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Preferences for: Downstate, No Downstate, No-rally, or Other


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Downed state shouldn't be removed, but the mechanics in place that allow zergs to resurrect eachother deesrves a nerf.


* Change the base [downed penalty](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed_penalty "downed penalty") in WvW from 1 point(25%) to 2 point(50%). (effectively making it so you can only get revived once in a 60 second period)

* Disable revival by action key (F) on downed players by default in WvW, allow revivals only through use of specific skills/traits. (e.g. scrapper drones, battle standard, signet of mercy, etc)

* Change the revival mechanic on defeated players: Anytime you receive damage trying to revive a defeated player, you stop the revival process. Increase the time required to revive a defeated player by 50%.

* Change the rally mechanic so you can no longer rally off of veteran NPCs.

* Change the [outnumbered buff.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outnumbered "outnumbered buff.") so it allows for revival of downed players by action key (F)

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No Downstate would be most fun and useful, but quick & high burst skill chains need lowered (or base health increased in WvW to compensate) and other traits and skills replaced or reworked. The easiest way for a temporary fix (until a complete rework of all traits & skills) would be to just allow it as it is, but make it that:


NEW: A character enters downed mode when their health drops below zero. If they rally or are revived from downed state, they receive a Downed penalty, that lasts for 3 minutes; while in this state they no longer can enter downed: if their health drops below zero they will be instantly defeated.


CURRENT: "Successive downed states weaken a character further. Each downed state inflicts one point of downed penalty, reducing downed health by 25% per point. Downed penalty lasts for one minute and stacks by intensity. Holding four points of downed penalty (100% health loss) will instantly defeat a player." https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Downed


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Wow eventually a downed state poll thats actually passable instead of calling whoever vote to keep it rallybots lovers.


Thinking back on our raid yesterday... I dont see any other outcomes of no downed state other than one side wiping instantly in a surprise attack instead of having a fight or alternativly a drawn out head to head dance where no one dare to engage because whoever does it first have to walk through the nuke. Neither is fun. Downed state and rallying is critical to having some flex in otherwise very do or die battles.


That said I would be willing to accept limitation on ressing I suppose - probably the easiest thing to do is to apply 1:1 to it just like rallying. That would still allow players to help each other by ressing while removing the numbers advantage for it. It wouldnt change smallscale much but put more emphasis on revive skills while zerging as 1 person wont be able to keep up ressing under pressure.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> That said I would be willing to accept limitation on ressing I suppose - probably the easiest thing to do is to apply 1:1 to it just like rallying. That would still allow players to help each other by ressing while removing the numbers advantage for it. It wouldnt change smallscale much but put more emphasis on revive skills while zerging as 1 person wont be able to keep up ressing under pressure.


that could be played with especially considering that infrastructure for it is already provided - we already have a cap on how many revivers are allowed to revive single ally, playing up with the number on that cap may be a valid point of discussion.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> It's fine. I'd maybe remove mercy runes though.


That cannot be done because WvW shares gear with PvE, so removing stat combinations and runes is not an option there.

What can be done is changing their effects.

Maybe they could be changed to have temporary effects with cooldowns instead permanent passive ones, to have downsides, or change what they do. Changes like:


* Gain up to 600 Toughness for 6 seconds while reviving an ally, based on your level. (90s cooldown)

* Transfer 20% of your own current health to allies you resurrect.

* Your revive skills recharge 20% faster.

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> @"Riko.9214" said:

> They are really unlikely to remove it, which is fine but nefing revive would be nice.


> For example, I like the idea of interrupting the revive upon receiving damage coupled with disabling it for 2-3 seconds afterwards.


This would severly mess up small scale and make it impossible to even try to res. Smallscale is already hard, a single interrupt mess up a res or stomp - as will a single stab/invouln allow it against the odds.


What you suggest is tantamount to removing all counterplay in smallscale and you might as well be saying delete downstate. That is unacceptable.

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* Sometimes it prevents getting any kills even if a smaller group far outskills a larger one - This is especially obvious when the larger group has a support firebrand with mercy runes that will always teleport and near-instantly res a downed player. Even if the smaller group all focus cleave on the downed players, the combination of stability, mercy runes, and revive traits make it impossible to finish any kills.

* On the other hand, it discourages people from running super-cheese 1-shot builds and nuking people. As we've seen in no-downed state weeks, the sniping (and pin sniping) gets pretty unreal. A single glass soulbeast can put out 40k damage with a single rapid fire (unblockable, with quickness, from 2000 range). A deadeye can just keep resetting forever until the stealth-burst combo finally kills you. These are not fun to play against. I'd rather people not quit the game because everyone is running cheesy gank builds.

* reviving/stomping is kind of Scrapper's entire class mechanic. That would have to be replaced in WvW if downed state was removed.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> I like downstate but no rally but see I'm in the minority.


Looking at the numbers, you kind of split the group. There is a case to be made that downstate=yes would include you. Along with the other 5. Brings the 'downstate =yes' group into the majority.


The nature of the questions being asked kind of splits the group that is in favor of downstate.


Though I agree the poll itself is a better version of others.


And agree with @"Israel.7056" that another couple of 'no downstate' weekends/weeks would be a better way for people to trial it.



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What the abaddon is " Downedstate, but No-Rally".


How can we have so many poll threads about no downed state and still not get the options right?

Where is the option to just simply trim the numbers to less 3x hp immune to cc face tank press 1 to deal stupid consistent damage and 2 to cc.


