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Raids and discrimination.

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"CountMozenrath.7631" said:

> > Nothing about exp but there were a couple with ping kp , but my point is how can you even gain exp if no one wants you in the group


> Lead your own or consult these raid communities who guide new players through raids. If you cant take the time to respect the group leaders entry requirements, then you certainly wont get respectful treatment in kind.


> https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/


The game with the easiest raiding on the market having """"""""""training runs"""""" is a sick joke.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> I dont get where this attitude of "just hop in and play every part of the game" has come from. Looking a couple of years back (5+), nobody would even have dared entering veteran instanced group content without at least reading a guide beforehand and gearing accordingly.


> But to answer your question @"Speedylord.2798" , no raids arent open for all. And "playing for fun" stops where you ruin others fun. If someone searches in his/her lfg for an experienced raider (200LI+ or 20KP+ usually indicate "experienced"), and you join that lfg as someone:

> 1) without experience of the bosses

> 2) without knowledge of your build

> 3) without properly geared character

> Then no, that LFG is not for you.

> If you only want to raid because "its part of the game and I bought it" or you are only there because of shiny loot, then no. Raids arent for you.


> If you are interested in starting to raid because you like the concept of it, then theres some work (about 2-3 hours worth of it in gw2) you have to put into it first. Theres a ton of guides out there to read and watch (I usually endorse the ones from mightyteapot and just using the wiki for clarifications). You should join a training community guild. Decide on a role to play mainly (support heal, dps buffer, or just plain dps) then gear accordingly 1-2 characters and learn the basic rotation in the trainingsarena at the golem. After you've done all those preparations, you join training runs organized by your training guild - or if you are a bit more masochistic, then join trainings LFGs until you have sufficient experience on every boss.

> If you want to do that, are willing to put some time and effort into it. Then yes, raids definitely are for you. Done correctly, raids can be the most fun you have in an mmo.


> And to answer on the earlier post, no, games arent "an escape from reality". They are a hobby. And as with every hobby, you put some effort in it. If you want to "escape reality" for a bit, Id advise reading a good book. Or watching a movie. Listening to music. Games are more on a level with gardening and such hobbies.


I think it depends what you consider an escape from reality. I mean games like Persona, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Elder Scrolls are definitely perfect mediums for escapism.

Rpgs in particular are derived from tabletop rpgs which are heavily about escapist fantasy in the form of shared storytelling.

I think part of this desire to do anything in an MMORPG, is rooted in the old RPG trope of, a handful of adventurers coming together to form a party. In tabletop rpgs, metagaming tends to be heavily frowned upon in favour of promoting players to make flawed characters with distinct weaknesses so their cobbled together party can try to pull together to brave the world the DM throws at them. Single player rpgs tend to do a passable job of capturing that freedom letting players do what they what they want in them, soloable or low difficulty tend to content in MMOs do so too, it’s only when you get to things like Raids and PvP in MMOs where the freedom that rpgs are supposed to provide seems to die and everyone is expected to conform to a meta, and that imo is why where ever a meta forms you get so much conflict from players who want to play their own way.

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> @"Dual.8953" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > I dont get where this attitude of "just hop in and play every part of the game" has come from. Looking a couple of years back (5+), nobody would even have dared entering veteran instanced group content without at least reading a guide beforehand and gearing accordingly.

> >

> > But to answer your question @"Speedylord.2798" , no raids arent open for all. And "playing for fun" stops where you ruin others fun. If someone searches in his/her lfg for an experienced raider (200LI+ or 20KP+ usually indicate "experienced"), and you join that lfg as someone:

> > 1) without experience of the bosses

> > 2) without knowledge of your build

> > 3) without properly geared character

> > Then no, that LFG is not for you.

> > If you only want to raid because "its part of the game and I bought it" or you are only there because of shiny loot, then no. Raids arent for you.

> >

> > If you are interested in starting to raid because you like the concept of it, then theres some work (about 2-3 hours worth of it in gw2) you have to put into it first. Theres a ton of guides out there to read and watch (I usually endorse the ones from mightyteapot and just using the wiki for clarifications). You should join a training community guild. Decide on a role to play mainly (support heal, dps buffer, or just plain dps) then gear accordingly 1-2 characters and learn the basic rotation in the trainingsarena at the golem. After you've done all those preparations, you join training runs organized by your training guild - or if you are a bit more masochistic, then join trainings LFGs until you have sufficient experience on every boss.

> > If you want to do that, are willing to put some time and effort into it. Then yes, raids definitely are for you. Done correctly, raids can be the most fun you have in an mmo.

