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I'm dissatisfied

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Are you not noticing the negative impact that the latest patches,or the lack of them are doing to the game? i've always enjoyed the three main game modes PvP,WvW and PvE and whenever there was something bothering me about one of them i'd focus on another. the thing is the three of them are just too boring for me. whenever i try to play PvP,that's supposed to be a competitive and dynamic mode is actually filled with mirages and boonbeasts for those classes are unbalanced since forever and everybody knows it (inb4 ppl saying L2P or defending those).

In WvW it makes no difference whatsoever who wins or loses,everybody is playing for pips, t0 towers and camps.if you lose any objective who cares? there are just no prizes for winning. and if you're trying to fight other players in WvW is just like PvP, full to the brim with mirages and soulbeasts. there is just no roaming for either i'm facing huge zergs in wvw ''prime time'' or roamers are fed up about those 2 classes. we keep waiting for this miraculous WvW alliance system that god knows when's due. meanwhile more players quit an increasingly stale game mode, and talk about PvE where we keep mindlessly farming skins locked behind RNG,doing the same dailies. the one significant change in fractals adds frustrating and ummecessary mistlocks that somehow render CM's impossible somedays.

I know messenges like mine are often ignored however i'll leave here my rant and i hope there's a plan to keep the game interesting for veteran players. i've always enjoyed guild wars because it is a game that offers all sorts of game modes but in my opinion the three modes are flawed and need urgent fixes for there are many new MMOs being released and many of my friends are quitting gw2 for lack of balance and good new content. that's it ty for your time.

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Wvw is grinding to an end. Its down to 3 class meta each fight is the same the balancing is out right poor for wvw combat. There needs to be significant changes to wvw balancing. Effect that are 10 target for pve aimed skill are comply destroying real skill base game play in wvw.


As well as culling effects and out right "hidden" skills from rev hammer makes it feel like your dieing from lag much like the old days of player culling spam.


Right now the game is being played arone borderline exploited effects of scorge getting dubble targets from its shards revs burst dmg being culled or hidden and FB getting more skills then weaver (a book is 5 skill and each manta is 3 skills). These effects are NOT made with wvw in mind they are made with raids in mind.

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I feel like this game's main focus since the launch was the Living Story, and that's about it. This is where whole energy is spent. That is absolutely fine if that's the case. But I can't shake a feeling that something fundamental has changed in their development philosophy pre and post-launch.

With base game we got personal stories, stories for each race which meet at the middle, we got structured PvP, we got WvW, Dungeons for group content, hearts and events, maps filled with content, World Bosses.


And then, all kind of problems. Dungeons were too profitable, nerf that, introduce even more currencies to control the economy...I will never forget how Anet was proud of their Mr. Economist who designed the economy of the game...and soon after we just got bombarded with all these unique currencies. And it just doesn't stop.

Anet was so proud of their combat system and skill design until people realized that they can just use one gear stat - Berserker, and can stack at one place and just burst enemies down while fast ressing those that got into the downstate. I still remember threads upon threads discussing Vitality and Toughness stats and their effectiveness while arguing with dungeoneer who tried to explain to them that all that is pointless, same as Magic find gear, Zerk to rule them all!


And then things started to change fast. It is like Anet was hurt by our way of playing the game. No, you will not use full Zerk team and spam dungeons and get rich, how dare you complete dungeons so fast and efficiently! Soon after dungeons were nerfed to death, fractals were introduced, designed in a different way, to prevent such evil behavior that can ruin the perfect economy of the game.


But even that was not enough. Fractals were yet again easy. And so were map events. Again, people getting rich. Let's nerf map rewards, let's nerf all! People stopped having fun, there was no challenge, and now it wasn't even profitable.


Gotta fix that! Where are our game designers? How can we make this more fun even if it is not profitable? How can we make people stop going just full Zerker and being done with only one stat combination never to look other stat combinations? How can we stop them from using the stacking method to win challenges?


Uff...guys, we made a mistake, you know that part where we were against Holy Trinity? Well, it seems that is a bit problematic, you know, we can't really make things more challenging! Oh yeah, well, let us make elite specializations which will fix that problem, introduce healers and tanks! Great, cool, now that we are done with it, we can make harder challenges.


HoT released. And with it, all the tears of forum threads, the forum was flooded by the tears of people who couldn't survive against a pack of raptors, who couldn't solo veteran mobs. Anet soon went fixing that problem by nerfing all the content and making it once again easy. Once again, because they rushed doing their thing without introducing it slowly...you know, such spike of challenges is felt really hard, there has to be a ramp-up, but why do it? Let's just change all the things like we already did plenty of times.

And it just doesn't stop. Fixing PvP? meh, why bother, our data tells us only 5% of players play PvP. The reason clearly isn't a fact that Conquest mode is so boring and unbalanced that it basically chase people away Nah, it is because people don't like PvP! Done, our research is done! Now we can ignore them.


