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Thank you Gandara!


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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> My thank you to gandara too for today as ive wasted 2-3 hours of everyones lives today in hopes of getting you guys to blob up and have fun with us via fighting.

> Though all we got from poking your bay was you guys hiding behind walls and sieging like crazy.

> Most come and poke your T3 not for the purpose of flipping but cause they want to get a fight out of it. But seems like today a lot of you loved hugging walls and siege:


> https://imgur.com/a/JV0xyPg


that bay fight where both servers were inside gandara keep, trying hard to breach inner whilst very carefully avoiding touching each other? catas from north from one server and trebs on south from other, with neither one crossing the bridge. We love it when servers try and join forces and still fail.


For almost all of it we had no commander and yet we kept wiping you guys and destroying your siege....


Didn't look like poking, looked more like you try hard and fail. But many thanks for all the bags!

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> To all my gandarian comrades,

> It is a privilege to fight alongside such brave and fearless warriors against all odds.


hahahaha that sentence is funny coming from people that Plays necros, guardian, mesmers, revenants, etc... but no warriors LMAO

It is a well known fact that warriors in WvW are dead and its because Anet refuses to touch warriors. From the 50+ people in a zerg, only 1 or 2 are warriors. When Anet finally does something good for warrior, people cry for nerfs because they love to play with their easy classes like thieves, mesmers, necros, guards, revenants. People sure love to spam buttons and get hits at 1200 range.


Anyway, I get what you are saying, but you should rephrase your sentence to:

It is a privilege to fight alongside such coward and fearful necros, revenants, guards, elementalist against all odds and from 1200 range.

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > My thank you to gandara too for today as ive wasted 2-3 hours of everyones lives today in hopes of getting you guys to blob up and have fun with us via fighting.

> > Though all we got from poking your bay was you guys hiding behind walls and sieging like crazy.

> > Most come and poke your T3 not for the purpose of flipping but cause they want to get a fight out of it. But seems like today a lot of you loved hugging walls and siege:

> >

> > https://imgur.com/a/JV0xyPg


> that bay fight where both servers were inside gandara keep, trying hard to breach inner whilst very carefully avoiding touching each other? catas from north from one server and trebs on south from other, with neither one crossing the bridge. We love it when servers try and join forces and still fail.


> For almost all of it we had no commander and yet we kept wiping you guys and destroying your siege....


> Didn't look like poking, looked more like you try hard and fail. But many thanks for all the bags!


How new are you to WvW? Cause you seem like you havent played this game mode even for a year.


Listen out a bit - many servers are not interested in capping the T3 garbage and even if they are then its strictly to ease out fighting conditions if suddenly enemies should bring out a 60 man discord blob. Though most simply want fights, regardless if they take T3 or not.

If we keep pushing for your bay and dont stop, its cause none of you arent bringing any blobs to fight and a lot of us are forced to do it til you guys bring something.


Also you guys didnt wipe anyone from AG and from WSR, not even the slightest so what bags are you talking about?

Do you think just because we leave bay then it was cause you killed anyone? Youre joking right?


The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.


At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.


One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".


So mister wall hugger and siege monkey whose proud - we dont give a damn about siege wars, we give a damn about GETTING fights where you guys 100% failed to provide us. If anything else, Gandara was full of annoying mosquitos today.


So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.


As for WSR - please visit our home bl more often. We in AG hate red bl (your bl atm) and given how Gandara is with their wall hugging, visiting their bl for fights isnt something to expect.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > My thank you to gandara too for today as ive wasted 2-3 hours of everyones lives today in hopes of getting you guys to blob up and have fun with us via fighting.

> > > Though all we got from poking your bay was you guys hiding behind walls and sieging like crazy.

> > > Most come and poke your T3 not for the purpose of flipping but cause they want to get a fight out of it. But seems like today a lot of you loved hugging walls and siege:

> > >

> > > https://imgur.com/a/JV0xyPg

> >

> > that bay fight where both servers were inside gandara keep, trying hard to breach inner whilst very carefully avoiding touching each other? catas from north from one server and trebs on south from other, with neither one crossing the bridge. We love it when servers try and join forces and still fail.

> >

> > For almost all of it we had no commander and yet we kept wiping you guys and destroying your siege....

> >

> > Didn't look like poking, looked more like you try hard and fail. But many thanks for all the bags!


> How new are you to WvW? Cause you seem like you havent played this game mode even for a year.


> Listen out a bit - many servers are not interested in capping the T3 garbage and even if they are then its strictly to ease out fighting conditions if suddenly enemies should bring out a 60 man discord blob. Though most simply want fights, regardless if they take T3 or not.

> If we keep pushing for your bay and dont stop, its cause none of you arent bringing any blobs to fight and a lot of us are forced to do it til you guys bring something.


> Also you guys didnt wipe anyone from AG and from WSR, not even the slightest so what bags are you talking about?