A person can be facetank rezed by an ally at like 5% hp of downed state to rallied while under cleave and still contribute pressure damage to a fight. Its just stupid. For some people its like a poor man's death shroud...

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Riko.9214" said:

> > They are really unlikely to remove it, which is fine but nefing revive would be nice.

> >

> > For example, I like the idea of interrupting the revive upon receiving damage coupled with disabling it for 2-3 seconds afterwards.


> This would severly mess up small scale and make it impossible to even try to res. Smallscale is already hard, a single interrupt mess up a res or stomp - as will a single stab/invouln allow it against the odds.


> What you suggest is tantamount to removing all counterplay in smallscale and you might as well be saying delete downstate. That is unacceptable.


That would remove it for facetank revives which is a good thing, because it promotes more organised active burst to take out opponents 1 by 1 rather then stale passive sustain. It also reduces the advantage of big group over small one as midless facetank reviving is one of few things zerglings are good for.


Now it is just an opinion, but:

passive/sustain_oriented = boring and should be reduced to minimum

active/reactive/fast = true skill and should be promoted


You have a different opinion, but do not try to sell it as a decisive factor anybody should follow. You me or anyone else do not like something =/= "unacceptable" in any shape or form.


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> What the abaddon is " Downedstate, but No-Rally".


> How can we have so many poll threads about no downed state and still not get the options right?

> Where is the option to just simply trim the numbers to less 3x hp immune to cc face tank press 1 to deal stupid consistent damage and 2 to cc.


> A person can be facetank rezed by an ally at like 5% hp of downed state to rallied while under cleave and still contribute pressure damage to a fight. Its just stupid. For some people its like a poor man's death shroud...


True. It probably should have been:


1. Current Down State

2. No Downstate

3. Have Downstate, but with edits

4. No Downstate, but with edits

5. IDC I want to see results


Unfortunately my only goal was only to remove condescending language so there would be less bickering regarding said language. This would then inspire a little more discussion of mechanics. Obviously I rushed it out in order to fulfill a bargain made else where. At this point I am too lazy to redo it, so feel free to use the above format.



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> @"Riko.9214" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Riko.9214" said:

> > > They are really unlikely to remove it, which is fine but nefing revive would be nice.

> > >

> > > For example, I like the idea of interrupting the revive upon receiving damage coupled with disabling it for 2-3 seconds afterwards.

> >

> > This would severly mess up small scale and make it impossible to even try to res. Smallscale is already hard, a single interrupt mess up a res or stomp - as will a single stab/invouln allow it against the odds.

> >

> > What you suggest is tantamount to removing all counterplay in smallscale and you might as well be saying delete downstate. That is unacceptable.


> That would remove it for facetank revives which is a good thing, because it promotes more organised active burst to take out opponents 1 by 1 rather then stale passive sustain. It also reduces the advantage of big group over small one as midless facetank reviving is one of few things zerglings are good for.


I was talking about smallscale and yes it would equal removing down state.


If 2v2 fight and 1 go downed that side already has major issues (its either a 1v2 while the downed is just suppressed or its focus on the downed). Try to res and you got 2 people either dumping damage or CC. Even if you succeed you will often have taken so much damage you just trade downed. Coming back from this and winning is counterplay, not "mindless facetank".


Saying that hits breaks ressing... Yeah gg. Its not going to happen. You're not going to fight 1v2 and not get hit. It makes ressing impossible. Its a terrible idea.


Doing a 1:1 system would instead solve your "mindless facetank" 5-on-1 ffffffffff zerg revives **and** keep the system working smallscale.

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Yesterday we went into a tower, since it had open walls, and we found a spellbreaker.

He was solo and allready started The legend.


Seeing us, a 5 man Group , he runned away. Me as Mirage + my Holo friend chased and brought him to downstate.

My holo left as i cleaved a little bit and put some condis on him so he could bleed out.

This was like 3000-6000 units away from Turret.


So as i wanted to go back to my other mates, the warrior suddenly stood up.

It was too early for his selfrevive skill, so what the actual kitton was happening here?



My mates killed the Legend 3000-6000 units away, which made warrior rally.




I didnt knew about this.

He could escape.


Downstate , but no rally is fine i guess.

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Rallying off NPCs is really troll along with all the insta res stuff going around. I don't mind downstate but flooding the game w easy res stuff is just stupid. I tend to cleave everything now because people randomly get back up out of nowhere. Even in 1v1 and even with no NPCs near.


In groups some random immortal will just pop a signet and then heal their buddy to full. Who cares if some poor glass build had to blow every cooldown and years of good karma while waiting out 30 years of endure pain procs to get the down.

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> @"FaboBabo.3581" said:

> Yesterday we went into a tower, since it had open walls, and we found a spellbreaker.

> He was solo and allready started The legend.


> Seeing us, a 5 man Group , he runned away. Me as Mirage + my Holo friend chased and brought him to downstate.

> My holo left as i cleaved a little bit and put some condis on him so he could bleed out.

> This was like 3000-6000 units away from Turret.


> So as i wanted to go back to my other mates, the warrior suddenly stood up.

> It was too early for his selfrevive skill, so what the actual kitton was happening here?



> My mates killed the Legend 3000-6000 units away, which made warrior rally.




> I didnt knew about this.

> He could escape.


> Downstate , but no rally is fine i guess.


So you're blaiming a rally for your mistake of not stomping? If this isnt a place where you are supposed to say l2p I dont know what is...

WvW isnt PvP where you tactically leave downed to increase respawn time. In WvW you stomp asap or kitten happens. Welcome to WvW.

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