> >

> > And to answer on the earlier post, no, games arent "an escape from reality". They are a hobby. And as with every hobby, you put some effort in it. If you want to "escape reality" for a bit, Id advise reading a good book. Or watching a movie. Listening to music. Games are more on a level with gardening and such hobbies.


> I think it depends what you consider an escape from reality. I mean games like Persona, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Elder Scrolls are definitely perfect mediums for escapism.

> Rpgs in particular are derived from tabletop rpgs which are heavily about escapist fantasy in the form of shared storytelling.

> I think part of this desire to do anything in an MMORPG, is rooted in the old RPG trope of, a handful of adventurers coming together to form a party. In tabletop rpgs, metagaming tends to be heavily frowned upon in favour of promoting players to make flawed characters with distinct weaknesses so their cobbled together party can try to pull together to brave the world the DM throws at them. Single player rpgs tend to do a passable job of capturing that freedom letting players do what they what they want in them, soloable or low difficulty tend to content in MMOs do so too, it’s only when you get to things like Raids and PvP in MMOs where the freedom that rpgs are supposed to provide seems to die and everyone is expected to conform to a meta, and that imo is why where ever a meta forms you get so much conflict from players who want to play their own way.


Oh yes, you are definitely correct. But the thing is, gw2 isnt a single player RPG. And your freedom always ends where it impacts other players in a negative way. Not running meta and/or underperforming in instanced group content is in my eyes extremely selfish behaviour. Because lets be real here, those that want to treat gw2 as their personal playground for living out fantasies - escaping reality - already have the majority of the game for them to do so. There's openworld ofc, but also story content, unranked pvp, EotM and to be honest, also WvW in general. Those that want to RPG there as a hammer wearing, smashing things warrior, or whatever, can do so there. While they might come into contact with toxic players there trying to tell them what to use, nobody is really hurt by someone not conforming to meta in those areas.


Instanced content, where you have to work with a small number of players as a team to reach a goal just isnt suited for non-optimized builds. Im not saying you have to run best-in-slot builds and comps everywhere in instanced content, but theres a limit to whats possible there. Theres a minimum standard that everybody has to meet for it to stay fair.

So why do players obviously not willing to conform to that minimum standard so often try to push their way onto - and into - that part of the community? Why not just accept that that extremely small part of the game is not for them if they dont want to conform?


Its bad enough for me as an instanced content enthusiast to see one content release after the other by Anet for the game I absolutely love, and think "content not for me" because instanced content developement is so neglected in this game. But to then have people that already get the majority of the game developed JUST FOR THEM push into "my" content and try to force their way on me, to leech all kind of fun I have left from the game.... sorry, but thats where I draw the line.


To put it very bluntly. Stop being egotistical. Not everything in an mmo is for everybody. Thats what mmos are about, to offer one big world for different playstyles and different communities. And if you dont like a certain playstyle, then you just avoid that part of the game. Why is it so hard to understand for so many gw2 players? - And yes, this is a problem Ive ever only encountered in gw2. All other mmos I played, everyone accepted those boundaries, as long as the publisher didnt force players into content they dont like. Those usually failed pretty early anyway. But in gw2, you arent forced to do fractals or raids or dungeons or ranked or gvg - far from it, the incentive is actually VERY low to cross boundaries into parts of the game not suited to your tastes. So why, for the love of everything, cant players that dont even LIKE that playstyle just stay out instead of making a new thread about how gatekeeping elitists ruin their "fun" every week?

I just dont get it. Why does the whole game be just for THEM? Why not leave this miniscule and underdeveloped part of the game for others? Im not forcing my way onto those not wanting to conform to meta, so why cant they stop trying to force their ways onto my part of the game?

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> While Anet keepts the "flavout of the month gimmicks" to help overperfomance groups, non "flavour of the month" will ve casted out, cause it will make group have to put effort in gameplay.


> Meta = no effort wins in gw2.


Meta builds and compositions are usually characterized by the fact that they tend to produce the best net result. Typically the effort required to bring out a builds full potential does not factor into this distinction. A power Weaver, condition Mirage, condition Engineer and power Daredevil can all be meta builds simultaneously (given a certain state of balance), even though they might have greatly varying levels of difficulty.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > > @"CountMozenrath.7631" said:

> > > Nothing about exp but there were a couple with ping kp , but my point is how can you even gain exp if no one wants you in the group

> >

> > Lead your own or consult these raid communities who guide new players through raids. If you cant take the time to respect the group leaders entry requirements, then you certainly wont get respectful treatment in kind.

