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Double XP gone, and so are the players

Ok I Did It.2854

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For a week we had players to fill the maps, i understand some where just in it for the mount, but that only took an hour maybe 2 to get, this time yesterday we had Q's on 2 maps at 9:45am UK time, the buff was removed last night and today its a ghost town, even across all maps we dont have enough to make up 20/30 people at most,


Can anet not see what is stirring them in the face, if you remove a reason/rewards to be in WvW no one goes into WvW, you seriously need to consider an overhaul of WxP to make people want to spend time in them maps.


You need to make a mastery that allows people in WvW to increase the WxP they get, or double it permanently across the board.



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Well mounts was controversial, yes you get new pve players in the game and some will stay but vets wont come back for a mount since that isn't why they left. So you bleed more WvW guilds and players that don't want more pve content in WvW, less knowledgeable peps in WvW...less tags, less chances the new people will stay since they seem to just like following tags and blobbing as per all the new forumers in here since warclaw.

Cheers OP

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While the queues I saw for this event were unprecedented, do you know when I last saw queues on every map for days in a row? When ANET had the event where controlling the ruins buffed your pew pew + double XP. And before that? When ANET had the no downed state event + double XP.


I'm seeing a pattern here...

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Can anet not see what is stirring them in the face, if you remove a reason/rewards to be in WvW no one goes into WvW, you seriously need to consider an overhaul of WxP to make people want to spend time in them maps.


> You need to make a mastery that allows people in WvW to increase the WxP they get, or double it permanently across the board.


The reason you see a spike in participation isn't because the WXP was doubled, but that it was doubled for 1 week only. You will see the exact same thing the next time ANET launches an event + double XP (though I doubt we'll see queues like this again). Players who don't spend much time in WvW see an opportunity to bang out some ranks, maybe complete a reward track faster, and also perhaps realize that the game mode will be an utter kittenshow that they will be able to run around and do whatever, and fit right in.


If you make double XP standard, it stops being double XP and just becomes XP, and while people will rank up faster, it won't draw players in to the game mode because there will be no urgency.

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> hate to say this but, we told you so! All the fresh blood left, and the WvW community are stuck with a mount they don't want.



You should more look at it this way:

A very small fresh blood influx probably almost none seeable in the coming weeks will remain.

As for the WvW community...its probably skewed 1/3 don't want mount, 1/3 don't give a... \either way and 1/3 like it.


anyways sigh

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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > hate to say this but, we told you so! All the fresh blood left, and the WvW community are stuck with a mount they don't want.

> >


> You should more look at it this way:

> A very small fresh blood influx probably almost none seeable in the coming weeks will remain.

> As for the WvW community...its probably skewed 1/3 don't want mount, 1/3 don't give a... \either way and 1/3 like it.


> anyways sigh


Yea and if a portion of that 1/3 got fed up and left, we'll be worse off off than before mount. And I'm sure there are more than 1/3 of the wvw community that hate the mount.

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Still plenty of PvE people playing WvW. In fact that's about all it's been for years. Just play a few mins you see no coordination. People dying way before a push actually happens. Whole zergs wiping in 5 seconds.


Yeah WvW players are almost all gone. If a fights guild actually rallies it becomes a steamroll almost immediately.


Nah wvw is a just a sandbox for messing around now, either make fun of it or go grind PvE for your skins kiddies.

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Topic was obviously stirring controversy on purpose to forward their own agenda /shrug


OP, that's just how EVENTS work. You get people who wouldn't participate otherwise. If you changed the baseline they would most likely not come back, they would only come if a TEMPORARY event made them think they were missing out if they absolutely did not participate.

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> hate to say this but, we told you so! All the fresh blood left, and the WvW community are stuck with a mount they don't want.



I wasn't asking for a mount, but am quite fine with it. I now have more options open to me than I did a few weeks ago and have new tactics to employ while solo and with my havoc and more evolving each day. WvW has lost players over time because it becomes stale when there are no changes. And agree a big draw of new and old people are the XP events.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> While the queues I saw for this event were unprecedented, do you know when I last saw queues on every map for days in a row? When ANET had the event where controlling the ruins buffed your pew pew + double XP. And before that? When ANET had the no downed state event + double XP.


> I'm seeing a pattern here...


Lots of bling hunters in pve that do whatever the new thing is for the allotted time then never look back when the next new thing comes along?

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Speaking as one of the "PvEers" who came back to WvW for the event and then didn't log in last night it's simply that with the end of the events other things once again took precedence. (In my case specifically a similar event which is currently going on in my other MMO, which I had been largely ignoring so I could play WvW.)


Fact is I'm _never_ going to be one of those people who is in WvW every single evening, I'm not even playing GW2 every evening, sometimes I'm not at home at all. But missing one night just after the event ended is also not the same as abandoning WvW forever and refusing to go back, or ignoring it until the next event. I am planing to keep playing WvW, I just don't know when exactly that will be.


If you really want more people in WvW I think you have to accept that's going to involve a range of different commitment levels. You're never going to get the majority of players to abandon other game modes and focus almost exclusively on WvW. Instead you'll get some people who choose to do that, some who come in every night for a week and then disappear for a week or two, some who play for a few hours every few days and yes, some who only show up when there's a special event or other incentive.

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> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> > @"Rusty.9348" said:

> > There was

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/71247/the-great-warclaw-experiment-has-officially-failed

> > but I can't open it anymore. Looks like Anet is perfectly aware of the problem and they don't like it to be discussed.




it's seen that we're not in democracy, we can't make conclusion on this event if it isnt positive one. we're just observing what was going on in WvW event.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Speaking as one of the "PvEers" who came back to WvW for the event and then didn't log in last night it's simply that with the end of the events other things once again took precedence. (In my case specifically a similar event which is currently going on in my other MMO, which I had been largely ignoring so I could play WvW.)


