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Mounts mean the death of roaming


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > Ok. Let me state something for all those people who hate on roaming in here. If you and your friend want to flip that westcamp quickly on your zerg/PvE/fun-build, you are roamers too. Just very bad ones. Its like competing in a bicycle race with your little unicycle without any training and then complain about that toxic sport and how it is just about bullying little bikes. And these lonley poor people on the map that get ganked are roamers too but they mostly dont complain because thats what roaming is about imho: making the best of a bad situation.

> >

> > @topic:

> > I see a potential problem in the mobility advantage roamig specs need due to the high dmg atm. You can see in the vid @ 0:17 how fast it moves. You will not be able to separate people eg., if everyone just moves at max speed. Escaping mounted groupes could become a nightmare when everyone can decide when to enter combat with you at will and could force people even more into cheesy stealth builds.

> >

> > [trailer@17sec](



> So because a player chooses to flip camps on a non fotm cheese powercrept build due to wanting to play builds they find fun and not just cheese to win at all cost thier bad Roamer s? Lol right! Roaming for the most part these day consist of players not choosing builds based on fun or anything other than choosing the fotm cheese one/2 shot super multiple blocks/invulnerability with added unblockable power crept garbage cheese builds to run around with to be as cheesy and anoying to solo or small groups.the roaming has gotten as ridiculous as scourges in zergs are. Although these builds still have bloated disengagement skills leaving out thief cuz it’s squishy design hopefully adding mounts plus nerfs to these classes will make things more tolerable to the non 4 meta roaming classes we have now to traverse the maps with these builds around. Anyone defending the cheese roaming builds are try hard kitten players that like to feel like their champs in life lol


Look you can lol as long as you want. If I roam on 3kit core Engi for fun I dont complain about others being unfair. This is not what my post was about. Infact I have been advocating for more balance and tuning down overperforming specs by tranfering pvp changes often and my post just before that one did. I am talking about people that use specs that are clearly not designed for the task and then offend the people with right builds and some experience for beeing bad sports. Sorry but the mental gymnatics are real here.


> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> So, you are upset because you don't get to gank unsuspecting people anymore?

> Why can't you chase them with your new mount?


No. If you read my post carefully you might notice that my concerns are more about beeing chased as a solo/duo roamer by groups of 5/10+ with mounts. I play mostly non meta builds (Holo/Ele) that dont abuse mobility or stealth to a great extend and I would like to keep that option and not beeing forced to play something that can insta teleport to the other side of the map or stealth for half an hour strait.



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You can't mount in combat. Thus to run away from a fight, you need to break combat. If you broke combat, then you could have escaped anyways. For obvious reasons the mount cannot be that fast, otherwise it'll become mandatory.


I mean it probably hurts the people that like to chase a necro across the map, but....


> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> so when you flip a camp and cannot mount, you will run past the comming defender ?


> yeah it might reduce abit the ones that just run around looking for a cheap gank, but hey are they even playing WvW ?


Pretty much that.

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> @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > > Ok. Let me state something for all those people who hate on roaming in here. If you and your friend want to flip that westcamp quickly on your zerg/PvE/fun-build, you are roamers too. Just very bad ones. Its like competing in a bicycle race with your little unicycle without any training and then complain about that toxic sport and how it is just about bullying little bikes. And these lonley poor people on the map that get ganked are roamers too but they mostly dont complain because thats what roaming is about imho: making the best of a bad situation.

> > >

> > > @topic:

> > > I see a potential problem in the mobility advantage roamig specs need due to the high dmg atm. You can see in the vid @ 0:17 how fast it moves. You will not be able to separate people eg., if everyone just moves at max speed. Escaping mounted groupes could become a nightmare when everyone can decide when to enter combat with you at will and could force people even more into cheesy stealth builds.

> > >

> > > [trailer@17sec](


> >

> > So because a player chooses to flip camps on a non fotm cheese powercrept build due to wanting to play builds they find fun and not just cheese to win at all cost thier bad Roamer s? Lol right! Roaming for the most part these day consist of players not choosing builds based on fun or anything other than choosing the fotm cheese one/2 shot super multiple blocks/invulnerability with added unblockable power crept garbage cheese builds to run around with to be as cheesy and anoying to solo or small groups.the roaming has gotten as ridiculous as scourges in zergs are. Although these builds still have bloated disengagement skills leaving out thief cuz it’s squishy design hopefully adding mounts plus nerfs to these classes will make things more tolerable to the non 4 meta roaming classes we have now to traverse the maps with these builds around. Anyone defending the cheese roaming builds are try hard kitten players that like to feel like their champs in life lol


> Infact I have been advocating for more balance and tuning down overperforming specs by tranfering pvp changes often...


