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I miss Guild Wars


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I play GW1 daily. There is still a community there. You can still get GvG matches I believe.


As far as the community here... Because of the culture of "meta" and "efficiency" grouping for any length of time can be miserable. Who wants to deal with being screamed at because you have the "wrong" build or not enough dps? I prefer to solo most of the time.



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Ou my god guys i found this thing google and typed Guild wars, can you imagine that its still running and has servers and stuff. Look



isn't it amazing. Ok enough with the joke the game still has a server running you can't miss it if it is not gone. Many online games got axed Warhammer online, Wildstar and Lawbreaker didn't even fly off the ground and there is Guild wars still running. Grabs some friends and play it.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> Without GW1 there would be no GW2 is straight up false. GW2 might have existed in everything but name. The ideas behind the IP could/probably would still be there. The name might be different, but that is about it. GW1's mechanics had/have little impact on what GW2 is, which is sort of the point on this thread (though in a more woe-is-me manner). It just happened to be that the people at Anet had this vision for GW2 and put it in. Another company very well might have, and a good deal of us would be playing their game instead.



> Maybe you can point out the timestamp where they said "We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!"?


> Hoping to get "some of those vibes back" is a regressive mindset imo. That is basically dwelling in nostalgia instead of looking at GW2 as a new game using the old IP. I personally don't really 'get' the bent on nostalgia, so this might be a me thing too. It just seems silly to try to find glimmers of your old love in your new relationship, so to speak. Just enjoy the game for what it is, instead of what it isn't.


I have to disagree. There would be no GW2 without the original idea and game. The developers had the idea of GW Utopia, before they realized it would be best to make GW2 with a new engine and new mechanics, which would include jumping.

Had GW2 had a different name and had GW1 not been 'inspiration' for it, then it would not be a Guild Wars game to begin with, but yet another 'random' MMORPG on the market.

GW is a name, it sticks, it had a strong amount of playerbase which resulted with the entire rehaul of the game - Utopia, which then became GW2. Developers wanted to introduce more mechanics and to make us able to jump and swim, it also helped them make some of their ideas come to life.


With that said, I believe it is not hard to imagine that some of us tend to miss the atmosphere and seriousness that GW1 offered. I would like some of that back in GW2.

I will keep complaining about direction of the game's story and misplaced music. Story is too light and with way too much humor, music is misplaced in many zones and it doesn't fit. (Speaking of core game and not HoT, PoF and living stories cause music there is spot on!)


Atmosphere, music and story are a huge deal to me, GW2 feels very disconnected to its former title in these terms. Great job on "All or Nothing" episode as that finally brings us back to the original storytelling of Guild Wars, with twists and darker tone of the story.


All I wanted and expected of GW2 is to 'transfer' that atmosphere that GW1 had, and with less flashy and chaotic combat effects which give me eye burn.



**The timestamp for the quote "We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!" is not in the GW2 trailer, it is in their manifesto:**

Time: 0:44





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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > Without GW1 there would be no GW2 is straight up false. GW2 might have existed in everything but name. The ideas behind the IP could/probably would still be there. The name might be different, but that is about it. GW1's mechanics had/have little impact on what GW2 is, which is sort of the point on this thread (though in a more woe-is-me manner). It just happened to be that the people at Anet had this vision for GW2 and put it in. Another company very well might have, and a good deal of us would be playing their game instead.

> >

> >

> > Maybe you can point out the timestamp where they said "We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!"?

> >

> > Hoping to get "some of those vibes back" is a regressive mindset imo. That is basically dwelling in nostalgia instead of looking at GW2 as a new game using the old IP. I personally don't really 'get' the bent on nostalgia, so this might be a me thing too. It just seems silly to try to find glimmers of your old love in your new relationship, so to speak. Just enjoy the game for what it is, instead of what it isn't.


> I have to disagree. There would be no GW2 without the original idea and game. The developers had the idea of GW Utopia, before they realized it would be best to make GW2 with a new engine and new mechanics, which would include jumping.

> Had GW2 had a different name and had GW1 not been 'inspiration' for it, then it would not be a Guild Wars game to begin with, but yet another 'random' MMORPG on the market.

> GW is a name, it sticks, it had a strong amount of playerbase which resulted with the entire rehaul of the game - Utopia, which then became GW2. Developers wanted to introduce more mechanics and to make us able to jump and swim, it also helped them make some of their ideas come to life.


