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Your Unpopular Opinions about something in GW2

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I don't like that the commander has to raise and "control" a dragon. I thought I was playing Guild Wars, not Game of Thrones. (still, Aurene is very cute and I like her as a character. It's nice that we see her develop and grow.)


Not everything that is not the current "meta" for WvW and Raids is garbage. Just because one class doesn't reach the same DPS like the other doesn't mean it's bad and not worth playing. I use my scourge in the open world, so go on, make fun of me. Sigh.


Worldbosses need their health to scale with the amount of players attacking it. Killing the Great Jungle Worm within 30 seconds when it's a daily is not fun. How is an event like this still called a World Boss?

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> Gw2 community is not the best, it might even be slightly worse than average as it seems to have a lot more fanatics ready to jump in to defend (with poor reasoning) or even silence any forms of criticism


I would give this 10 thumbs up if i could, these people have been around since before the game launch and you can find them in anything Guild Wars 2 related. I call them the pro-anet lobby, and they actually give this game a bad reputation if anything.

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Even weakened, the fight versus Zhaitan was pathetic imo, I'm sorry but I'm just salty about this since a long time now... To me Zhaitan was the scariest of them all.. You know? Death and mind control. A monster that can bring back your beloved ones just to make you suffer even more, or corrupt an entire civilisation.

And he is the first one to disappear ?

I got some goosebumps and *oh shit* moments at the times going through the personnal story for the first time, discovering little by little how smart and aware he was about everything going on.. The disappointement is real on this one for me.

And like @Edelweiss.4261 said here, I don't think we are definitively done with him, I hope.



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Okay, a few more from me:


I think Kralkatorrik should become fully aware and THINK. As terrifying of a primal force of nature it may be, imagine if it started to think things through. It pulls back unexpectedly, and we see an opening to go after it. We go charging in, and suddenly ... "Hello, Champion. Or perhaps you prefer 'Commander'? I've been waiting for you. We have much to discuss." End Season 4. Give us a Kralkatorrik that thinks and wants to survive, and is trying to find a way to do so without throwing everything into chaos that will eventually destroy it anyway. We can chase after the others for a while, let him gain some depth as an actual character.


Balthazar may have been willing to sacrifice the world to fight the Elder Dragons, but at least he was willing to fight. The other gods just abandoned the world without a word (we had to basically kick down Kormir's door to get anything from her before she fled). Balthazar is the only one of the Six that didn't abandon his followers to be corrupted by the EDs. The others couldn't even be bothered to offer advice, they just fled. All except for...


Abaddon knew about the Elder Dragons long before the rest of the Six did. He had to, given his domains. And, being the God of Secrets and Magic, I'm sure he had a secret plan to deal with them. I think that secret plan is still running.


Evon Gnashblade should have won the election. I'm glad he didn't, he's more fun as he is right now, but he should have won it. Ellen Kiel had to be GIVEN a ship just to qualify for the position, she's only there because others in the Captains' Council wanted her there.

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> Even weakened, the fight versus Zhaitan was pathetic imo, I'm sorry but I'm just salty about this since a long time now... To me Zhaitan was the scariest of them all.. You know? Death and mind control. A monster that can bring back your beloved ones just to make you suffer even more, or corrupt an entire civilisation.

> And he is the first one to disappear ?

I completely agree with you, mate.


The fight was really underwhelming. There was so much build up, but when Victory or Death came around, the fight wasn't that spectacular (much more notable, in my opinion, was the battle with the Mouth of Zhaitan earlier in that chapter). I struggled more battling his minions than I did Zhaitan himself.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Bort.8647" said:

> > Super Adventure Box is the best part of this game by far.


> Not attempting to dismiss your preferences, but why play an MMO with a seasonal platforming minigame when there are so many dedicated platformers out there?


Are there a lot of 3D platformers out there? Yooka-Laylee and A Hat in Time made big splashes and garnered a lot of attention because they're basically the only two released in like the last 5 years that isn't a 3D Mario game.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Bort.8647" said:

> > Super Adventure Box is the best part of this game by far.


> Not attempting to dismiss your preferences, but why play an MMO with a seasonal platforming minigame when there are so many dedicated platformers out there?


Not to change the subject, but why do you care what other people like or play?

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* HoT was worlds better then PoF with it's bald innovative approach and challenging maps (mobs and design both).

* Tangled Depths are awesome, and i want more maps like that.

* We should be getting some proper underwater combat zones in LS releases now that underwater combat has been addressed on many professions.

* the raid legendary armor did receive player backlash for being ugly, but the legendary backpacks did not. Why are there no new lege packs for each game mode to make and brag about?

* gemstore is way overpriced. They'd make more $$ if prices were lower. I for one would open up my wallet rather then buy gems for gold. At current rl money rate there's no way i'm buying gems with my own money.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Bort.8647" said:

> > > Super Adventure Box is the best part of this game by far.