Transferring changes from PvP does not equate to balance, because roaming in WvW and PvP conquest have different balance needs. A lot of things that are OP in roaming are not OP in PvP because they are balanced by capture points.




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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > > > Ok. Let me state something for all those people who hate on roaming in here. If you and your friend want to flip that westcamp quickly on your zerg/PvE/fun-build, you are roamers too. Just very bad ones. Its like competing in a bicycle race with your little unicycle without any training and then complain about that toxic sport and how it is just about bullying little bikes. And these lonley poor people on the map that get ganked are roamers too but they mostly dont complain because thats what roaming is about imho: making the best of a bad situation.

> > > >

> > > > @topic:

> > > > I see a potential problem in the mobility advantage roamig specs need due to the high dmg atm. You can see in the vid @ 0:17 how fast it moves. You will not be able to separate people eg., if everyone just moves at max speed. Escaping mounted groupes could become a nightmare when everyone can decide when to enter combat with you at will and could force people even more into cheesy stealth builds.

> > > >

> > > > [trailer@17sec](


> > >

> > > So because a player chooses to flip camps on a non fotm cheese powercrept build due to wanting to play builds they find fun and not just cheese to win at all cost thier bad Roamer s? Lol right! Roaming for the most part these day consist of players not choosing builds based on fun or anything other than choosing the fotm cheese one/2 shot super multiple blocks/invulnerability with added unblockable power crept garbage cheese builds to run around with to be as cheesy and anoying to solo or small groups.the roaming has gotten as ridiculous as scourges in zergs are. Although these builds still have bloated disengagement skills leaving out thief cuz it’s squishy design hopefully adding mounts plus nerfs to these classes will make things more tolerable to the non 4 meta roaming classes we have now to traverse the maps with these builds around. Anyone defending the cheese roaming builds are try hard kitten players that like to feel like their champs in life lol

> >

> > Infact I have been advocating for more balance and tuning down overperforming specs by tranfering pvp changes often...


> Transferring changes from PvP does not equate to balance, because roaming in WvW and PvP conquest have different balance needs. A lot of things that are OP in roaming are not OP in PvP because they are balanced by capture points.





I partially agree, but dont want to derail the thread even more :)

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > > So, you are upset because you don't get to gank unsuspecting people anymore?

> > > Why can't you chase them with your new mount?

> >

> > Who's talking about unsuspecting people?

> >

> > How can I chase someone on a mount with my mount which is exactly the same speed?


> maybe that chain to pull the gate can be used to pull others off their mounts ? :3


1) There's no way the chain works on players.


2) Even if it did, you probably have to become stationary to use that skill.. By the time it goes off, the other player will already be out of your reach, OR they use the 2 second mount evade and just dodge it. Result is you'll never catch up because you had to stop.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > > > So, you are upset because you don't get to gank unsuspecting people anymore?

> > > > Why can't you chase them with your new mount?

> > >

> > > Who's talking about unsuspecting people?

> > >

> > > How can I chase someone on a mount with my mount which is exactly the same speed?

> >

> > maybe that chain to pull the gate can be used to pull others off their mounts ? :3


> 1) There's no way the chain works on players.


> 2) Even if it did, you probably have to become stationary to use that skill.. By the time it goes off, the other player will already be out of your reach, OR they use the 2 second mount evade and just dodge it. Result is you'll never catch up because you had to stop.


i know. and if it works properly they will pull you off and run away on their mount.

anyway i wasnt really serious about it, the question is why do you have to chase anyone to begin with?

if they want to attack or defend something, they will come by themselves. if they do not want to attack/defend something, why do you want to gank them?


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Roaming is already dead it was killed by the Alliance annoucement

I'm on my third dying wvw guild since the start of the bandwagoning


Also people are just quitting :

Poor class balance

Servers lag

Matchups population disparity

Waiting for alliance system because people are just not willing to pay a transfer every relink their server gets bandwagonned by brainless blobs


Then Anet brilliant idea of a mount to "save" the game mode generating a influx of players who dont like WvW and will leave as soon as they get it either for the reasons mentioned above or just because it's not their thing


Seems like Anet learnt from Activision how monetize players passion from the game by destroying it.



