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please stop duelling in WvW!!


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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, WvW dueling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP...but I dont even bother trying to fight people dueling anymore, cause I know my "allies" will just watch as the enemy players 1v5 me...from my experiece 60% or more of the "duelers" will kill solo players(roamers) as they pass by, 100% will happen if you try to take the sentry that they are near...this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.

> >

> > I was gonna ask what's the logic behind on your post but then i noticed you are the guy that said "healers don't need nerfs because they can't kill anyone" some time ago. :lol:


> Yeah sure, healers/support specs need more nerfs cause they are dominating soloQ sPvP right now right? You probably dont see logic behind what I said cause you crearly dont know what you talking about.


You said that before all the nerfs iirc, when firebrand was absolute nuts. Firebrand is the #1 support in wvw and sPvP, even after all those nerfs and that won't change for a looooooong time.


>You probably dont see logic behind what I said cause you crearly dont know what you talking about.

Nah i just don't see the point of being biased towards the classes i like when they are already great at their jobs. IF you were a "serious wvwer" like you claim to be you would be asking anet for a more healthy gameplay instead of banning duellers, to not nerf your favorite class (that is the best support since pof came out) or to nerf damage builds that doesn't hit like a wet noodle. :lol:


>Is all about those Firebrands and Druids, Core Guards and Soulbeasts are no existent at all....and this on sPvP, WvW is way worse, how can you possible try to justify a nerf to a support spec when is really common to see 20K+ damage flying around?

20k that you can easily dodge/aegis (core guard), LoS or reflect (sb). Not that it think the way it works right now is fair, but you can easily avoid it. Yeah it does suck when someone outplay you and sneak some good damage and you end up dead, i know, but that doesn't mean FB is bad, it means the damage is overtuned.

Also, WvW is not way worse, you're way tankier and you can just LoS or kite instead of sitting on a point in sPvP.


Heal revs/druids/tempests/warriors will never be meta because they are too weak AND because firebrand is too versatile. The only thing that firebrand can't do is superspeed, and that's the only reason we see some heal scrappers here and there.


So ye, firebrand kinda need a nerf if anet want to make other healers a good choice compared to it.

edit: Or they could just make everyone OP, who cares anyways, supports don't kill anyone right? :lol:

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:


> The football team you support is permanent? I live roughly equidistant to Detroit, Chicago and Green Bay. Tell me, which is my home team?

> Answer: None. I hit puberty late, no sportsball for this guy \o/



I don't know enough about US geography to pinpoint where you actually live but I would say none of those, but rather the team(s) of your hometown/area. It's not just about supporting the nearest major league team, but your local ones. I guess it's the one you identify with the most? If you don't identify strongly with any team, then you just don't grasp the feeling of server pride I tried to compare with being a sports fan. Because every supporter knows you just don't change or choose your favourites freely, you grow into it.



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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > I always kill downed thief and rangers if i find them healing themselves up for another duel with someone, just because i hate these specific classes for pewpew my necro and jumping on my body thinking they are better than me. Hmph.


> Lol they are better than you with that childish attitude


Why so salty though. Its my choice to kill thief and rangers that only attack you untill their guild squad does not outnumber you else hide in stealth. Stealth, pewpew= skill. Got it.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:


> The football team you support is permanent? I live roughly equidistant to Detroit, Chicago and Green Bay. Tell me, which is my home team?

> Answer: None. I hit puberty late, no sportsball for this guy \o/


The problem is that your country has no thing such as "pride" for local teams because they could get sold to other cities all the time. In most EU countries you grow up with being a supporter of the team in your city or even getting born into it. This kind of fanatism for a sports team is handed on through generations.


You may have heard of guild called HB (Herfolge Boldklub). The club itself has been founded in 1921. So, the players founding that guild most likely had a strong connection to that football club when they named that guild after it - I remember seeing them in DAoC back in the days.


You don't change your team.


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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > I always kill downed thief and rangers if i find them healing themselves up for another duel with someone, just because i hate these specific classes for pewpew my necro and jumping on my body thinking they are better than me. Hmph.

> >

> > Lol they are better than you with that childish attitude


> Why so salty though. Its my choice to kill thief and rangers that only attack you untill their guild squad does not outnumber you else hide in stealth. Stealth, pewpew= skill. Got it.


you are the 1 who is salty here. any main thief/ranger will not call on for help to kill a necro. it matters not for them to kill you out numbered.


you seem to have had bad experience with thres 2 classes and feel you should attack all people who play it.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > I always kill downed thief and rangers if i find them healing themselves up for another duel with someone, just because i hate these specific classes for pewpew my necro and jumping on my body thinking they are better than me. Hmph.

