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EB the new EOTM & why eotm should have pips.


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before going on with this thread,

you guys have any idea on why EoTM was stripped from its former glory and title of "Karma King"?

have you been on the old forums before and saw the cries of WvWers as their numbers diminished each day.......?


if you know why, then good you already know the answer why threads like these exist


please also do note the high risk high reward gameplay, even if its just pips for your legendary armor collection farming, fractals ain't the only one who have high risk high reward brah

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:


> > @"Lambros Augustus.6594" said:

> > Well i got the WvW backpiece Warbringer early a week after catmanders came out and now I am going for the legendary armors. So for the love of all that is not a Durios Anza loop I would like to get full pips in EoTM too as its an easy solution for when I am bored which is often ticket wise.


> This is exactly why EoTM should not have pips.


So you flip my argument around dont even give a reason then I am supposed to treat you civilly? Seriously if you only could experience the drop dead boring nature of camping every 10 min and alt tabbing to browse the web and the long hours jsut for some fucking tickets for legendary armor that should been attainable like core legendaries were fcuking obtainable. At least EoTM is another fucking map even tho its jsut a bandaid to the boredom that is tickets. Maybe you prefer building resentment and total war on all forums regarding shit game design how many stupid shield generators did I have to kill for that painfully bad story with Balthazar and the travesty of the soul eater on certain builds and professions I could go on but i prefer to do it face to face.

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> @"Lambros Augustus.6594" said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> >

> > > @"Lambros Augustus.6594" said:

> > > Well i got the WvW backpiece Warbringer early a week after catmanders came out and now I am going for the legendary armors. So for the love of all that is not a Durios Anza loop I would like to get full pips in EoTM too as its an easy solution for when I am bored which is often ticket wise.

> >

> > This is exactly why EoTM should not have pips.


> So you flip my argument around dont even give a reason then I am supposed to treat you civilly? Seriously if you only could experience the drop dead boring nature of camping every 10 min and alt tabbing to browse the web and the long hours jsut for some kitten tickets for legendary armor that should been attainable like core legendaries were fcuking obtainable. At least EoTM is another kitten map even tho its jsut a bandaid to the boredom that is tickets. Maybe you prefer building resentment and total war on all forums regarding kitten game design how many stupid shield generators did I have to kill for that painfully bad story with Balthazar and the travesty of the soul eater on certain builds and professions I could go on but i prefer to do it face to face.


Wow, that's a lot of anger. Have you read the other replies in this thread? I've posted plenty of reasons why there should be no pips in EoTM, as have others. Sorry you are bored with how you play wvw, maybe try another BL and not stay on EBG? If you're in wvw just for pip farming to get legendary armor, then you should know it is going to be a grind. It is not meant to be an easy ktrain achievement.


_"Maybe you prefer building resentment and total war on all forums regarding kitten game design how many stupid shield generators did I have to kill for that painfully bad story with Balthazar and the travesty of the soul eater on certain builds and professions I could go on but i prefer to do it face to face._"


What? None of that makes sense. Please calm down, I'd be happy to have a discussion when you've cooled off.

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:


You don't really know how to debate, do you? Because you didn't get my point, related none of your points to mine and called me a liar without even getting what I wrote.

Then lets try to make it simple, very simple:

WvW is broken. The pips, linkings and influx of PvE players mask that, but it's still broken. People left and probably still are leaving because it's no fun to have an unblanced gamemode. A mass influx of people who have no idea and no real motivation (I'm just gonna afk here) to play the game just hurts it more. Still EotM never drew away players from WvW. WvW might draw away players from EotM right now because of the pips, that I don't know. But still it doesn't matter because the game mode is broken.

It doesn't matter whether or not you give EotM pips, the people would probably flock there or not, but that doesn't change that WvW is losing players because it's inbalanced.

2 years ago when anet wanted to introduce linkings I said: "throwing people onto existing problems doesn't solve anything" and that's exactly what's happening over and over again.

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I been playing for years. I.will give you my advice.


Eotm should not have pips. The reasons are eotm is a cluster of servers and would make the reward too easy with out strategy vent or gear.


In the old days wvw players would go on eotm and level 1-80 and collect easy bags from bosses and easy track rewards. I remember having 200 seed pouches and 100 knapsacks from a few hour eotm trains.


Eotm is too easy and safe. Wvw is more dangerous and requires more communication and team work with your server. If you.don't want to socialize with your server's community then you don't deserve pips and rewards.


