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Episode 5: All or Nothing Trailer Discussion.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > Another thing I hadn't orignally considered. If Kralkatorik is moving up to the Shiverpeaks to follow us maybe, does that mean they are going to extent the dragonbrand again? Though he might just be staying down south, in Elona, or he can just portal himself over there via Mist travel, so it doesn't extend the brand.

> >

> > This also has me thinking about the map. I had assumed they would stay in Elona, but if they are doing Thunderhead Keep, and with the way the last few LW maps have been size wise, they could have episode 6 be up there too, and use the episodes 5 and 6 maps to fill in most of the "Deldrimor Front" region.

> >

> > That would leave quite a bit of Elona empty though. Maybe we go back for LWS5? Since we know it will come right after LWS4.


> Kinda hoping we start going to different places constantly for the LW instead of just sticking to one region unless its absolutely necessary. I loved S3 because of that reason!



The S3 strategy of jumping around, and filling in gaps that have been giving us OCD for years was really good. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now, that we’re hitting a new region in this season

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Kinda hoping we start going to different places constantly for the LW instead of just sticking to one region unless its absolutely necessary. I loved S3 because of that reason!

> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> The S3 strategy of jumping around, and filling in gaps that have been giving us OCD for years was really good. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now, that we’re hitting a new region in this season


I personally assume LWS5 will be like LWS3 in that regard, before we move off either into the Far Shiverpeaks to fight Jormag, or go underground to fight Primordus, or go.... wherever bubbles is to fight him. It will be a "tidy up" season where we take care of enough problems that it makes sense we could leave "core" Tyria for another extended trip without being left wondering "what about X!"

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > For Primordus his whole body could be the map at his size.


> His *head* is half of Draconis Mons. Primordus' whole body could be an entire expansion of maps.


> But yeah, I'm rather curious how they'll handle us fighting Kralkatorrik. I hope they don't go the Zhaitan route where we don't actually fight them but the battle happens in the area around us as we fight minions (this is before the press 1 fifty times to win fiasco)


> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > I think his power boost from eating bits of the mists is plenty reason for a visual change. Though they could have made him look more astral.


> Thing is, that happened before we see him in Storm Tracking. Same model as during PoF there.


Maybe they'll have to retcon his storm tracking model then.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> I'm guessing this is the next to last episode -- this is going to be entirely focused on getting some edge that allows us to win. The next one will actually be the fight -- hopefully it will be a Dragon's Stand type affair, where we have an instanced fight that involves getting Aurene positioned to absorb the dragon's power and smacking down a new Champion, while the map is about actually killing the dragon.


> That doesn't mean that we won't have to deal with the Dragon directly in this episode, though -- there's a reason we put the tracker on it. We'll have to live to fight another day, I guess.


> I'm kind of hoping there's another hidden scion out there, though. Partly because if there were only ever two scions (and Glint), the forgotten plan was doomed from the start, and that's just sloppy. But also because bringing two dragons into the mix might be what swings the scales in our favor. Plus, we can make double dragon jokes.


> If there isn't a second scion to be found, maybe one could be made -- if Aurene can learn to use death-brand magic to restore Vlast, and use our new secret weapon to have him replace Zhaitan in the All (he's got an appropriately grim attitude for a Death dragon, at any rate. Plus, if he dies to save us and is then resurrected, he's literally this). Aurene vs an Elder Dragon is a pretty badly stacked fight. Aurene and an Elder Dragon versus an Elder Dragon, that's better odds.


eh? I don't see any need for another 'scion'. We have Aurene, we have The Pale Tree. Two dragon champions ready to absorb everything that needs to be absorbed.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > I'm guessing this is the next to last episode -- this is going to be entirely focused on getting some edge that allows us to win. The next one will actually be the fight -- hopefully it will be a Dragon's Stand type affair, where we have an instanced fight that involves getting Aurene positioned to absorb the dragon's power and smacking down a new Champion, while the map is about actually killing the dragon.

> >

> > That doesn't mean that we won't have to deal with the Dragon directly in this episode, though -- there's a reason we put the tracker on it. We'll have to live to fight another day, I guess.

> >

> > I'm kind of hoping there's another hidden scion out there, though. Partly because if there were only ever two scions (and Glint), the forgotten plan was doomed from the start, and that's just sloppy. But also because bringing two dragons into the mix might be what swings the scales in our favor. Plus, we can make double dragon jokes.

