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Something really needs to be done about people flaming/trolling/harassing others for doing events.

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It's obnoxious enough watching a "commander" and his lackeys scream at people on Silverwastes map chat for not joining their squad and zerging with them, but then when I end up having to outright leave a map because some group is farming events and goes off on _me_ for trying to do a separate chain on the other side of the map and supposedly "ruining their efficiency" and "breaking their ranks," you're just convincing me that I should never, ever touch any of the game outside of following the story. For the sake of my own sanity.


If ANet care at all about actually retaining players, it needs to be addressed. Full stop.

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> @"Chewy Komeiji.2576" said:

> I for not joining their squad and zerging with them


The Silverwastes works best when people are evenly spread out as there are often three of four places you have to be at any one time... If they're zerging, they're probably not doing it right. Events don't fail because someone was doing them.


Report them for acting like a bumhole and move on.

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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > @"Chewy Komeiji.2576" said:

> > I for not joining their squad and zerging with them


> The Silverwastes works best when people are evenly spread out as there are often three of four places you have to be at any one time... If they're zerging, they're probably not doing it right. Events don't fail because someone was doing them.


Not really. The way they do it progresses map pretty much the same speed as splitting up but gets way more loot as you get to participate in more events.

Commander was still a dick though and shouldn't bully people just because he has a tag. Block, report & ignore such people.


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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> report


> @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> Report


> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> report


> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> Report


Until Anet does more than just ban in waves and give slaps on the wrists when they do ban, reporting won't do jack. At the very least, I'm not convinced reporting does anything, which is why I've stopped reporting.

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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > @"Chewy Komeiji.2576" said:

> > I for not joining their squad and zerging with them


> The Silverwastes works best when people are evenly spread out as there are often three of four places you have to be at any one time... If they're zerging, they're probably not doing it right. Events don't fail because someone was doing them.



It could also be OP misinterpreting what they are actually doing ...

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One thing that's annoying to me is the trolls hitting the Octovine event. Sometimes they try to make it fail and other time they put those novelty boxes over the chests. One time they dropped a dozen food platters on some grand chests. Those of us who are experienced know how to get past them but a few days ago the aviator novelty on the first grand chest when I tried to click past it some kind of bug was triggered and when I hit it all the grands and great chests showed open when they were closed. I did the events so it wasn't that I didn't do enough to get the reward. After I reported the issue I got booted from the map and when I came back in my character was below the map in the water layer. I wish the devs would but exclusion zones around chests and NPCs to prevent player drops from being deposited there.

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Seems like the perfect time to relish someone's poor social skills. Unless my actions are physically hampering the success of an event or meta, I'm not going to feel bad. In fact if you want to encourage me to find MORE ways to annoy you, this would be a good start. :D Reminds me of the old Queensdale champ trains. Heaven forbid someone kill a champ out of turn. Regardless of what they tried to claim back then, not EVERYONE knew what was going on or that the train was a thing.


> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> My favourite was when I was posting a guild recruitment post on Verdant Brink one time, I had just entered the map, and supposedly a guild was hosting a night meta. They got mad at me and told me theyre hosting an event in the map and that I shouldnt recruit for my guild. Lol.


I once had the broad idea of a function that would allow guild to force a new map instance for them to work in (for whatever reason). Until/unless they add such a tool, no guild owns a map. It would serve guild leaders to remember this and perhaps use some common courtesy in interacting with others. :D

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I generally point out that I Simply did it to enjoy content or because I was after a specific objective that they're not paying attention to, but since they're being that bad about it, I'll make it my job to ruin their efficiency everytime I see their tag.


Bad attitude doesn't encourage change. If I do something that impede gameplay of someone else, a quick note and simply asking if I can wait, or anything that doesn't involve name calling or shaming for the sake of "efficiency" will not prompt me to double down to punish elitism. I can accept people want to be efficient, I cannot accept that people incendiate others because they're not doing things efficiently, or doing something that will reduce their efficiency from "Fully ideal" to "A bit less than ideal". As soon as it becomes accepted to shun someone who disrupt "efficiency" the map will be deserted due to toxicity, and Everyone will go way below the efficiency point.


It's a game, it's not a job. You may consider it one if you wish, dont force others to accept it as their reality.

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > report


> > @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> > Report


> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > report


> > @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > Report


> Until Anet does more than just ban in waves and give slaps on the wrists when they do ban, reporting won't do jack. At the very least, I'm not convinced reporting does anything, which is why I've stopped reporting.


What do you expect them to do? Issue police reports? Call their mothers?


"You abused a privilege and now it's taken away from you" is a perfectly apt and fair response.