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Regardless of killing/reviving already dead roaming in WvW, implementing the Warclaw (WvW mount) will fasten the phase of player moving to objectives or activities (such as Orange Swords/oj). It is questionable how this will impact the meta and combat engagements between squads, but PPT (sieges) time surely will be lot shorter, and this is a good thing in my perspective. I strongly believe there are only handful of people who love to siege T3 tower/keep with cardboard sieges/rubber golems under thousands of ACs and hundreds of mortar fire while flying dead cows dumped around you. Oh, and almost forgot the yelling commanders on discord 'build the fkn siege, use shield gen bubbles, stop squirrelling, stop dying under AC, why are you standing in mortar fire, oh my god why are you dead, full deads take waypoint, we can't rez you under sieges, PVD this shit.'


I welcome the changes in WvW. For 2019, shorter siege time, and faster movements of defenders/invaders/squad to find enemies or to reach where action is a great thing. But, ANet should have elaborated bit more and should communicate with customers more frequently than current rate, about a reason behind the addition of mounts in WvW prior to addressing current problems and/or phenomena.


I really hope ANet implements suitable (technically and PvP balance-wise) changes regarding [(Player vs Player) + Mounts] equation here. ANet is altering the way players play in small skirmish to large scale PvP scene here, devoted WvW players have all rights to show concerns. (If you don't know PPT, AC, PVD, T3 I mentioned above, you are not ready or informed to derail WvW players' opinion and their concerns in any WvW discussions). It is reasonable for them to be unhappy.

Regular dev-streams focused on PvP/WvW skill balance seems most appropriate, show us how and what you are going to change, let us hear what your scope is and, don't be afraid or shy to hear our feedback.

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> @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> So anyone can just GTFO when they're losing?

Oh you mean *like right now*? Last night I had a warrior just swoop away with all his rush/gs spin/sword leaps while I was running at 66% swiftness. Lets not even talk about the *other roamers*.


People keep saying oh its faster and yes that's true **in certain scenarios**. Actually just plain running aint it. Here's the facts:


Hardcapped speed ooc: 400

25% perma speed ooc: 368

33% swiftness speed ooc: 391 (*meaning zergs and any player with swiftness run at 98% hardcapped speed*)

You can reach perma 400 with runes or traits.


So if you run to a tower in 60s on perma swiftness, a hardcapped mount will take you there in... 59s. Massive speed, huh. That's not counting any teleports either on the mount or on the running player.

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> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > So, you are upset because you don't get to gank unsuspecting people anymore?

> > Why can't you chase them with your new mount?


> No. If you read my post carefully you might notice that my concerns are more about beeing chased as a solo/duo roamer by groups of 5/10+ with mounts. I play mostly non meta builds (Holo/Ele) that dont abuse mobility or stealth to a great extend and I would like to keep that option and not beeing forced to play something that can insta teleport to the other side of the map or stealth for half an hour strait.




read my suggestion to let everyone have the mount in WvW regardless of the game they have.



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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"schloumou.3982" said:

> > Ok. Let me state something for all those people who hate on roaming in here. If you and your friend want to flip that westcamp quickly on your zerg/PvE/fun-build, you are roamers too. Just very bad ones. Its like competing in a bicycle race with your little unicycle without any training and then complain about that toxic sport and how it is just about bullying little bikes. And these lonley poor people on the map that get ganked are roamers too but they mostly dont complain because thats what roaming is about imho: making the best of a bad situation.

> >

> > @topic:

> > I see a potential problem in the mobility advantage roamig specs need due to the high dmg atm. You can see in the vid @ 0:17 how fast it moves. You will not be able to separate people eg., if everyone just moves at max speed. Escaping mounted groupes could become a nightmare when everyone can decide when to enter combat with you at will and could force people even more into cheesy stealth builds.

> >

> > [trailer@17sec](



> So because a player chooses to flip camps on a non fotm cheese powercrept build due to wanting to play builds they find fun and not just cheese to win at all cost thier bad Roamer s? Lol right! Roaming for the most part these day consist of players not choosing builds based on fun or anything other than choosing the fotm cheese one/2 shot super multiple blocks/invulnerability with added unblockable power crept garbage cheese builds to run around with to be as cheesy and anoying to solo or small groups.the roaming has gotten as ridiculous as scourges in zergs are. Although these builds still have bloated disengagement skills leaving out thief cuz it’s squishy design hopefully adding mounts plus nerfs to these classes will make things more tolerable to the non 4 meta roaming classes we have now to traverse the maps with these builds around. Anyone defending the cheese roaming builds are try hard kitten players that like to feel like their champs in life lol


Lets turn of around and i go thief in a zerg


And complain i get kicked

Does that sounds justified?


