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Which class do you currently roam the most on beginning 2019?


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We had two recent polls, one on most OP roamer overall and one on most OP 1 on 1 combat strength.

But are most of us actually playing on these voted OP roamers/combatants?

Or are these OP roamers/combatants actually in the minority?

Please vote for the class that you roam the most on currently (might not be the class that you like, but can be the same).


**Most OP 1 vs 1 Combat Strength Poll (based on ~100 votes):**

2.5 Mesmer

2.9 Ranger

3.5 Engineer

4.2 Thief

5.3 Revenant

5.3 Warrior

6.1 Elementalist

7.2 Guardian

8.0 Necro


**Most OP Roamer overall (based on ~100 votes):**

1.7 Mesmer

2.8 Ranger

3.0 Thief

4.8 Engineer

5.0 Warrior

5.7 Revenant

6.7 Guardian

6.9 Elementalist

8.3 Necro

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Whatever I feel like that day Chronomancer or Mirage, Viper Armor/Weapons and Marauder Trinkets, or Power SoulBeast. My Guardian (usually Firebrand) is for team play.


My Reaper is fun for camps, not so hot in most 1v1's these days (but it has no sustain, really, outside of shroud). I occasionally roam with my Herald (still trying to grok Rev, barely 50 hours) and my Holosmith (even less grok time, 25 hours total) but not in Primetime.

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Herald main but I spend significant time on holosmith, DH/FB and base warr/sb as well as some freshweaver, soulbeast, reaper, daredevil/base thief and whatever I feel like. Only thing I don't like playing is mesmer because I suck at mesmer and once mirage got nerfed, I could no longer autopilot my one-shot mirage mantra build. Now that it requires a tiny bit of brainpower I feel no motivation to play it when I enjoy everything else more. As for condi mirage it's the top cancer of the WvW roaming scene so I feel like I shouldn't add any more misery to peoples' lives than all the other condi mirage players already do lol.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I play power mesmer some days, I play ele other days. Most days I play for 20 minutes and get bored of the power creep and ganking and stop playing.


This and

Edit: not the mesmer or ele thing, but the rest


> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> If by multi-class roaming, you mean sitting at the character select screen for 15 minutes trying to get excited or motivated to play something and then logging out to go watch Youtube instead, I am a multi-class roamer for the beginning of this year.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> *Everyone pans necro and vote it as the worst 1v1 with worst mobility*


> *Necro is voted most common roamer*


People consider roaming running around not in a party but having 5-10 other people next to them while they spam skills.


Other people consider roaming that part of time when they jump out of their tower and flip a camp, then return to safety. Mission Accomplished bois!

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> Necro higher than Thief atm... I don't think some people understand what roaming is. Roaming is NOT running toward the blob from spawn.

True but also fun factor is prob a big factor as well as efficiency.DE is very effective Roamer but playstyle probably grows old fast on most players and fighting sb,holo,warrior,guard etc on core thief usually ends bad unless ur very skilled and/or the opponent is just learning their class lol so maybe why it’s low even though it can transverse map faster than most can. Just a guess

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> True but also fun factor is prob a big factor as well as efficiency.DE is very effective Roamer but playstyle probably grows old fast on most players and fighting sb,holo,warrior,guard etc on core thief usually ends bad unless ur very skilled and/or the opponent is just learning their class lol so maybe why it’s low even though it can transverse map faster than most can. Just a guess


Valid point for some but Necro is the absolute worst class to branch out in for roaming. Roaming necros are free bags to most other roaming/dueling classes. I hardly ever see a necro out in the open roaming for this exact reason. Thieves, rangers, warriors and mesmers... they are all over the place.


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What can I say, I truly hate myself


Tbh when running fully solo (as opposed to 2-3 people) I prolly run mirage as often


Also the colors for the choices in the poll feel really wrong


Interesting poll but the data seems very off atm as it definitively doesn't represent the current distribution of people outside of zergs in WvW even remotely

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