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Is there another Expansion in the works?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).

> >

> > A lot of it is the content dump. PoF gave us 5 wide open maps and half a seasons worth of story all in one go. No drip feeding, no playing to their schedule. That is very attractive to many of us. The other point is the story flows better. Episodic content means a difference in consistency as different teams deliver different levels if quality - something we have seen with s3 and s4 now. Expansions tend remain consistently at the same level of quality throughout.

> >

> > Seasons drip feed. Sure we prob get more content, but it takes 18 months for that to appear in full. Sure we could get elite specs, but all at once in one episode?

> >

> > Personally id rather smaller seasons of larger content (say 3 episodes) that bridge expansions and give us a meatier amount to do in all areas of the game.

> >

> >


> The point of the flow of the story should not be understated. Lw simply cannot provide the same flow, it can and has in a number of cases killed feelings and momentum the players might have had going from one episode to the next. Expansions campaigns dont suffer from that.


Totally agree. I've never found games the right medium for episodic storytelling as a result

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).

> > >

> > > A lot of it is the content dump. PoF gave us 5 wide open maps and half a seasons worth of story all in one go. No drip feeding, no playing to their schedule. That is very attractive to many of us. The other point is the story flows better. Episodic content means a difference in consistency as different teams deliver different levels if quality - something we have seen with s3 and s4 now. Expansions tend remain consistently at the same level of quality throughout.

> > >

> > > Seasons drip feed. Sure we prob get more content, but it takes 18 months for that to appear in full. Sure we could get elite specs, but all at once in one episode?

> > >

> > > Personally id rather smaller seasons of larger content (say 3 episodes) that bridge expansions and give us a meatier amount to do in all areas of the game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The point of the flow of the story should not be understated. Lw simply cannot provide the same flow, it can and has in a number of cases killed feelings and momentum the players might have had going from one episode to the next. Expansions campaigns dont suffer from that.


> Totally agree. I've never found games the right medium for episodic storytelling as a result


I feel like the only way gw2 could handle it remotely well would be a return to the se1 format where we had updates in a much faster cadence.


Tho i dont see that ever happening.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> "Mike Zadorojny.7058 ArenaNet ›

> January 8, 2019

> We talked about wanting to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Our goal is to create powerful moments like the final instance of this episode that are a culmination of multiple departments and raise the bar for what it means to be a Guild Wars 2 experience."


> The more i read this quote the more i'm beginning to think that once again LS is being staged to replace expansions which failed miserably in the past. I'm hoping i'm wrong on this because i distinctly remember reading there were multiple teams, some working on LS and some working on expansions, unfortunately i can't find that quote. Anyway without telling us the who, what, where , when and why can you (Anet) at least confirm there is another expansion being developed?


It's radio silence on the matter. I also agree that if LWS5 are every 3 months it's FUBAR.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


9 elite lines

Multiple armors

Multiple maps

New modes of gameplay (gliding/mounts)


All at the same time. It would take more than a year to get some of the above and that is without the new elites that offer the most repliability.


We are not getting a new expansion this year. I do not know if I will even be active in few month. The game is currently highly stagnant.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!

> >

> > Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content

> >

> >

> > Mike : speechless


> Except this was not said (or I missed it and you might be so kind to provide a link), and if this much content would actually go into a Living World Episode, I doubt people would be unhappy. Given how none of the Living World Episodes EVER had this much content, that is wishful thinking.


> All we can do is wait and see. The only thing we know for sure is, there is a Season 5 coming after Season 4 and with the current release cadence, there won't be an expansion in 2019, and it might be tight for end of 2020 if at all.


> > @"Timo.1065" said:

> > Look on PoF, the only thing useful you get buying this expansion are mounts.


> Yes, let's leave out the 5 maps, the couple of hours long story, the elite specializations, the mounts, the new armor set skins and all of it at once and not in 3 month cycles bit by bit...


He only said something along the lines of: ‘it will have a bit more content than before, to make up for the expansion’.

But we all know anets definition of ‘a bit’.

Ts definetily not elite classes or player housing

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People bashing PoF when it was the mount system that actually rejuvenated the game for most and made them want to explore the world again from a different perspective. This is what brought me back.


Anet need something equally big to draw back lost players and attract new ones.


Elite specs will do that. A new class might too. Morw LW story bullshit will not.



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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > There's reasons for anet to put more time between xpacs, there's no reason for them to cancel xpaxs


> GW1 Utopia was cancelled.


and then they did eye of the north


i said cancel xpacs, not cancel a xpac (there's a difference)


and on top of that why would anet make a gw3? every reason i heard they could more easily do in gw2 then make an entirely new gam

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> I think they are just trying to avoid adding in a 3rd set of elite specializations, hard enough to balance 3 specs per class (core, HoT, and PoF)..


well they could just dodge that by insted adding new elite specs, introducing a new class with 3 specs. would be the better joice in my opinion.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > I think they are just trying to avoid adding in a 3rd set of elite specializations, hard enough to balance 3 specs per class (core, HoT, and PoF)..


