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Speculation on new Diviners Stat set


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Full Wanderer = 42% boon duration with Concentration as a minor. Diviners will have concentration as a major


Diviners is POWER/CONC with pre/fer. If you wear full set ...


If concentration scales linearly with it's stat, Concentration as a major will give 84%.

With precision as a minor, you get 35% ... with Right Hand Strength, Retribution and Righteous Instincts, you get 100% Crit rate, no boons needed

With Virtue, you get 100% retal boon duration with lots of retal access on active Virtues

WIth ferocity as a minor and Retribution trait, I get 883 ... full zerker gives 961 ...

Your ability to self stack might is really great (3 from VOJ, lots ofrom Righteous Instincts)


Run Durability runes if you want the defensive and max out your boon duration to 99% ... run the Scholars for all out DPS.


Food will be Power/Fer


I smell a nerf even before or soon after a release. All this seems really over the top.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> In the relevant revenant thread I speculated that we might see boons get cut in half after Diviners gets released. As part of the boon overhaul in the future.


yeah, that's the kind of epic nerf I'm expecting ... I don't think Anet ever anticipated people maxing duration on so many boons.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> In the relevant revenant thread I speculated that we might see boons get cut in half after Diviners gets released. As part of the boon overhaul in the future.


I do not think something this radical is required and well screw balance significantly.


There are three main boon that need focus: alacrity, quickness and might (25 stacks). As long as no one build can do all three then any further changes in PvE are unnecessary.


For PvP, they just need to cut down might, that no one class can stack more than 10-12 stacks and probably reduce protection uptime for some classes.


I do not think more is needed.

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Diviner's wont have much use for Guard.


Power quickbrand will only ever be better than condi in full zerk (and only if you can take advantage of slaying sigils/potions + short fight durations). If you're dealing with longer fights and actually need extra BD, you'll just run condi instead. Apart from firebrand, boon duration is a relatively dead stat for an offensive guard build.

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You're support, so it seems to me more adequate concentration and healing power or armor : a bit like the support chrono jail we tried to equip with berserker/assassin and finally see DPS decrease patch after patch (and support too, lol) to be barely superior to harrier or minstrel in instance, and viper druid too.

Or you're DPS and 4 stats sets are a big loss; except viper because we don't really have choice.

At least this is my opinion with the Guardian in Pve. And because viper + FB runes is already a better "hybrid" than berserker + boon duration.


In pvp I don't look at Guard or DH, but FB play with mender or harrier because of all the sources of heals.

In WvW, once again or you're support or you're not. In roaming, radiance guard, this is often a better balance to look for Boon duration in traits, runes, sigils and food and Toughness/vitality in the equipment rather than the other way.

Some Diviners jewelry will help, but imo a full set or cap 100% duration will not be "OP" as a mix Valkyrie/zerk/marauder/etc guard can already get a good retaliation uptime, 100% precision with more power, ferocity and armor.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > In the relevant revenant thread I speculated that we might see boons get cut in half after Diviners gets released. As part of the boon overhaul in the future.


> yeah, that's the kind of epic nerf I'm expecting ... I don't think Anet ever anticipated people maxing duration on so many boons.


My mind went a different direction: specialization in specific boon duration in runes (and maybe sigils) instead of nerfing skills.


Most runes were nerfed to 15 or 25% boon duration while specialized runes went up to 50% duration of a single boon. I would expect the few 25% ones to be further nerfed while maybe adding more that 50% of a single boon added in the future.


More runes like firebrand could also be added. The last 10% on durability changed to 20% resistance duration so that it only gives 15% to all boons +20% resistance.


> @"cat.8975" said:

> Diviner's wont have much use for Guard.


> Power quickbrand will only ever be better than condi in full zerk (and only if you can take advantage of slaying sigils/potions + short fight durations). If you're dealing with longer fights and actually need extra BD, you'll just run condi instead. Apart from firebrand, boon duration is a relatively dead stat for an offensive guard build.





Im not sure of the exact set up but i think new stats plus scholar might be better. I don't think you can abuse potions and sigils too much there and power was still better there. For raids, I suspect both will be viable depending on the boss.

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> @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:

> > @"cat.8975" said:

> > Diviner's wont have much use for Guard.

> >

> > Power quickbrand will only ever be better than condi in full zerk (and only if you can take advantage of slaying sigils/potions + short fight durations). If you're dealing with longer fights and actually need extra BD, you'll just run condi instead. Apart from firebrand, boon duration is a relatively dead stat for an offensive guard build.