Fractals raids and spvp are always harder than wvw. If eotm got pips it would be a clown fiesta of afkers and trolls trying to get free rewards.


Eotm is a good place to farm a track or wait in que. You get your wvw feed on while waiting for a spot to open.


Eotm requires no skill or work. Rarely will zergs fight each other. Everyone wants tracks.and bags.


They changed it along time ago so you couldn't farm levels only wvw exp.


Eotm should nevet get pips. That would ruin server communities and promote laziness as well as ruin wvw in general.

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> @Anthony.7630 said:

> I been playing for years. I.will give you my advice.


> Eotm should not have pips. The reasons are eotm is a cluster of servers and would make the reward too easy with out strategy vent or gear.


> In the old days wvw players would go on eotm and level 1-80 and collect easy bags from bosses and easy track rewards. I remember having 200 seed pouches and 100 knapsacks from a few hour eotm trains.


> Eotm is too easy and safe. Wvw is more dangerous and requires more communication and team work with your server. If you.don't want to socialize with your server's community then you don't deserve pips and rewards.


> Fractals raids and spvp are always harder than wvw. If eotm got pips it would be a clown fiesta of afkers and trolls trying to get free rewards.


> Eotm is a good place to farm a track or wait in que. You get your wvw feed on while waiting for a spot to open.


> Eotm requires no skill or work. Rarely will zergs fight each other. Everyone wants tracks.and bags.


> They changed it along time ago so you couldn't farm levels only wvw exp.


> Eotm should nevet get pips. That would ruin server communities and promote laziness as well as ruin wvw in general.

Normal WvW is actually easy mode. Enemy have two blob guilds + pugs in same zerg and they fight against 15 randoms without commander. Killing bell champ in Eotm is much harder.

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> @Jana.6831 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> >*snip*

> You don't really know how to debate, do you? Because you didn't get my point, related none of your points to mine and called me a liar without even getting what I wrote.

> Then lets try to make it simple, very simple:

> WvW is broken. The pips, linkings and influx of PvE players mask that, but it's still broken. People left and probably still are leaving because it's no fun to have an unblanced gamemode. A mass influx of people who have no idea and no real motivation (I'm just gonna afk here) to play the game just hurts it more. Still EotM never drew away players from WvW. WvW might draw away players from EotM right now because of the pips, that I don't know. But still it doesn't matter because the game mode is broken.

> It doesn't matter whether or not you give EotM pips, the people would probably flock there or not, but that doesn't change that WvW is losing players because it's inbalanced.

> 2 years ago when anet wanted to introduce linkings I said: "throwing people onto existing problems doesn't solve anything" and that's exactly what's happening over and over again.


I notice one thing which you didn't notice.


You are relating your experience base on your personal circles of buddies, not the entire picture. However, I did attempt to clarify if you are speaking it for your server or your guild which you obviously ignored. We are never on the same frequency on the entire conversations simply because you are way too busy in breaking up statements instead of actually reading them. All logical debate require identifying true or false, you type something false therefore your logic falls, however, that is because you are busy relating your experience base on personal circles of buddies. Just to be clear, I run a 500-men guild, tell me how I didn't know EOTM didn't draw people away from WvW. EOTM guilds too existed, one such guild I know off even recruit specifically for same server but continue to run in EOTM for great amount of time while showing up once or twice a week in WvW, tell me how it didn't draw people away.


Furthermore the topic is **not** about how many did left, my points were about how launching of EOTM did drained WvW at the beginning due to its rewarding nature, how linking boosted the population and attract further populations due to increased activity, how pips pull more players back into WvW from EOTM, how giving pips to EOTM is neglecting that previous effect. Keep this in mind, you are the one who quoted my post and thus you are therefore logically assumed to be arguing against what I wrote which aka my points. My points did not concern balance, it has nothing to do with the main topic thus it is completely off topic unless you can somehow logically relate to it?


PS: Apparently the mod delete the previous post, I have submitted a complain.

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> @Kaiser.9873 said:

> > @Rumba.3174 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > So now that we have new people in WvW, it's 'they stink so get out?'

> > >

> > > You must be playing on a server that ques all 4 maps then.

> > Yes we have new players and that really awesome! Indeed I’m in a server that got 4 queues.