AAhhh, WvW? Ah, you mean that mode where we designed 90% of skills to do AoE damage and cleave enemies, with about 20% of them hitting up to 10 enemies at the time? Remember 5 elementalists holding of like 30 people with all the AoE dmg? Fun times. Oh no, look at what they did to our mode! They started to abuse all the AoE cleaving and now they are just playing zerg vs. zerg! We didn't want that! Let's nerf a bit that AoE, yeah, no more 10 enemies, only 5. Damn, that too didn't work. Oh well, let us put it back in PoF to 10, but let it really be dangerous! You know, let's design skills that remove all the protection and do true damage (armor ignoring), why should they have boons? Just make those boons into conditions! Yeah, that will clearly make those zergs scatter around because it will be too dangerous to stay together. What a great plan! We fixed zerg vs zerg.

Oh no, again tears on forums. They hate conditions now! They hate 1 button AoE on a capture point that wins the game vs. the whole team! How, why? Oh well, we nerf it? Ye, we nerf it.


The constant design decisions that just make my mind go completely insane. There is no finesse in anything they did since launch days. A constant cycle of nerfing that to the ground, throw that into a garbage bin, introduce something new, go 180 rotation, then 360 rotation. Then go to some completely other dimensions! There is no constant in this game, always some changes, there is never an upgrade, working to really fix the problems.


All they got now is their currency system, their gem store, their living story. That's all. Complete lack of vision in 90% of game mechanics in this game, and just full-on focus on LS and gem rewards.

But, it is absolutely okay if they want to do it and if they found out that it works for them and that majority of players like that content. I'm just saying some random things that aren't really important at all anymore. I don't know why. Maybe all these currencies really made me a bit too crazy.

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The fun is gone a long time ago, with good ol'lion's arch, 2014 feature pack and extensions.


Now, I'm just an automata that log itself for daily rewards, lazy at a point I don't even do dailies, only fractals.

PvP? It died a long time ago.

WvW? Red aoe everywhere.

PvE? New map -> "explore" and complete -> pass, it's boring again.

Through, I appreciate design efforts put in ls maps, the landscapes look awesome, but that's the only thing to see in most cases.


I don't understand. That mmo have all the bricks: A story, maps, classes, modes...

....but a ton of unfinished things and dead-end lores... guild halls don't have support anymore the same with dungeons.


But the worst is that balance... I play several classes/specs, 7 of them:

I still cannot understand that against pve enemies, my holo and renegade are 3x better than my bow dragonhunter and sword weaver. My reaper and deadeye are the medium line. What about my last, berserker? One word: meh

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Although I do love Guild Wars 2, it baffle me that the only goals I can have are the goals I HAVE, to set for myself, and when I'm done, the game bores me again like Kitten..

A lot of people told me that this game is meant to be casual, but it feel more like most of gw2's contents are lackluster.

They keep adding maps, events, story... But what about the core game and replayability ? In its current state I don't think you got much to do after many years beside hoarding everything...

Guild wars 2 Guilds, Halls, Guild Missions... Dungeons..? I don't see anything new there, they keep walking forward but I feel like they keep forgeting about the game's main foundations...

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> Although I do love Guild Wars 2, it baffle me that the only goals I can have are the goals I HAVE, to set for myself, and when I'm done, the game bores me again like Kitten..

> A lot of people told me that this game is meant to be casual, but it feel more like most of gw2's contents are lackluster.

> They keep adding maps, events, story... But what about the core game and replayability ? In its current state I don't think you got much to do after many years beside hoarding everything...

> Guild wars 2 Guilds, Halls, Guild Missions... Dungeons..? I don't see anything new there, they keep walking forward but I feel like they keep forgeting about the game's main foundations...


And thats exactly what alot of people like about the game your free to set your own goals.

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The WvW alliance system has fallen through; WvW is Anet's least concern.

The game has become stale for a say 1 veteran like myself but it's excited to players who have yet to experience everything.


There needs to be actual challenge and anet is afraid to do it because of the casuals who need hand holding-- it's 50/50 Casuals and Players who want competitive game modes and not 1 Dev playing 1 hour a day to see what changes need to be made (bc it feels that way)


There needs to be in WvW an actual reward system, not some socialist handout but they did something like that before, the WvW competetive seasons and everyone would just stack on one server--- it was one of those ideas that are super pretty on paper but fell through because devs didn't fix the blatant obvious issues before release.


PvP is and always will be a crapshow--- it needs to be focused more like GW1 PvP


We need new guild halls and New Dungeons (NOT RAIDS, NOT FRACTALS) BUT DUNGEONS.

More immersion and GW2's aesthetic identity needs to be brought back because right now, GW2 is the Fortnite of MMO's

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I guess it's their intent - with how casual and how much of a sandbox the game is, to have people who currently feel burned-out with the game like you, to take a break and just come back when you have the urge again. Your equipment won't get outdated, and whatever you miss, you can binge-play once you return.

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Sadly the content I would like to have isn't developed anymore:

What I would really enjoy:

-Guild halls (more of them + new decos) :D

-Dungeons. D U N G E O N S, you don't know how much lore I learned with crucible of eternity/ sorrow embrace. :D

-Sab world 3/4, just to end that thing. :disappointed_relieved:

-More unique headgear not locked behind gem. Customization!