> >

> > https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/


> The game with the easiest raiding on the market having """"""""""training runs"""""" is a sick joke.


You're clearly not familiar with this playerbase's average player skill lvl.


Also "easiest raiding"? Based on what?

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Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

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> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.


Oh have you forgotten the old dungeon meta and spvp mate?

Sure everyone could do dungeons only took more time but there were still elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism in the game raids dident add that.

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> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.


Can confirm, As a raider I started gw2 4 months ago. I quit the game 3.5 months ago after spending about $900 (saves time/enables me to help guild/friends more/have a job ;) ) on quality of life things and completing 1 set of legendary armor/getting griffon/beetle. There isn't enough high end content in game and what is there is only fun for 'raiders' if you have a static (its not fun watching people drop buffs and not strafe out of damage/do less then 25k deeps). Whilst the raids are unique and very satisfying it simply isn't fun to be a high operating member of this community. You get little positive feedback/thanks like you would in other games for assisting with world events and the like (despite the fact you can do most of them with 3 raid groups...….) I found that my very existence outside of raid guilds was offending people as I did want to clear hard content. My last month of playing was purely leading/assisting raid training runs and logging in for statics before realising I was having much more fun with other MMORPG games :( . It wasn't a massive shock, Whilst gw1 was my favourite game ever I had put off gw2 for years as to 1. finish gwamm first and 2. wait for the "casuals" to die off; it never happened and this is their MMO now. That's fine :(

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> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.


Thank you for the laugh.

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> @"8235E844-3CC1-4724-8B86-45063AFE57F3.6259" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.


> Can confirm, As a raider I started gw2 4 months ago. I quit the game 3.5 months ago after spending about $900 (saves time/enables me to help guild/friends more/have a job ;) ) on quality of life things and completing 1 set of legendary armor/getting griffon/beetle. There isn't enough high end content in game and what is there is only fun for 'raiders' if you have a static (its not fun watching people drop buffs and not strafe out of damage/do less then 25k deeps). Whilst the raids are unique and very satisfying it simply isn't fun to be a high operating member of this community. You get little positive feedback/thanks like you would in other games for assisting with world events and the like (despite the fact you can do most of them with 3 raid groups...….) I found that my very existence outside of raid guilds was offending people as I did want to clear hard content. My last month of playing was purely leading/assisting raid training runs and logging in for statics before realising I was having much more fun with other MMORPG games :( . It wasn't a massive shock, Whilst gw1 was my favourite game ever I had put off gw2 for years as to 1. finish gwamm first and 2. wait for the "casuals" to die off; it never happened and this is their MMO now. That's fine :(


I play like that for more then 1 year now (only playing raids and never leaving aerodrome) and I still enjoy it.


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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.


> Thank you for the laugh.


You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

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> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> >

> > Thank you for the laugh.


> You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.


I think that makes it funnier tbh...

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> @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > >

> > > Thank you for the laugh.

> >

> > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.


> I think that makes it funnier tbh...


He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.

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> @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for the laugh.

> > >

> > > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

> >

> > I think that makes it funnier tbh...


> He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.


Yeahhh, nah sorry about that. People don't keep bringing up things like AP requirements just for the fun of it. If you go back 6 years, you'd see the exact same discussions about people being toxic in their dungeon requirements that you see now from people complaining about raids. To say that it came with raids is just objectively false.


Also it takes a special kind of person to specifically wish for content that people enjoy to be canned in the hope they'll quit the game. Doesn't sound like someone worth championing to me.

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> @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > > >

> > > > Thank you for the laugh.

> > >

> > > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

> >

> > I think that makes it funnier tbh...


> He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.


what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.

This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.

Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.

The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick.


Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @"sarkysek.1085" and not to you personally unless you share the same believes.

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > Delete raids from the game and ban all third-party software users. Case solved nice and easy. Raids have no place in GW2, nor do DPS meters.

> I think We know Your stance on raids :)


So? I'm allowed to have my personal stance or opinion.

> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > > @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you for the laugh.

> > > >

> > > > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

> > >

> > > I think that makes it funnier tbh...

> >

> > He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.


> what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.

> This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.

> Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.

> The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick.


> Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @"sarkysek.1085" and not to you personally unless you share the same believes.


Likewise. People like you are the reason why I'll always boycott raids until they are removed and this toxic behaviour with them.

> @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > >

> > > Thank you for the laugh.

> >

> > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.


> I think that makes it funnier tbh...