> well they could just dodge that by insted adding new elite specs, introducing a new class with 3 specs. would be the better joice in my opinion.


that'd just create issues of it's own

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I think the expansions were in fact successful. Sure, there's a lot of criticism but I see that as a given. What it does is add revenue during the quarter of release but more importantly for ArenaNet it also brings revenue up afterwards with increased spending at the gem store. This is clearly visible in the financial reports. Of course this week we got the latest and the Q4 results for 2018 were down by 25% so that's a big drop, however PoF did still manage to bring revenue back up considerably at least for a while. It did better than HoT in that respect.


So what I wonder is if they chose to delay this expansion because revenues were that good. With LS5 coming first and presumably taking at least 4 chapters it will likely take till next year before we will see the next expansion. I do think there will be one because it increases revenue and interest and revitalized spending at the gem store. The only way I can see them not doing a next expansion is the announcement of a new game. We all know what that meant for GW1.

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Expansions are very important for MMO's. They bring a lot of coverage and "box" sales from players that tend to buy these expansions for the event, go through it, some stay, some leave. It is the best way to bring people back to the game, and existing players only gain from that as well.


Now, i will leave my impressions on what i think the problems are with GW2 and why in my opinion it is not a raving sucess.

First, the good. The single player story/scenarios are quite frankly, amazing. The maps are a joy to explore. The outworld feels alive, even if not always populated.

I love those aspects of the game and they do fill me with joy every time i play the game.


But, i can never stay around too long. Why? Here are the issues i see, wich can be addressed within the current game.

The achievement/tracking system instead of a quest system. It is hidden, messy, difficult to navigate and unclear. Actually, it's a problem at large with the game. Everything is complex and unclear. It is a huge deterrent.

The horizontal progression. It just never worked the way it worked on GW1. GW1 was a different type of game. Every campaign was a new beginning and it ended in the same place. That is not the case in GW2. The game continues. So, at this point there is a need to have rewards for continuation. The current end-game design of GW2 is farming and collecting. This worked for GW1 due again, to the kind of game it was. The grinds weren't as bad since they were less and were a few per campaign. Nowadays, these are not enough incentive for players to keep playing. A new raid? A new dungeon? So what? What is the point? Why should i come back?

Not only that, but ascended gear itself feels unrewarding. It is "mildly" difficult to acquire without a considerable time investment, but it still acts as a gate for end-game content. Then comes a patch that changes balance and now you need to grind another month to craft another set. No, this just does not keep players invested. The plus side of vertical progression is that is makes the previous gear easier to aquire and give you an objective for the next gear set. Motivation to run the new content and continue playing the game on top of all the cosmetic incentives.

Also, must i mention how unfun it is to constantly mange inventory in this game?


I would also add a recommendation. I know there are many players that flocked to GW cause its B2P/F2P. But that very nature and it's reliance on the cash shop is a deterrent for many other players who are not used to having their enjoyment of the game behind micro transactions and prefer just having a subscription with privileged access and without barriers. That is an idea as well. Not all of us are skint, and would just like to play a game that isn't sliced in a hundred little pieces with a price tag on it.


Now, things i am unsure can be solved in GW2, and would probably require a GW3.

The combat. It feels so unsatisfying. It feels loose, as does movement, but in a weird way, where it feels you might just fall through the ground at any moment. I think one just has to play GW1 to see how much tighter the combat was.

The trinity. Honestly, it was a great sales pitch to say "we will break with the trinity", but i hope that by now it's become clear to everyone why the trinity works for cooperative MMO's in instanced content. It urges teamwork, with defined roles. GW2 is quite honestly a mess, and it comes from again, the combat and mechanics. The dodge mechanic and the downed mechanic that are so OP that player character have to be made out of thin paper. Everything kills you pretty easily. Being dead all the time is not really fun. Being one-shot constantly is not really fun. The whole thing is terribly unbalanced and just not fun. That is a major issue wich i believe deters more players from staying with the game.


So, in conclusion. Yes, expansions are important to keep the game alive. Going only living world will just lead to a slow death as new players don't come in.

A new game (GW3) would make sense in order to make a game that can retain players better. A retooling of GW2 would also work, but obviously is a major undertaking.


I don't think GW3 is in the horizon anytime soon and i am afraid it will fall in the same traps GW2 did in trying to be different for different sake. There are conventions that work, and that is why they still persist. Trust that the GW IP is capable of delivering the differentiation without having to break with everything and creating a non-rewarding game. You got the story and exploration right. These are your strong points, now bring the rest up to par.

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The other thing about expansions is that they bring hype. Living World brings some hype, but it's quite low key and localised and the rest of the game gets no hype.

