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Anet, Please Never Do What Blizzard Just Did to Diablo Franchise


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While I can't see the whole GW1/GW2 being on a phone due to crummy controls. But I wonder if there are parts of the game that'd work in that environment. Like maybe the Trading Post or Super Adventure Box to name a couple.


Also, I wonder about Chromebooks. I mean it's Android right? It might be a way to slip into that market.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Would it even be possible to turn an mmo into a mobile game?


> Can you attach a controller to a mobile device? I think that would be the only restriction.

Fun fact: you have always been able to attach a mouse and keyboard to Android phones and use them just like any normal PC.


Its Linux, not magic.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get the backlash against mobile platforms here ... I would love to flip on my goggles, plug in my controller and get some gametime while I'm waiting for all kinds of things.


It's not backlash against a platform, it's backlash against business practices and how they have been presenting things.

There's tons of players eagerly awaiting something new for Diablo, and they delivered the diametral opposite of what any of them would want, without giving them anything at all.

Try this analogy to understand how Diablo players felt: You are a 12 year old little girl who loves sports. It's your birthday. You get a tiny bike you can't ride. You 5 year old brother gets the bike. You received no other birthday presents. [Pure /r/watchpeopledieinside material.](

"Pure /r/watchpeopledieinside material.")


It could have been a side announcement. They could have said "we have begun the development of the next title, oh, and here's a phone game to fool around while you wait". Instead, they got the unprecedented reaction of the audience. Sad, consternated, thinking the announcement was a joke, and booing. Some say it was the first time ever a major announcement got booing from the audience.


To add insult to the injury, the company making the game is renowned for treating customers like pigs.

Funny thing is, the company actually has literal pig farms. They have been heavily investing their earnings in agricultural endeavors. One can only guess they see the end of their gaming ventures coming, if they keep at their current rate.


Silver lining here, we can at least for now rest reassured that ANet has been doing a great job. We have our sore spots, longing wishes that never come true and controversies, but they cannot compare. At all.

It's all puppies and kittens here, and it's all hells loose out there.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > > > What exactly is wrong with a mobile game set in the GW universe?

> > > > >

> > > > > Would you be cool with your significant other of 10+ years dating other people on the side and doing certain things only with them but not with you?

> > > >

> > > > kitten?

> > > >

> > > > *backs away slowly* ...

> > > >

> > > > Maybe https://www.betterhelp.com/

> > > >

> > >

> > > Thats kinda like what its like when a pc developer for years suddenly do a mobile game.

> > > That have nothing to do with pc or will be ported to pc for witch they are known for.

> >

> > So like the makers of Diablo before they made Diablo. That turned out very poorly I guess?


> stracraft, warcraft, heartstone ( yes it was ported over to mobile but was on pc first) overwatch they have been for the pc mate no denying that.



I said the makers of Diablo. I did not say Blizzard. ;)


> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I don't get the backlash against mobile platforms here ... I would love to flip on my goggles, plug in my controller and get some gametime while I'm waiting for all kinds of things.


> It's not backlash against a platform, it's backlash against business practices and how they have been presenting things.

> There's tons of players eagerly awaiting something new for Diablo, and they delivered the diametral opposite of what any of them would want, without giving them anything at all.

> Try this analogy to understand how Diablo players felt: You are a 12 year old little girl who loves sports. It's your birthday. You get a tiny bike you can't ride. You 5 year old brother gets the bike. You received no other birthday presents. [Pure /r/watchpeopledieinside material.](

"Pure /r/watchpeopledieinside material.")



That is what they did with D3 so this is at worse simply continuing the trend. At least it didn't involve a decade of waiting this time.


> It could have been a side announcement. They could have said "we have begun the development of the next title, oh, and here's a phone game to fool around while you wait". Instead, they got the unprecedented reaction of the audience. Sad, consternated, thinking the announcement was a joke, and booing. Some say it was the first time ever a major announcement got booing from the audience.


> To add insult to the injury, the company making the game is renowned for treating customers like pigs.

> Funny thing is, the company actually has literal pig farms. They have been heavily investing their earnings in agricultural endeavors. One can only guess they see the end of their gaming ventures coming, if they keep at their current rate.



On the hand we have a GPU maker and search engine working on self driving cars.


Maybe ActiBliz will give us cyborg pigs ... who will tell us "I didn't ask for this"


> Silver lining here, we can at least for now rest reassured that ANet has been doing a great job. We have our sore spots, longing wishes that never come true and controversies, but they cannot compare. At all.