Wvw and the builds you run are about adjusting to the situation as well

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > So anyone can just GTFO when they're losing?


> You can't mount in combat? If they could/couldn't disengage before this they could/can't still do it after, this wont change that.


The video showed the mount doing multiple hits on the gate (we can assume this puts the person in combat) until the gate breaks and the cat person rode in. If it's true people can just GTFO on their Barney the dinosaurs (in combat) I don't know what game this is anymore. I'm already playing just once a week because of how unhappy I am with wvw. If they make this dumb change, I got nothing else to do in gw2.

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> @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Kolisch.4691" said:

> > > So anyone can just GTFO when they're losing?

> >

> > You can't mount in combat? If they could/couldn't disengage before this they could/can't still do it after, this wont change that.


> The video showed the mount doing multiple hits on the gate (we can assume this puts the person in combat) until the gate breaks and the cat person rode in. If it's true people can just GTFO on their Barney the dinosaurs (in combat) I don't know what game this is anymore. I'm already playing just once a week because of how unhappy I am with wvw. If they make this dumb change, I got nothing else to do in gw2.


You're still confused. The way it works in PVE is if you are off mount and in combat, you can't get on a mount. So if you're in a fight and losing, you can't just get on a mount and run away. You'd have to get out of combat first.


In the reveal video the character was on the mount the entire time.

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The mount mostly sounds like a tool to help you reach the blob quickly, a tool to allow you to skip any fights on the way to your blob, to stop anyone from ganking your slow Firebrand or Scourge and something that removes the need to build your characters around personal mobility.

It sounds like some flashy new thing to draw in non-WvW players once again. Something that is meant to make the mode more enjoyable to the more casual players and possible new people coming in.

Something alliances won't achieve as they are aimed at the veterans and more hardcore players of the mode. Thus they are being (people assume) postponed in favour of a more certain money maker. Reminds me of the entire Diablo Eternal debacle. Whatever people expected, it wasn't this.


About roaming... We all know those very mobile (possibly too mobile) builds but those had to make sacrafices and take trade-offs before to gain said mobility. That will no longer be the case to a certain degree. Groups of players will be able to chase you down on mounts while one or two of them keep you in combat and thus keep you from mounting up yourself. Others will be able to run from you no matter how slow their characters actually are as long as they mange to mount up. And how can we even begin to judge the impact of 50 or more mount skills at the beginning of a blob fight?

But then again, we know very little as of yet. Not sure if we can even take PvE mounts as an indication on what we might expect. We haven't been told about mount HP values, the actual mobility it provides, mount up times, any immunity to CC spells and other factors.

The mount might even be well designed to fit WvW to a certain degree even if it is more beneficial to certain types of players. There has to be a reason why they didn't just go with one of the old mounts. Raptors might be too fast, springers too useless and the griffon would obviously turn the issue we already have with gliding to eleven.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> All the kings of mobility classes about to experience what necro has gone through and they are worried hehehe


> As a necro, the first thing we learn is that all encounters means a fight to the death. No kiting. No running.


> Welcome to our world.


that would only be like that, if you could fight on the mount. however as you dismount to partake in the fight, you can still kite them all.

sure you might not get OOC as fast, but you can kite them and possibly by dragging them even split and kill them and over the long run you also will get OOC in some safe area / water (can the warclaw swim?)

you may avoid some fights from happening on slower builds, that you only can avoid by teleporting away now. but i dont think much will change on the outcome of the fights itself, necros will still be kited.


also it is an indirect buff to OOC stealth , as superior OOC mobility doesnt exist anymore :3

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im looking forward to getting chased by x amount of ppl on a mount that couldnt keep up, while one that actually is on a roaming build keeps me infight


> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > All the kings of mobility classes about to experience what necro has gone through and they are worried hehehe

> >

> > As a necro, the first thing we learn is that all encounters means a fight to the death. No kiting. No running.

> >

> > Welcome to our world.


> that would only be like that, if you could fight on the mount. however as you dismount to partake in the fight, you can still kite them all.

> sure you might not get OOC as fast, but you can kite them and possibly by dragging them even split and kill them and over the long run you also will get OOC in some safe area / water (can the warclaw swim?)

> you may avoid some fights from happening on slower builds, that you only can avoid by teleporting away now. but i dont think much will change on the outcome of the fights itself, necros will still be kited.