> >

> > If there isn't a second scion to be found, maybe one could be made -- if Aurene can learn to use death-brand magic to restore Vlast, and use our new secret weapon to have him replace Zhaitan in the All (he's got an appropriately grim attitude for a Death dragon, at any rate. Plus, if he dies to save us and is then resurrected, he's literally this). Aurene vs an Elder Dragon is a pretty badly stacked fight. Aurene and an Elder Dragon versus an Elder Dragon, that's better odds.


> eh? I don't see any need for another 'scion'. We have Aurene, we have The Pale Tree. Two dragon champions ready to absorb everything that needs to be absorbed.


We dont know if the Pale Tree *could* absorb Mordremoths magic, thats a player based assumption/theory. The only knoweldge we have so far that Champions can absorb EDs magic is Tequatl, and even then the other EDs got the lions share of Zhaitans magic, so if Kralkatoric dies and we only have Aurene(Which is all we have at this moment), and she *only* absorbs Kralkatorics(and perhaps the remainder of Balths) magic, Zhaitans and Mordremoths will transfer to the remaining three EDs, at least the vast majority of it.


The *Only* reason i believe Aurene can absorb Kralkatorics is due to the nature of how crystals work in the GW universe, and perhaps the bigger portion, literally being Kralkatorics Blood.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Kinda hoping we start going to different places constantly for the LW instead of just sticking to one region unless its absolutely necessary. I loved S3 because of that reason!

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > The S3 strategy of jumping around, and filling in gaps that have been giving us OCD for years was really good. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now, that we’re hitting a new region in this season


> I personally assume LWS5 will be like LWS3 in that regard, before we move off either into the Far Shiverpeaks to fight Jormag, or go underground to fight Primordus, or go.... wherever bubbles is to fight him. It will be a "tidy up" season where we take care of enough problems that it makes sense we could leave "core" Tyria for another extended trip without being left wondering "what about X!"



Maybe hitting various shorelines and lakes investigating weird new monsters until unending ocean for the expansion

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Maybe hitting various shorelines and lakes investigating weird new monsters until unending ocean for the expansion

Or, if they want us to stay a bit closer to home, instead of doing another expansion that goes to some distant land, they could mcguffin Jormag or Primordus re-rising due to the amount of magical energy released from Kralkatorik's death or something. With the story having us deal with Icebrood or Destroyers, leading us either underground or into the Far Shiverpeaks. Bubbles makes more thematic sense. We fought Zhaitan, then we fought his opposite Mordremoth. Taking out Kralkatorik should lead to fighting his opposite, Bubbles. But it could go either way.


I don't know if Anet wants to go "hey your back in Tyira! Now get the hell out again!" with LWS5.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > https://imgur.com/a/cJJxEze

> >

> > Is that Glint's head behind Aurene?


> a reborn(deathbranded) Vlast


Doubt it. Vlast didn't leave a corpse behind to corrupt, he sort of exploded into a storm of crystals and even these crystals are resistant to branding so much so that they can be repurposed as weapons against the branded.


I don't think Kralkatorrik can brand his grandkids or do anything to creatures that are already part of him besides kill them. It was probably why he was so eager to kill Glint when he woke up. He couldn't "retake" her and she was preparing to ultimately take his place.


A plan we hope to personally see to fruition in her legacy.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> https://imgur.com/a/cJJxEze


> Is that Glint's head behind Aurene?


Hard to tell with artistic style, but it doesn't really fit Glint's head's shape.


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > https://imgur.com/a/cJJxEze

> > >

> > > Is that Glint's head behind Aurene?

> >

> > a reborn(deathbranded) Vlast


> Doubt it. Vlast didn't leave a corpse behind to corrupt, he sort of exploded into a storm of crystals and even these crystals are resistant to branding so much so that they can be repurposed as weapons against the branded.


Speaking of which, the Zephyrites went to gather Glint's corpse to avoid its magic from being used by the wrong people. Did anyone bother to gather Vlast's crystallized corpse? And why didn't they put the crystals in the open world since Desert Highlands map technically takes place after The Sacrifice?


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> I don't think Kralkatorrik can brand his grandkids or do anything to creatures that are already part of him besides kill them. It was probably why he was so eager to kill Glint when he woke up. He couldn't "retake" her and she was preparing to ultimately take his place.


