicked from game for inactivity. enemy players should join the same guild to play Arena and stop wasting the limited spots from wvw.


Aliances should fix a bit this, i hope.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > > > I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)

> > > >

> > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**

> > > >

> > > > Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!

> > > >

> > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**

> > > >

> > > > So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation

> >

> > they do keep certain opposing players busy so they do help. maybe it is not efficient if the opposing players cannot contribute more than themselves but if playing inefficient is matchmanipulation, then you could ban everyone.

> >

> >

> taking one of the limited slots from the WvW queue to play Arena in WvW could be considered match manipulation the same as staying in respawn in a spvp match. You not only are wasting an spot but also forbidding other player probably more helpful than you to play with his friends.


standing in spawn you dont bind other players. a dueller is more efficient than a scout in a tower that is not getting attacked all day.


earlier today 2 people tried to build a cata on a tower, i killed them both before they shot once. now they wasted supplies and i got points for killing them. their contribuiton is only binding me for a brief moment, if i was in a duell an opponent could have done the same without granting my world some score


as for more helpful..

many people play very inefficient builds or just bad should they also just get reported for matchmanipulation?

if the map is not full do you still need to play efficient?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.

> > >

> > > If it was a little more serious, theoretically, how exactly would you tell the difference between a duel and two players engaging 1v1?

> > >

> > > Like, theoretically, if I was in the zerg and saw a sentry thinking "I'll just take a quick detour" and meet an enemy there that also was outside his zerg, we fight and then my zerg run past but the commander ignores me and all his zerglings of course follow... can I report the entire zerg and have them banned for not helping me? Cause what they did would be classed as match manipulation, intentionally aiding a duel instead of engaging in 50v1 as the rules would stipulate they have to. Or are they suppose to report me for leaving the proximity of the zerg?

> > >

> > > Wait, wait... As a commander, can I report and ban anyone not following me? Because you never know if he's running off to a be a dueller. This will avoid and preempt the diffuse situation above. Simply create an automated system that give you 1 minute to get within 600 range of a commander, otherwise you get banned. The timer starts ticking every time you leave the radius. Commanding pug zergs solved!!

> >

> > ...i mean, you see 5 people of each server circle jerking each other while 2 keep fighting...is really easy to tell who are the duelers and who is just roaming...you guys are overthinking this, is kind of ridiculous lol i know some of you like your dueling and stuff, just saying, there are better places to do that.


> It's easy for **you** to see it **from your point of view**. When you are asking to make it a bannable offense, you're either getting an automated system or someone else to verify the report. And how is someone else suppose to know what **you think** is a duel **is actually a duel**?


> With this as a bannable offense, one can literally report anyone doing 1v1 because maybe **I** consider that dueling. Because **I** have my own definition of what a duel is.


> Someone jumping off a tower to kill a random guy on a cata? Report both for dueling.

> Someone taking a sentry and getting stealth attacked by a random thief? Report both for dueling.

> Someone rushing to defend a camp someone is taking? Report both for dueling.

> Someone walking out a keep door and accidentally walk into an enemy? Report both for dueling.


> That's how it would work.


> You cant have open world PvP and then put arbitrary limitations on that PvP at the same time and expect people to love it. We've been through this before.


> *"Dont violate my gameplay mode"* - Anet rep in regards to GvG


and thats why I said, "if WvW was a serious mode..." which is not...and your examples are pretty bad, you clearly playing ignorant here...point is, duelers should pick better places to do their thing, south sentry on alpine borderland is not a good place.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match .... 15 times on map chat people complaining about getting ganked over and over by said "duelers".


So duelers ARE helping out with the match by preventing reinforcements from returning to the main force! SMH

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