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Should we have mounted combat and gliding map wide?


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There is a reason impact traits are there... We can already dive bomb the enemy. And we dont need either mounts or gliding for it.


Also, to repeat something I've said every time this is brought up: Gliding is still **BROKEN** in terms of netcode a year after their addition. You can be sure that mounts would at the very least be equally broken.

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Mounts no.. I fear the lag issues alone would be crazy.. add to that the zerg like nature of WvW and mount skills would cause no end of salt from people who get sick of being CC ganked by mount skills..


I fear mounts would make WvW utterly insufferable for most people lol


Gliding and gliding skills however would be fun for all game modes imo.

I really liked the gliding combat in Bloodstone Fen and was disappointed to see it exclusively tied to that map.

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None of the choices is good.


Mounts should eventually be usable in WvW in some form because they are cool, they are fun, they are highly monetizable, and they are a selling point.

But they can't be implemented fully. Like how gliding in WvW doesn't have stealth, mounts need to be adjusted in WvW. Heavily.

Even if mounts were to be limited to one's controlled Territories, if they kept their powers people could jump inside keeps and towers to defend with a springer. So there's a lot to limit and remove from them to be usable in WvW.


As I see it, the best choice is at least the following:

* Mounts in WvW do not have movement or engage skills, or have very limited versions with long cooldowns and minimum damage for engages, and reduced speeds and distances for movement.

* Maybe even make a mount just for WvW. Like a Dolyak that can carry up to 4 allies, only allow that one in WvW.

* While it would be boring to limit them completely to controlled territories, their extra speed past max player speed should only be available within controlled territories. Outside controlled territories they should get only 40% bonus speed like the Blessing of Elements from the desert monuments. And even within controlled territories they should never get too fast either. Rollebeetle and griffon speeds are out of the question, but jackal may be already a tad too fast.

* The bonus speed in controlled territories should be the same for all mounts.

* Mounts should not get evades and being hit while riding a mount should always dismount you instantly. Mounts should never be a way to run away from combat, only a way to get quicker to any combat without having to replace skills you want in your build only to bring swiftness. If enemies intercept you while you are trying to get back to your zerg, well, that's combat.

* And players with no mounts should be able to temporarily rent some form of basic mount for a few minutes, like 5 to 15, by paying some coin and/or badges of honor. Something that works like any other mount but has unimpressive looks. For example, a blurry amorphous mist using the jackal rig, but called "Mists horse".

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Straight of the bat no,

1)because not everyone will have access to this, further seperating those who don't even have gliders at the current time. If you want them to implement renting, why haven't Anet done that with gliders currently?

2) as others have stated, more clutter, more lag. Afk with mounts?

3) terrain changes, we all know what happened with Ogrewatch - this is also the only tower furthest away from own side on eb. Even gliding bugs are not resolved.


If you say it's going to be more fun, who is that fun only for? It's just another thing to detract what needs more attention poured into, which is the game mode itself and that doesn't necessarily mean adding more gimmicks to keep holding us off of real improvements.


If you want mounts, you should ask Anet to add them as tonic forms that do nothing and are only cosmetic. Tonic form that lets you choose the mount in novelties or something, it will retain your current mount skins which you have currently assigned. Alliances are not even ready, who knows when they are working on next expac also, I think mounts should not be something to consider with all the bigger problems.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> They should have did objective boundaries tight to walls with a 100% collapse to prevent gliding into said objectives from enemies. Like you touch that invisible wall, get hard CCed and just drop straight to the ground. Then open up the rest of the map as free glide zone to all.


Don’t underestimate bored WvW player with near infinite time.


They WILL find a way to exploit it.


Sure Anet could fix it, but they will never fix all of them.


(Not because they are bad but they can’t know every exploit.)


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Hope they never do that, not as much because of the lag (that is a technical issue they could dealt with provided enough dedication) but because it would erase one of a few zerg weaknesses > its relatively low mobility. Zergs that traverse maps faster then small group can kick tower door out?, mmm no no no, pls no.

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Simple: rework the maps to accommodate mounts and gliding. It's time for fresh WvW maps anyway... at least a new cycle of maps so we don't lose older ones. They could be cycled through WvW seasons. Imagine a WvW map that has as much verticality as the HoT maps or as much vastness as the PoF maps.

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The people who say "Mounts should never be in WvW" are likely the people who feel gliding should never have been introduced -- and it hasn't exactly broken the game mode.