Well, he managed to corrupt one of Glint's facets, so it's likely that he could corrupt them, it'd just take time.

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I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..


I do not feel comfortable with huge story moments like an Elder Dragon being killed being done in the living world rather than an expansion.

It greatly diminishes the feeling or threat that these Dragons pose and so far living world 4 has done a great job at hyping up the Crystal Dragon.


To kill it now in the living world rather than in a large paid expansion just makes me feel like Anet even making expansions is a total waste of thier time and a total waste of our money if we can get the expansion experience as free living world content.


I don't like this.. I want to keep buying expansions and I want to keep supporting Anet as a company but if the games biggest and most dominant antagonists can be so easily deafeted in free living world content then you might as well just put them back to sleep wrap up the dragon story and stop focusing on them entirely.


I'm going to go out on a limb and continue to believe that this battle will not result in the death of Kralk but rather a big loss for us.. and I really hope i'm right XD

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..


I'm not sure if we can win the fight with Kralkatorrik now. The dragonblood spear is destroyed, Aurene is way too weak and confronting Kralk would only kill her. ( The visions are there for a reason, if we could just kill Kralkatorrik so soon after the Dr. Strange experience then those visions would be meaningless ), and the weapon Vlast described... well no sign of that. So yeah.... killing Kralk wouldn't and shouldn't happen in Season4.

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This episode is pretty clearly setting it up so that we gain that upper edge, whatever it'd be, to fight Kralkatorrik. Most likely it'll be that weapon Vlast mentions (I'm still not convinced it was the Dragonsblood Spear that Vlast was talking about).


What's curious is that the trailer mentions dragonsblood weapons, which implies that there's more than just the spear, even if it holds no weight to the actual story.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Speaking of which, the Zephyrites went to gather Glint's corpse to avoid its magic from being used by the wrong people. Did anyone bother to gather Vlast's crystallized corpse? And why didn't they put the crystals in the open world since Desert Highlands map technically takes place after The Sacrifice?

I believe the ascension pilgrims are out there gathering his remains.


He really only left the big crystal echoes from the PoF story to communicate with us postmortem. The rest of him is shards and such. Nothing super significant except what they're doing in using the bits to combat the branded.


I'd love to be wrong though and there was some cool facet or something he made that we find in the new story that'll help us out. Vlast was such a cool character and a direct connection to the first game.


There's a bunch of story there that could have been told. Maybe it will be? I hope anyway.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Well, he managed to corrupt one of Glint's facets, so it's likely that he could corrupt them, it'd just take time.

I'm not so sure. A facet is one thing, the dragons are another.


I think Glint was too far along for something like that. She'd probably be the one to have taken Kralkatorriks place herself if things didn't go south with Destiny's Edge first encounter with her scions picking up the other ones.


Which brings me to an unrelated thought; assuming we manage to kill Kralkatorrik and successfully replace him with Aurene without the world exploding... we still have three remaining Elder Dragons and zero remaining scions.


There were six of them. Having killed two, the remaining four picked up the excess.


Assuming we usurp and slay Kralkatorrik and successfully seat Aurene as an Elder Dragon and go on to kill the remaining three wild ones, is Aurene able to replace ALL of the Elder Dragons by herself? Will that work?


Is she able to become some ultimate Elder Dragon of all magic in Tyria?

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..


> I'm not sure if we can win the fight with Kralkatorrik now. The dragonblood spear is destroyed, Aurene is way too weak and confronting Kralk would only kill her. ( The visions are there for a reason, if we could just kill Kralkatorrik so soon after the Dr. Strange experience then those visions would be meaningless ), and the weapon Vlast described... well no sign of that. So yeah.... killing Kralk wouldn't and shouldn't happen in Season4.


Yeah my thoughts as well.. Aurine is too weak.. or more accurately too young at this point to face down Kralkatorrik.

I'll be pretty annoyed in all honesty if after all this build up to him being an unstopable calamity we just pull another win out of our butts and destroy him..


No I really want to loose this one.. and I want it to have major story repercussions such as a few dead or wounded allies (I still want Braham to loose an arm and Taimi to make him a golem one cause he'll look awesome).

I wanna see what happens when we challenge an Elder Dragon and lose.. how the world reacts to us.. how our reputation is tarnished.. how our allies feel about following us.. there's so much story potential there.

Specially if we're forced to save Aurine and ourselves by leaving Tyria to the whims of Kralkatorrik for a year or so.. giving Tyrians all the reason in the world to think we abandoned them.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..

