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Why is Ascalon so... boring?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> When I first explored those maps, I was baffled, thinking, "_This_ is supposed to be old Ascalon, haunted by the souls of loyal subjects cursed by their king's actions?"


I feel like this might have been the problem. It isn't supposed to be old Ascalon, haunted by souls. It's supposed to be the ancestral home of the Charr, who are living their lives and are inconvenienced by the presence of the souls of loyal subjects cursed by their king's actions. The ghosts are a side note, they don't define the region and were never intended to. They're something to be pushed out and brushed aside, and really ever part of their presence in Ascalon supports that narrative. At best they're to be pitied, not feared.



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Just doing map completion for the 10th time and noticing, once again, how boring it is to roam Ascalon.


> Now, don't get me wrong - there are beautiful spots and generally nice textures, **but**: This is supposed to be the part of the world haunted by ghosts, condemned by tragic events to walk the world of the living forever, a country rich of (dark) history with a the past that has supposedly left its marks all over it.


> The previews ([like artwork](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cd/c9/77/cdc977ed807eefb71c1448d5c685285b--shape-ghosts.jpg "like artwork")) were hinting towards a "creepy theme", so I was super excited about it (i.e., pre-release) and couldn't wait to explore "the scary land of the undead", including souls of those I used to know in the flesh in GW1.


> Instead:

> * we have cheerful countryside music accompanying us on our journeys.

> * there is no creepy fog or dark skies to suck you in and make you feel uneasy about crossing those haunted lands.

> * ghosts walk in the brightest, sunniest of daylight - how atmospheric (not). :s

> * there is generally too much "normal life" mixed up close with the ghost-themed spots (there should have been separate maps for both, some with the "haunted theme", some where Charr reside).

> * even the dungeon fails to get under your skin and give you goose bumps.


> When I first explored those maps, I was baffled, thinking, "_This_ is supposed to be old Ascalon, haunted by the souls of loyal subjects cursed by their king's actions?"


> To me, Ascalon is the biggest design disappointment in all of GW2. Anyone else feeling this way still, even after six years? :/


I think it better reflects the Charr culture the way it is. Humans facing that situation, it would be a horror game. Charr just kind of take it in stride as one of the challenges of living in Ascalon.

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OP, Ascalon is inhabited by Charr and to some extent humans. It is not an empty dark forest full of ghosts. And honestly, the areas around the wall were the sky color turns mist is probably one of the best designed environments.


What you are describing is Diablo 2. It does not fit with GW2 as a game or current day Ascalon as it stands.


I think, with the exception of Orr, Ascalon is the most interesting area of core maps.

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The lack of "horror" and "darkness" actually works well when you consider Ascalon is home of the Charr. After the Searing, Iron Legion built their capital city _on top_ of battlegrounds and right in the thick of ghost-infested lands to show that they would not be beaten and that they are not afraid of ghosts. To humans there may be an expectation that things should be spooky -- and The Brand is eerie for all -- but for a charr, ghosts are nothing to be feared and seeing one is just another Tuesday. Cubs in the fahrar train against ghosts from a very early age, so ghosts are as notable as a drake or grawl as far as charr are concerned.


The ghost problem is also only central to a handful of areas where humans were settled, so it makes sense the majority of Ascalon doesn't have traditionally "spooky" vibes. Plus it's a call back to GW1 with pre-Searing Ascalon. That Ascalon was calm and pretty with not much going on and people loved it for that. Large swathes of GW2's Ascalon is a combo of that Ascalon, post-Searing Ascalon, and the charr homelands from Eye of the North.


As for why it's so boring, in your own words, charr don't care about developing land. They have little need of permanent structures and only need to develop the land as far as their cattle and other farmed animals need for grazing. Outside of that, they're not going to spend the time and resources building settlements unless there's a real reason that tents and some tanks won't suffice. The other races build because they want/need to, but charr are militaristic and pragmatic and have a high body temperature -- sleeping on the ground under a tarp works just as well for them as sleeping in a barracks in a fortified outpost.


(Also what we have is way more interesting than what the (canon) books say. In the books it's miles upon miles of open, grassy pastures for all the cattle and not much else. Even when outside the pastures, it's still flat, rolling hills with some canyons here and there)

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I've always loved Ascalon, because autumn is my favorite season. The maps embody that crispy leaf feeling, but they offer a bit of sadness too when you consider the fate of the ghosts and the history of what's happened there over the last few hundred years. Everything seems to be in a state of half-repaired disarray, and the constant warfare is keeping it that way.


But the real draw? Ascalon's got the [cattlepult](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cattlepult "cattlepult").