I only have to visit twitter to see how other companies from indies to corporate hype what they are doing or working on. Nintendo is probably a bad example given they are a bit different in this context, but they caused huge positive ripples yesterday with their announcements, which then led to announcements by other associated companies. It gets people talking and excited


What is ANet working on? What do I have to excited about? The last episode wasn't great and severely lacking in content so I'm not exactly positive about things anyway, but there is increasingly becoming nothing to grab onto to get excited about as Anet continue to hold onto everything like an MI6 secret. The excuse that players will jump on them for false promises is moot - this is the age of the internet and people will latch onto anything to hold against them. Many of us have to to suffer for years without news of forthcoming things because of this and seems grossly unfair.


Lets get some positive news out there (what happened to little teasers to build up to a release???), lets see what (non spoilery) things we can get excited about and to kitten with anyone who wants to hold the company up for "false promises"

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^I'm not sure how many would agree with that assessment. My characters don't continually find themselves downed or one-shot, and I am clueless about builds, etc. Still, pretty much, using the same ones I started with. I'm not sure the 'trinity' is absolutely necessary for open-world or Story content, and that comprises a large portion of the game.


Maybe all players are not "skint" [sic], but changing the payment model, which is a Guild Wars franchise pillar, would not necessarily bring in more players, and those it did bring in might not make up for all those who left.


I think there were lamentations about Guild Wars before GW2, and now that game is looked back on fondly. _If_ there ever was a Guild Wars 3, I imagine the same thing would happen...


I'm unclear about any advantages to Vertical Progression, aka 'gear treadmill'. Would every single piece of content need down-leveling in such a case? Sounds like more work with little pay-off. Of course, I'm not a Game Developer.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).

> > >

> > > A lot of it is the content dump. PoF gave us 5 wide open maps and half a seasons worth of story all in one go. No drip feeding, no playing to their schedule. That is very attractive to many of us. The other point is the story flows better. Episodic content means a difference in consistency as different teams deliver different levels if quality - something we have seen with s3 and s4 now. Expansions tend remain consistently at the same level of quality throughout.

> > >

> > > Seasons drip feed. Sure we prob get more content, but it takes 18 months for that to appear in full. Sure we could get elite specs, but all at once in one episode?

> > >

> > > Personally id rather smaller seasons of larger content (say 3 episodes) that bridge expansions and give us a meatier amount to do in all areas of the game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The point of the flow of the story should not be understated. Lw simply cannot provide the same flow, it can and has in a number of cases killed feelings and momentum the players might have had going from one episode to the next. Expansions campaigns dont suffer from that.


> Totally agree. I've never found games the right medium for episodic storytelling as a result


Yeah. Personally, I don't touch the living stories until the season is done. They tend to wrap up decently at-least.

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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > > I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).

> > > >

> > > > A lot of it is the content dump. PoF gave us 5 wide open maps and half a seasons worth of story all in one go. No drip feeding, no playing to their schedule. That is very attractive to many of us. The other point is the story flows better. Episodic content means a difference in consistency as different teams deliver different levels if quality - something we have seen with s3 and s4 now. Expansions tend remain consistently at the same level of quality throughout.

> > > >

> > > > Seasons drip feed. Sure we prob get more content, but it takes 18 months for that to appear in full. Sure we could get elite specs, but all at once in one episode?

> > > >

> > > > Personally id rather smaller seasons of larger content (say 3 episodes) that bridge expansions and give us a meatier amount to do in all areas of the game.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > The point of the flow of the story should not be understated. Lw simply cannot provide the same flow, it can and has in a number of cases killed feelings and momentum the players might have had going from one episode to the next. Expansions campaigns dont suffer from that.

> >

> > Totally agree. I've never found games the right medium for episodic storytelling as a result


> Yeah. Personally, I don't touch the living stories until the season is done. They tend to wrap up decently at-least.


I've thought about doing it that way. I just know I'd never avoid spoilers


Then again, I struggle to keep my attention with alts when I do it that way. I think it's just the formula

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> and then they did eye of the north


> i said cancel xpacs, not cancel a xpac (there's a difference)


> and on top of that why would anet make a gw3? every reason i heard they could more easily do in gw2 then make an entirely new gam


Technically they wouldn't be "cancelling" all expansions if they never had any plans for them. EotN was created after they decided to stop, as a tie-in to GW2.


As for GW3, it's very unlikely that ArenaNet's next project will be an MMO like GW2, but if it was, they would essentially be doing it for the same reason they made GW2 - it's holding them back. Something new also allows them to make changes that would be for the better, but too controversial.

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Expansions bring in a lot of revenue. So it makes sense they would be working on one. I hope so, PoF was a lot of fun, and HoT became really good over time. Love the exploring and new features, etc., that come with new expansions. And I personally really enjoyed PoF's story, it was very well done. A huge improvement over the base game's "click through as fast as you can" borefest.