> >

> > I'm not sure if we can win the fight with Kralkatorrik now. The dragonblood spear is destroyed, Aurene is way too weak and confronting Kralk would only kill her. ( The visions are there for a reason, if we could just kill Kralkatorrik so soon after the Dr. Strange experience then those visions would be meaningless ), and the weapon Vlast described... well no sign of that. So yeah.... killing Kralk wouldn't and shouldn't happen in Season4.


> Yeah my thoughts as well.. Aurine is too weak.. or more accurately too young at this point to face down Kralkatorrik.

> I'll be pretty annoyed in all honesty if after all this build up to him being an unstopable calamity we just pull another win out of our butts and destroy him..


> No I really want to loose this one.. and I want it to have major story repercussions such as a few dead or wounded allies (I still want Braham to loose an arm and Taimi to make him a golem one cause he'll look awesome).

> I wanna see what happens when we challenge an Elder Dragon and lose.. how the world reacts to us.. how our reputation is tarnished.. how our allies feel about following us.. there's so much story potential there.

> Specially if we're forced to save Aurine and ourselves by leaving Tyria to the whims of Kralkatorrik for a year or so.. giving Tyrians all the reason in the world to think we abandoned them.


That could be an interesting story arc I agree

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Speaking of which, the Zephyrites went to gather Glint's corpse to avoid its magic from being used by the wrong people. Did anyone bother to gather Vlast's crystallized corpse? And why didn't they put the crystals in the open world since Desert Highlands map technically takes place after The Sacrifice?

> I believe the ascension pilgrims are out there gathering his remains.


> He really only left the big crystal echoes from the PoF story to communicate with us postmortem. The rest of him is shards and such. Nothing super significant except what they're doing in using the bits to combat the branded.


> I'd love to be wrong though and there was some cool facet or something he made that we find in the new story that'll help us out. Vlast was such a cool character and a direct connection to the first game.


> There's a bunch of story there that could have been told. Maybe it will be? I hope anyway.


The Ascension pilgrims are collecting shards from Vlast's battles. Basically, the crystals Vlasts created in attacking the branded (and the Forged during The Sacrifice). They're not part of his body.


Also, his body exploded into much larger golden crystals than the memory crystals we collected. There were three or so *huge* chunks of gold crystals that formed in the aftermath, as well as dozens of smaller ones.


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Well, he managed to corrupt one of Glint's facets, so it's likely that he could corrupt them, it'd just take time.

> I'm not so sure. A facet is one thing, the dragons are another.


> I think Glint was too far along for something like that. She'd probably be the one to have taken Kralkatorriks place herself if things didn't go south with Destiny's Edge first encounter with her scions picking up the other ones.


Well, I mean, by what we know, Vlast and Aurene shouldn't be any different than the facets, just more powerful. Same goes for sylvari. Glint and the Pale Tree might be different stories due to (presumably, for the Pale Tree) being purified directly, but the sylvari, fern hounds, husks, facets, crystal guardians, crystal spiders, and Glint's eggs were not as far as we know. And about half of those do get corrupted - sylvari only spared due to their connection to the Dream and Pale Tree.


As far as we've been shown, there's no reason to believe Vlast and Aurene are immune to corruption.


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Which brings me to an unrelated thought; assuming we manage to kill Kralkatorrik and successfully replace him with Aurene without the world exploding... we still have three remaining Elder Dragons and zero remaining scions.


> There were six of them. Having killed two, the remaining four picked up the excess.


> Assuming we usurp and slay Kralkatorrik and successfully seat Aurene as an Elder Dragon and go on to kill the remaining three wild ones, is Aurene able to replace ALL of the Elder Dragons by herself? Will that work?


> Is she able to become some ultimate Elder Dragon of all magic in Tyria?


From what we've learned about The All and its balance, there needs to be 4+ Elder Dragons. In the epilogue of Path of Fire, when we tell Taimi that Kralkatorrik absorbed Balthazar's magic, she states that would further imbalance the All. This indicates that there cannot be "one ultimate Elder Dragon of all magic in Tyria" - The All would still be imbalanced.


Given these two statements by Taimi (one more ED dies = Tyria dies; Kralkatorrik becoming stronger = further imbalance), I liken The All to a table. A table is nice an stable with six legs, and can handle two of those legs being removed. But if you remove a third, it's very likely no longer going to be stable and topple over. And if you shorten or lengthen any of those legs far more than the others, it again becomes unstable.