> >

> > But as I said in OP, due to that eotm does not have pips the pugs come to core wvw and they don’t want to join VoIP, cos they are pugs. Due to this it causes alot of friction in map/team chat. So by giving eotm pips they can enjoy their pug wvw back in eotm and still get their rewards.


> Most servers do NOT queue all 4 maps, except on reset. You take the PuGs/militia/whatever fotm name you want to give them away then there would be less than a hand full of servers that would queue all 4 maps ON reset.


> You want YOUR EotM back. You don't care about PuGs. You want to go farm pips more easily.


PPL always assume stuff here on the forums, weird that.

If you would have **read little more and not just skim over** things you would know i want both Core WvW and Eotm back.

Guess some are just too dumb to realize that due to that Eotm is multi server it’s hard to get players to VoIP, thus making eotm pug based by nature. It’s really not hard to understand this takes you only 10 min in both Eotm & Core WvW to know this.

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  • 1 month later...

I would like eotm to be a "WvW-lite", when I go to normal WvW I get told to fuck off by people, and in general everyone is really rude. eotm is more casual and for someone like me who just gets a chance to play a little a couple times a night eotm is perfect.

At the end of the day we all play this game to have fun, if you find WvW fun then great, if you find eotm fun then thats great too. Sure eotm is "easier", so make the rewards a bit less, but still offer the same rewards, then it gives people an actual choice on what they find more fun.

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> @Deifact.3095 said:

> I would like eotm to be a "WvW-lite", when I go to normal WvW I get told to kitten off by people, and in general everyone is really rude. eotm is more casual and for someone like me who just gets a chance to play a little a couple times a night eotm is perfect.

> At the end of the day we all play this game to have fun, if you find WvW fun then great, if you find eotm fun then thats great too. Sure eotm is "easier", so make the rewards a bit less, but still offer the same rewards, then it gives people an actual choice on what they find more fun.


EOTM is not it’s own game mode, It is a overflow for one there are map queues for the Mist War but it is not part of the Mist War and therefore doesn’t and shouldn’t get Mist War Rewards, that is like saying Unranked PvP should get League Rewards which it shouldn’t.


If players want Mist War Rewards they need to play the Mist War, it’s pretty simple majority of players agree and so do the Devs.




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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > Eotm needs to be removed from the game ._.

> Or normal WvW needs to be removed.


Just remove Junkpile .. troll problem solved .. btt : why not let people earn pips in eotm .. every time anet tried to get people to wvw the existing playerbase wasn´t amused bcz of the bunch of punkz (which never were interested in the gamemode but came there 4 shiny things) crushing the wvw xperience. If i would behave like they do in wvw (me going doing raids- will never happen) and show NOT EVEN A LITTLE interest in adapting to the playstyle needed bcz just want to gather some shiny crap i would´ve been kicked out of squad so fast i could´nt say : what ? So .. PLEASE .. get rid of the clowns came from PvE to farm WvW armor .. let them go eotm .. the reason why anet is not wanting to let them farm eotm 4 pips is that they still didn´t figure out that WvW became more and more crap and they still trying to reanimate a game mode where they keep ignoring the needs of the ones have been playing it for fucking years ..

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Sorry WvW only, not EotM. I agree with previous poster, it would be like giving away PvE raid awards for not doing raid, or PvP season rewards for not doing seasons.


I also think the pips should be tweaked a bit to not give credit for siege building to help cut down on trolls.

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Eotm, a place where server placement/server linking/warscore/guilds/gear/VoiP/squad sorting/gem-spending to change servers doesnt matter, wants pips. A game mode which has mainly WXP in common with core wvw, wants to have pips. A waiting room, to get to the actual core wvw, wants its own pips. People do eotm exclusively and they want... Pips.


I do unranked exclusively. Fractals as well. With dungeons.

Gimme them pvp leggy-raid rewards. Theyre both pvp-pve, respectively.

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> @Voltekka.2375 said:

> Eotm, a place where server placement/server linking/warscore/guilds/gear/VoiP/squad sorting/gem-spending to change servers doesnt matter, wants pips. A game mode which has mainly WXP in common with core wvw, wants to have pips. A waiting room, to get to the actual core wvw, wants its own pips. People do eotm exclusively and they want... Pips.

> Well.

> I do unranked exclusively. Fractals as well. With dungeons.

> Gimme them pvp leggy-raid rewards. Theyre both pvp-pve, respectively.

So you can't get legendary from unranked? Can't understand why. Anet wants that players go afk in ranked?

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