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Hide chest armor function

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Yeah.... no.


> Get your flesh fetish elsewhere.


Most the people saying 'no' have very selfish and biased reasons. "I don't want to see girls in bras" Or they resort to attacking people as perverts with no information. Its not about you, get over yourself. Meanwhile, there are literally armor pieces in the game that are SKIMPIER than the default bra on females. But thats not actually the point. Lets not forget, there are people that play male characters. Stop trying to make this about sexism or sexual desire in general. Its a game. What about all the players that play charr? Are they into bestiality because they want their charr to be topless? And people who play sylvari must get off to plants. Get over your white knighting, its actually pointless here. Its a fantasy MMO. If it really bothers you to see someones pixels with no shirt, then you have problems you need to solve IRL. Also, your logic is really bad. Nonexistent even.

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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> I thought this was GW2, not WoW.


Norn have tattoos, charr have fur patterns. A good chunk of chest armor looks like poop on them, So while you don't like it doesn't mean we shouldn't have it just don't use it and ignore those who do. I for one would LOVE to be able to have my norn go shirtless as, in my mind he would prefer fighting that way as A LOT of norn seem to and ontop of that, it was a thing in guild wars 1 where they explain most of the time they don't need heavy armor. Most of the time they can tank hits pretty easily, due to their tuff skin and apparent regneration abilities that come from being blessed by the spirits/being werebeasts. (Was mentioned by a norn you can talk to in one of their towns in guild wars 1, that they just see no need a lot of the time.)


NPC's do it all the time and have it all the time, It would be a good QoL for us non-human/sylvari players to actually show off what we have in the uniqueness bin. Despite how little it might actually be in terms of represented in game~

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't recall what I voted, but I hope no. Played a couple flashpoints in swtor today and sure enough, pug tank and dps are both in skimpy bits o nothing. One was in the slavegirl Leiaish stuff, the other the invisible stuff and shorts. (They have invisible armor of all pieces there). Now, I do also see a few bare-chested males who have carefully been clothed for a theme, but as a ratio, there are 34865348176817 females wearing skimpy clothes to males wearing skimpy clothes.


Edit: oh neat, I did vote no.

Edit 2: weird, took away my vote when I edited. Or at least the display, to me.

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All armor should have a visibility toggle the way weapons, shoulders, and helms currently do. The primary reason is to increase fashion options, the secondary reasons people may have aren't really my business. ArenaNet has already released [this abomination](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/d4/Starborn_Outfit_norn_female_front.jpg) that can be dyed with skin tones, so any societal objections can already be left at the door.

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  • 4 months later...

Not sure if last post in April makes this a thread necro. If so, my apologies.


I play a lot of male Sylvari characters, and one of the great things about their design is the bioluminescence. Apart from face/hair, the bioluminescence most shows on the back torso.


As others have noted, there are a couple heavy armor male chest pieces that show the torso. There are a few open torso varieties for light armor, but several of them unfortunately only reveal the front and completely cover the back. As far as I can find, there are no open torso leather pieces. It'd be great to do a bare-chested sylvari ranger/soulbeast/druid.


I'd love to be ablet to hide chest armor so I can still have the 6th rune bonus.

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It'd be nice, I want to make a wilderness hunter outfit for my ranger but medium armor is clunky as hell.

I feel like they should just add the option to hide each armor type, we already have it for head, shoulders, gloves and a skin for feet.


I don't see why a bare chest would be so bad, If it's complaints about female characters there's already very revealing armor pieces that are basically bras with some added fabric on either the shoulders or arms. I don't think the bra on it's own is going to change much.

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Yes, but to go beyond that, we can already hide helmets, pauldrons, gauntlets, and even weapons. Why not go the whole nine yards and let us hide chest armor, leg armor, and boots as well? It's not my cup of tea personally but I can't think of any good reason not to allow it. Frankly, anyone whose feelings are hurt by it can get over it, it's no different that people running around naked to begin with but at least they'll be able to keep their armor stats now.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> What's the difference between that and just taking your chest armor off? Head armor, I get some people might want to see their face, but who exactly would run around shirtless for extended periods of time other than to troll? I just don't see what the point of this would be and would prefer resources to be used for other stuff.


You're probably not playing Charr, Sylvari or Norn. I can understand wanting to see the tattoo, bioluminescence or fur pattern one chose for their character at creation. Instead of going shirtless though, I'd rather see more chest armor options that show exposed arms or back.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> No, no shirtless men, please!


Except here are a handful of armors already in game that do this. Easy to do on heavy armor, weird looking designs on light, and impossible on medium. It'd be nice if there were options for more than Conan.


There are wonderful designs in Sylvari bioluminescence, Charr furr patterns, and Norn tattoos, but almost all options leave them mostly obscured.

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