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Deadeye are even more obnoxious than Scourges


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Scourges, at least you see them coming, you can counter them. Their spec is braindead easy but you can still kill them or at least avoid their damage.

![](https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/01/1/1546213205-fdfd.jpg "")


When you're fighting someone until suddenly a random idiot spawns out of stealth and hits you for 17k instantly, there is no counterplay, no fun. Redesign it or make it unplayable in PvP, like you did to the whole Revenant class.

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That's why they made that attack blockable.


There are many builds across all classes that can literal one shot for 15k+ or do massive amounts of damage in a fraction of a second for a perceived one shot (power mes as an example) and a few of these specs can do those numbers from stealth; thieves, mes, ranger, holo, etc. These specs are fringe, meme, and not viable in top competitive play because of how vulnerable they are to being obliterated by any opposing team who knows that they are specced for 1 shots.


I, as a player that does not completely suck, have learned that when I see one of those players in game, I should be on guard. Sometimes I will be caught by them when I'm tunnel-visioned in another fight, but it rarely happens. I sincerely apologize if you do not have the reaction time, awareness, or ping (RIP aussie friends) to deal with these attacks, but one shots exist in almost every pvp game I've played, and will continue to exist in GW2.


TLDR: Learn to play my friend, or move on to PVE (you def don't wanna be in WvW if you think the PvP one shot numbers are high XD ).




And I'll explain why if you're curious. It's because those specs literally build for damage increase in every way they can. They have very few defenses. If you nerf an ability, say Death's Judgement, because a player fully specced for meme damage is one shotting you, then every other one of the 99% of thief players who AREN'T specced for meme one shots will do absolutely laughable damage with Death's Judgement.


Nothing can be done about the situation except bettering yourself as a player, or making all classes hit like wet noodles.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> Death's Judgement has a pretty big tell, visual and audio, and is now blockable/reflectable.


The red line bugs out when cast from stealth pretty frequently, which removes the tell.


Binding shadow's tell never shows up if they cast it while stealthed either, which is the bigger problem imo

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> TLDR: Learn to play my friend, or move on to PVE (you def don't wanna be in WvW if you think the PvP one shot numbers are high XD ).


Yeah, learn to play against a spec that waits for you to be in combat & one shots you from stealth. Great advice.

You seem overly proud of your skills in this game. Calm down, it's 11 to 16 buttons game at most, it's as easy as a MOBA.


> Rev is far from unplayable.


But it requires 25 times more brain and skill than scourge or deadeye. It's a high effort low reward class.

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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> That's why they made that attack blockable.


> There are many builds across all classes that can literal one shot for 15k+ or do massive amounts of damage in a fraction of a second for a perceived one shot (power mes as an example) and a few of these specs can do those numbers from stealth; thieves, mes, ranger, holo, etc. These specs are fringe, meme, and not viable in top competitive play because of how vulnerable they are to being obliterated by any opposing team who knows that they are specced for 1 shots.


> I, as a player that does not completely suck, have learned that when I see one of those players in game, I should be on guard. Sometimes I will be caught by them when I'm tunnel-visioned in another fight, but it rarely happens. I sincerely apologize if you do not have the reaction time, awareness, or ping (RIP aussie friends) to deal with these attacks, but one shots exist in almost every pvp game I've played, and will continue to exist in GW2.


> TLDR: Learn to play my friend, or move on to PVE (you def don't wanna be in WvW if you think the PvP one shot numbers are high XD ).


> Edit:


> And I'll explain why if you're curious. It's because those specs literally build for damage increase in every way they can. They have very few defenses. If you nerf an ability, say Death's Judgement, because a player fully specced for meme damage is one shotting you, then every other one of the 99% of thief players who AREN'T specced for meme one shots will do absolutely laughable damage with Death's Judgement.


> Nothing can be done about the situation except bettering yourself as a player, or making all classes hit like wet noodles.


you should never ever have a skill that can 1 shot in 5 man pvp, what kind of gameplay is that ever gonna drive out apart from sneaking and trying to 1 shot a player that is in combat with another? As for stealth in pvp, how someone can design gameplay with stealth in mind in pvp is beyond me.


Stealth and 1 shot and range - get a grip.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> > That's why they made that attack blockable.

> >

> > There are many builds across all classes that can literal one shot for 15k+ or do massive amounts of damage in a fraction of a second for a perceived one shot (power mes as an example) and a few of these specs can do those numbers from stealth; thieves, mes, ranger, holo, etc. These specs are fringe, meme, and not viable in top competitive play because of how vulnerable they are to being obliterated by any opposing team who knows that they are specced for 1 shots.

> >

> > I, as a player that does not completely suck, have learned that when I see one of those players in game, I should be on guard. Sometimes I will be caught by them when I'm tunnel-visioned in another fight, but it rarely happens. I sincerely apologize if you do not have the reaction time, awareness, or ping (RIP aussie friends) to deal with these attacks, but one shots exist in almost every pvp game I've played, and will continue to exist in GW2.

> >

> > TLDR: Learn to play my friend, or move on to PVE (you def don't wanna be in WvW if you think the PvP one shot numbers are high XD ).