> With that said, I believe it is not hard to imagine that some of us tend to miss the atmosphere and seriousness that GW1 offered. I would like some of that back in GW2.

> I will keep complaining about direction of the game's story and misplaced music. Story is too light and with way too much humor, music is misplaced in many zones and it doesn't fit. (Speaking of core game and not HoT, PoF and living stories cause music there is spot on!)


> Atmosphere, music and story are a huge deal to me, GW2 feels very disconnected to its former title in these terms. Great job on "All or Nothing" episode as that finally brings us back to the original storytelling of Guild Wars, with twists and darker tone of the story.


> All I wanted and expected of GW2 is to 'transfer' that atmosphere that GW1 had, and with less flashy and chaotic combat effects which give me eye burn.



> **The timestamp for the quote "We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!" is not in the GW2 trailer, it is in their manifesto:**

> Time: 0:44







On the video: Interesting. It is a bit of a silly statement to make none-the-less, taking them on their word on that is nothing short of naive.

a. What made GW1 loved by one person doesn't mean it'll be loved by another person. Taste matters, here.

b. How do they know what made GW1 loved by me? I've never spoken to Anet before. Ties in with point A.

c. Out with the old, in with the new. This was definetly the case in the transition from GW1 to GW2, but you can't preserve everything. Some things get tainted by nostalgia but still need to go, some things are incompatable. . .




GW2 and GW1 share one common resemblance: The Lore. The worldbuilding is there, as well as call-backs to the old story. The advancements in the MMORPG genre, however, are what makes GW2 itself. The ditching of the standard quest system in favor of heart events and dynamic events, the hybrid action/targetting combat system that is STILL unbeaten in most MMOs to this day, the QoL fixes. . .these gameplay factors are the core of GW2's identity. It's lore, forgive me for saying so, is interchangable. Yeah, I do enjoy the story. But you could replace it with any other story, and the game would still stand out as a fantastic MMO. It's gameplay is what defines it.


Take Secret World. Change out the lore for anything else, and THAT game would become a bogstandard MMO with a really awful combat system. Or WoW, even. Those games are defined by their Worldbuilding and Lore, not their mechanics. WoW was defined by mechanics at one point, but has since become bogstandard (because it helped set that standard). Where GW2 broke new ground for MMO mechanics, those games don't hold up on mechanics alone.


That is what I mean. In many ways, GW2 has innovated in the MMO genre, breaking new ground. It was bound to happen at some point and it still hasn't fully caught on, Anet just happened to have the brains in house to do it (instead of something else doing it). Elements from GW2 have been copied by FFIX and WoW, even.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> On the video: Interesting. It is a bit of a silly statement to make none-the-less, taking them on their word on that is nothing short of naive.

> GW2 and GW1 share one common resemblance: The Lore. The worldbuilding is there, as well as call-backs to the old story. The advancements in the MMORPG genre, however, are what makes GW2 itself. The ditching of the standard quest system in favor of heart events and dynamic events, the hybrid action/targetting combat system that is STILL unbeaten in most MMOs to this day, the QoL fixes. . .these gameplay factors are the core of GW2's identity. It's lore, forgive me for saying so, is interchangable. Yeah, I do enjoy the story. But you could replace it with any other story, and the game would still stand out as a fantastic MMO. It's gameplay is what defines it.


> Take Secret World. Change out the lore for anything else, and THAT game would become a bogstandard MMO with a really awful combat system. Or WoW, even. Those games are defined by their Worldbuilding and Lore, not their mechanics. WoW was defined by mechanics at one point, but has since become bogstandard (because it helped set that standard). Where GW2 broke new ground for MMO mechanics, those games don't hold up on mechanics alone.


> That is what I mean. In many ways, GW2 has innovated in the MMO genre, breaking new ground. It was bound to happen at some point and it still hasn't fully caught on, Anet just happened to have the brains in house to do it (instead of something else doing it). Elements from GW2 have been copied by FFIX and WoW, even.


"Taking them on their word on that is nothing short of naive", what...? Of course we will take on their word, the word of company that built Guild Wars to begin with.

What people here are missing is the actual soul that GW1 had, those who did not play it as much as many of us can't understand that GW2 is in fact lacking that kind of soul and atmosphere.


