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Why Pip farm to Diamond Chest?


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So I am mostly a PvE player but I do enjoy diversifying my playtime but doing other modes and I enjoy diferent things at differnt times. That being said I am rank 180 in WvW so not high at all and thus relatively new to it.


This week I got really lucky with the Outnumbered Buff early on in the week in the sense that it was up usually when I was playing so I thought I would try go for the Diamond chest and finally finish the pip reward track, and I gotta say, WOW, that nearly killed my enjoyment of the game.


So from my experience as someone who would happily spend an hour ot two in WvW a day, the Gold Chest reward with the mystic coin is quite easy to get as a casual player. To finish the platinum chest is a bit more effort and time, but does not strain me. Mihril needed quite a bit of dedication to finish, and honestly I wished that was the last tier, because Diamond was just that little bit more (well if you consider 330 pips a little bit) that made it into a soul-crushing grind to finish where I had to chase after the Outnumbered Buff and ignore all teamplay in other maps.


It seems the Diamond level rewards are designed for people who exclusively play WvW or has a high rank, but even so there is not really any incentive to finish the track, I mean the rewards at the end are kinda meh, the 4 mystic coins are nice, but completely disproportional to the time it took to get there. You would get far better loot spending that time doing a few ranked matches a few PvE dailies with high gold rewards (The HOT train for example which takes 1 hour and nets you 3 Amalgamated Gemstones) and you would get so much better rewards for your time.


How do others feel about the pips and the rewards they offer?

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You’re over thinking it. They’re just a nice reward that you get for continually playing the game mode. Not to mention that competition of the track gives you more tickets, when are required for long term legendary rewards.


Besides, play WvW for a few weeks and see how much resources you get from the chests. The rewards helped me finish my last legendary weapon without realizing it. WvW is about the experience itself. No hardcore WvW player plays for the rewards, they play for the fights, and the experience of dunking on your opponents. I’d take a reworked / more fun oriented game mode over some “I’m a special snowflake” reward any day.


But hey, we can always go back to getting absolutely nothing :D

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I'm fine with how it is, but I'm not grinding pips for anything.


If you've been only spending an hour or two in WVW and suddenly start playing more for the sole purpose of grinding to Mithril, of course it isn't going to be fun. It's "grinding" after all.


Play for the enjoyment -- don't focus on "am I Mithril yet"; you'll have more fun.

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I'm sure others have pointed it out already but to add more to what likely has been said:

* The WvW reward system is not really designed for players who start playing now

* It is designed to give those who have spent 6 years in it something for the trouble

* Everyone who plays WvW on the regular is used to being the redheaded stepchild by now both in terms of content and rewards

* You make about 1/10 of what other game modes net you

* For every second another player feels forced into WvW, WvW players feel forced out of it 10x more

* Even, in terms of rewards, the somewhat unique effect for the WvW-only items you had now has a lazy-designed PvP copy


I hate having to come into a thread like this and sound so negative and disappointed, but the truth is the truth.

I think most players today are aware of that WvW is the worst kept game mode but I think they remain unaware of just how much worse it is.


So to sum that up and adress the original post: Yes, you are correct about the rewards, but most of us are just used to being treated as dirt.

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> I'm sure others have pointed it out already but to add more to what likely has been said:

> * The WvW reward system is not really designed for players who start playing now

> * It is designed to give those who have spent 6 years in it something for the trouble

> * Everyone who plays WvW on the regular is used to being the redheaded stepchild by now both in terms of content and rewards

> * You make about 1/10 of what other game modes net you

> * For every second another player feels forced into WvW, WvW players feel forced out of it 10x more

> * Even, in terms of rewards, the somewhat unique effect for the WvW-only items you had now has a lazy-designed PvP copy


> I hate having to come into a thread like this and sound so negative and disappointed, but the truth is the truth.

> I think most players today are aware of that WvW is the worst kept game mode but I think they remain unaware of just how much worse it is.


> So to sum that up and adress the original post: Yes, you are correct about the rewards, but most of us are just used to being treated as dirt.


C'mon, we're not treated like dirt. We're generally not treated at all. ;)

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I usually try to finish on my higher main account and then go for the GM Shards on my lower alt, that's rewards that weren't there when my main was at that stage even if they are slow to accrue.


If I don't finish any account it's cool, but I atleast get through wood for that extra pip the next week.