> >

> > Not attempting to dismiss your preferences, but why play an MMO with a seasonal platforming minigame when there are so many dedicated platformers out there?


> Not to change the subject, but why do you care what other people like or play?


Purely a matter of curiosity. We are all members of the same community so understanding where others come from is a good thing. If I didnt care about other players I would probably spend my time in single player games.

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**someone else once said:**

when you have lemons make lemonade. Try and find the good things out of the things you don't like about this game or rather look at it from someone else's point of view


with Arc DPS for example ~~ I'd agree that for new players ArcDPS isn't very helpful if you don't have it and everyone else does. The negativity this addon can bring isn't good for the community if the wrong people have it. BUT after you've dipped your toes into raids and practiced on the Test Golem Having a meter that shows your approximate dps for a boss fight will help you focus your rotations and overtime up your DPS because you're not just mashing buttons. BUT if you fear that it will jack up your game files and don't install it, you are at a disadvantage to everyone that's using it, so this raid system is unbalanced because of ArcDPS. There are many features with it after the fight that you can go back and review and learn from, while those that don't have ArcDPS don't get that experience.


edit: raids needs a simple ingame dps meter so you can see your dps and when its dropping, then you'll know why because of what you're doing.



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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> There are so many comments on here i disagree with, but i stopped reading and started commenting myself. hehe. I know the hate train is coming, but time to share my opinions anyways like the title says.


> **someone else said:**

> *snip*



The general theme of this thread is under the “don’t @ me” premise. This is personal thoughts about the game and not each other’s opinions. If you agree with someone, like their post.

Thanks for the edit.

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*Festivals suck when you do them for the xth time. They already kind of sucked in the third year. Changing the currency and a minimal detail here or there does not negate that.

*The unwillingness of Anet to make new races makes me cringe and laugh at the same time. Either you are a multi-races game, or you´re not. You don´t have to walk the same downtrodden path to introduce one, be creative.

*The introduction of wvw legendary armor was hands down the best decision Anet has made in years.

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- Attributes on Gear and in General are a complete mess in this game.

- Former antagonists as a playable race should not have been implemented (Charr). I would consider Tengu exempt from this if they were implemented because of friendly ones in Cantha (even a henchman one! We only got 1 hero Charr in EotN as an outcast). The Charr also uglified Ascalon in GW2 (Unforgivable).

- The spider path of Twilight Arbor needs to be re added (I actually liked the bees).

- Legendary armour stat/rune swapping, this should be available to all ascended gear or at least unlockable in some form ie able to go back to previous attribute combinations you have transmuted it from in the mystic forge. It's hard to find the time to make everything legendary on even 1 character let alone 10+.

Edit: forgot one - Everyone should be using celestial gear and divinity runes because, y'know balance in this game is bad so you should wear balanced gear of help offset all the bad balance. (I joke obviously but if it were a thing for say a week we could see what meta evolves from it).

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Bort.8647" said:

> > Super Adventure Box is the best part of this game by far.


> Not attempting to dismiss your preferences, but why play an MMO with a seasonal platforming minigame when there are so many dedicated platformers out there?


My favorite part of SWtOR was the on-rails space combat. I once paid $15 just to have a month to play it. It serves as a form of meditation, I guess, and it really calms me. The only other game that does that, to a lesser extent, is Rogue Legacy. Preferences are weird like that.

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> @"Syronus.7605" said:

> - Former antagonists as a playable race should not have been implemented (Charr). I would consider Tengu exempt from this if they were implemented because of friendly ones in Cantha (even a henchman one! We only got 1 hero Charr in EotN as an outcast). The Charr also uglified Ascalon in GW2 (Unforgivable).


Just, curious As you said there were friendly tengu in cantha (also quite a few not friendly ones).


There were also friendly charr in eotn (also quite a few not friendly ones), so why no to playable charr?


Also, define uglified.

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there are many things that happen in the story that i don't even get to see because I was looking the other side, important events should have a way for you to see them, or have more simple cinematics. I missed a whole dragon going in a dimension rift because I was looking a bit to the right.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Just, curious As you said there were friendly tengu in cantha (also quite a few not friendly ones).


> There were also friendly charr in eotn (also quite a few not friendly ones), so why no to playable charr?


> Also, define uglified.


I already said the Charr in EotN you meet specifically are outcasts. The ones you meet only want at first an alliance of convinence, if Pyre wasn't locked in a cage and out on the field with his warband it is likely he would just attack on sight. Like he said all humans are just "Meat". This is just my opinion though, I feel the ideas about them are a bit forced in Guild wars 2 considering they caused by proxy the cataclysm in Orr, caused the White mantle uprising, and directly caused the searing that destroyed Ascalon.


By Uglified I mean their structures are just black slabs of metal on the landscape, it makes it look ugly. Ascalon in pre-searing was far more elegant to behold than the clouds of smog that whiffs out of Ascalon now.


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