I'm glad my comment made your day brighter, but that doesn't take away anything from its seriousness! :)

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You are against raids & dungeons but don't speak up against fractals & open world where I personally encountered the most toxic behavior ingame. And here predominantly in the open world.

I'm sure I'll win a lot in a bet that you've never tried raiding in a serious manner be it with your guild or pugs. But yeah, let's keep that picture about the toxic Moloch a.k.a. raids.

Your posts are ridiculous.

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> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > Delete raids from the game and ban all third-party software users. Case solved nice and easy. Raids have no place in GW2, nor do DPS meters.

> > I think We know Your stance on raids :)


> So? I'm allowed to have my personal stance or opinion.


Sure, but having a stance does not automatically protect you from ridicule, especially when it is such an outlandish one. How about we start with removing all the bots in spvp, before we turn on things like arcdps. Maybe tighten up the leniency on afking in spvp matches for rewards while we are at it.


> @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > > > @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thank you for the laugh.

> > > > >

> > > > > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

> > > >

> > > > I think that makes it funnier tbh...

> > >

> > > He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.

> >

> > what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.

> > This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.

> > Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.

> > The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick.

> >

> > Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @"sarkysek.1085" and not to you personally unless you share the same believes.


> Likewise. People like you are the reason why I'll always boycott raids until they are removed and this toxic behaviour with them.


Given how you seem fond of spvp and wvw, and given how some of the most toxic behavior in this game is happening especially in spvp. I wonder how you would feel if the tables were turned and pve players showed up in the spvp forums and declared the entire community there toxic and the game mode should get removed. That's literally what you are doing here. Might want to give that some thought.


Now you might come and argue that not the entire player base playing spvp is toxic and a few bad apples who can't behave are shinning a bad light on the remaining players. Funny enough, I would imagine a few pve raiders might say the same about raids. Go figure.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > Delete raids from the game and ban all third-party software users. Case solved nice and easy. Raids have no place in GW2, nor do DPS meters.

> > > I think We know Your stance on raids :)

> >

> > So? I'm allowed to have my personal stance or opinion.


> Sure, but having a stance does not automatically protect you from ridicule, especially when it is such an outlandish one. How about we start with removing all the bots in spvp, before we turn on things like arcdps. Maybe tighten up the leniency on afking in spvp matches for rewards while we are at it.


> > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > > > > @"Cameron.6450" said:

> > > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > > > > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

> > > > > > > > Raids have no place in GW2, they only brought elitism, toxicity and pretended professionalism to the game. But the worst thing is that this ill mentality also spreads to other places within the game, other gamemodes that dont need it and its damaging to them. Raids and those who deem themselves higher human beings just because they play them will never be good for the game. Solution to this is simple: dont add any new raids and stop supporting the existing ones, so that they slowly die just like dungeons did so many years ago. And the toxic elitist mentality will die with them as raiders slowly quit the game.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thank you for the laugh.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You're welcome. But it wasn't intended to be funny. I'm dead serious.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think that makes it funnier tbh...

> > > >

> > > > He speaks the truth though, but I can see why a selective few find it funny.

> > >

> > > what s/he wrote is absolute nonsense.

> > > This so called "elitism" is in every part of this game. To reply in her/his own language, s/he is just "salty" as hell because reasons, and to call for a mode to be shut down because "i don´t like it" is as "toxic" as it can get.

> > > Not even to mention the blunt generalization of people that do not share the same mindset/interests that s/he does. That makes this statement even more sour.

> > > The sad thing is, if s/he would have been part of this raidcommunity s/he so much despices, and "gud" aswell, characteristicly s/he would fall in the small part of said community that makes raids for other people not enjoyable. You good madam/sir make me sick.

> > >

> > > Edit: to clarify, the last part of my comment was adressed to @"sarkysek.1085" and not to you personally unless you share the same believes.

> >

> > Likewise. People like you are the reason why I'll always boycott raids until they are removed and this toxic behaviour with them.


> Given how you seem fond of spvp and wvw, and given how some of the most toxic behavior in this game is happening especially in spvp. I wonder how you would feel if the tables were turned and pve players showed up in the spvp forums and declared the entire community there toxic and the game mode should get removed. That's literally what you are doing here. Might want to give that some thought.


> Now you might come and argue that not the entire player base playing spvp is toxic and a few bad apples who can't behave are shinning a bad light on the remaining players. Funny enough, I would imagine a few pve raiders might say the same about raids. Go figure.


1. This thread is about raids, not wvw or spvp. 2. Raids are not a gamemode. They are only a minority part of PvE.

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