> > >

> > > Lol they are better than you with that childish attitude

> >

> > Why so salty though. Its my choice to kill thief and rangers that only attack you untill their guild squad does not outnumber you else hide in stealth. Stealth, pewpew= skill. Got it.


> you are the 1 who is salty here. any main thief/ranger will not call on for help to kill a necro. it matters not for them to kill you out numbered.


> you seem to have had bad experience with thres 2 classes and feel you should attack all people who play it.


In my experience 10/10 every encounter thief and ranger coulnt kill 1v1 so disengaged got cd and came back untill someone from their server come to outnmber you. Its just the way noob play and most of them are from these classes. And they never forget to jump on you after ganking you 3v1 just because they are salty from dying 20times 1v1. So yeah i kill every thief i see dueling giving them a taste of their own medicine, but thats what wvw is for. Free for all.

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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> >

> > The football team you support is permanent? I live roughly equidistant to Detroit, Chicago and Green Bay. Tell me, which is my home team?

> > Answer: None. I hit puberty late, no sportsball for this guy \o/

> >


> I don't know enough about US geography to pinpoint where you actually live but I would say none of those, but rather the team(s) of your hometown/area. It's not just about supporting the nearest major league team, but your local ones. I guess it's the one you identify with the most? If you don't identify strongly with any team, then you just don't grasp the feeling of server pride I tried to compare with being a sports fan. Because every supporter knows you just don't change or choose your favourites freely, you grow into it.



That's my point actually, I'd have to just pick one.

I don't identify with any of those cities.

By the same token I just picked a server at launch.. Why would I start waving a flag for a collection of random strangers?


> @"geist.4126" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:


> > The football team you support is permanent? I live roughly equidistant to Detroit, Chicago and Green Bay. Tell me, which is my home team?

> > Answer: None. I hit puberty late, no sportsball for this guy \o/


> The problem is that your country has no thing such as "pride" for local teams because they could get sold to other cities all the time. In most EU countries you grow up with being a supporter of the team in your city or even getting born into it. This kind of fanatism for a sports team is handed on through generations.


> You may have heard of guild called HB (Herfolge Boldklub). The club itself has been founded in 1921. So, the players founding that guild most likely had a strong connection to that football club when they named that guild after it - I remember seeing them in DAoC back in the days.


> You don't change your team.


I do know HB! Fought them extensively back when the game was newer.

Odd that'd you'd mention a guild in a debate about server loyalty, because that was my point...

My team is my guild, not my server.



I think you're both kidding yourselves with a very idealized view of professional sports.

I don't believe for a second Premier League is 100% local-made teams :p

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for OP, since i can't keep up with 6 pages of responses. lol

idk why you can't fight in wvw since there are more runes, sigils and stats you can select way than the spvp amulets and other stuff in spvp lobby. so builds and min-maxing in wvw is real. and the fight is much better in my experiences. these are usually very skillful players.

there are only a few spots that you can 1v1 in wvw. everyone playing wvw know to not touch these spots and let everyone else have a good time when not joining the zerg or roaming. so by barging in, you not only interrupt the fight, but also showing disrespect towards your server and the enemy servers.

when i first started wvw, i felt the same way but the more you play, the more you'll know.

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> @"Hex.2579" said:

> for OP, since i can't keep up with 6 pages of responses. lol

> idk why you can't fight in wvw since there are more runes, sigils and stats you can select way than the spvp amulets and other stuff in spvp lobby. so builds and min-maxing in wvw is real. and the fight is much better in my experiences. these are usually very skillful players.

> there are only a few spots that you can 1v1 in wvw. everyone playing wvw know to not touch these spots and let everyone else have a good time when not joining the zerg or roaming. so by barging in, you not only interrupt the fight, but also showing disrespect towards your server and the enemy servers.

> when i first started wvw, i felt the same way but the more you play, the more you'll know.


Because they “duel” in a weird place, a crossroad where armies collide.

The worst part is that they have claimed the sentry as a “personal property”

And any interaction with them will result in more salt that a korean saltmine.


