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Please stop the update of Guild Wars 2 and develop Guild Wars 3

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> This stuff is just cluttering up the forums and represses the important things. And opening another 5 threads asking for GW3 will not make it happen. If you do not want to play GW2 anymore, no one is forcing you to. The rest of us will try to sort things out. The remaining staff needs our help and assistance to get everything back to normal. Spreading chaos is counterproductive.


> GW2 is still a good game, we have an active community and it generates enough money to keep the company alive. Getting rid of that money source now, when they lost that many employees, would be definitely not a smart decision.


You ever think about that? Why so many threads if there isnt interest in it. I dont care one way or the other, but maybe a lot of other people do.

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DX12 is old technology. If they were going to embark on a brand new MMO, they need a brand new game engine from scratch and to use vulkan so they can support the latest and greatest of the best computing technologies out there and to ensure they havent tied themselves to the disaster of windows 10.


The story isnt finished and even though they've laid off certain people, that doesn't mean the studio is folding. If anything it has trimmed excess, and has right sized itself in order to compete in an increasingly dynamic and competitive global market.


The game has tons of life still left in it and presents a broad paradigm shift away from the industry standard into a new method of game play that rewards players for exploring and interacting rather than just rote mindless killing.


Lastly, GW2 still has not finished pushing the boundaries of its current game engine which still has plenty of potential left inside it. I assume, broad speculation, that they have some really cool stuff under wraps to ensure that it reaches maximum hype and maximum sales.


Such a change will not come cheap, or quickly!

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While I would love a reboot of GW1 with the technical possibilities of GW2 and a further modernized game engine, I would prefer it to be called "Guild Wars: Rebirth" or something along the lines rather than GW3. ;)


P.S. Since that's not going to happen, threads like this are pointless - especially since we already have so many of the kind.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > This stuff is just cluttering up the forums and represses the important things. And opening another 5 threads asking for GW3 will not make it happen. If you do not want to play GW2 anymore, no one is forcing you to. The rest of us will try to sort things out. The remaining staff needs our help and assistance to get everything back to normal. Spreading chaos is counterproductive.

> >

> > GW2 is still a good game, we have an active community and it generates enough money to keep the company alive. Getting rid of that money source now, when they lost that many employees, would be definitely not a smart decision.


> You ever think about that? Why so many threads if there isnt interest in it. I dont care one way or the other, but maybe a lot of other people do.


Sure people are interested in what they wish for ... but it's just folly for anyone to think that a GW3 is answer to combining the things they like from both GW1 and GW2. I'm mean, it's just wishful thinking here.


GW3 isn't any more likely to deliver on ALL the things that most people like from both games. People need to get over themselves and play games for the things they like about it, not the things they wish it was.

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.


Yes! Stop developing GW2, and lose lots of money and customers, so we can have GW3 in 6-7 years...


Just wanted to say this... It’s generally helpful to think about ideas some before you decide to post...

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But this is basically what they were just trying to do until NCSoft pulled their budget.


Considering ArenaNet was risking GW2 by pulling what they could from the GW2 team, they were ready to go full throttle on their other project. Their plan was likely to run the living world with a minimal team for a few more years while they finished it, which would have been confirmed if development only continued to slow in season 5 with no signs of an expansion. If they've actually been working on an expansion the entire time, then it should be at least double the size of PoF by the end of season 5, but if they were moved, then they had a similar amount working on their other project as they did to build GW2, so it was likely going to be their next big game. The unfortunate thing is, ArenaNet must have finally had something after working on other projects for over 6 years, and now NCSoft has probably lost faith in the market.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Let's call it GW 2.5 where you don't lose all your characters and investement adn keep playing with the tales we love.

You could have shortened this sentence to two words : Engine Port


> @"ElectricGoat.8253" said:

> Lastly, GW2 still has not finished pushing the boundaries of its current game engine

Deadframerate Peaks asks to see you in its office.