> >

> > Edit:

> >

> > And I'll explain why if you're curious. It's because those specs literally build for damage increase in every way they can. They have very few defenses. If you nerf an ability, say Death's Judgement, because a player fully specced for meme damage is one shotting you, then every other one of the 99% of thief players who AREN'T specced for meme one shots will do absolutely laughable damage with Death's Judgement.

> >

> > Nothing can be done about the situation except bettering yourself as a player, or making all classes hit like wet noodles.


> you should never ever have a skill that can 1 shot in 5 man pvp, what kind of gameplay is that ever gonna drive out apart from sneaking and trying to 1 shot a player that is in combat with another? As for stealth in pvp, how someone can design gameplay with stealth in mind in pvp is beyond me.


> Stealth and 1 shot and range - get a grip.


A player getting plussed is probably going to die regardless unless it's a bunker, so I'm not sure why it's a problem.


Are you going to propose a fix? Because I already told you what nerfing said skill will do: make it useless for the 99% of players who don't run gimmick one shot builds.


Or maybe you want a flat power nerf so that zerker ammy and such don't pack as much a punch? Have fun being in the bunker meta from a few years ago where literally no one died in an entire match.


Do you know what I do after I realize there a person built that way? I anticipate where they will be, who they will go for, and then I will sneeze on them and they will die. Just last match on my ranger, I went against a power 1 shot chrono and blocked her burst, and she happened to get the rebound rather than a clone and it killed her. I laughed. so. hard.


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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Scourges, at least you see them comming, you can counter them. Their spec is braindead easy but you can still kill them or at least avoid their damage.

> ![](https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/01/1/1546213205-fdfd.jpg "")


> When you're fighting someone until suddenly a random idiot spawns out of stealth and hits you for 17k instantly, there is no counterplay, no fun. Redesign it or make it unplayable in PvP, like you did to the whole Revenant class.


First of all - he can't 17k you @ beggining of the fight, since DE has to build malice and so, he has to use AA/Spotter's/double-triple shot - easy to see what is going on.


Second - if u got a problem with DE, find a class to counterplay - when I see DE in enemy team, Im going for Core Ranger Sniper - KB + Rapid fire is 2 sec 100%-0% for them, and if your are getting focused, you pop up SoS and that's it. Even if he survives it - he becomes 30% running, out of defenses easy target.


Play as DE and you will see it is not a braindead class - all can pew pew, but few can tdo it properly, rotate properly and play defensively/reset after failed burst. I've seen so many DE that just don't know what to do, after initial burst failed/gets reflected/got overplayed.


Get over it.



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> @"Nightblink.7286" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > Scourges, at least you see them comming, you can counter them. Their spec is braindead easy but you can still kill them or at least avoid their damage.

> > ![](https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/01/1/1546213205-fdfd.jpg "")

> >

> > When you're fighting someone until suddenly a random idiot spawns out of stealth and hits you for 17k instantly, there is no counterplay, no fun. Redesign it or make it unplayable in PvP, like you did to the whole Revenant class.


> First of all - he can't 17k you @ beggining of the fight, since DE has to build malice and so, he has to use AA/Spotter's/double-triple shot - easy to see what is going on.


> Second - if u got a problem with DE, find a class to counterplay - when I see DE in enemy team, Im going for Core Ranger Sniper - KB + Rapid fire is 2 sec 100%-0% for them, and if your are getting focused, you pop up SoS and that's it. Even if he survives it - he becomes 30% running, out of defenses easy target.


> Play as DE and you will see it is not a braindead class - all can pew pew, but few can tdo it properly, rotate properly and play defensively/reset after failed burst. I've seen so many DE that just don't know what to do, after initial burst failed/gets reflected/got overplayed.


> Get over it.


> Cheers


Words right out of my mind. Thank you. I like playing deadeye. It's really annoying for every one to think it's some godlike spec that can never die and one shot. If that was true every one would be a deadeye but they are not.


It's really not and it's alot harder to pull off than other builds that are meta.


Most of my friends from other lasses see the dmg output. Tired it for a day and nope the heck out cos they really couldn't survive long enough to do any dmg.

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > Death's Judgement has a pretty big tell, visual and audio, and is now blockable/reflectable.


> Problem is quickness.


Problem is. U see mark on u. U dodge. The problem with dying to a bad deadeye is also quickness. If u hear the sound and the dodge you have a whole second to dodge. Since it's about 4 skills they press. U dodge that shot the deadeye has already spent everything trying to put that one burst and now must wait to redo it. Now u just port to him and he will use his only shadowstep and will likely run.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > Death's Judgement has a pretty big tell, visual and audio, and is now blockable/reflectable.

> >

> > Problem is quickness.


> Problem is. U see mark on u. U dodge. The problem with dying to a bad deadeye is also quickness. If u hear the sound and the dodge you have a whole second to dodge. Since it's about 4 skills they press. U dodge that shot the deadeye has already spent everything trying to put that one burst and now must wait to redo it. Now u just port to him and he will use his only shadowstep and will likely run.