I just hope the new expansion doesn't have another elite. It's a real pain getting all of my toons upgraded, still have a couple of toons that haven't finished them. Just not fun to do the hero points over and over and over again, and it limits play options if you don't have them.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!


> Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content



> Mike : speechless


To be fair, although I would not disparage something given freely, very little of what you've listed is of any interest to me. No thank you to new mounts, player housing, legendaries, or new customization. I dislike the power creep built into the elite spec system. Build templates, unless accompanied by free stat changing on all gear is of little use to me either.

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the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.


what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash cow.

it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.


so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

> HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

> PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.


> what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash cow.

> it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

> they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.


> so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.


You can play gw2 without the expansions just fine. In gw1 you were at a disadvantage without the expansions.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

> > HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

> > PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.

> >

> > what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash cow.

> > it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

> > they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.

> >

> > so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.


> You can play gw2 without the expansions just fine. In gw1 you were at a disadvantage without the expansions.


without HoT you'll die when falling from a high altitude, without PoF you'll be slower then anyone else and you can't kill enemies as fast.

in GW you can get trough everything without any of the expansion stuff, there is absolutely nothing that truly gives you an advantage over ppl without EotN.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

> > > HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

> > > PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.

> > >

> > > what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash cow.

> > > it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

> > > they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.

> > >

> > > so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.

> >

> > You can play gw2 without the expansions just fine. In gw1 you were at a disadvantage without the expansions.


> without HoT you'll die when falling from a high altitude, without PoF you'll be slower then anyone else and you can't kill enemies as fast.

> in GW you can get trough everything without any of the expansion stuff, there is absolutely nothing that truly gives you an advantage over ppl without EotN.


Weird, I played gw2 for years without an expansion just fine.


Access to expansion skills in gw1 gave significant performance advantages.


Both games can be enjoyed just fine without expansions. Both games provide significant advantages for having the expansions.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

> > > > HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

> > > > PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.

> > > >

> > > > what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash cow.

> > > > it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

> > > > they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.

> > > >

> > > > so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.

> > >

> > > You can play gw2 without the expansions just fine. In gw1 you were at a disadvantage without the expansions.

> >

> > without HoT you'll die when falling from a high altitude, without PoF you'll be slower then anyone else and you can't kill enemies as fast.

> > in GW you can get trough everything without any of the expansion stuff, there is absolutely nothing that truly gives you an advantage over ppl without EotN.


> Weird, I played gw2 for years without an expansion just fine.


> Access to expansion skills in gw1 gave significant performance advantages.


> Both games can be enjoyed just fine without expansions. Both games provide significant advantages for having the expansions.


.....i never said you can't enjoy it without expansion, i just said you have quite a big advantage with them.......just like you now argue about.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > > the problem with the last two xpacts is the simple fact that, even after all what was made, all it truly got us is a way of fast and saver transportation.

> > > > > HoT doesn't really have anything more than allot of grind, added currency and a really lame end battle, leaving us with just gliders which is quite a cash cow for Anet.

> > > > > PoF has allot of nostalgia but not much to go for, in it's base sense it's simply a start to make the exact same mistake they made in HoT but now they have a bigger cash cow, mounts.

> > > > >

> > > > > what i am really hoping for is an xpac that has a big impact that draws allot of old and new guild wars fans but isn't yet more grinding, farming with extra new currencies and yet another cash co > > > > it might surprise ppl but it was handled better in guild wars, they released an expansion but kept everything within that place.

> > > > > they made plenty of exclusive stuff but it didn't affect the rest of the game, you can play the game without the xpac while adding allot of fun to the game if you bought it.

> > > > >

> > > > > so to round it up, it's better when an expansion pack adds something new but doesn't put anyone at a disadvantage when you don't own it, one that makes quite an impact but doesn't make it necessary.

> > > >

> > > > You can play gw2 without the expansions just fine. In gw1 you were at a disadvantage without the expansions.

> > >

> > > without HoT you'll die when falling from a high altitude, without PoF you'll be slower then anyone else and you can't kill enemies as fast.

> > > in GW you can get trough everything without any of the expansion stuff, there is absolutely nothing that truly gives you an advantage over ppl without EotN.

> >

> > Weird, I played gw2 for years without an expansion just fine.

> >

> > Access to expansion skills in gw1 gave significant performance advantages.

> >

> > Both games can be enjoyed just fine without expansions. Both games provide significant advantages for having the expansions.


> .....i never said you can't enjoy it without expansion, i just said you have quite a big advantage with them.......just like you now argue about.


From my first post, which you quoted, the only thing I said about GW2 was that it could be played just fine without an expansion. You posted disagreement.


Both games offer the ability to play the game just fine without expansions, and advantages for buying the expansions.

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