GW2 took only these things: Lore and names.

I never said in my previous posts that I don't like GW2 nor what it is. I am pointing out the things I deeply miss in it, and how perfect it would be had these things been transferred over. You can take a look at everything I've written and explained in this thread, I am too lazy to type it all out again.

The things I miss are:

- Atmosphere

- Music that fits zones

- Deeper and serious tone of story

- Less flashy effects

- Less annoying AoE

- Less obnoxious encounters (Fractal Instabilities for example, add that with a ton of things on the ground you need to avoid too)

- More content that sticks


With that said, I will say this again:

I LOVE Guild Wars, I LOVE Guild Wars 2 and I could not go back to play GW1 as it is now an old and outdated game to me. What I want is just to get that seriousness and atmosphere back in Guild Wars 2.

It is all I wanted of GW2, all I need.





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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Ou my god guys i found this thing google and typed Guild wars, can you imagine that its still running and has servers and stuff. Look

> https://www.guildwars.com/en/

> https://store.steampowered.com/search/?term=guild+wars

> isn't it amazing. Ok enough with the joke the game still has a server running you can't miss it if it is not gone. Many online games got axed Warhammer online, Wildstar and Lawbreaker didn't even fly off the ground and there is Guild wars still running. Grabs some friends and play it.


To be fair the, "I miss guild wars," title was not the OP's original title. I believe that it was changed by a moderator.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> On the video: Interesting. It is a bit of a silly statement to make none-the-less, taking them on their word on that is nothing short of naive.



Yeah - We were a bunch of fools for actually "taking , them" - The people who made a great CORPG we loved for years, on their "word" ? - WTF? Seriously?


> GW2 and GW1 share one common resemblance: The Lore. The worldbuilding is there, as well as call-backs to the old story.

Hmm not really. They share a bunch of names but GW2 is mostly a caricature version of the lore: Maybe harsh but thats about how it feels.


> That is what I mean. In many ways, GW2 has innovated in the MMO genre, breaking new ground. It was bound to happen at some point and it still hasn't fully caught on, Anet just happened to have the brains in house to do it (instead of something else doing it). Elements from GW2 have been copied by FFIX and WoW, even.

So Anet v.2 (GW2 devs) invented "Raids", "Agony-mechanics", "Map/event currencies" and "outfits"?


Yeah - Got my dented, half broken rosetinted Guild Wars glasses on - You could do well if you polish that special GW2 version you wear :-)



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > And then there's me, I just couldn't get into GW1. I tried so hard to like it for months but it was too instanced and the story missions were too hard (or I was just bad lol) so these things made me frustrated. But then GW2 was released, I fell in love with it and I've been playing it since beta, 10k+ hours.


> I'm with you. After I quit WoW back in 2010 I grabbed a copy of GW1 as I'd heard GW2 was in the pipeline. I tried to get into it, but the instanced content, the lack of jumping, as well as a few other things caused me to lose interest in it pretty quickly. I then swore off MMOs for 7 years, only to give WoW a try once more in December 2017, only to quit it again (for good) in Feburary 2018, which is when I started GW2. Now I play this game exclusively (and far too much) but the lore has intrigued me enough to dig up my GW1 CD and go back in time, as it were.


> @ OP. Times are different, it isn't just the game. I remember being in an active guild/clan for Team Fortress Classic (a mod to the original Half Life, based on the original TF mod for Quake) where people in an online PvP FPS weren't complete kittenheads, and treated each other with respect. I was there for when Counter Strike launched its beta, and have subsequently seen the FPS multiplayer community degenerate to the cesspool it is today. Same with MMOs. When I first was playing WoW in 2007, people were friendly, helpful and kind to new players. The servers had great communities, everyone knew everyone, and if you were struggling with something, people offered to help. Within a few short years such players were derided as filthy casuals and told to git gud. Ironically even today GW2 players treat each other (for the most part) the same as I described WoW 11 years ago, which is a major reason why I love this game so much.


> No with a megaserver it's hard to iron out an identity. In WvW there really are no servers anymore, and with the Alliance system forthcoming, they will be gone completely. But make the best of what we do have, because I'm sad to say that the days you remember are forever gone, and will never return no matter who makes what game. Our online world is a reflection of the real world, and when you compare what 2019 looks like to 2007, it isn't hard to realize that those "good days" are behind us, so focus instead on moving forward and making the best world you can.