> It's all puppies and kittens here, and it's all hells loose out there.


Comparing ANet to ActiBliz is silly. If you are going to make the comparison it should be to NCSoft to be on the correct level of the hierarchy.

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The absolute **WORST** thing about this whole debacle, is that no actual creative thought or development time was put into this by Blizzard, as Diablo Immortal is simply a reskinned version of Endless Gods [(video here)](

"(video here)") They literally paid a chinese company to rename their game to Diablo Immortal.
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Something to consider, NCSoft has their own mobile development studio...if they wanted to build something for mobile in the GW2 universe it wouldn't be ArenaNet developing it, trust me, NCSoft would just make it in house on their own studio so that ArenaNet wouldn't need to divert resources from the PC game(at least that's how I'd do it, let the experts work on their respective platforms).

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Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.


Games as art: Yeah... it aint. That is to say, I firmly believe making games is art. Art informed by science, much like architecture, but still art. Once you start having to turn a profit there will be sacrifices made for the sake of securing said profits.



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i would only be fine with ArenaNet making a mobile version of GW if it wasn't intended to replace/supersede (sequel, etc.) GW1/GW2 and if stuff earned in that mobile thing would be redeemable in GW PC -> like iirc, Phantasy Star Online 2 (JP) has a mobile companion app that's intended to supplement the main game (rewards earned, etc.) and you could also do market stuff in it remotely.


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> @"Scud.5067" said:

> Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

> That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).




Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

> > That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).

> >

> >


> Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)

They are, which is why moves like this keep confusing and angering people. How much money do you think the next Diablo PC (and maybe PS4/Xbox) would earn? Lots I think. Enough to warrant production at least, not like Blizzard is strapped for cash anyway.


Blizzard, just like EA with their shitty C&C mobile, could have entirerly have avoided the hate simply by saying "look, we're making the next Diablo PC!" and ranted about how amazing the next installment is with raytracing running at 15fps on a 2080ti, followed by "oh and we also got this Diablo mobile game in the works!" as a sidenote. Nobody would have bat an eye.

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It is ignorant to judge something that you havent played yet. A game like diablo would probably benefit from being mobil. It hasnt accomplished much being on console or pc in recent years. I would like anet to make a mobil extension to gw2. So i can farm mats when im on the go to pass the time that would add some minor value to my account.

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This is all not to say that the Guild Wars IP should never come to mobile. It should, and I personally would love to see an actual guild wars (as in that period of time in Tyria) strategy game of some kind on mobile. Or even a game that borrows some of the real world territory takeover ideas from Ingress, with the players aligning with the minions of 5 of the 6 Elder Dragons. Just don't let it detract from the main game.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Scud.5067" said:

> > > Games as a business: If ArenaNET can grab a slice of a potentially juicy market, they should. And gamers should support such action, if (if) profits from the market are invested into making GW2/GWX a better play experience.

> > That's the point: they never are. It's always the other way around - the better play experience gets sacrificed for the sake of the fast cash grab (and mobile games are never anything more than a _fast_ cash grab. They aren't designed with longevity in mind).

> >

> >


> Well alot of mobile games have gone on longer than some pc games.... So I guess all pc games are just as much a fast cashgrab as well. (like idk, certain franchises that bring out a "new game" every year)


My spouse has been playing CastleStory for over 4 years now and says that it has a very active forum.

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You people lack imagination and an innovative mindset. A mobile game for GW2 could be great actually. You all only think of a mobile game version of GW2 being an attempt to copy and paste the current game onto mobile in a sort of Order and Chaos style attempt, while the mobile game could be something like Guns of Glory top down view MMORTS that has players control what would be NPC in the PC game and lead pve events against PC players, making Events even more dynamic and unpredictable.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > I would happily take gw1 or a new gw game on mobile. It is just a platform - as long as the game is accessible and fun, it shouldnt matter.

> > >

> > > Think you will find a large % of PC Gamers are not going to be appreciative of Dev time dumped into a mobile-only remake on a franchise that has been stagnant for over a year.

> >

> > Guild Wars 2 is stagnant? I wasn't aware. Silly me.


> PoF was a year ago. GW1 even longer.


Did we dream A Star to Guide Us? The other DLCs?


Expansions come out about every year or so. Between them we get DLCs about every quarter. Nothing stagnant here, they are on thein normal release schedule. We even got a non-recycled festival recently/

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