> Do you think just because we leave bay then it was cause you killed anyone? Youre joking right?


> The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.


> At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.


> One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".


> So mister wall hugger and siege monkey whose proud - we dont give a kitten about siege wars, we give a kitten about GETTING fights where you guys 100% failed to provide us. If anything else, Gandara was full of annoying mosquitos today.


> So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.


> As for WSR - please visit our home bl more often. We in AG hate red bl (your bl atm) and given how Gandara is with their wall hugging, visiting their bl for fights isnt something to expect.


I'd reply to this but it's so inaccurate I just don't know where to start.


Just try to at least admit you were double teaming...

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Dahir what u expect from a dude that disband more guilds than he had sex

Maybe he try the same now with blacktide

Rename server with the same trash ppl on it like Monty :open_mouth: to can say ah sry this week we can't fight u but next week we will but they will transfer again to not need to fight us


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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Thank you Gankdara to chase me 10vs1 half the map and drop several sieges on me after you got me! Appreciate that.


> LOL, I bet you were spawn camping :p :p


Nope just randomly walking in a neutral zone with no objectives, as soon as they saw me they seemed hungry like someone who doesn't eat for day and chased for 5 minutes more or less, it was funny to see how they were tryharding to that 10vs1 kill xD in the hand I trapped myself in a blind spot I had no escapes and ended up dead with 10 sieges on me, sad life xD

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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Thank you Gankdara to chase me 10vs1 half the map and drop several sieges on me after you got me! Appreciate that.


> LOL, I bet you were spawn camping :p :p


Funny that WSR with insta karma train is called non PPT server, BTW about those spawn camping our ppl we had surprise for WSR this Monday morning also xD

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> @"Noha.3749" said:

> Gandara is the top 1 server atm due to most metabuilds and better coordination.

> Cant find it impressive when it beats 2 unorganized blobs in their own home turf.



It's not the top server because of those 2 things :D, the gandara pug groups are known for running silly roaming builds. And it was the other way around. Two organized blobs against the gandara pug.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.


So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.


*sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.


> At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.


No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-peen, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my ass.


> One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".


So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to pansy'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.


> So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.


To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol


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> @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.


> So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.


> *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.


> > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.


> No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.


> > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".


> So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.


> > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.


> To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol



You dropped the truth bombs too early dude. Thread died. GG salt harvest is over.

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> @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.


> So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.


> *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.


> > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.


> No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.


> > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".


> So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.


> > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.


> To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol



I'm from at and this is spot on lol. "Fight servers" who come with full map blob. Can easily devide that into 2 or even 3 smaller zergs and have a few small havoc grps going around.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.

> >

> > So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.

> >

> > *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.

> >

> > > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.

> >

> > No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.

> >

> > > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".

> >

> > So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.

> >

> > > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.

> >

> > To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol

> >


> I'm from at and this is spot on lol. "Fight servers" who come with full map blob. Can easily devide that into 2 or even 3 smaller zergs and have a few small havoc grps going around.


As much of a savage comment it was from Hollywood, "fight servers" dont want to organize havoc groups to flip your objectives because they simply dont care about those. Ppt is boring, they want fights with another blob. The fact that they are avoiding enemy blob because it's stronger apparently is quite sad actually, especially since lots of people transferred away from the said matchup.


Everybody knows that attacking structures is the best way to attract big masses. The problem is that gandara doesnt have competent people for organized fights, no commander to organize pugs - everyone just runs their roaming builds, constantly sit on on siege behind the walls and cloud around enemy if they arent near any objective. If 2 enemy zergs/blobs are fighting they'll build siege (trebs, catas, ballistas) in closest objective and shoot enemies from there since nobody will ever give them attention if there's more attractive group to fight.


Basically the only way to fight gandara is to somehow manage to get into their inner keep/LR (preferably garri) and farm the sh*t out of them since all of them are whiteknights like OP who think that holding t3 keep is the most noble thing in gw2. They'll keep respawning since they always have tons of people on the map, you'll keep farming them since they cant do anything against 50+ people since they run roaming builds and AC's arent that good anymore at killing organized blobs.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > > > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.

> > >

> > > So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.

> > >

> > > *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.

> > >

> > > > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.

> > >

> > > No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.

> > >

> > > > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".

> > >

> > > So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.

> > >

> > > > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.

> > >

> > > To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol

> > >

> >

> > I'm from at and this is spot on lol. "Fight servers" who come with full map blob. Can easily devide that into 2 or even 3 smaller zergs and have a few small havoc grps going around.


> As much of a savage comment it was from Hollywood, "fight servers" dont want to organize havoc groups to flip your objectives because they simply dont care about those. Ppt is boring, they want fights with another blob. The fact that they are avoiding enemy blob because it's stronger apparently is quite sad actually, especially since lots of people transferred away from the said matchup.