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> The only thing the OP got right is that GW2 needs DX11 support at least.

Sure, let's keep milking Microsofts teets. I'd rather have GL. lul

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Nope. Finish GW2 first, then maybe work on a third game. For now, we have a TON of story to get through first and lots more content on the way. Only reason to stop working on GW2 and finally go maintenance mode would be if we were at the end of GW2, but we're not.


Enough of this GW3 stuff already. Seriously, do the people that keep bringing it up hate this game THAT much?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > The only thing the OP got right is that ~~GW2 needs~~ *some want* DX11 support at least.


> Fixed it.



"Fixed it"... Ah, bliss...

1) Just about every hardware provider has deprecated DX9, which is the ancient, Windows XP API that GW2 uses. Meaning no support, and using minimal legacy api.

2) There's a reason for API updates, new hardware has new functionality, and to use that functionality you run more recent APIs.

3) GW2 is notoriously inneficient, and wastes resources, meaning a PC that can run current year games at 60+FPS, struggles with GW2.

4) Look at the competition. The game i'm playing instead of GW2, Warframe, has a much smaller team, also uses a in-house engine, and just removed DX9 support, using DX11 as default. The performance of the game has only improved.


@"XenoSpyro.1780" GW2 already "sucks on Microsoft's Teet" because it's running DX9. Even if it wasn't, DirectX isn't just Direct3D, it has more stuff in there that the graphics API, so switching to OpenGL, would still need them to work on the other stuff. Not to mention OpenGL usually performs slightly worse than DirectX, so we'd want that, right?


Anyway, as long as they used a more recent API, i wouldn't care if they use Vulkan, OpenGL, DirectX, whatever. It just makes no sense to stay stuck on deprecated tech if they want the game to keep going.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > The only thing the OP got right is that ~~GW2 needs~~ *some want* DX11 support at least.

> >

> > Fixed it.

> >


> "Fixed it"... Ah, bliss...

> 1) Just about every hardware provider has deprecated DX9, which is the ancient, Windows XP API that GW2 uses. Meaning no support, and using minimal legacy api.

> 2) There's a reason for API updates, new hardware has new functionality, and to use that functionality you run more recent APIs.

> 3) GW2 is notoriously inneficient, and wastes resources, meaning a PC that can run current year games at 60+FPS, struggles with GW2.

> 4) Look at the competition. The game i'm playing instead of GW2, Warframe, has a much smaller team, also uses a in-house engine, and just removed DX9 support, using DX11 as default. The performance of the game has only improved.


> @"XenoSpyro.1780" GW2 already "sucks on Microsoft's Teet" because it's running DX9. Even if it wasn't, DirectX isn't just Direct3D, it has more stuff in there that the graphics API, so switching to OpenGL, would still need them to work on the other stuff. Not to mention OpenGL usually performs slightly worse than DirectX, so we'd want that, right?


> Anyway, as long as they used a more recent API, i wouldn't care if they use Vulkan, OpenGL, DirectX, whatever. It just makes no sense to stay stuck on deprecated tech if they want the game to keep going.


I’m not saying that reworking the engine may or may not bring improvements. I’m just disagreeing with your assumption that GW2 needs it.

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.


Combining a healthy game to a toxic game doesn't result in healthy game. It is like combining salt and sugar together and stating it's results will reap good results.


(Keep the toxic trash root away from the healthy root at all costs Please!!)


**Gw2 stay away from Gw1 at all costs~~!!**


![](https://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/polluted-river.jpg "")


Thank You!!

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"huluobo.7036" said:

> > Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.


> Combining a healthy game to a toxic game doesn't result in healthy game. It is like combining salt and sugar together and stating it's results will reap good results.


> (Keep the toxic trash root away from the healthy root at all costs Please!!)


> **Gw2 stay away from Gw1 at all costs~~!!**


> ![](https://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/polluted-river.jpg "")


> Thank You!!