> https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/a8v9a8/sc_qt_cm100_shattered_observatory_firebrand/


> Im not sure of the exact set up but i think new stats plus scholar might be better. I don't think you can abuse potions and sigils too much there and power was still better there. For raids, I suspect both will be viable depending on the boss.


You can use Scarlet Slaying on Arkk, and you can abuse Impact sigil on all the bosses there. The fights are also short enough that power wins out due to having no rampup time. You only need ~12% BD for permaquick (if you have alac), and that's already covered by the 15%+ from the fractal potion conversion.


In raids, the fights/phases are usually long enough that condi will be equal or better (VG may be a sole exception here).

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> A small reminder that PvE wanderer's is completely different stat combination then PvP one. So don't be so sure PvE diviner's will be same as pvp one.


Considering the statement and changes that came with the announcement it's pretty safe to assume the stats will be the same.

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Considering that the stat distribution is the same as Viper's, we know that a full set of Diviner's gear gets you 1172 Concentration, or 78.3% Boon Duration. Excluding stats from runes, Potent Lucent Oil will get you another 54.15 Concentration, nudging up to 81.7% Boon Duration. If you're in Fractals, you can add in another 15% Boon Duration from Mist Mobility Potion, which would then be enough to round all your Quickness buffs up to 100% bonus duration. This will let you run Power food and Scholar runes for more personal DPS.


Another option would be to run Runes of the Pack for the 15% Boon duration, plus the 6-piece bonus that gives your party Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 10s (base). With this you can swap out Shoulder, Gloves, and Boot slots for Berserkers, and can save on consumables with standard Sharpening Stones.


Once set up, I expect you'll be using the standard core Guardian Power DPS rotation, and using your Mantra of Potence and Mantra of Solace every recharge.

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^^ So true




This is what I have so far (just imagine Commander is Diviner)... It gives the %100 crit rate with retal and burning foes (easy), 100% boon duration. Admittedly, it's got more defensive effects than I've needed in a group setting (but it's great solo) so I'm moving to:




Much more offensive, lots of access to retaliation, stability, quickness. 100% boon duration. I'm not sure how people are thinking this isn't THE offensive stat set for a Guardian; the big problem with this build is that you exceed crit chance a significant amount and you have base HP. It would be interesting to see how capped retal/crit/quickness would fair against the currently accepted meta.



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I'm building towards a Diviner Firebrand mainly because I've found that Chrono in it's current state is far too unreliable in Fractals. There are a whole host of reasons a player won't be in your Wells at the right time to get the buffs--now more than ever--and getting screwed out of Quickness and/or Alacrity for extended periods of time, if not for the majority of the fight. Firebrand gives more applications in shorter intervals, so even if a player, for example, gets bumped out of the area of effect by Social Awkwardness, there are still other sources of Quickness to be gained.

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Right as I completed the Heroic Dragonsblood Greatsword, it just occurred to me that I haven't really given much thought to weapon choices...


* Having a Sword main hand seems to be the most obvious choice, so far. It's a decent Power DPS weapon since the balance patch, and its Symbol gives Fury.

* The Symbol of Vengeance from Axe also gives Fury, which could make it a pretty decent weapon swap. It's Power scaling was similar to Sword, last I checked, while also being able to benefit from One-Handed Might, so DPS shouldn't be too bad. Having this would certainly push your Fury uptime if your group is lacking.

* Greatsword is of course the best option for personal DPS, although Symbol of Wrath probably won't benefit that many players.

* And here is where I go "Hmmm," when considering a spot for the Hammer. I'm not sure whether Glacial Heart would be worth taking over Empowering Might, but I do know that Protection goes a long way to helping a group get a smooth run.

* If Might is also lacking in the group, Scepter may be another option.

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I'm not sure this is a good set for guard.

I mean, 4 stats and concentration as a major stat ?

In pve FB didn't need that much boon duration to get perma quickness, not at all in fractal, and if you go full support it's a pity to avoid healing power as FB* is just one of the best healer and without radiance/zeal dps is close to zero. DH either, it's a big dps loss only because you can't manage retailation without boon duration.

In WvW, well, may be some pieces of armor or weapons, but Radiance guard already works strong with 30% or 40% boon duration from runes, sigils and food, I guess it's a balance, a question of taste.


Diviner set IMO would be better to chrono and Renegade (+33% precision with full endurance and fury 40%, ren doesn't need precision) , in a power burst compo.

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