As a result, I have concluded that duelists are one of the most toxic groups, and harmful for the wvw community, in wvw

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Hex.2579" said:

> > for OP, since i can't keep up with 6 pages of responses. lol

> > idk why you can't fight in wvw since there are more runes, sigils and stats you can select way than the spvp amulets and other stuff in spvp lobby. so builds and min-maxing in wvw is real. and the fight is much better in my experiences. these are usually very skillful players.

> > there are only a few spots that you can 1v1 in wvw. everyone playing wvw know to not touch these spots and let everyone else have a good time when not joining the zerg or roaming. so by barging in, you not only interrupt the fight, but also showing disrespect towards your server and the enemy servers.

> > when i first started wvw, i felt the same way but the more you play, the more you'll know.


> Because they “duel” in a weird place, a crossroad where armies collide.

> The worst part is that they have claimed the sentry as a “personal property”

> And any interaction with them will result in more salt that a korean saltmine.


> As a result, I have concluded that duelists are one of the most toxic groups, and harmful for the wvw community, in wvw


Duelists don't "claim" the sentry as personal property. They don't go peeing on it like a dog lol.


Apparently it must differ between server to server as even passing such sentry when the other 2 servers are still going, I very rarely get stopped/ganked, even when I flip said sentry and the southern camp.


that 0.1% of the time that I do get ganked, typically I win the encounter. If you have an attitude toward duelists, of course you will have a bad time, what do you expect?


Coming across a duel, you can do one of 3 things...


1.) Stay and watch. You may even learn something (I can guarantee you yourself will)

2.) Just keep walking and ignore them. Like cross any enemy in WvW, its up to you to stay on guard when in passing and your fault if you fail to do so and get beat.

3.) Target one of them and hope for the best. Don't be surprised if you also get whupped and have little/no support. If you cant understand why...see #1.


If you get a salty whisper, ignore it. If you respond in as salty of a manner, you are being as "toxic" as they are and thus, you are no different. Duelers will move if need be, its not complicated to do so. If you keep coming to them and going option #3, they may all focus on you in which you will move then (unless you like to get beat, then to each their own). As long as there are no cheating/hacks/exploits you have no right to complain about anything they do, just as they don't have any right vice versa either. If you try to use the reasoning "they did it first" or "if they do it, I should be able to do it too" then you again as as "toxic" if not more than they are.


People need to grow a thicker skin as if this is what people are worried about (duelers in wvw) then you are focused on the wrong thing and shouldnt be in WvW.


My 2 cents. I is out.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> The worst part is that they have claimed the sentry as a “personal property”

> And any interaction with them will result in more salt that a korean saltmine.


North and South Korea combined only account for 0.3% of the world production of salt, so your comparison isnt very good.


China and America are the saltiest.


The more you know.

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> @"geist.4126" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"geist.4126" said:

> > > New popular dueling spot: Spawntower Alpine borderland.

> > >

> > > What's wrong with people. You have two spots in alpine that are mostly okay, do not establish new ones and whine when someone interrupts your duels.

> >

> > So? Kill them or move on.


> The problem is I hate killing duelers. And I get all the whispers after it happens.


Just tell them you can't kill them in pve; looks like that's where they belong.

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This is all pretty funny. At the end of the day it's common sense tho.


I was duelling last night, we were by alpine spawn at around 11pm, and a necro interrupts a warrior/rev fight that I was watching. I allowed the warrior to deal with it but when the necro went for the stomp I downed him, ressed the warrior and moved on without stomping, giving the necro a chance to back off. He got up and attacked the warrior again, so then I kill him. He comes back, I kill him again and bleed him out.


Was he salty? Probably. I gave him plenty of chances to learn not to interrupt and we didn't gank him simply for walking past, so his bad mood is on him.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Because they “duel” in a weird place, a crossroad where armies collide.

> The worst part is that they have claimed the sentry as a “personal property”

> And any interaction with them will result in more salt that a korean saltmine.


> As a result, I have concluded that duelists are one of the most toxic groups, and harmful for the wvw community, in wvw

lol. i feel like you hold personal beef with them since you barged in trying to kill them but your allies just stood aside and respected the culture of 1v1.

just because a sentry close by happen to belong to any of the 1v1 peeps in the area, it doesn't mean they claim it as "personal property".

so many times i passed by 1v1 area and claim the sentry for my server as a roamer. it has nothing to do with them and i doubt they'd do that.

they're pretty chill folks who have skills. if you get killed by them and get butthurt over that. get over it man.

you can make 10 more threads like this, even on reddit, it wouldn't stop people from 1v1ing.