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I've only witnessed people politely ask if others could go to another instance because they're trying to form a full squad. I don't think there's anything wrong with that - where it's wrong is to be rude about it. I don't think Anet can order people not to be rude. The unfortunate truth is that anyone can get a commander's tag - and most of them shouldn't have it.

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I dont PvE that much, but why not just ignore or write random stuff back to them as a troll? Obviously they dont own the map and you shouldnt care at all, but daaaaamn Some of this stuff on this thread seems downright insane " I'll make it my job to ruin their efficiency everytime I see their tag." Wtf, you literally wrote it yourself, it is just a game dude xD


I am generally not on the whole "Anti-Social JW" thing, but this is way to sensitive for me.....literally everything, the guild that harassed you, this thread, your reaction and this comment section is just way to extra xD

EDIT: What the F is censored

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> If you with you actions messing with RIBA rotation, the question is who is the troll harasser.


If the OP is playing the content for the sake of enjoying said content, and others verbally abuse him, then the abusers are the harassers and trolls.


If the someone is playing out of sequence of others on the map for the purpose of hindering their ability to achieve their goals, then he is the troll.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > If you with you actions messing with RIBA rotation, the question is who is the troll harasser.


> If the OP is playing the content for the sake of enjoying said content, and others verbally abuse him, then the abusers are the harassers and trolls.


> If the someone is playing out of sequence of others on the map for the purpose of hindering their ability to achieve their goals, then he is the troll.


If map is organized running RIBA and someone is capping ahead, therefore messing the the rotation for 40-50 people. What do you call that?

For sake or enjoyment you don't ruin others play, no?

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > If you with you actions messing with RIBA rotation, the question is who is the troll harasser.

> >

> > If the OP is playing the content for the sake of enjoying said content, and others verbally abuse him, then the abusers are the harassers and trolls.

> >

> > If the someone is playing out of sequence of others on the map for the purpose of hindering their ability to achieve their goals, then he is the troll.


> If map is organized running RIBA and someone is capping ahead, therefore messing the the rotation for 40-50 people. What do you call that?

> For sake or enjoyment you don't ruin others play, no?


Its a function of why something is being done in this case.


For example, if I am offended by the word, "sake," you are not harassing me or trolling me by using it as intended, even if you ruined my enjoyment of participation in the discussion by doing so. But if you started spamming me with PMs just to annoy me with the word, out of appropriate use for the word, then it might be trolling since it is being done for the purpose of causing distress. (sorry for the lame example, but it seemed likely to get the point across).


Personally, if a commander politely asked me to not cap ahead because I was interfering with their RIBA 4un I would likely join them or move maps. If the group initiated contact in an abusive manner I would ignore any demands they made.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > If you with you actions messing with RIBA rotation, the question is who is the troll harasser.

> >

> > If the OP is playing the content for the sake of enjoying said content, and others verbally abuse him, then the abusers are the harassers and trolls.

> >

> > If the someone is playing out of sequence of others on the map for the purpose of hindering their ability to achieve their goals, then he is the troll.


> If map is organized running RIBA and someone is capping ahead, therefore messing the the rotation for 40-50 people. What do you call that?

> For sake or enjoyment you don't ruin others play, no?


I call it playing what you want, doing stuff on a map that had 40-50 others on it doing their thing.

No one owns a map, no one takes precedent over another. If those 40-50 don't like it, then that's just tough luck.. they also have the option to block, report if there is abuse coming towards them in chat, but at the same time they can leave the map if its upsetting them so much they feel they have the right to harass and abuse others not wanting to conform to their demands.

Having a tag or a zerg gives you the same map ownership and event priority as a single roamer - exactly none!


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > If you with you actions messing with RIBA rotation, the question is who is the troll harasser.

> > >

> > > If the OP is playing the content for the sake of enjoying said content, and others verbally abuse him, then the abusers are the harassers and trolls.

> > >

> > > If the someone is playing out of sequence of others on the map for the purpose of hindering their ability to achieve their goals, then he is the troll.

> >

> > If map is organized running RIBA and someone is capping ahead, therefore messing the the rotation for 40-50 people. What do you call that?

> > For sake or enjoyment you don't ruin others play, no?


> I call it playing what you want, doing stuff on a map that had 40-50 others on it doing their thing.

> No one owns a map, no one takes precedent over another. If those 40-50 don't like it, then that's just tough luck.. they also have the option to block, report if there is abuse coming towards them in chat, but at the same time they can leave the map if its upsetting them so much they feel they have the right to harass and abuse others not wanting to conform to their demands.

> Having a tag or a zerg gives you the same map ownership and event priority as a single roamer - exactly none!



Now I see the logic of people that pull abo under Teq's fees, pop bauble before gold in brench, kill east, while other lines haven't even started -one burn in AB etc.


'I do what I want, you all have tough luck' Gottcha

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