....This... This... This ....is.... Beautiful...A true but sad Story. i'm sure each reader understands your feeling. Did a beautiful job of expressing your feelings. The problem is... These aren't like the good times... Time waits for noone, trends and habits change throughout time. What was once the way for a player to interact inside a MMO world... Has sadly changed. i recommend you look for a Semi RP group. not many people can roll with some RP at a moments notice,lol. Actually, i believe that is where you will meet these people you search for. Go into the World of Tyria... Fight as if you were really living the life... You will find your Place my Fellow Commander.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> >

> > that much is apparent.


> And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.


> Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.


And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > >

> > > that much is apparent.

> >

> > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> >

> > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.


> And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.


and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...


The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > > >

> > > > that much is apparent.

> > >

> > > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> > >

> > > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.

> >

> > And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.


> and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...


> The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.


Why wouldnt i play a game that gets updated?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > > > >

> > > > > that much is apparent.

> > > >

> > > > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.

> > >

> > > And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.

> >

> > and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...

> >

> > The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.


> Why wouldnt i play a game that gets updated?


I wonder often why I read some forum posts and then an absolute gem of unintentional humour pops up. Can't beat it.

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To those of you saying "Guild Wars 1 is baaad, Guild Wars 2 would exist without Guild Wars 1..." etc etc etc...

Let's just say...

Dragon Age Origins. What a beautiful game it was. It was Game of the Year, it had soul and amazing story, also wonderful soundtrack.

Then came Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition which enhanced combat and added a lot of changes to the game, polishing things and adapting it to modern needs.

DA:Inquisition offers this massive open world, mounts and amazing combat, but it lacks the soul of Dragon Age Origins.

It really has nothing to do with nostalgia here. It's just things that you notice when playing the game, the immersion and depth.

I am taking pure example of Dragon Age Origins vs Dragon Age Inquisition.

Dragon Age Origins had its flaws with combat which seemed clunky and 'out of date', same can be said about Guild Wars 1 combat which is now 'outdated' in terms of mechanics and actual flow.

Dragon Age Origins had amazing storyline, depth, atmosphere, characters and immersion. Same can be said about Guild Wars 1.


I hope people can understand what I'm trying to prove here. For certain Guild Wars 2 is a way advanced and **modern** game adapted to modern needs, but unfortunately it failed to capture the spirit, soul and feel of Guild Wars 1.

GW2 is way too chaotic and messy in a couple of things which tend to ruin atmosphere, immersion and depth of the game. Imo, if these things got a bit more polished and turned just a wee bit closer to GW1 I feel it would mean a whole world to us.

Just toning down the effects, making story more serious and adding the sense of danger in zones would indeed make a world of difference. I believe nobody can deny the fact that these things could only make the game better.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> To those of you saying "Guild Wars 1 is baaad, Guild Wars 2 would exist without Guild Wars 1..." etc etc etc...

> Let's just say...

> Dragon Age Origins. What a beautiful game it was. It was Game of the Year, it had soul and amazing story, also wonderful soundtrack.

> Then came Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition which enhanced combat and added a lot of changes to the game, polishing things and adapting it to modern needs.

> DA:Inquisition offers this massive open world, mounts and amazing combat, but it lacks the soul of Dragon Age Origins.

> It really has nothing to do with nostalgia here. It's just things that you notice when playing the game, the immersion and depth.

> I am taking pure example of Dragon Age Origins vs Dragon Age Inquisition.

> Dragon Age Origins had its flaws with combat which seemed clunky and 'out of date', same can be said about Guild Wars 1 combat which is now 'outdated' in terms of mechanics and actual flow.

> Dragon Age Origins had amazing storyline, depth, atmosphere, characters and immersion. Same can be said about Guild Wars 1.


> I hope people can understand what I'm trying to prove here. For certain Guild Wars 2 is a way advanced and **modern** game adapted to modern needs, but unfortunately it failed to capture the spirit, soul and feel of Guild Wars 1.

> GW2 is way too chaotic and messy in a couple of things which tend to ruin atmosphere, immersion and depth of the game. Imo, if these things got a bit more polished and turned just a wee bit closer to GW1 I feel it would mean a whole world to us.

> Just toning down the effects, making story more serious and adding the sense of danger in zones would indeed make a world of difference. I believe nobody can deny the fact that these things could only make the game better.