> also it is an indirect buff to OOC stealth , as superior OOC mobility doesnt exist anymore :3


you sure are going to have fun aswell, having all the necros chase you on their mounts, while one actual roamer keeps you in a fight.


there wont be any getting away from mutliple people, unless you can go into stealthmode and fool all of them.

as soon as one of them is too far away, they will mount and catch up to you again, they could just go a bit ahead of you to surround you, while you run


i hope they are putting HEAVY restrictions on the use of those things.


also, defending is getting even MORE easy, because you can get sooo frickin fast to your objective

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Unpopular opinion:


Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

Many, not all, of them won't report people/zergs moving around, won't cap stuff unless they're really bored and even less defend stuff. They're just there to make their WvW roaming stream and or videos.

Proof of that is that many times i met roamers while I was doing my dailies with a friend and many of them engaged us in matches 1v2 while streaming. All of this while saying us their channels and insulting us for going 2v1 trying to provoke us in further battles.

We generally just ignore them and keep moving and killing him when he came back. Once there was a dude that died like...7 times against us, while we capped 3 supply camps in the meanwhile. The only thing he was able to do was keeping on poking us, disengage, rinse and repeat. After like 30 minutes of wasted time we decided to run around the map a bit for the fun of him chasing us like an idiot, he kept following us till the other side of them map,

wasting another 15 minutes or so, where he was able finally kill us with a lucky double crit xD...then we logged off because we lost already enough time and our dailies were done.


So yeah. Most roamers just want to show their epeen to everyone with pointless ganks...often abusing the fact that it's a PvP game mode with PvE stats. Allowing you to oneshot people if they do not run some defensive gear and so on. Many of said battles are just a costant disengage at will etc to cheese out the match till he get the lucky shot after his cooldowns are up.


Will this mount kill the roaming ? I really hope so. If you want to duel people, go into any dueling custom arena in PvP uand GG. Where you have skills, traits and stats normalized for PvP and are not filling the spot of another possible WvW player.




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> @"Braghez.7529" said:

> Unpopular opinion:


> Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

> Many, not all, of them won't report people/zergs moving around, won't cap stuff unless they're really bored and even less defend stuff. They're just there to make their WvW roaming stream and or videos.

> Proof of that is that many times i met roamers while I was doing my dailies with a friend and many of them engaged us in matches 1v2 while streaming. All of this while saying us their channels and insulting us for going 2v1 trying to provoke us in further battles.

> We generally just ignore them and keep moving and killing him when he came back. Once there was a dude that died like...7 times against us, while we capped 3 supply camps in the meanwhile. The only thing he was able to do was keeping on poking us, disengage, rinse and repeat. After like 30 minutes of wasted time we decided to run around the map a bit for the fun of him chasing us like an idiot, he kept following us till the other side of them map,

> wasting another 15 minutes or so, where he was able finally kill us with a lucky double crit xD...then we logged off because we lost already enough time and our dailies were done.


> So yeah. Most roamers just want to show their kitten to everyone with pointless ganks...often abusing the fact that it's a PvP game mode with PvE stats. Allowing you to oneshot people if they do not run some defensive gear and so on. Many of said battles are just a costant disengage at will etc to cheese out the match till he get the lucky shot after his cooldowns are up.


> Will this mount kill the roaming ? I really hope so. If you want to duel people, go into any dueling custom arena in PvP uand GG. Where you have skills, traits and stats normalized for PvP and are not filling the spot of another possible WvW player.


> Bye~



Its exactly as useless for the gamemode as zergfights since there is no reason at all to hold structures or even to win a matchup. Allmost all people who play WvW on a regular basis do it for the fights no matter the playstyle. So what if that dude had fun killing both of you in that time? The question is who is the idiot if you run around the map for 45 minutes and feel like you wasted your time in the end.

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> @"Braghez.7529" said:

> Unpopular opinion:


> Roaming is totally useless for the game mode (since it revolves around capping and holding points) itself and most roamers actually give no help to the others playing the WvW as it should be. (And you can't really deny that...it would be as if i began doing duels with someone during a PvP match)

that depends on what you define as roaming.

if for you roaming is just 'randomly' walking around looking for something to ~~gank~~ fight, while ignoring the rest of the mode, then yeah sure. that is as usefull as zergs that do exactly the same.

however there is plenty who will also call walking around solo or in small group, contributing as much as they can do depending on group/builds etc. flipping stuff, defending, killing and making calls when needed. those people usually contribute on average much more to the match goal than many following a tag on brainafk mode.


now as schlomou correctly noticed, there is no real incentive to play for the match goal (aside from simply enjoying it) because the reward system is not based on how much you contribute and the mode is also too far from being balanced by population. therefor there is little reason to be bothered by who is being 'useless'.

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