> Everybody knows that attacking structures is the best way to attract big masses. The problem is that gandara doesnt have competent people for organized fights, no commander to organize pugs - everyone just runs their roaming builds, constantly sit on on siege behind the walls and cloud around enemy if they arent near any objective. If 2 enemy zergs/blobs are fighting they'll build siege (trebs, catas, ballistas) in closest objective and shoot enemies from there since nobody will ever give them attention if there's more attractive group to fight.


> Basically the only way to fight gandara is to somehow manage to get into their inner keep/LR (preferably garri) and farm the kitten out of them since all of them are whiteknights like OP who think that holding t3 keep is the most noble thing in gw2. They'll keep respawning since they always have tons of people on the map, you'll keep farming them since they cant do anything against 50+ people since they run roaming builds and AC's arent that good anymore at killing organized blobs.


I don't think this is a gandara problem, I can't think of any other server apart from vabbi that does this. No 1 in interested in fighting a full karma train map blob that is apparently looking for fights. The point I said about splitting up is you well get your fights far easier as people are more willing to engage you rather than afking on siege vs the 70 man map blob.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > > > > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.

> > > >

> > > > So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.

> > > >

> > > > *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.

> > > >

> > > > > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.

> > > >

> > > > No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.

> > > >

> > > > > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".

> > > >

> > > > So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.

> > > >

> > > > > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.

> > > >

> > > > To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm from at and this is spot on lol. "Fight servers" who come with full map blob. Can easily devide that into 2 or even 3 smaller zergs and have a few small havoc grps going around.

> >

> > As much of a savage comment it was from Hollywood, "fight servers" dont want to organize havoc groups to flip your objectives because they simply dont care about those. Ppt is boring, they want fights with another blob. The fact that they are avoiding enemy blob because it's stronger apparently is quite sad actually, especially since lots of people transferred away from the said matchup.

> >

> > Everybody knows that attacking structures is the best way to attract big masses. The problem is that gandara doesnt have competent people for organized fights, no commander to organize pugs - everyone just runs their roaming builds, constantly sit on on siege behind the walls and cloud around enemy if they arent near any objective. If 2 enemy zergs/blobs are fighting they'll build siege (trebs, catas, ballistas) in closest objective and shoot enemies from there since nobody will ever give them attention if there's more attractive group to fight.

> >

> > Basically the only way to fight gandara is to somehow manage to get into their inner keep/LR (preferably garri) and farm the kitten out of them since all of them are whiteknights like OP who think that holding t3 keep is the most noble thing in gw2. They'll keep respawning since they always have tons of people on the map, you'll keep farming them since they cant do anything against 50+ people since they run roaming builds and AC's arent that good anymore at killing organized blobs.


> I don't think this is a gandara problem, I can't think of any other server apart from vabbi that does this. No 1 in interested in fighting a full karma train map blob that is apparently looking for fights. The point I said about splitting up is you well get your fights far easier as people are more willing to engage you rather than afking on siege vs the 70 man map blob.


Shhh. "Fight guilds" and "fight servers" overstack and exist to farm pug servers. Somehow that adds a feeling of superiority.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > > > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.

> > >

> > > So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.

> > >

> > > *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.

> > >

> > > > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.

> > >

> > > No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.

> > >

> > > > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".

> > >

> > > So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.

> > >

> > > > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.

> > >

> > > To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol

> > >

> >

> > I'm from at and this is spot on lol. "Fight servers" who come with full map blob. Can easily devide that into 2 or even 3 smaller zergs and have a few small havoc grps going around.


> As much of a savage comment it was from Hollywood, "fight servers" dont want to organize havoc groups to flip your objectives because they simply dont care about those. Ppt is boring, they want fights with another blob. The fact that they are avoiding enemy blob because it's stronger apparently is quite sad actually, especially since lots of people transferred away from the said matchup.


> Everybody knows that attacking structures is the best way to attract big masses. The problem is that gandara doesnt have competent people for organized fights, no commander to organize pugs - everyone just runs their roaming builds, constantly sit on on siege behind the walls and cloud around enemy if they arent near any objective. If 2 enemy zergs/blobs are fighting they'll build siege (trebs, catas, ballistas) in closest objective and shoot enemies from there since nobody will ever give them attention if there's more attractive group to fight.


> Basically the only way to fight gandara is to somehow manage to get into their inner keep/LR (preferably garri) and farm the kitten out of them since all of them are whiteknights like OP who think that holding t3 keep is the most noble thing in gw2. They'll keep respawning since they always have tons of people on the map, you'll keep farming them since they cant do anything against 50+ people since they run roaming builds and AC's arent that good anymore at killing organized blobs.


Come out of your blob once in a while and see how good your fight is :) WSR is no fight server, blobbing up and pressing F5 - F1 is not really fighting.

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