Personally i really liked the politics centric story of dai, i found its weakest point to be its selling point, the open world.


Also the combat if you play melee was garbage.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > > > >

> > > > > that much is apparent.

> > > >

> > > > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.

> > >

> > > And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.

> >

> > and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...

> >

> > The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.


> Why wouldnt i play a game that gets updated?


The original Guild Wars just received an update a couple of weeks ago.

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > > > > >

> > > > > > that much is apparent.

> > > > >

> > > > > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.

> > > >

> > > > And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.

> > >

> > > and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...

> > >

> > > The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.

> >

> > Why wouldnt i play a game that gets updated?


> The original Guild Wars just received an update a couple of weeks ago.


Sorry, i wasnt clear, i meant content.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > > > >

> > > > > that much is apparent.

> > > >

> > > > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> > > >

> > > > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.

> > >

> > > And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.

> >

> > and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...

> >

> > The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.


> Why wouldnt i play a game that gets updated?


I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers

> > > > > >

> > > > > > that much is apparent.

> > > > >

> > > > > And as I said, completely irrelevant as well. The fact was that GW1 was lacking, even if parts of it were amazing. It was at the end of its life as a business line, so development stopped. That's pretty normal for games like this actually. I've yet to play a game that didn't suffer from being old in the tooth. It's expensive to maintain a game to keep up with using new available technology, features, hardware ... etc... It's better business just to make a new game and makes more sense as well, otherwise companies wouldn't do it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Personally, I think GW1 was a mistake; when all these game companies were releasing games where you could interact on a massive scale with other players ... GW1 was severely limited in that area. Seems to me that Anet under-estimated how much value players put interacting with each other in open world, instanced group, etc... and realized what a missed opportunity that was. I'm sure if the information they had said otherwise, GW2 would have been GW1 part 2.

> > > >

> > > > And then released a sequel where the value and the need to interact with others was butchered.

> > >

> > > and yet, here we are 6 years later playing GW2 when you could still be playing GW1. I won't debate that's how you feel but clearly, the butchering of the interact hasn't prevented you from being here has it ...

> > >

> > > The truth is this: GW2 is it's own game and you don't have a choice but to come to terms with that. The problem I have with this whole thread is that if you haven't come to terms with that after 6+ years of playing GW2, you can't blame Anet for that.

> >

> > Why wouldnt i play a game that gets updated?


> I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.


Can you people stop spamming me your gibberish is old quotes.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> I dunno ... why wouldn't you? I can't answer that for you. The fact I stated remains though ... IF your underlying motivation is to play a game that gets updated vs. one that you like, that's all on you. I can't tell you why you should play GW1 or GW2. I can tell you that you have choices and obviously you have chosen to play GW2 despite the butchering. Clearly even with your feelings about how Anet has butchered it, you still play it, so that means something.


Yeah that means im invested into other areas of the game, such as the combat (or rather this take on combat), the story and the story updates, connections and friendships i formed etc. Plus, i've sunk prob 4k hours and i have a pretty severe case of sunk cost falacy with it.


Bottomline is, most games that identify as live service products live and die by the developers ability or inability to update them. Gw1 simply doesnt have enough replayability and/or content to to give me a reason to play it more plus most of the ppl i talk to dont play it/never played it.


Similarly if gw2 was to stop getting updates i would play it abit maybe, log in and run around for some feels then logout for a year. Its all about how the devs can keep me invested.


Do i find things in gw2 that are better than in gw1? Yes ofc. Vice verca? Deff. But the games arent on an equal footing because one hasnt seen new developments in terms of content for years.

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> @"scrumsome.7198" said:

> > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > On the video: Interesting. It is a bit of a silly statement to make none-the-less, taking them on their word on that is nothing short of naive.

> ...words...


> Yeah - We were a bunch of fools for actually "taking , them" - The people who made a great CORPG we loved for years, on their "word" ? - kitten? Seriously?


> > GW2 and GW1 share one common resemblance: The Lore. The worldbuilding is there, as well as call-backs to the old story.

> Hmm not really. They share a bunch of names but GW2 is mostly a caricature version of the lore: Maybe harsh but thats about how it feels.