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I just right click chests and don't really keep track of anything anymore, eventually my bank needs to be cleaned out so I'll go make something. After awhile playing WvW, you get to feel how the maps are moving and breathing and you learn to navigate through them to slide over all the action more efficiently without thinking on it too much. It's sort of like going for gold on the new race tracks, eventually you just feel the track under you and you get that exhilarated feeling when you know you're acing it and then before you know it you have a new scarf to show off.

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> I'm fine with how it is, but I'm not grinding pips for anything.


> If you've been only spending an hour or two in WVW and suddenly start playing more for the sole purpose of grinding to Mithril, of course it isn't going to be fun. It's "grinding" after all.


> Play for the enjoyment -- don't focus on "am I Mithril yet"; you'll have more fun.


Yes well that was my point, I would never make it there if I just played for fun. But as others have pointed out, and as I suspected in my opening post, it does have a lot to do with rank and in a way reserving those rewards for dedicated players. However because the rewards are really low, you not getting much reward for that dedication over many years which is sad.

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> So I am mostly a PvE player but I do enjoy diversifying my playtime but doing other modes and I enjoy diferent things at differnt times. That being said I am rank 180 in WvW so not high at all and thus relatively new to it.


> This week I got really lucky with the Outnumbered Buff early on in the week in the sense that it was up usually when I was playing so I thought I would try go for the Diamond chest and finally finish the pip reward track, and I gotta say, WOW, that nearly killed my enjoyment of the game.


> So from my experience as someone who would happily spend an hour ot two in WvW a day, the Gold Chest reward with the mystic coin is quite easy to get as a casual player. To finish the platinum chest is a bit more effort and time, but does not strain me. Mihril needed quite a bit of dedication to finish, and honestly I wished that was the last tier, because Diamond was just that little bit more (well if you consider 330 pips a little bit) that made it into a soul-crushing grind to finish where I had to chase after the Outnumbered Buff and ignore all teamplay in other maps.


> It seems the Diamond level rewards are designed for people who exclusively play WvW or has a high rank, but even so there is not really any incentive to finish the track, I mean the rewards at the end are kinda meh, the 4 mystic coins are nice, but completely disproportional to the time it took to get there. You would get far better loot spending that time doing a few ranked matches a few PvE dailies with high gold rewards (The HOT train for example which takes 1 hour and nets you 3 Amalgamated Gemstones) and you would get so much better rewards for your time.


> How do others feel about the pips and the rewards they offer?


The HoT train is one hour and gives 3 amalgamated stones. The Istan train is at least 20g/hour, meaning you can buy at least 12 amalgamated stones.

You see where this is going, I hope.

I can understand new players wanting wvw shinies fast, but this mode - like any other--needs dedication and time, thus favoring players who had already commited themselves to the mode. Those who play wvw do it cause it is fun to us, we like the mode, hell, we even liked it when rewards were utter trash and had to spend much gold for siege etc. I dont even notice i have finished Diamond chest, cause i get about 3.5k pips per week. And, on a side note, you didnt exactly breeze through T4 fractals right away, did you?

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Don't stress about that diamond chest. I don't think I finished it for the 1st time til was I bronze rank and got that extra pip. As some people have pointed out above play for the enjoyment of the game mode, don't play it for any specific goal, or it will turn into a grinding feeling that probably won't be very fun.


I will make 1 suggestion tho - at least try to finish the wood chest every week. When you finish that you get a bonus pip the next week. That's really the only thing I'd shoot for, and that takes almost no time to accomplish.

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> It seems the Diamond level rewards are designed for people who exclusively play WvW or has a high rank, but even so there is not really any incentive to finish the track,


Looks like you found the answer.


See, there is a tendency in the community (any game really but MMOs are prone to compulsive gaming), where if something is optimal, it's effectively mandatory and people will kitten and moan about being unable to do it. For the most part, nearly all content in this game is optional yet most people find a way to complain about it. By making sure that people can just get their shiny with some effort, they don't have to go out and grind themselves to death and develop a gaming addiction or something and that gets plastered over the news.


Because they know that wvwers are going to stay behind even after the chests get done, and they know other people are going to leave when they meet the minimum requirements. I think it works fine. I usually only make it to platinum anyways.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > It seems the Diamond level rewards are designed for people who exclusively play WvW or has a high rank, but even so there is not really any incentive to finish the trac


> Because they know that wvwers are going to stay behind even after the chests get done, and they know other people are going to leave when they meet the minimum requirements. I think it works fine. I usually only make it to platinum anyways.


The next ‘target’ would be gold 5. It means three grandmaster shards and 2 mystic coins. Which, next to tickets, is an important way to diminish the out of pocket costs for legendaries (armor or weapons)

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