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Your Unpopular Opinions about something in GW2

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There was an interesting thread on reddit about a week ago.

It asked you to state an opinion you have about something in GW2 that the community at large tends to disagree with.

I have opinions but am not on Reddit for..well..reasons.. so I thought I would start one here.


Too many people copypasta builds off snowcrows without understanding the assumptions they make. They assume you have tons of buffs & healer with you. They then they try to use these glass cannon setups solo in open world then have tons of trouble in areas like Tangled Depths & Lake Doric. Here's a tip buy a couple of extra ascended trinkets in either Solider(Pow) or Dire(Condi) & carry them in your bags. Swap to them in areas you keep getting one-shoted by mobs.

Your millage will vary based on profession & build but as a general rule of thumb Snowcrows Undervalue Precision (because of crit cap) & Overvalue Ferocity & Expertise.


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Here is my 2nd even more unpopular opinion. For 75-80% of the player base Expertise is a JUNK STAT and should be viewed on par with Healing Power. Not that useful and must be stacked to gain any benifit. All expertise does is make your DoT effects last longer. Most mobs you encounter will die before the extra DoT time has any real effect.

The only time it comes into play is when fighting Champions in small groups. (& Tough Elites/Vet mobs) This is why it is valued by the build sites. If you are Raiding or runing T3-4 Fractals with Condi DPS the yes it in a required stat because the fights last a long time so the extra tics matter. If your not doing that on this character & have no plans to don't bother grinding up Viper gear when you will be better off with Carrion/Rabid, Sinister(not cheap either) or Grieving at 1/10th the price. Hell if you have Proc on Crit effects blend in some Rampager.

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Meta builds are not required to do any content in the game including raids.


All rewards should easily be achievable by casual players.


All content should be easy enough for the least skilled player.


Note: These are probably controversial and I have very little interest in discussing this beyond just listing them.



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Basic, fine and masterwork gear should not drop at Level 80 just because your character is level 80. They should drop at appropriate lower ranks, so you can hand them down to your low-level characters, or salvage them for lower-tier mats. You're never going to USE that Fine with your Level 80 toon, so why lock it to that level?


I posted this as a suggestion thread once and got nothing but disagreement.

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I don't care if people use raptor tailwipe during mass mob events. In particular Ulgoth pre when the centaurs come at you in waves. Some people really get their panties in a bunch when they see someone mounted, but in my experience you will actually hit more, and loot more, if you just stay off your mount and use aoes to tag everything you can. People mounting up and tailwiping are getting one good hit in and generally missing the rest. So they're only hurting their own loot results, and they aren't preventing anyone else from getting hits in.

Now, one time someone told me to stop using aoes, which is utter nonsense. No aoe is insta-killing the mobs, so I'm not preventing anyone from tagging their targets. This idea that less for me = more for you just isn't true. The real problem is people trying to one-shot the mobs so no one else can tag.

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Oh sorry but I have to mention a second thing:


Knockback is almost always a bad idea. Waaay too many people (rangers in particular) seem to think this should be regularly rotated simply because the cooldown is up. In any group fight, knockback almost invariably moves the target mob FREE of other people's aoes and melee reach. You are PROTECTING the mob by using it. It should only be used as CC or in cases when you have undesired aggro and the mob has closed on you to melee, and you do it as a survival mechanism.

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> @"Grimmtooth.4163" said:

> Done ranting.

> A more fun opinion I Prefer Season 3 maps to Hot ones but PoF maps over Season 4 ones. In fact the only S4 map I like is Sand swept Isles.


I do not think this is unpopular opinion. I remember a couple of polls indicated that PoF maps were not as popular. I tend to see much more players in HoT and LWS3 maps as well.


My unpopular opinion, HP pools need to be increased across the board. Since the game release damage has increased by at least 100% (and I am not only talking Player damage), yet HP pools remained the same. Also, the low HP pool is currently ridiculous. It is really dangerous to play low HP pool solo in PvE without some HP. It is sucide in PvP.



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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> quests are million times better then any heart or achievement in GW2


I'd like both, but the nearest you get is meta events that tell a story. Heart quests where you help a group by doing something repetitive, then buying some tat, then never thinking about them ever again are full.


It feels like you're just walzing through a story. SWTOR has great storytelling quests where follow a narrative through instead of just anonymously helping people because you happened to be nearby.

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Considering my political stance, most of my opinions on the game's lore and morals are unpopular. But, skipping over the political stuff, here are some of the other ones. Well... these aren't opinions as much as they are assertions:


1: ArcDPS doesn't help you improve, and is bad for the game.

2: It should be easier to play our characters well.

3: The auto-attack damage of most classes should be increased.

4: We need more skimpy armors/outfits.

5: We should have minimal requirements for fractals/dungeons/raids and just laugh off their poor performance.

6: DPS tests should be done WITHOUT food/utilities to make it easier to practice benchmarks.

7: You shouldn't skip enemies in dungeons/fractals.

8: Elitism is bad, m'kay, and sequestering yourself away doesn't solve the problems it creates.

9: The base game should be harder (in combination with higher auto damage)

10: Instabilities in fractals are actually a good thing.

11: Fights in story instances should reset if you die.

12: Quickness shouldn't be a permanent boon, it should be a short term buff. The health of raid bosses and all high DPS requiring mechanics/gimmicks should be reduced significantly to compensate for the lack of permanent quickness.

13: Thief deserves to be continually nerfed, since its mechanics and theme are ultimately unfun for anyone but the thief.


Those are all the ones that are controversial. I have many others, but they are generally less contested.

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- Community is not the nicest. Every game has good people and bad people, it just depends who you run into. In fact, raid and PVP are one of the most toxic communities in gaming but everyone ignores that fact. I'm playing since launch and I have yet to interact with a nice person.

- Joko and Balthazar should've lived

- Taimi, Kasmeer, Marjory and Caithe should die

- I don't find Braham annoying.

- I hate beetle mount

- Raids shouldn't have been added....ever. It ruined the game. If you wanna raid, go to that other game where raiding is the main thing - yes you know what game I mean.

- I don't care that people want LW-S1 remade, they shouldn't waste time on old content. It doesn't make sense to come in some time after game is launched and then ask that they meet your needs. Game has to go on, you were late, deal with it. It'd be waste of money and time

- I also don't care that new people can't get all AP

- I don't think new people should be able to get old rewards that they missed (example: being able to buy skins from laurel vendor)...you missed it, deal with it.

- I hate how they keep adding shiny things to the game, this is not korean game

- I don't like IRL giveaways because when bf and I buy gems, we want to support the game, not give money so that some random person can get a vacation or a keyboard or a car or whatever else

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Crafting is boring, too strictly defined, too obviously a gold/material sink.


Combo skills are too easy to pull off, simple, unequal in reward, and unbalanced between professions.


VR support needs improvement.


BLTP needs a filter to show locked items, only. Unlocked skins, dyes, and recipes should have a way to be filtered out.


Auto-grouping (matching) for PvE should be an option like it is for PvP. Same for WvW squad joins, if enabled by both the quad leader and selected by the joiner.


Casual, mini-game content like fishing, farming, forestry, mining, animal husbandry, and textile manufacturing might also diversify the grind.

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*Raiding is boring and artificially drawn out for no reason at all.

*WvW is long dead when you listen to this place. It is already dead for nearly as long as it is open. Still I have only 1 available map at prime time.

*Living story is much too long lately. I don´t want to make a ls step in an hour.

*Storytelling somehow, much to my own astonishment, always manages to limbo through under its previous state lately.

*Daily AP cap is useless. Addicts will find a way to feed their desires anyway.

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