With the same limitations as gliding and with some minor adjustments to areas where it could be exploited, I could see mounts playing a part in wvw.

I suspect they're just holding off until closer to the next expansion, like they did with gliding previously.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:


> With the same limitations as gliding and with some minor adjustments to areas where it could be exploited, I could see mounts playing a part in wvw.

> I suspect they're just holding off until closer to the next expansion, like they did with gliding previously.


> ~ Kovu


Minor adjustments?

No, I'm afraid the work involved in making mounts WvW usable would be either massive or make them almost useless. What use would a Springer or Jackal have besides invalidating walls and gates? Does the blob really need a movement buff from Raptors and Bugs? Would people not have a caniption when defenders can use their griffon to bypass the blockade around a keep or tower? Remember, they moved Ogrewatch because it could be glided into.. And besides, alliances have already been stated as our Big Thing.


Edit: forgot skimmer. Dem heels tho

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:


> > With the same limitations as gliding and with some minor adjustments to areas where it could be exploited, I could see mounts playing a part in wvw.

> > I suspect they're just holding off until closer to the next expansion, like they did with gliding previously.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Minor adjustments?

> No, I'm afraid the work involved in making mounts WvW usable would be either massive or make them almost useless. What use would a Springer or Jackal have besides invalidating walls and gates? Does the blob really need a movement buff from Raptors and Bugs? Would people not have a caniption when defenders can use their griffon to bypass the blockade around a keep or tower? Remember, they moved Ogrewatch because it could be glided into.. And besides, alliances have already been stated as our Big Thing.


> Edit: forgot skimmer. Dem heels tho


You're certainly right in that there will be unforeseen necessary adjustments down the road based on exploits players find -- but I don't think it'll be all that much more than with gliding, so long as you can only use a mount in your team's own territory. Springers and Jackals would have limited use but I could see a few situations where they'd each be beneficial -- such as hopping on a Springer to bypass a raised ledge in your own territory, (like around the ruins to avoid having to go around, or over walls into structures you own to negate having to go through the front door). Jackals, well, Anet could introduce a few portals around the maps in convenient locations to help with getting around the maps a bit more quickly, usable only by the team that owns the area of course. I haven't actually unlocked the bug yet (I need to catch up on my pve) but the bonus speed from a raptor seems fine out of combat, and the mounts are easy enough to blow up if you want to gank someone. Using a griffon to bypass a blockade is in most situations no more efficient than trying to glide past and significantly more dangerous as they're easier to blow out of the sky than you are.

Mounts would mostly just be a "time save" mechanic, and I don't see a problem with that. If your zerg is losing the fight, hopping on a raptor to get back a bit sooner after dying won't save your team the fight. If there are concerns about the potential damage to players mounts can cause, nerf the damage.

Its not like they'd have to redo all of the maps in their entirety just to accommodate their introduction.


~ Kovu

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Properly implemented "mounted combat" (PvE/++?) was one of the developers main goals with the mount implementation during the initial PoF design! But according to the devs, it didnt reach their level of quality within the time constraints and was scrapped/disabled.


(We do get to play around abit with PvE mounted combat in the recent LS episode and the map meta event though! But like they already said... implementing mounts in WvW creates alot of new headaches for the devs.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> >

> > > With the same limitations as gliding and with some minor adjustments to areas where it could be exploited, I could see mounts playing a part in wvw.

> > > I suspect they're just holding off until closer to the next expansion, like they did with gliding previously.

> > >

> > > ~ Kovu

> >

> > Minor adjustments?

> > No, I'm afraid the work involved in making mounts WvW usable would be either massive or make them almost useless. What use would a Springer or Jackal have besides invalidating walls and gates? Does the blob really need a movement buff from Raptors and Bugs? Would people not have a caniption when defenders can use their griffon to bypass the blockade around a keep or tower? Remember, they moved Ogrewatch because it could be glided into.. And besides, alliances have already been stated as our Big Thing.

> >

> > Edit: forgot skimmer. Dem heels tho


> . I haven't actually unlocked the bug yet (I need to catch up on my pve)


I haven't got it either, but my wife does.. It's way faster than the raptor, like cross a WvW map in seconds fast. It'd almost act as a waypoint to wherever you wanted.


If there was jousting, or player skills from mounts, or more than one skill per mount... I'd be on the other side of the fence. But as implimented blech


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