> Fact is I'm _never_ going to be one of those people who is in WvW every single evening, I'm not even playing GW2 every evening, sometimes I'm not at home at all. But missing one night just after the event ended is also not the same as abandoning WvW forever and refusing to go back, or ignoring it until the next event. I am planing to keep playing WvW, I just don't know when exactly that will be.


> If you really want more people in WvW I think you have to accept that's going to involve a range of different commitment levels. You're never going to get the majority of players to abandon other game modes and focus almost exclusively on WvW. Instead you'll get some people who choose to do that, some who come in every night for a week and then disappear for a week or two, some who play for a few hours every few days and yes, some who only show up when there's a special event or other incentive.


So you basically will join wvw again in the next double xp event, not because the game mode is fun per se. The problem is that, exactly that behaviour, not your fault, well maybe a bit, because players like you seems to have huge influence in anet decisions. Its totally okay to play like you do, but because of this anet will only just keep doing these kind of low effort events to some how hide the main problem, that isnt making the game mode attractive for players like you besides just giving you things in a easy mode.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Speaking as one of the "PvEers" who came back to WvW for the event and then didn't log in last night it's simply that with the end of the events other things once again took precedence. (In my case specifically a similar event which is currently going on in my other MMO, which I had been largely ignoring so I could play WvW.)


> Fact is I'm _never_ going to be one of those people who is in WvW every single evening, I'm not even playing GW2 every evening, sometimes I'm not at home at all. But missing one night just after the event ended is also not the same as abandoning WvW forever and refusing to go back, or ignoring it until the next event. I am planing to keep playing WvW, I just don't know when exactly that will be.


> If you really want more people in WvW I think you have to accept that's going to involve a range of different commitment levels. You're never going to get the majority of players to abandon other game modes and focus almost exclusively on WvW. Instead you'll get some people who choose to do that, some who come in every night for a week and then disappear for a week or two, some who play for a few hours every few days and yes, some who only show up when there's a special event or other incentive.


It's fine and all your view but with pve add-ons you loose committed players...emptier maps because they are the base and yous ("casuals") are the sprinkles on the icecream so to speak...


Anyways I wont re-reply to your post ive seen your views in other discussions about ganking and what not, we just don't see eye to eye...

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> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> So you basically will join wvw again in the next double xp event, not because the game mode is fun per se.


Danikat never said that.


> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> The problem is that, exactly that behaviour, not your fault, well maybe a bit, because players like you seems to have huge influence in anet decisions.

You don't know that. You cannot know that. You need to swap legends and stop channeling Alex Jones.


> @"Mechanix.9315" said:

> Its totally okay to play like you do, but because of this anet will only just keep doing these kind of low effort events to some how hide the main problem, that isnt making the game mode attractive for players like you besides just giving you things in a easy mode.


Did you even read their post? I mean seriously, they are saying THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim they said.


You say you want to bring players into WvW, but your posts sure are working towards the opposite goal.



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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > hate to say this but, we told you so! All the fresh blood left, and the WvW community are stuck with a mount they don't want.

> >


> Then don't use it.


If a developer adds a mechanic that provides a clear tactical advantage for those who adopt it, not using it means not playing (or at least greatly reducing play time) the game mode (for me). If it were a purely cosmetic option I would agree with you.

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FA didn't have any queues Monday evening, and the buff was still a thing then. (For perspective, they had 50 man queues on all maps the evening of the patch launch.) I'm sure that's a similar story to other servers.

Pve'ers weren't really there for the buff -- they just wanted to snag their cat and get out.


~ Kovu

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

> > > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > hate to say this but, we told you so! All the fresh blood left, and the WvW community are stuck with a mount they don't want.

> > >

> >

> > Then don't use it.


> If a developer adds a mechanic that provides a clear tactical advantage for those who adopt it, not using it means not playing (or at least greatly reducing play time) the game mode (for me). If it were a purely cosmetic option I would agree with you.


My answer was not to be taken seriously, but to point out the ridiculousness of the comment.


This game, in all of it's variations (PVX and WVW) is constantly changing. It always has, and always will...I hope. Any game that doesn't will stagnate and die. To sit here and complain about a change that Anet has made and to say that no one wants it, is simply ridiculous. Anet folks didn't simply sit in a room and say "Hey...Know what would be cool...?" The Warclaw, like most changes, is in response to what a significant percentage of the population asked for. That's how businesses keep afloat...giving the customers what they want. So coming out here and saying "no one will use it" or "no one wants it" is basically the same thing as saying "I have no clue how a business is run."


Also, coming out here two days after the event has ended and saying "we told you so! All the fresh blood left, " is like standing in the first snow storm of the season and saying "we told you so! Climate change doesn't exist...". Many, myself included, WILL spend more time in WvW because of the mount...we're just taking a few days to rest after the craziness of last week.

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> @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

>Anet folks didn't simply sit in a room and say "Hey...Know what would be cool...?" The Warclaw, like most changes, is in response to what a significant percentage of the population asked for. That's how businesses keep afloat...giving the customers what they want. So coming out here and saying "no one will use it" or "no one wants it" is basically the same thing as saying "I have no clue how a business is run."


Actually the WVW community asked for many many things. I don't recall mounts being at the top.

When you said "Anet folks didn't simply sit in a room and say "Hey...Know what would be cool...?" "


Well i agree with you. What they probably did was "Hey...you know how we could generate more gem store cash...?"

Thats definitely appears to be how ANET is run, and honestly i completely understand that but focusing exclusively on how to make money instead of trying to find ways to make money whilst also trying to give players what they ask for is not a good long term business model.

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