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Just doing map completion for the 10th time and noticing, once again, how boring it is to roam Ascalon.


> Now, don't get me wrong - there are beautiful spots and generally nice textures, **but**: This is supposed to be the part of the world haunted by ghosts, condemned by tragic events to walk the world of the living forever, a country rich of (dark) history with a the past that has supposedly left its marks all over it.


> The previews ([like artwork](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cd/c9/77/cdc977ed807eefb71c1448d5c685285b--shape-ghosts.jpg "like artwork")) were hinting towards a "creepy theme", so I was super excited about it (i.e., pre-release) and couldn't wait to explore "the scary land of the undead", including souls of those I used to know in the flesh in GW1.


> Instead:

> * we have cheerful countryside music accompanying us on our journeys.

> * there is no creepy fog or dark skies to suck you in and make you feel uneasy about crossing those haunted lands.

> * ghosts walk in the brightest, sunniest of daylight - how atmospheric (not). :s

> * there is generally too much "normal life" mixed up close with the ghost-themed spots (there should have been separate maps for both, some with the "haunted theme", some where Charr reside).

> * even the dungeon fails to get under your skin and give you goose bumps.


> When I first explored those maps, I was baffled, thinking, "_This_ is supposed to be old Ascalon, haunted by the souls of loyal subjects cursed by their king's actions?"


> To me, Ascalon is the biggest design disappointment in all of GW2. Anyone else feeling this way still, even after six years? :/


You have Orr for that.

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I get the gist of what the OP is saying.


In Shiverpeaks, most of the maps are long north-south rectangles divided into two halves. The terrain is virtually all mountains, cliffs, and snow, with some bodies of water down in the valleys. In Dredgehaunt, Timberline, and Lornar's, on all three maps, you almost always will start at the north end and work your way south in some manner. It feels like it takes forever to explore just one map because it's all so much alike, the terrain can be difficult (especially without mounts) and there are so many POIs to find and hearts to slow you down. Don't get me wrong: there's great views, fun events, a lot of interesting corners and things to find. But in between those moments, it feels tedious.


Ascalon has a similar problem. While Ascalon doesn't quite have the heart and POI overload of the Shiverpeaks, so much of Ascalon still looks too much alike, full of ghosts and brown grass and Brand. I won't necessarily say the ghost areas need to be more creepy, but Ascalon definitely could use SOMETHING to make it more interesting. Fixing all the buggy events in Iron Marches that have been buggy for years would be a good place to start...


By the way, if you want creepy, go to the Foefire's Heart in the Plains of Ashford. Jump down there and go exploring under the wall. It's mostly empty and creepy as hell. Feels like the ghosts are there watching you, and you just can't see them and you wonder what's about to jump out at you.

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I don't find Ascalon boring, if you think in the first game your in Pre Searing then in old Ascalon, it's one of the areas of GW2 that reminds me of the old game and therefore feels like 'home' .

Off topic, the charr could of been an enemy race to the humans in the depths of PvP, but since no one wants 'world' pvp outside of wvw that's for another time.

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I love Ascalon.


The eternal autumn setting feels unique and interesting, and beautiful. There are enough of creepy haunted ghosty-places and dready forests - Hellion Forest, Champion's Shield, The Northern Wall, Human's Lament etc to give a few mentions. I don't think all of Ascalon should look like this.The ghosts have less influence in some places.


On the other hand there is lot of charr industry, some farms and lumbermills, The Brand (which is dready enough!), Ebonhawke which is magnificent, all sorts of cave systems and canyons, Searing Crystals, scorched, Flame-Legion corrupted lands and lakes. Ascalon maps are my favourite.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Honestly, core maps mostly just blend together for me. Oh, look. I'm in Ascalon - a yellow-er version of Queensdale with Charr stuff going on. Map design only got fun and interesting for me in HoT and LS3. PoF was a step backward.


+1 on the core maps comment, altho pof wasnt as bold and ambitious with its maps it still had some really cool and unique looking maps.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> * we have cheerful countryside music accompanying us on our journeys.

> * there is no creepy fog or dark skies to suck you in and make you feel uneasy about crossing those haunted lands.

> * ghosts walk in the brightest, sunniest of daylight - how atmospheric (not). :s

> * there is generally too much "normal life" mixed up close with the ghost-themed spots (there should have been separate maps for both, some with the "haunted theme", some where Charr reside)


This isn't a case of Eastern and Western plaguelands where the very soil of a place was corrupted with death magic ~ this is a case of a long time ago a Event happened that killed the humans and bound them forever to where they were much to the annoyance of the people who were busy taking it for themselves. The land has recovered from what happened and maybe changed due to the assorted events and the impacts that they had on the biosphere but why shouldn't ghosts that are bound forever to be there walk and do things in the sunlight.