> > That is what I mean. In many ways, GW2 has innovated in the MMO genre, breaking new ground. It was bound to happen at some point and it still hasn't fully caught on, Anet just happened to have the brains in house to do it (instead of something else doing it). Elements from GW2 have been copied by FFIX and WoW, even.

> So Anet v.2 (GW2 devs) invented "Raids", "Agony-mechanics", "Map/event currencies" and "outfits"?


> Yeah - Got my dented, half broken rosetinted Guild Wars glasses on - You could do well if you polish that special GW2 version you wear :-)




a. When someone says a blanket statement like that, yes. You are a damn fool for believing it. That is literally an impossible feat. What every single person likes in a game is rarely a unanimous vote.

b. I guess you didn't play the game on release. Think about the features GW2 had on release that no other MMO at the time had.

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Guys...can we stop arguing?


I can see people have been proposing some ideas and I don't see anything negative in that:

Would it damage the game to add specific features that would enhance actual community to work together?

Would it damage the game to enhance the atmosphere, to sort out music playlist for specific zones, to make the story more serious than before?

Would it damage the game to remove so many flashy effects and obnoxious AoE that blinds us?

Would it damage the game to allow us to adjust the lighting?

Would it damage the game to add more content that sticks, not just a meta on X map and nothing else, a meta that will be abandoned once new map releases?

Would it damage the game to add sense of danger in zones?

Would it damage the game to add more PvP modes? Similar to Alliance Battles in GW1.

Would it damage the game to adjust Guilds, Guild Halls, Guild vs Guild battles?

Would it damage the game to sort out Fractal instabilities and make them less obnoxious?

Would it damage the game to add more end-game content; remember Underworld, Fissure of Woe, Urgoz's Warren from GW1?

Would it damage the game to add Hard Mode for old Dungeons to make them re-playable in terms of actually GOOD loot compared to what we have now?

Would it damage the game to add customizable weapon skills and more player choices?


Tell me, would these features damage Guild Wars 2, features taken/inspired with Guild Wars 1?

I find it important to look into good and bad things both games have. Taking the good and fixing the bad. Don't argue, let's open our eyes and discuss the options instead of being nasty with one another.


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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > @"scrumsome.7198" said:

> > > @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > > On the video: Interesting. It is a bit of a silly statement to make none-the-less, taking them on their word on that is nothing short of naive.

> > ...words...

> >

> > Yeah - We were a bunch of fools for actually "taking , them" - The people who made a great CORPG we loved for years, on their "word" ? - kitten? Seriously?

> >

> > > GW2 and GW1 share one common resemblance: The Lore. The worldbuilding is there, as well as call-backs to the old story.

> > Hmm not really. They share a bunch of names but GW2 is mostly a caricature version of the lore: Maybe harsh but thats about how it feels.

> >

> > > That is what I mean. In many ways, GW2 has innovated in the MMO genre, breaking new ground. It was bound to happen at some point and it still hasn't fully caught on, Anet just happened to have the brains in house to do it (instead of something else doing it). Elements from GW2 have been copied by FFIX and WoW, even.

> > So Anet v.2 (GW2 devs) invented "Raids", "Agony-mechanics", "Map/event currencies" and "outfits"?

> >

> > Yeah - Got my dented, half broken rosetinted Guild Wars glasses on - You could do well if you polish that special GW2 version you wear :-)

> >

> >


> a. When someone says a blanket statement like that, yes. You are a kitten fool for believing it. That is literally an impossible feat. What every single person likes in a game is rarely a unanimous vote.

> b. I guess you didn't play the game on release. Think about the features GW2 had on release that no other MMO at the time had.


I would be interested in seeing a list for your b point. I saw things that GW2 did better than games that preceded it, but very little that had not been done before.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:


> a. When someone says a blanket statement like that, yes. You are a kitten fool for believing it. That is literally an impossible feat. What every single person likes in a game is rarely a unanimous vote.


OK, Fair enough: No reason to pay heed to whatever devs we trusted say? If your special kind of reality is the "truth": Why the hell would we give 2 kittens about anything SPECIFICALLY Anet devs says? Most devs actually deliver on what they present/hype pre-launch or suffer because they, essentially, lied!


> b. I guess you didn't play the game on release. Think about the features GW2 had on release that no other MMO at the time had.


Guess again - I started beta with a full HoM - Now please tell me about those amazing/groundbreaking features I never spotted during beta or launch?


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