I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"huluobo.7036" said:

> > Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.


> Combining a healthy game to a toxic game doesn't result in healthy game. It is like combining salt and sugar together and stating it's results will reap good results.


> (Keep the toxic trash root away from the healthy root at all costs Please!!)


> **Gw2 stay away from Gw1 at all costs~~!!**


> ![](https://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/polluted-river.jpg "")


> Thank You!!


Agree we dont want solo experience with heroes or spammadan in our gw2 sugar/healthy roots.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> OP, you are crazy. Gw2 would sink utterly in money value for anet, the last thing they neeed right now.


It is already is and it will continue until Anet turn the game into a healthy competitive game. The latest patch proved just that including their 'band-aid fix' -mount-to wvw


'History shows; bribing your customers is a bad practice-grave mistake. It will only devalue your business more in the long run'


What i believe Anet forgot is that; many of us are no longer fooled and the years after years of neglect of turning the game into a healthy competitive game still endures- have not changed and to think bribing the community will somehow blind us of seeing the truth, is a grave mistake


/slap to the community faces

(The community openly and truthfully stated that damages are too high; your solution?? Intentionally continue to increase it with every patch)



good luck-

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> until Anet turn the game into a healthy competitive game

You're joking, right?


GW2 is cooperative down to its roots, it never was and never will be aimed at being a competitive game unless they decide to target a whole new audience (in which case they might as well create a whole new game to begin with, as that usually works out much better than throwing out the previous target audience).



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> If GW2 didn’t attract those who still play GW1 then GW3 likely wouldn’t.

That's a total assumption that isn't even likely to begin with.


In fact I think the contrary is true and I'll actually tell you why. When GW2 came out it became clear quite quickly that GW2 was nothing like GW1. It was a completely different game, regardless of whether you like it or not. However, over time we've seen that more and more GW1 elements have made it into the game with PoF being the clearest example of that bringing back old characters like Palawa and Koss for example.


It also goes without saying that where GW2 does some things better, also GW1 does some things better. A lot can be learned from both experiences and a GW3 could therefore be a much better mix including things from both games really understanding why certain things worked or not.


Now the other train of thought could be that GW3 could again be totally different from both GW1 and GW2. But then all bets are off and there is no telling how people will react to that.


So really I find it either a neutral proposition or more likely that GW1 players might have more fun with a GW3 than GW2. I see no reason to argue that it's likely they wouldn't like GW3. And on top of that it also depends on the time setting for it. GW3 doesn't have to come after GW2 time wise either.



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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> You ever think about that? Why so many threads if there isnt interest in it. I dont care one way or the other, but maybe a lot of other people do.

Just because some people are loud on the internet does not necessarily mean they represent a train of thought that a lot of people agree with or that is founded in truth. The internet makes it pretty easy for people to represent their (minority) opinion as majority and present misinformation as fact. It happens with science and politics, and it surely happens with video game communities. Just because some people overdramatize things, spread rumors, and more often than not plain misinformation and lies does not necessarily make those topics important.


All of these threads dealing with the future of the game, potential expansion and/or sequel also feature a lot of voices that would rather things go on the way they are now, with regular living story and other updates to move this game further than scrap it all for an expansion and/or sequel. I'd guess that if each of these voices would start their own thread along the lines of "keep releases the way they are" you might just find that there aren't that many asking for something entirely new any more (relatively speaking). But why make threads of "keep releasing living world" when we've already got that and many people are happy with it?


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"huluobo.7036" said:

> > > Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.

> >

> > Combining a healthy game to a toxic game doesn't result in healthy game. It is like combining salt and sugar together and stating it's results will reap good results.

> >

> > (Keep the toxic trash root away from the healthy root at all costs Please!!)

> >

> > **Gw2 stay away from Gw1 at all costs~~!!**

> >

> > ![](https://hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/polluted-river.jpg "")

> >

> > Thank You!!


> I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you.


It is.

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