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that's what you get when they decided to change the landscape way to aggressive, as if whole mountains disappears in 250 when it normally takes thousands up on thousands of years.

they should've never sunk ascalon city under water, they should've made it bigger knowing they are around longer then the few years since 250 years ago.

also, the dungeon should've bin under ascalon city (while the city is standing tall without water in it), making the mystery of the dungeon more interesting.


personally i think they also never did the catacombs any justice, it should've bin in the game.

maybe as a mini dungeon for the open world, having undead rituals and devour nests, a devour queen and a skeleton lord.


and i can go on for quite a while but the point is, Anet missed there chance and now screwed up, making a ones beloved area a really boring place to be.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Just doing map completion for the 10th time and noticing, once again, how boring it is to roam Ascalon.


well, you just pointed out the issue didnt you? **Map Completion**


quite a few hearts at Ascalon areas requires you to kill ghosts, if ghosts only come out during night time, it will be quite an annoyance to complete the hearts


plus, Ascalon ghosts are special, they were formed by the Foefire, Ascalonians got burnt by the foefire has their flesh turned into blue ectoplasm, which means they are physically formed, and can be sort of 'killed'.

so in a sense, they are sort of 'alive', an eternal form like Exalted and Margonite had their flesh disappeared but retaining their spirit in a medium.


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> OP, Ascalon is inhabited by Charr and to some extent humans. It is not an empty dark forest full of ghosts.


Totally beside the point of my OP. :s


Let me try to recap my point of criticism in a short sentence: **The way ghosts were implemented is _lame_ and badly done.** They walk in bright daylight, aren't the least bit spooky, and the whole ghostly theme does not mix well with the lovely wildlife and all.


**Let me remind you that the ghost topic is (supposedy) a HUGE thing, as the story is trying to convince us, especially in Season 2 with Rytlock attempting to break the curse to remove "the threat" that even the Emperor regards as the biggest one in all of Ascalon, his absolute no.1 priority.**


Now let me ask you: WHERE IS THAT THREAT?? Do you feel it _anywhere_ when you walk those "cursed" lands? Don't you rather find those pseudo-ghosts laughable and easy to dispose of? I think the whole ghost theme could have been implemented in a _much_ better, more convincing way - and _that_ is my whole point.

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I totally understand what OP wants to say. It's not horror, but this kind of dark ghostly theme like the (pre-Cataclysm WoW) areas of Western and Eastern Plaguelands. They were dark and had this kind of feel which I miss. The only part in Ascalon which more or less conveys this sentiment is the Brand from Kralkatorrik.

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agree i don't know why people insist that if it was creepier it would be a horror game. i mean WoW isn't a horror game and it has duskwook, one of the creepiest places in MMOs (it also has deadwind pass, another very creepy zone, specially the bottom town/tower/crypt.

to be honest I've alwaws wished gw2 had some creepier places. Orr was supposed to be a big undead place, but it's mixed with the whole underwater theme, so it is a different vibe than an actual creepy forest.

Id love for the game to have a creepy forest, with a small village, crypts, graveyard, etc.

sadly, zaithan was probably the dragon for that and he was the first one to go. PoF and LS4 had some creepy places too, but more in the form of huge bone fortresses. not what I'm looking for, it's more death related than actually creepy.

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I don't spend a lot of time in Ascalon. One of the issues I see is that if you don't want to waste silver on WP travel it takes a long time to get to the more extreme points in the region. Especially given that Diessa Plateau doesn't connect to Fireheart Rise or Iron Marches. Mounts have helped. I really wish they would do away with the WP travel cost in the game. There are so many other gold syncs in the game and ways to travel around now without using WPs anyway. I rarely use WPs unless my character is hard down.

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It would be really interesting to have the zone have the atmosphere of being haunted. Coming from wow one thing they do fantastic is zone work. To see what i mean about zone atmosphere check out the zone Drustvar. They just nailed the theme in that zone, it was the only reason i stayed in wow as long as i did with BfA. I think anet could make the zone feel more intense and theme appropriate. I play mmos, rpgs, etc to fade out from reality and get into the zone..literally.

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So, to those of you who claimed that a **properly designed spooky Aacalonian ghost map** would have been "too much horror" for the younger audience of this game:


>! Really? In comparison to being presented with a child's dead, impaled, mangled body at the end of LWS4E05, a spooky ghost-themed map would have been _too scary_ for PEGI-12? :s

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