There are more dragons out in the world of Tyria, and we know that dragon minions consume magic, and a dragon doesn't need to be purified like Glint was to replace their Elder Dragon (Tequatl almost replaced Zhaitan, for example).


So in theory, we could have the Pale Tree or Malyck's Tree replace Mordremoth. Finding more dragons to replace the other Elder Dragons honestly is the strongest sounding reason to go to Cantha - there were some friendly dragons like Kuunavang and Albax there in GW1. But in Elona there was also Shiny, who's been MIA.


> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> No I really want to loose this one.. and I want it to have major story repercussions such as a few dead or wounded allies (I still want Braham to loose an arm and Taimi to make him a golem one cause he'll look awesome).

> I wanna see what happens when we challenge an Elder Dragon and lose.. how the world reacts to us.. how our reputation is tarnished.. how our allies feel about following us.. there's so much story potential there.

> Specially if we're forced to save Aurine and ourselves by leaving Tyria to the whims of Kralkatorrik for a year or so.. giving Tyrians all the reason in the world to think we abandoned them.


Sounds like an interesting plot. Almost as interesting as the idea of us having to confront some Pact or face off against a reformed Destiny's Edge (one theory during S3 was that Zojja would join with Braham and Rox in reforming Destiny's Edge and lead to a confrontation against Dragon's Watch) that remain bent on killing Elder Dragons while we know doing so is bad and being unable to convince our former allies. Almost as interesting as a pronounced prejudice-inspired war against sylvari due to the revelation of their origins and some falling to Mordremoth.


But that pretty much guarantees it won't happen.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> So in theory, we could have the Pale Tree or Malyck's Tree replace Mordremoth. Finding more dragons to replace the other Elder Dragons honestly is the strongest sounding reason to go to Cantha - there were some friendly dragons like Kuunavang and Albax there in GW1. But in Elona there was also Shiny, who's been MIA.


Ah, Shiny. If Vlast is restored, and Shiny is also capable of ascending to Elder Dragon status, then we would have three new dragons to replace the soon to be three dead dragons.

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I know I am probably reading too far into this, but in the PC's speech, he specifically says that "Glint believED in us," not believes in us. Since Glint has been dead already for a few decades, this leads me to wonder if Glint's soul won't get destroyed this episode. Part of me wonders if this speech we are shown isn't the last part of this episode, building up for the next and last episode. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Thunderhead Keep! This could be legendary.


PoF had the best story elements for me personally, because I really enjoyed all those stories that started in GW1 so many years ago. I don't even remember / know the GW1 lore very well, but GW's story is important to me because I only follow a couple of narratives. For example, Supernatural is the only TV show I watch.


Looking forward to the next episode of GW2.

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> @"Narcemus.1348" said:

> I know I am probably reading too far into this, but in the PC's speech, he specifically says that "Glint believED in us," not believes in us. Since Glint has been dead already for a few decades, this leads me to wonder if Glint's soul won't get destroyed this episode. Part of me wonders if this speech we are shown isn't the last part of this episode, building up for the next and last episode. We'll just have to wait and see.


Herald nerf incoming.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > https://imgur.com/a/cJJxEze

> > >

> > > Is that Glint's head behind Aurene?

> >

> > a reborn(deathbranded) Vlast


> Doubt it. Vlast didn't leave a corpse behind to corrupt, he sort of exploded into a storm of crystals and even these crystals are resistant to branding so much so that they can be repurposed as weapons against the branded.


> I don't think Kralkatorrik can brand his grandkids or do anything to creatures that are already part of him besides kill them. It was probably why he was so eager to kill Glint when he woke up. He couldn't "retake" her and she was preparing to ultimately take his place.


> A plan we hope to personally see to fruition in her legacy.


I had this pointed out to me cause i thought the same thing, but Kralkatoric explodes as well after you defeat him.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I don't like this.. I want to keep buying expansions

Expansions would still be necessary as focal points for new major gameplay mechanics, systems, and new landscape types. Not to mention, there are other major problems in the world that expansions could focus on.


Like, I could see a Cantha expansion focus more on helping some rebellion or w/e overthrow the ironically named "Empire of the Dragon", or at least forcing it to change its xenophobic, isolationist, policies.

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