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How many completed the pof story solo?


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I cant finish because the warbeast fight is kitten hard to survive. I dont know how many times i have died now and had to restart the thing all over because my armor was broken. Does this fight feel artificially hard to anyone else? I just wonder how many have done it solo as a new 80 without ascended gear. I am finding a lot of these encounters with one shot mechanics that leave you no time to move seem a bit much. I am getting rather regretful i purchased the games tbh, seems like i cant get anywhere on my own. And honestly i have always been a solo player in most games, only grouping for raids and such, feels sad that i cant do much in this game, disappointing really i really wanted GW2 to be my new go to game.

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It's content which is somewhat hard, compared to previous story instances, but still meant to be soloed.


If you have difficulties with it, it could be due to your build being too glassy for the battle, or having a hard time not having access to your weapon and using the story bundle.


Have you tried changing your build to be more tanky? If you want to solo most of the story content and keep dying as it is, perhaps your build needs more sustain (tankiness or healing).


Back then, I finished the pof story on my mesmer, which was built to heal and cleanse conditions on shatter, so I'd say it's totally doable.


Ps: which class/elite are you? Perhaps people can recommend a more survival focused build that could make story instances easier for you.

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Power soulbeast, using greatsword and longbow. Not to be that person but did you have ascended gear and legendaries from HoT when you did this fight? Remember im new and i dont have that stuff. I mean are you sure you know what fight im talking about? This fight https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Beast_of_War


Oh another thing on this story you dont use your weapons you use Rytlocks sword, because your weapons do no damage.

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You can just keep dying against the warbeast over and over and over and still win - eventually. Frustrating, but literally impossible to lose. It sucks, but you'll still get the story done.


Come at it like it's a puzzle to be solved. It's a fight that's 100% based on learning the mechanics. The mechanics are pass fail - if you do them right, you win, if you do them wrong, you die. The fight builds one mechanic at a time so you have a chance to learn them. You'll probably die a time or two each time a new one is introduced, but that's fine, it won't stop your progression. Then in the last 25% or so all of the mechanics are going at once and you have to use everything you learned.


Phase two is a bit annoying - learning how the game wants you do the "synchronize watches with Aurene" thing will require a few deaths until you figure out what exact spot the game wants you to stand on and which button it wants you to push while you are there.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I love the implications it was a one shot for you all and i should git gud amiright. The passive aggression is strong here.


> The psychological projection levels in this post are off the charts.


Oh plz the veiled elitism is off the charts. As a new player i have not found this community any better than wows or any other mmo. Its always the same in the end.


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8 times so far ... warrior, rev, elementalist, guardian, warrior, thief, necromancer, necromancer


One common thing for people having problem with it seems to be ignoring the stupidly overpowered skill they give you. The 2 skill depends on class and some are better than others but in all cases it is both a heal and an evade. It's damage also seems to ignore your gear and traits so you can put everything into defenses and still do enough damage for clearing it.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> 8 times so far ... warrior, rev, elementalist, guardian, warrior, thief, necromancer, necromancer


> One common thing for people having problem with it seems to be ignoring the stupidly overpowered skill they give you. The 2 skill depends on class and some are better than others but in all cases it is both a heal and an evade. It's damage also seems to ignore your gear and traits so you can put everything into defenses and still do enough damage for clearing it.


What do you mean the 2 skill? Only thing i noticed was it was a leap. maybe ill go to a dif build and try it but honestly im overwhelmed with adds killing me from all sides and the aoe circles everywhere from the warbeast. But i will try i build with more defense. Honestly though i never been so mad this encounter made me literally hard close the game.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I cant finish because the warbeast fight is kitten hard to survive. I dont know how many times i have died now and had to restart the thing all over because my armor was broken. Does this fight feel artificially hard to anyone else? I just wonder how many have done it solo as a new 80 without ascended gear. I am finding a lot of these encounters with one shot mechanics that leave you no time to move seem a bit much. I am getting rather regretful i purchased the games tbh, seems like i cant get anywhere on my own. And honestly i have always been a solo player in most games, only grouping for raids and such, feels sad that i cant do much in this game, disappointing really i really wanted GW2 to be my new go to game.


Fairly easy if you don't rush it or aftering the achievement. Been quite a while but if I remember it correctly, watch out for those flame aoe dropped by those branded scorpions and those flying forged forerunner disc. If you're planning for a hit and run on those pylons, make sure there's enough room to run around (most of the forged have range attacks).

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delete this, missread.


Edit: To add something productive though. As you noticed, you get that special sword to use. Make sure to use it, its alot stronger than your basic weapon. Try to use skill 4 and 5 extermly close to boss each time, to just melt his health bar.

Also, make sure to not be underneath the boss, since that may trigger a one shot atack, where he collapses on top of you, smushing you in the process.

Oh and, those pillars that spawn, deal with them asap also, possibly adds afterwards if they're causing you trouble.

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The first time I did it, I went under it and was one shot (11k health) - don't stand under it.


For a completely different experience, try playing through the game as a reaper. It's silly how much it trivializes the content; sometimes I even forget my reaper alt is partially naked (all my alts are only wearing whatever the story provided).

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Also a new player, and have done the fight twice solo. Once with a power reaper and once with a power soulbeast. Both in exotic gear. Use the sword, do the dance, don't stand in bad or underneath. If you continue to get frustrated, perhaps see if there is a video for it, I mean people put stuff up for everything.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> The first time I did it, I went under it and was one shot (11k health) - don't stand under it.


> For a completely different experience, try playing through the game as a reaper. It's silly how much it trivializes the content; sometimes I even forget my reaper alt is partially naked (all my alts are only wearing whatever the story provided).


The attack when you are under it is pretty annoying. It might do damage based on a percent, possibly 100%. The actual area is also not particularly clear.


Safest would be sticking to range or attacking the feet.

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As people already mentioned, kill alll the small mobs first, and only then go back to attacking the big boss. There's no time limit, and the small mobs are actually more dangerous, because their attacks are not so obviously telegraphed. Also, don't stand under the boss until you're very sure you can recognize his slam attack. Remember, that it has no visible AoE indicator, so you can only recognize it's coming by getting used to his attack patterns. Until you can do that, it's much safer to attack his feet from the outside.

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