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I haven't read past the 1st page (I doubt there is value in doing so), but as nobody on the 1st page at least seemed to have understood the OPs point, let me suggest some clarity.


The OP is saying that when they see a "friendly player" engaged in a fight, he feels an obligation TO GO AND HELP THEM because they are supposed to be on the same team. They do so, only to find their team mate backing off, and gets roflstomped by a professional 1v1'er. This makes them feel upset, and question why people choose to duel in open world PvP when there are other places such activities can be done.


I've had this happen to me so I can empathize, but I've moved on from that.


- IF I'm playing solo, my only goal is to solo complete my dailies as quickly as possible, so unless you're an NPC standing at a camp / sentry point, a Dolyak or a Monument, you don't matter to me.

- IF I'm playing in a squad, if you're not a camp, tower, keep or another group of at least 10 players+, you don't matter to me.


It's an unfortunately reality, but with the way the WvW "community" can be, I'm either in that game mode to play by myself, or I group with players who show a common interest and goal. Everything else is just background noise. /shrug

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I think people mistake their skill level when jumping into duels often. I'm not all that great and play a high skill ceiling build. Occasionally that guy comes by.... you know the one enemy who has never gotten a solo bag in his life and he's like lmao this dude fighting guy on my team I'm going to help even though red blue and green is here not attacking each other. Then you destroy him in like 10 seconds and it's back to your duel after a reset. The thing is a lot of the people who complain about duels are the ones who could benefit the most from taking them. Maybe those who don't like them should start dueling and as you see yourself making progression you'll understand why we do it. Id recommend finding someone who plays the same class as you that is competent for your first duel partner.

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Duelers are good players, they push their limits and try to become better unlike **most communities that think that even running proper builds is tryharding and boring**


Lot of the duelers swap to more zergy classes when they follow commanders. Just some commanders aren't worth following.


Let them duel. They will get better and carry you later. **With your attitude there would be no time or space for jokes or memes in WvW cuz WvW is serious action where you have to completely demolish enemy by capping keeps and putting jokes in chat is distracting allies thus betrayal.**

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> if I see members of my server fighting members of other servers, I will attempt to help them kill the enemies.


That was your choice. And it was their choice to watch you die.


Don't like it? Tough. You can excersize your choice to inturrupt people's play, and they can excersize their choice not to help you when you need help.


This is definetly a problem that you need to own, instead of bailing it onto someone else like a child.



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> @"kathy.8291" said:

> Im sorry I just saw this post and Im sure others said what Im about to say. When I see people dueling in WvW I go and kill the opposite player (enemy) . Yes they get pissed off but Oh Well Go to OS for dueling


Oh plenty have said ‘have at it’. The problem (if you want to call it that) is the OP complaining his server mate didn’t help him. More than once.


The gist of it was/is ‘If you’re good enough to get the kill, good job. If not, don’t come to the forums and complain like a young cat.’

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Some people respect the dueling culture, but many do not. If you don't want duelers on the map, get a group of liked minded individuals and make their lives miserable enough that they leave the map. Then go find them on another map and do it again, rinse and repeat. Even helps to down them and let them bleed out, if they try to heal, hit them once to stop and let them bleed out again. Works every time, they will always leave. If you really want to be a prick, add them, so you can see what map they're on, and whenever they log on, go find them and kill them again. Of course they can try to bring buddies, but unfortunately for them, far more people do not respect dueling that those that do. They'll always have more numbers to force the duelers off the map.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Some people respect the dueling culture, but many do not. If you don't want duelers on the map, get a group of liked minded individuals and make their lives miserable enough that they leave the map. Then go find them on another map and do it again, rinse and repeat. Even helps to down them and let them bleed out, if they try to heal, hit them once to stop and let them bleed out again. Works every time, they will always leave. If you really want to be a prick, add them, so you can see what map they're on, and whenever they log on, go find them and kill them again. Of course they can try to bring buddies, but unfortunately for them, far more people do not respect dueling that those that do. They'll always have more numbers to force the duelers off the map.


You can't be serious ?


That just adds fuel for them to get their own buddy's and farm you back. You may of forced a small grp say 3 people but when there is more duelers at the spot you won't move them at all.

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