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The elite spec you want for your main

Invisible Kittens.6380

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[The Psychomancer](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/58284/the-psychomancer-mesmer-elite-specialization-suggestion "The Psychomancer"): Mesmer Elite Specialization Suggestion


My suggestion for a cloneless, high power dps (but less bursty) Mesmer DPS specialization. Heavy focus on enemy control and recapturing more of the flavor of Guild Wars 1 mesmers.

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Flagellant/Martyr elite for Guardian that focuses on tanking and support. Give them sacrifice skills that give boons at a cost of HP or conditions on the caster but make them really resistant to/great at avoiding damage to compensate. Make virtues a lot stronger on activation but cause debuffs on the guardian. Weapon can be dagger off hand or dual wield maybe.

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For Revenant, I honestly don't know. The two elite specs are too broadly focused and don't have a good defined purpose or vision. I would love for them to actually play on the energy mechanic and enhancing legends rather than the adding of random F-skills like they did for Renegade.


For Revenant, I want them to get mainland scepter for a nature caster spec. Summoning storms and roots and such. Just a personal preference.


I don't play much Mesmer, but I would love for it to have a cloneless elite spec. Less visual clutter would make me more tempted to play it.

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I'm working on my own spec for necro - **the Accursed**.


Profession mechanic - Curse Shroud (not yet designed) and **curses**


Long story short - next to his own shroud (normal one, no scourge shanenigans), he has access to new mechanic - the curses. He has 5 and all 5 are grafted into his utility slots. Normally dormant and not affecting his casts, for a little lifeforce (F2) he will awaken a given slot's curse the next time he uses any.


The curse itself is a two edged sword, albeit very powerful one. Initial cast rather then giving you instant benefit, sets up the conditions for trying to complete the curse. Once that's done you have a fixed time to meet the curse's requirement. If you succeed, a powerful effect will benefit you, or devastate the enemy. If you fail, you'll eat the curses backlash!


**Example:** Healing slot will have "Curse of Famine" grafted into it.


Normally dormant, once activated will cause your healing skill to inflict you with 2s slow at start of channel. To successfully activate the curse your healing skill must complete its channel and heal you.

If it does, it'll heal you for 1.5x the normal value, and all incoming healing for next 5s will also be increased by 30%.

If you hoever are interrupted and fail the cast, for next 5s all incoming healing will be reduced by 50%!


**Elite Specialization Weapon** - the Shield.


I would grand him necro themed defenses. Thinking of a skill that reduced incoming damage for a while, and makes him immune to crits for it's duration.

Other skill would be anti-ranged - allowing him to port or otherwise get a jump on enemy harassing him from afar, given their ranged attack was intercepted by this skill.


As for utilities - Glyphs - about time necro could use something on the right side of the screen when shrouded, not to mention rune of the druid should find a use on necro who by design is no stranger to healing and has uses for the stat.


Rest is still work in progress...



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Engineer: [Mechanist](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64908/elite-suggestion-mechanist#latest "Mechanist"). Electric arrows with shortbow. "special ability:" F1-5 skills are additional regular skills that can be used in same time than 1-5.

So 10 new skills when using shortbow. + Of course, 4 new utilities, 1 new heal skill and 1 new elite skill.

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As a second idea here for rev (which is not my main) i had an e-spec idea that is fairly different from current rev e-specs because you will get normal utilities and not a new legend in a traditional sense.


Weapon: Greatsword

Skills change depending on legend similar to trident.

AoE and utility focussed.


"Legend": Legendary Avatar Razzah

Channel Razzah to empower your current legend, infusing yourself with new powers.

Legendary Avatar Skills are the new profession mechanic. Its an F3 key that changes your weaponskills into specific skills depending on your current channeled legend. Its an upkeep but also counts as legend swap so you start at 50 energy when entering.

These new skills will enhance your current legend capabbilities and basically complement them.


Shiro gets ranged attacks.

Jalis blocks and barrier. And melee dmg.

Ventari mobility and CC.

Mallyx gains more boon corrupt and strip and also more ranged capabbilities.


They count as legendary avatar skills (for traits) and as normal legend skills (i.e when channeling shiro they count as assasin skills) for core traits.

When swapping legends you do not cancel the Avatar channeling.


Utilities: Glyphs: Different effects per legend. Can be asigned to every legend indipendendtly.


Example: Heal Glyph:

Ventari: Teleport or summon the tablet to your targeted location and heal in an area.

The tablet will instantly teleport and will no longer travel and is now direct AoE.


Mallyx: Heal and transfer conditions to foes arround you, gain additional life per condition transferred.




This would give revs way more flexibility.

They would have new utilities to mix and match and new "weapon skills" they could utilize with their legend.

The F3 functions basically like dervish avatars, just for your channeled legend.

So you also gain some effects depending on traits that also emphasize on your role.





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It would be an absolute nightmare to balance & no doubt wildly unpopular, but I would *love* a potions-centric Engi elite which functioned based on luck in the same way as the Elixir X elite skill.


The thought of the frantic, unpredictable gameplay is really neat to me. Roll the dice & make the best of whatever situation you wind up in.

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More than e-spec, it's more a few mechanisms that I'd like to see introduced by the mea of e-spec:

- Engineer: An e-spec more focused on "drugs" with "implants" as utilities that work like signet does for other professions.

- Necromancer: An e-spec that "animate" the shroud, making it a "minion" and glyphs having similar effect than the ranger's shouts. An e-spec where the necromancer drain endurance from it's foes and focus heavily on weakness. (both e-specs can probably be fused into a single one)

- Ranger: A zoo e-spec based on insects, named the swarmmaster. The pet would be replaced by swarm and utilities would be insects minions.

- Revenant: A "norn" e-spec with the owl as the legend. F2 become an upkeep transformation and the owl grant utilities with some stealth.

- Thief: An e-spec that replace stealth by a shadow armor.

- Warrior: A paragon like e-spec with the burst replaced by shouts and the addition of a few "refrain" on F2-F3-F4.

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It might sound strange but I would love to have an elite specc that:

They are agile and tricks using fighters. Experts in 1v1 combat and Stelthy ambushes. They can use traps and tricks to gain advantage in combat and don't put morales in first place when they go after their target. They can use Steal to..


Oh I just realized I main Thief


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I'd love a **Revenant** legend using _dagger_ or some cool _off-hand_ (warhorn or torch).



- **jotun** - stars and runes, neutral (favorites)

- **Razah** - not good, not evil

- **kodan** - the Voice od Koda, neutral

- **Mursaat** - heavily magical powers, evil


I'd love our next legend to be either evil or neutral.

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Honestly, scourge came pretty close. A dot/debuff/support class.


Some other ideas:

An elementalist e-spec that allows for viable pure condi gameplay. Maybe an e-spec that relies on dots and debuffs to attack and dodges/evades to survive.


A necromancer e-spec with longer range combat, maybe long-bow or rifle. A minion master type spec that deals in condis and exploits its minion's deaths for effects.


The F1 - F5 skills would summon creatures, then you could use life-force to have them use a skill.


Utility skills either have all your minions perform an action, or they sacrifice your minions to do AoEs and/or combo fields. For example, your heal skill might sacrifice all your minions and heal in an AoE based on how many minions you sacrificed. Your elite might have all your minions pulse poison, blind, and convert boons to conditions for 5~ seconds. After that, your minions die and allies are getting aegis, regeneration, and their conditions are turned into boons.


I might write something up for that e-spec. Useless as it is, it would be fun.

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