-A real home instance. :)

-Again a real balance. :tired_face:


Eventually: (a suggestion)

-Core level new map, even if it takes 5 months! Around 15 hearts, 8 waypoints, 13 vistas, hero points? Seriously why 0 of them in ls maps? 13 Point of interest. A ton of easter eggs/ interactable npc and items.

In sum, a LIVING MAP. With world bosses no metas: coordination within the whole map to kill it that kind of things.. ls1 type

More to explore, ANYTHING: Jumping puzzles, hidden things, disguises and infiltration, new mechanics like portal forge lab.....

For those who haven't experienced the greatness of ls1:

Also have a lack of AP with those achievs since they have been removed.


Also who changed the title it doesn't reflect the thread at all now! It's not a question of being unsatisfied, it's a question about what people would like to see. :/

At least please, add extra rewards for dungeons if you aren't planning to add more of them. :(


I DO remember when each path of dungeon was rewarding 1 gold 5 silvers, the actual 35 silvers is literally laughing at dungeoneers faces. ;'(

1 gold 31 silvers in reality. Ah the good old method... :D





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> @"WhiteDragon.3201" said:

> Are you not noticing the negative impact that the latest patches,or the lack of them are doing to the game? i've always enjoyed the three main game modes PvP,WvW and PvE and whenever there was something bothering me about one of them i'd focus on another. the thing is the three of them are just too boring for me. whenever i try to play PvP,that's supposed to be a competitive and dynamic mode is actually filled with mirages and boonbeasts for those classes are unbalanced since forever and everybody knows it (inb4 ppl saying L2P or defending those).

> In WvW it makes no difference whatsoever who wins or loses,everybody is playing for pips, t0 towers and camps.if you lose any objective who cares? there are just no prizes for winning. and if you're trying to fight other players in WvW is just like PvP, full to the brim with mirages and soulbeasts. there is just no roaming for either i'm facing huge zergs in wvw ''prime time'' or roamers are fed up about those 2 classes. we keep waiting for this miraculous WvW alliance system that god knows when's due. meanwhile more players quit an increasingly stale game mode, and talk about PvE where we keep mindlessly farming skins locked behind RNG,doing the same dailies. the one significant change in fractals adds frustrating and ummecessary mistlocks that somehow render CM's impossible somedays.

> I know messenges like mine are often ignored however i'll leave here my rant and i hope there's a plan to keep the game interesting for veteran players. i've always enjoyed guild wars because it is a game that offers all sorts of game modes but in my opinion the three modes are flawed and need urgent fixes for there are many new MMOs being released and many of my friends are quitting gw2 for lack of balance and good new content. that's it ty for your time.


I don't really get your timing as their isn't anything atypical about the last patches or the current state of the game. Therefore, to correlate the recent ones as having 'negative impact' seems more like an emotional appeal, not a factual one.

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Since I'm playing basically all endcontent and know that feeling I think I should say a bit about it.


The thing whats annoy me the most is all the balancing issues.


In pvp it is : I discover a new built then in 2-4 weeks it get nerfed its in e.g the sword condi weaver with bleeding or from someone else the Mender Sword built (weaver).

Which were great because I could hold out long enough to make a different then they decide to change some trait in response and it doesn't work like before.

I played also dps deadeye with rifle until the changed it so you were forced to play semi-stealth. They also nerfed my FB which I still play.(but I can't re roll anymore)


On the other hand they let mirage and scourge dominate pvp completely and do nothing which to bring them down with the others


In wvw it is : Everything in this mode takes way longer then in others to get all the titles you can grind 3-4 years and not getting all. But the main issues is more about the community and also the balance . In others modes thing get shaken up like crazy in terms of balance here it is more like a monolith . Which is mainly build on the back of the scourge you need a FB to mitigate the incoming dmg from it and you need a counter for the FB so you have a warrior with a bubble an boon corruption from the scrouge an so on . Arena.NET tried to change some of it but the response of the community were more strict meta built of the zerg to it.


Either they revamp scrouge completely or how conditions work also I would love to see more support heralds(more alacrity I posted about it somewhere else) but like the others said power herald with hammer is in because of range.


Open World maps besides boss events you can't survive I can't complain


In fractal it is : I don't count the ones which are just annoying but some of the instabilities are overturned as well the last boss in the new fractal . I don't know is this to stop players from farming fractals ? The problem is also with the changes which they did last year to the chrono . There is so much what can go wrong now and it goes wrong when it can so I have 2 days in the week were I can't complete my fractals runs at least with this I don't mean alone the December update one month before all chronos needed new equip because of the changes . Its also annoying because its remind me of the endcontent of 2 other games were the difficult level were getting upsurd


Also my staff weaver isn't so viable anymore as it was in the past and the constant distributions while farming over months are off putting. From the 4 chronos player we had 1 is till playing but leading her own raids now , another one quit completely the others just don't update their chrono and play other classes.


In raids it is : It really hard to get 10 people together this is nothing Arena.NET can change but like I said the constant fumble around of Arena.NET on the balance did cost us some key classes/players.


About using boarder line exploits they are all known by Arena.NET so far and often they are easy to fix adjusting a force field here putting a invisible wall there and don't allow ports there and it would work. Bit too much work ?^^



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