Exactly - initial burst costs the DE ALL, I mean ALL initiative - (AA, 2x Spotter =6ini + double =6ini) - right after u use steal skill and DJ- that is the burst.

And as you are saying - ppl see only the dmg - noone cares about anything else - yes DE has the dmg, but 90% of pp playing it like glass canon - in ->do dmg->die ->repeat.


Good DE will -> In->down most problematic teamfighter (prefably scourge/reaper) -> dmg the support, lay down some cc** -> disengage.


** - Im playing with Shortbow for mobility and insane cc with Choke Gas which is team fight breaker after downing the target.


I feel you 100%.




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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> When you're fighting someone until suddenly a random idiot spawns out of stealth and hits you for 17k instantly, there is no counterplay, no fun. Redesign it or make it unplayable in PvP, like you did to the whole Revenant class.

Tell your Rev/SD Thief/Mirage to deal with the DE 24/7 if you're playing a teamfighter without the tools to do so yourself. They're all capable engaging the DE before he gets into position and farm him.

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"t's really annoying for every one to think it's some godlike spec that can never die and one shot."

"Have you, sir, tried to exhaust all of your options vs DEs before you jump with a post?"


I didn't say it was op or that deadeye were impossible to kill. I said getting killed by one was frustrating and poor design. You don't feel like this idiot deserved his kill, cause he just appears out of nowhere and one shots you during a fight. Even if you do spot him during your fight, you may no longer have the tools to dodge his stupid one shot skill. No class should be able to deal that much damage with ONE spell.


> Or maybe you want a flat power nerf so that zerker ammy and such don't pack as much a punch? Have fun being in the bunker meta from a few years ago where literally no one died in an entire match.


You do enjoy your strawman. I don't want to nerf every glass cannon build, I don't mind set up and one shots if there is a big tell or if there is counter to it.

What I don't like is an idiotic spec that can one shot you FROM STEALTH. You managed to dodge ? Good, now the thief is at the other side of the map & in stealth he didn't suffer any consequences.

I don't want all high damage specs nerfed, I don't want a bunker meta, I just want poorly designed specs gutted. It used to be the case in WoW that such specs with braindead easy rotations had next to no damage in PvP (think BM hunters). The same should be applied here.

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I don't recall BM hunters having stealth, But I didn't play wow much. Sounds like you just hate being one shot, and hate being one shot from stealth even more so. It's understandably frustrating, but when you say this:


> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> No class should be able to deal that much damage with ONE spell.


That's like, your opinion man. You have the right to have one, but as you can see by the thread responses you won't find many people that agree with you, especially when you're attacking a class that repeatedly gets nerf hammered, and a skill that literally JUST got nerf hammered, lol.



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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> I didn't say it was op or that deadeye were impossible to kill. I said getting killed by one was frustrating and poor design. You don't feel like this idiot deserved his kill, cause he just appears out of nowhere and one shots you during a fight. Even if you do spot him during your fight, you may no longer have the tools to dodge his stupid one shot skill. No class should be able to deal that much damage with ONE spell.



And what is the difference to any other viable thief spec in spvp then in your opinion? +1 fights is all about timing and pressing the right buttons. If you get killed by pewpew during a 1v1 or 2v2 it's because you didn't pay attention to what is going on on the rest of the map.


Tl;dr: _This idiot_ totally deserves the kill because he 100% fits his role as +1/assassin/roamer...

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> I don't recall BM hunters having stealth


They've had one since Mists of Pandaria.


But stealth doesn't matter here. What I said about WoW is that specs with stupid easy rotations were gutted in PvP, that is all.


> And what is the difference to any other viable thief spec in spvp then in your opinion?


The fact that these specs are more comitted ?

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> @"syszery.1592" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > I didn't say it was op or that deadeye were impossible to kill. I said getting killed by one was frustrating and poor design. You don't feel like this idiot deserved his kill, cause he just appears out of nowhere and one shots you during a fight. Even if you do spot him during your fight, you may no longer have the tools to dodge his stupid one shot skill. No class should be able to deal that much damage with ONE spell.



> And what is the difference to any other viable thief spec in spvp then in your opinion? +1 fights is all about timing and pressing the right buttons. If you get killed by pewpew during a 1v1 or 2v2 it's because you didn't pay attention to what is going on on the rest of the map.


> Tl;dr: _This idiot_ totally deserves the kill because he 100% fits his role as +1/assassin/roamer...


a pewpew dosnt apear of thin air shoot and disapear in thinair with a simple dodge


The problem is STEALTH, STEALTH(as implemented in GW2) is a stupid mechanic for a "competitive" game based on tab targeting.


STEALTH is a great concept for a movement related skill, not for a combat skill where stealth users can enter freely in stealth mode when focused by one or more toons

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Deadeyes trade a kit that helps them contest the point for one that helps them +1 anyone already on the point.


If you want to not get +1ed hard, make thieves better duelists, but I don't think you'll want that.


Its either they're good at +1 and nothing else, good at dueling and bad at team (somehow), or useless for pvp.

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